
LKY to Yong Ying I , Permanent Secretary PSC

“It is in our interest to show that under the system of ‘one man, one vote’ there can be an honest and efficient govt which works through an efficient administration in the interests of our people.

If we do not do our best, then we have only ourselves to blame when the people lose faith, not just in you, the public service, and in us, the democratic political leadership, but also in the democratic system, of which you and I are working parts…

I am confident that … you will respond to the urgency of the task. The mass of the people are not concerned with legal and constitutional forms and niceties. They are not interested in the theory of the separation of powers and the purpose and function of a politically neutral public service under such a constitution.

As far as they are concerned, in May 1959…they did elect their own govt in order that there might be a better world for them and their children.”

The above appeared in the ST today as comments by Yong Ying I on LKY’s book on Big Ideas. Look at the above statement carefully and decipher what are the important points and in what priority. To me, the importance of the points raised should be read in reverse order, from the last to the first.

The most important thing is that the people ‘elect their own govt in order that there might be a better world for them and their children.’ And if the govt can achieve this, the people would not be too concerned with ‘the theory of the separation of powers and the purpose and function of a politically neutral public service under such a constitution’.

And if the govt failed in creating a better world for the people and their children, then they will ‘have only ourselves to blame when the people lose faith, not just in you, the public service, and in us, the democratic political leadership, but also in the democratic system, of which you and I are working parts…’

And to achieve a better life for the people, ‘It is in our interest to show that under the system of ‘one man, one vote’ there can be an honest and efficient govt which works through an efficient administration in the interests of our people.’

It is all about an efficient govt serving the interests of the people and to provide a better life for the people and their children. If the govt fails to understand this, they only have themselves to blame.

Is the present govt living to this wisdom of LKY?  Are the people losing faith in the govt?

Kopi Level - Green


  1. "Are the people losing faith in the govt?"

    They may be losing faith in the govt but they also have no faith for the alternative (aka the opposition) which is not even ready to be govt, let alone be a better govt.

    So majority (aka 60%) will have no choice but to choose the lesser of 2 evils lah, and which they did.

    And no reason why they will not do it again, since until now, the alternative is still not ready to be govt. Are they?

  2. "And no reason why they will not do it again, since until now, the alternative is still not ready to be govt."
    Anon 10:50 am

    I think, this one Mai Hum also knows. That's why he looks confident, talks confident, despite what the kopitiam, the bloggers, netizens etc said otherwise.

  3. "Is the present govt living to this wisdom of LKY?"

    Yes, but not 100% lah of course. And a good life, a better life for smart Sinkies. The rest is secondary, and beside the point.

  4. Cheeky RB

    That was exactly how I felt now in my senior years. The statements should be read from bottom upwards.

    The people deserved the government they voted for.

  5. @ silly claim designed to bamboozle people:

    >> The most important thing is that the people ‘elect their own govt in order that there might be a better world for them and their children.’

    Not complete nonsense, but damn close to it.

    FACT: When people vote, the do so in EXTREME self interest. Politics is PASSIONATE and thus highly IRRATIONAL, also being a zero-sum game (i.e. only ONE winner in a ballot) adds to the "power" of the aforementioned extreme, emotionally-driven self interest.

    Extreme elf interest is more effectively charged by "negative stimulation". This is where the PAP, and LKY specifically EXCEL -- aka the "carrot and stick approach" to social engineering.

    The PAP quite explicitly imply that if they are not "in-charge of Singapore, and all your lives and every aspect of it from cradle to grave" then, the following well-worn but effective bromides are offered:

    1. The economy will tank as investors flee Singapore, and you will be jobless and eventually poor.

    2. Your HDB will drop in value

    3. No upgrading for you

    4. Your daughters will become hookers

    5. Your wife and mum will become maids

    6. Essentially the apocalypse will devour and destroy Singapore, leading to total annihilation of the population, and total devastation of the entire nation. <== I made this one up, but you get the picture.

    >> Are the people losing faith in the govt?

    Of course some are. But the majority will still vote PAP, including many of those who've "lost faith" -- albeit begrudgingly and from fear motivated extreme self interest, most likely.

    PAP ==> masters of the game of mass psychological manipulation.

  6. Manipulate and exploit till your hearts are contented.
    The Day 上得山多终遇虎 or 逼虎跳牆 will surely come.
    Whence push comes to shove, the Consequences, it will be difficult to know the Result.


    1. 物极必反。

      彻记, 彻记。

  7. The consequences will just be a repeat of 2011.

    If there is anything worse, it would had happened in 2011. If it did not, it will never happen.

    This one, Mai Hum knows.

  8. Before illegal mass protests can happen on the streets like in HK, the strongest opposition would have been ready to be govt.

    Hence if opposition is not even ready to be govt, mass protests on the streets will never happen.

    What will happen with 93% chance is that majority (aka 60%) will never vote for a "not ready to be govt" opposition.

  9. LKY to voters - REPENT.

  10. But the people only vote for a party not a person. Unfortunately, the power all rested on a person. The voters have all along been misleaded.
