
55 – The age of Insanity

A research paper from the trash bin came to me for my reading on a Sunday morning. Its title, ’55 – The age of Insanity’, is quite mysterious and provocative. It has a list of professors and doctors attached as co contributors to the article. The main author apparently is a young genius but his name, like the rest, has been erased from the paper and I could only briefly make up the initial Dr AS. Even the institution has been struck out from this mysterious paper from the trash bin.

The theme of this paper is about a defective gene PME55 found in true blue Singaporeans born after the war, ie the post war babies or baby boomers. This gene is practically non existent among the generations before the war. The effect of this gene is that it will be activated at the biological age of 55 and anyone with such a defective gene would be morphed into a new person minus all the skills, knowledge and experience of life. It is like a Trojan Horse virus that wiped out the memory and turned the brain into a clean brain or ‘unprogrammed’ brain with no user software inside.

At the critical age of 55, whole generation of true blue Singaporeans would suddenly turned into walking zombies. They could not perform the jobs they were doing yesterday, become completely useless. Regardless of their professions, they will be immediately terminated for the good of the organisations and quickly bungled out of their jobs. And these people, mostly PMEs, because of their blank brains, did not know what is happening to them due to their reduced mental ability. So they left their jobs as a matter of fact and retired from life, neither happy or unhappy and not knowing why.

Some may find jobs that are more suitable to their lower mental ability. According to the paper, the best jobs that are suitable for people affected by PME55 are security guards and taxi drivers. Some may not even be suitable for such jobs and will be retired permanently. No employer would want them. Those who could still find some brain cells tickling could be retrained, put on courses to re-educate them with simple knowledge for some low level jobs. This is about the best that can be done to people affected by this disease.

There are also changes to the characters of these sick people. There will be personality changes. From being highly respected individuals in positions of authority, responsibility, ability and trustworthiness, some would become philanderers, some amorous, some gamblers and some will simply not be able to manage their money and their lives.

The govt knew about this disease. The employers too knew about this. Anyone who knows about this defective gene and its effect will be able to understand what is going on in this city state. Govt policies like retirement age, CPF minimum sums, training programmes, not wasting resources to provide tertiary education to these people, influx of foreign talents, reversed mortgage, annuities etc etc begin to make sense. They are answers and solutions to PME55. Even employment policies are adjusted to take care of PME55.

Fortunately or unfortunately not many people knew about this defective gene and could not understand why certain policies and things are happening in the way they are happening. The defective gene is a state secret. Perhaps that is the reason why the paper was not published and ended up in a thrash bin.

The good thing, the govt is coming out with a slew of policies to take care of the true blue generations of Singaporeans with this gene. Their life savings are protected. There are strict rules against them going to the casinos. There is the Pioneer Generation Package to take care of them too. New manual jobs that are less demanding and taxing on their blank brain cells are created for them so that they can continue to work if they want to enjoy their dignity. Their retirements have been carefully planned to ensure that all their financial needs are well taken care of. They have nothing to worry about even if they lose their jobs at 55. The country will continue to prosper with their replacement from overseas to support them.

In the research papers, the pages on recommendations were all blanks. But now the picture is clearer. Though the recommendations may be missing, the knowledge of the existence of this defective gene clears all the doubts about why things are happening the way it is. There is a new urgency to replace the population with new migrants that don’t have this defective gene that will self destruct true blue Singaporeans at 55.

I am going throw this piece of paper back into the trash bin. No one should be reading it. It is a national secret of this unique city state. Time for kopi.

 Kopi Level -  Yellow


  1. Enjoy your kopi, RB. It is trash bin, not thrash bin.

  2. Who started all these nonsense?? The PAP.

    After 55, CPF's contributions for employers cut! After 60 further cuts!

    We still at the same jobs and even mentors to the younger employees or co workers.

    Think we already bamboozled??

    The Union Chief of NTUC supposed to take care of the workers and yet they are the ones implementing it.

    That's why even the younger employees think oldies are useless.

    They forgot that their own ministes and mps getting millions dollars despite over aged 90.

    1. This cut is the work of one useless Limp BH who only knows how to screw up his face and warn workers to tighten their belts. He has zero respect from workers

  3. "At the critical age of 55, whole generation of true blue Singaporeans would suddenly turned into walking zombies."

    Not all lah. Only some. Maybe only 40% or less. Definitely within tolerance limits for zombies.

    Remember, only in Heaven are there no zombies, but only angels.

  4. Sinkies went along with their masters liked dogs for almost 5 decades faithfully.
    Though the Masters had exploited the Dogs, rest assured the Latter will remain as faithful as ever.
    There will never be a need for the Masters to do away with the Dogs which will behave as servile and obedient as ever.

  5. What a sad story

  6. I read and I accurately guessed and found you at the end of this writing at other blog.

    coffee to you

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Serves you fuckers right for putting 100% trust in government.

    At 55, one would think that you're already a full functioning, fully autonomous, self responsible person -- who as accepted IN FACT that what the fuck you do with your life and how you conduct yourself, how you're feeling from moment-to-moment depends ENTIRELY on ==>> YOU <<== .

    Just another reminder: The money in CPF is not entirely yours do do as you want. It is money held by the STATE, and they have 100% power of control. All this is perfectly legal and written into the constitution.

    Do you think that a few gabfests at Hong Lim Park is going to change laws enshrined in the constitution?

    Motherfuckers, you are living in fairyland land lah, and behaving like spoilt children who're pissed off because their tooth-fairy didn't bring them any goodies!

    Look lah -- reasonable people will agree that there are aspects of the socio-political-economy-culture of Singapore are inexplicably silly, unnecessary and neurotic. But reasonable people accept these "warts" and adjust themselves so that they can go on with their lives nonetheless -- concentrating and maximising their lives on all the FANTASTIC THINGS Singapore has to offer and what you can do with all those opportunities to ENHANCE your existential experience.

    However, if you prefer to moan and groan, good for you. You will one day die, and all that time you CHOSE TO be negative and wallow in SELF PITY will be gone -- completely unrecoverable. You will have wasted your one and only life, and your constant anger, frustration and neuroses will have affected those around you in negative ways.

    Well done, assholes.

  9. Listen to this MS asshole. He would'nt die, like the undead.

  10. This one sounds like the dogs article. Its typical RB. Frustration all the way but trying to put a satirical twist on things and not quite coming off.

  11. Go for an Asian woman and spread your good genes.

  12. To understand materialistic ministers, must think like the farmer.

    If a farmer wants to buy a cow, will he buy a young or old cow? Does it matter what color is the cow? Ans: He will buy a young cow and color does not matter.

    What will happen to the old cow? Ans: It will be slaughtered and sold as meat.
