
AHPETC – MND’s statistics

The controversies arising from Desmond Lee’s raised concerns about the financial health of AHPETC’s have led to the MND releasing some data on the granting of govt grants to the GRCs and the criteria for such a grant. The amount of grants varies according to flat types. One room flat will get $33.70, two rooms gets $26.20, three rooms getting $17 and $9 for four room type per month.

A sum of $7.2m was given to AHPETC with a household of 71,760 and 29% of which are 3 rooms and smaller. MND also revealed that 10,000 households out of the 16,000 households in arrears started in 2010 after WP was elected. 50% of the commercial tenants, 8.25 of the hawkers and 29.4% of households were in arrears.

The statistics said that AHPETC has a relatively high percentage of flats of 4 rooms and above, at 71% compared to 61% in AMKTC and 41% in TPTC. Relatively speaking, using flat size as a factor, AHPETC has more higher income households than the two TCs mentioned. It also explained that the higher income households in AHPETC were having more difficulties paying S&CC than the lower income households in AMK and TP and falling into hard times in 2010. This is also the case for the commercial tenants as 50% of them are in arrears. 2010 was also the year when 10,000 more households fell into arrears, from 6,000 to 16,000. Only 8.2% of the hawkers are in arrears. MND did not give any statistics on how many commercial tenants and hawkers were in arrears before 2010 or how many more after 2010.

I am unable to figure out the 29.4% of households in arrears as 16,000 of 71,760 gives me 22.29%. Which is the correct number, 29.4% or 22.29%? For Desmond Lee to show concern, WP must thank him for his interest and special care for the welfare of AHPETC. WP may want to suggest to Desmond Lee that as a minister, there are bigger problems and sums of money that were lost or at stakes that would require his care and concern as well. AHPETC and the sum of arrears is not enough big enough to be a peanut. By the way, how many town councils are around 22.29% or 29.4% in areas?

What comes out as a very important factor is year 2010. Other than WP taking over the running of the town council, were there other great events that happened that led to the households and commercial tenants falling into financial difficulties in 2010? Or they fell into financial difficulties because WP was elected and thus cannot afford to pay their S&CC? It would be good to understand the financial problem they are facing and find a direct correlation in their financial well being and the election of WP. Then it can be concluded that voting WP has led to financial problems for households and commercial tenants. How I would not know. Anyone can put a link or explanation for this phenomenon to be valid?

Is this falling into arrears in S&CC also happening in other town councils for the same period? If there is, then it is a national thing. But if there isn’t, then circumstantial evidence could be used to say voting WP would lead to financial difficulties for the households and commercial tenants and all voters must be careful when voting in the next GE. Can it be so simple or could there be other reasons? But if said often enough, daft Sinkies would believe it is so.

Could the falling into arrears be due not to financial difficulties but because they just did not like the WP, did not vote for the WP, so refused to pay up? Well, that was what one resident was claiming. If this is the reason, then based on the 65% of votes for the WP, there should be 35% of households, hawkers and commercial tenants not voting for the WP, the so called hardcore.

The fact that 22.29% or 29.4% of households were in arrears, and taking away the original 8% in arrears, it means 14% or 21% of households are not paying because they did not vote for WP. In the case of commercial tenants, it is likely to show that more of them did not vote for WP, above the average of 35%. Or maybe they were not even living in the area but hardcore anti WP voters. So 50% in arrears can be expected.

In the case of the hawkers, only 8% in arrears which means no change from the original 8% before WP was elected. Heheh, the WP can count on their support from this group. Or maybe the hawkers’ business was not affected with the change of town council management.

What to make out from the above commentary? WP, how are you going to deal with the 50% commercial tenants and the 10,000 more households in arrears? Got to work harder to win their support I think. But if they are hardcore, if their not paying the S&CC is political, then nothing much could be done except to go legal. Let’s hope WP is big enough not to adopt the underhand and despicable practice of fixing them ok?

Kopi Level - Yellow


  1. This is a not even a national issue. One should wonder why PAP is making such a noise. They are shouting as though they are the saints and WP is the demon. Look carefully, almost all TCs are in arreas. Big deal.

    When TCs under PAP lost millions through investments, all mouths are shut. What hypocrats!

  2. "Could the falling into arrears be due not to financial difficulties but because they just did not like the WP, did not vote for the WP, so refused to pay up?"

    Possible lah. Some more if WP is very nice and also allow them to hutang(owe), why not?

    If WP can also be fixed, why not?

    Ay sai chiak, chiak lah.(if can eat, eat lah).

  3. Tiok.

    Are there enough of Sinkie PMEs who lost their jobs to foreign talents to vote PAP out?

    If not, let them be taxi drivers and security guards lah.

  4. Singaporeans are normally very kiasee, and would abide the law if they can. So most would pay the SC & C unless in serious financial difficulties.

