
The pictures that tell the mood at HLP


  1. Like I said.
    PAPigs are champion complainers.
    Only PAPigs will complain that the Singaporeans at Hong Lim Park are dangerous.
    I guess we will have to increase the pay of our PAP Millionaires again.

  2. I see you still want to weasel out of culpability.

    Your pictures only confirm how inappropriate your protest is, in the midst of a children's event.

    Those poor innocent kids!

    Only someone with a blackened heart would raise such a ruckus around them.

    Once again, shame on you.

  3. 越抹越黑!算了吧!

  4. "Would these people heckle the children?"

    If PAP said these people heckle, it means they heckle lah.

    It's how powerful u are that really matters, not the pics that u show, the blog that u write, the protests u lead, the heckling u created, or even the movie that u can produce.

    Be the leader of a political party, show and tell that u are ready to be govt, and 60% will give u the power to be govt.

    It's that simple. And applicable only in Sinkieland.

  5. Vote papigs ... uneven

    They r bastard

    Fuck ... read on,

    I forsaken papigs oredi

    Vote papigs, hsienloong n bastard OUT

    Okay .... cheeby, dun halo style.

  6. This sneaky Raymond so early already come here to ask to be fucked.

    So pitiful to be a shameless IB.

  7. Roy & HHH chants of 'Return our CPF"
    - This one can frighten children
    - this is heckling

    PAP supporters chants of "We Love Our CPF"
    - This cannot frighten children meh?
    - this is not heckling meh?

    One law for slaves?
    Another law for PAPigs?

    Did Teo Ser Luck stand up on stage to tell everybody "Please be quiet. You are ALL scaring the children"
    This also cannot do.
    Do you think Teo Ser Luck can protect our CPF money from a rogue government?

  8. I'm puzzled.
    YMCA could have held its carnival anywhere in Singapore.
    So why choose Hong Lim Park.
    A government gazetted area for protest rallies.

  9. Where was the most powerful man at Hong Lim Park?
    Teo Ser Luck.
    Why didn't he stand up to protect the children from the two skinny kids (Roy & HHH) and their CPF seeking brigade of grandmas & grandpas

  10. Does anybody here seriously think PAP is on the side of "special needs children"?
    - No!
    - If PAP government really want to help, then why force the parents of such children to contribute to CPF?

    CPF is for a rainy day.
    When you are a parent of a special needs child in Singapore, your rainy day has arrived.
    - no need to wait for 65 years old anymore

    Singapore Reserves is for a rainy day
    - so when is this "rainy day"?
    - the rainy day arrives when you have a medical emergency and hospital bills to pay
    - and how does the PAP government help you?
    - by making you pay GST on your hospital bill
    - by forcing you to continue with CPF contribution even as you try to pay off your hospital bill

  11. Heckle or no heckle, cpf will not be returned for sinkies. The purpose of having ymca event in hl park is to pick a fight and/or create a wayang and/or accuse the protestors. Nothing more complicated than that.

  12. stop beating a dead horse, idiots!
    CPF a non issue created by Roy's wrong statistics, bad arguments and stupid logic. U must be really stupid to keep following his cpf beef, just like the stupid honkies complaining about direct elections which they are already promised for 2017..

  13. seriously, can someone explain again why cancel the cpf when cpf is used by govt as cheap funding for national development for our children and their grandchildren? No cpf means govt must borrow for private banks and world bank. who we borrow from will intervene with our policies, and squeeze our bXXXs during hard times! U really want foreigners to control us and out future?? wake up, man! 1011

  14. "... why cancel the cpf when cpf is used by govt as cheap funding for national development for our children and their grandchildren? "

    Dear PAPig
    1. cpf is used to benefit aliens not Singaporeans.

    2. Using CPF to benefit Singaporeans.
    What evidence do Yew offer that the PAP makes better decisions than individual Singaporeans?

  15. PAP government should be grateful and thankful.
    Singaporean protesters are so obedient compared to Hong Kong protestors.
    Yew are overpaid a million dollar salary to govern such a docile & daft bunch of citizens.
    Easy job.
    Easy money.

  16. PAP's Chan Chun Sing:
    “We must not concede the space - physical or cyber. We will have to learn from the 1960 generation of PAP pioneers - to fight to get our message across at every corner - every street corner, every cyberspace corner, be it in the mass media or social media. We will have to do battle everywhere as necessary."

    Why Chan Chun Sing never say;
    "We must listen in the physical and the cyber space.
    We will listen in every street corner.
    We will listen in every cyberspace corner, be it mass media or social media."

    Who has already declared he wants to fight?
    Who has already declared war on Singaporeans?
    Who is the potential trouble-maker in Singapore?

  17. Must be those 40% or less at Hong Lim Park lah.

    60% have better places to be, and better things to do.

  18. "Must be those 40% or less at Hong Lim Park lah."
    Anon 6:06 pm

    Tiok. And this one mai hum(no cockles) also knows.

    If not, why he dare to sue Lor Ngerng(braised egg), u tell me lah.

  19. They will send in the Military.

  20. Chan chun seng..

    U know who your REAL father is? DNA will help u, l interested to know, it's a matter of public interest

    If rumour are koret, u might be stinkapore future presileent.

    Piss leave nonok stones unturn

    Otherwise.... like pioneer peoples say or u Kia.

  21. Help!
    I also have special needs.
    I need a million dollar salary.
    Otherwise, I fear I may not be honest while performing my job.

  22. Why didn't Teo Ser Luck stand up for the defenceless children?
    As a Minister, his job is to protect defenceless Singaporeans.
    Was he too scared to tell Roy and Han Hui Hui to please stop scaring the children?

    Is he afraid to stand up to Roy in person.
    But no longer afraid once he is in the safety of his PAP office, seated in front of his computer.
    Is he a keyboard warrior?

  23. Y lidat

    I everlee happee looking at my balance everlee day on chee bay f website, u know?

  24. Thank you, Redbean, for these photos.

    It just goes to show that mainstream reports are all lies. There were no heckling, the children were not distressed.

    Thanks to this turn of events, we now know how the ruling authorities are now not only fixing the oppositions but also fixing any citizen protesters.

  25. morons, let me describe the journey downwards to pariah status:
    no cpf, no cheap fund for development, higher external debts, higher cost of debt servicing, less govt spending on investments, less job creation, less jobs, less income, no hdb so must get more expensive pte housing, less savings, less to spend on children, no money to get married, get poorer and poorer .. then really kissing the concrete longkang one day. There u are - U have ARRIVED at the bottom of your FREE..FALL. Just common sense, idiots, NO politics.

  26. Anon 3:21, you are so clever.