    One narrative is that there are thousands of households don't pay up in order to fix the WP politically, and safely believe that they are beyond the law there. If so, WP and other opposition are screwed and you can kiss your VTO dream goodbye. This just shows how firmly entrenched the hardcore support for PAP is, even in an opposition ward.

    The other narrative is that thousands of households are in financial difficulty. If so, that is cannon fodder for the WP, so what are they waiting for? Use it!

    It is unlikely though either narrative. Me thinks some people in Aljunied just take the WP's kindness as weakness and hutang them the payment.

  5. Since when has self-serving PAPigs done anything good for Singaporeans lately?
    Is Desmond Lee really concerned about Singaporeans or only for PAP?
    At the end of the day, the answer is who do you really trust.
    I don't trust pigs.
    Pigs are only useful when they become honey baked ham for human consumption and subsequent excretion.

  6. Increasingly you are seeing some daft Sinkies behaving like they are above the law. Why is this so when Sinkies are normally kiasu, kiasi and kia chenghu.

    Why now so kar si? So brave, so lawless?

  7. Roy Ngerng's reply to PAP's Desmond Lee:


  8. Yeah, inevitably it comes to Roy. The poor guy.

    Read his latest post on this. He offers nothing new than what other bloggers already mentioned and he's again trying to harp on his past experiences and the things he wrote in his blog.

    It's beginning to look like as though Roy has come to realize that 1) he himself can never have a realistic enough support to be elected, and 2) his earlier tactics of trying to get people to protest on the streets is not working.

    So he's changing tack. He's sticking up for the opposition now. The same opposition (WP)who didn't give a damn about supporting anything he did, and who joined everyone else in criticizing him over the HLP incident. But no matter. It seems Roy is now trying to change strategy by portraying himself as someone who will stand behind the legitimate opposition (those who can actually win), rather than advocating himself as the one to follow.

    If only he had realized from the start that this should have been the way, that if you want to build opposition here, then get behind the real parties like what Alex Au did. And not expecting people to support your silly nonsense.

    Can't help but detecting a damn buay gum guan tone in his blog post though.

  9. The good thing about internet is that you can keep talking about the problem, keep repeating it, as long as the problem is still a problem and did not go away.

    It cannot be a case of raising it one time, nothing happened, being ignored by the deaf frogs, so be it, be happy and keep quiet. Let's move on.

    When the problem is still there, it must be repeated and talked about until it is resolved. No more sweeping under the carpet, look the other way and hopefully the people don't talk about it, forgotten, and the problem goes away by itself.

    Roy is doing the right thing to keep the problem burning.

  10. "Roy is doing the right thing to keep the problem burning."

    That is not a bad thing. That is in fact the main purpose of independent bloggers, those who owe no allegiance either out of choice or suitability to any party, who cannot run for election themselves, but in their own small way, can write and post online.

    Alex Au never asked to join any party or run for election, or ask for donations. Nor did he try to organize any protest rally. Yet the political awareness he raised in the run up to 2011 cannot be ignored.

    It is good that Roy realizes he may be more of use fulfilling the above purpose, than engaging in portraying himself as a MockingJay type figure. Of course, Leong Sze Hian already went ahead to portray Roy and Hui Hui as our version of *vomit blood*, Peta and Katniss. LoL.

  11. Roy? Sinkie opposition parties?


    PAP has never have it so "good", where opponents are concerned.

    If I were PM Lee, I can tell u I sleep well every night, right up to election day and after.

  12. Agreed, Roy is doing the right thing to put pressure on the PAP until the GE.

    But someone like Leong Sze Hian should advise him to be more focused in his writing. His verbal diarrhea, of single sentence paragraphs running into pages on every complaint he has, puts readers off. Cannot take reading more than a page of his repetitive articles!

  13. Alex Au never asked to join any party or run for election,...
    Anon 12:24 pm

    Tiok. That's why if I were PM Lee, I like people like Alex Au, but I will also not hesitate to sue if he defames me.

    And u still wondering why PAP can get at least 60% votes every election, despite daft Sinkies being screwed?

  14. "Verbal diarrhoea." Lol.

    Give the poor guy a break man.

  15. Roy will be given a new lease of life, a better one, when a new party comes to power.

  16. "If I were PM Lee, I can tell u I sleep well every night, right up to election day and after."
    November 24, 2014 12:38 pm

    We think PM Lee is definitely sleeping very soundly.

  17. That amount is pnuts right? Afterall much more monies are spent on things that do not benefit the common people at all.

  18. PM Lee sure sleeping very well with so many capable ministers doing all the work for him.

  19. The PAP talks as if they are really cares about the interest of residents in opposition wards. My foot they care, as I am living in Hougang, and for the last two decades or more, our interest as residents is never the concern of the PAP.

    The cold fact is they are out to fix the WP and residents of opposition wards for voting them out. Vindictiveness is a trait that runs in the veins of the PAP MPs young and old, and can never change.
