
Hong Lim Affair – What is the truth?

Han Hui Hui has told her story of the midnight visit by the Police to serve her the notice to assist in an investigation on the Hong Lim Protest. In her article that was circulating in the social media she mentioned that the interview was from 2pm to 10pm though it started at 2.30pm. During the interview she was not given any food or refreshment. Her note book was seized by the Police and they even attempted to take her handphone away

In the Sunday Times today, the Police replied that they had tried to contact her many times by phone. When this failed, they went to her home at 9.30pm to serve the notice to appear at the Police station. They also said that it was Hui Hui who asked for the interview timing to be changed but later she turned up at 2.30pm. The interview lasted until 9.30pm. During the interview the Police provided her with refreshments and she took several breaks except for dinner. No dinner?

The Police are conducting the investigation as someone had made a police report. The Police did not disclose the identity of the person making the report or the nature of the complaint. It must be important, whether the person reporting/complainant or the nature of the offence. If not, how could the Police justify spending so many resources, manpower and time to investigate this incident?  And they took 7 solid hours to interview Han Hui Hui alone. The matter must be real serious.

Would the Police also interview Teo Ser Luck, the NPark Director, the YMCA officials and Police Officers at the scene to get the hole picture? Oops, typing error, I meant the whole picture.

Whatever, now that the two sides have given their stories, and obviously the facts from both parties are miles apart, someone is going to be charged for lying or making false statements. The facts can be easily proven in this case, I think.

I am not going to ask what do you think. Facts are facts and shouldn’t require thinking when the facts are still hot on top of the stove.

Kopi Level - Yellow


  1. "And they took 7 solid hours to interview Han Hui Hui alone."

    Maybe they had a lot of time for Hui Hui? And if they didn't drink kopi with Hui Hui, probably they would be drinking kopi among themselves?


  2. "Would the Police also interview Teo Ser Luck, the NPark Director, the YMCA officials and Police Officers at the scene...."

    But was MP Intan also interviewed by relevant authorities on the Yang Yin case? Even the dementia stricken, 87 year old rich widow was inteviewed at PCC!

    If not, why would police need to interview Teo Ser Luck, u tell me lah?

  3. Wish there were recording in the interviewing room to prevent abuse and untrue arising from both sides. Where is the transparency?

  4. Hi ED Gold, welcome to the blog. We have to trust our men in blue to serve the people in the name of justice and fairness.

  5. Would the police also interview red bean, the other protesters, the YMCA's special need children and their spectators and officials, and also the whole bunch of plain cloth police and NPB officials to get the whole picture?

  6. "We have to trust our men in blue to serve the people in the name of justice and fairness."
    RB 12:31 pm

    Who is in ultimate charge of our men in blue? The opposition? The 40% Sinkies who voted opposition last election?

  7. The fact is I clicked the RUTGERS and click click..... click.

  8. Up to a point they would not want to be used to do bad things. They too have a sense of righteousness and justice.

  9. The Law does not equals JUSTICE.

    JUSTICE has to come from RIGHTEOUS FOLKS.

    Although there is a Chinese Saying 公道自在人心, meaning Justice is natural to all humans, it is also in fact much abuse by the strong and powerful. History and Politics show that evil of mankind are common in most societies.

    Extreme abuse invariably leads to martyrs sacrificing themselves for righteousness. This could be what's happening in Sin now.

    Only stupid rulers drive their people to Martyrdom.


  10. If the police is spending their time in this wasteful and non productive manner. No wonder there are so many con man, riots and criminals running around in Singapore.

    Maybe what the chief of police mentioned in the internal inquiry on the little India riot is an exaggeration. Or did he misrepresent? Embellish the facts? When he mentioned to the effect, he has insufficient man power.

    Darkness 2014

  11. Hi RB, speed. I sincerely hope you have not had a visit by your men in blue. It must be terrifying for those who had been paid the compliment. I guess there must be reasons to interview HHH. Well, the Singapore law is quite unique. To an outsider it is really intriguing and confusing. People who stand up on their soap boxes at the Hyde Park corner do not usually get visits from the UK police. Isn't Singapore a democratic country??

  12. Hi Darkness, welcome back. You have been absent for a long time.

    And Speed, I think the men in blue are sensible people and I am just an ordinary observer telling the news I see and hear. I don't think they want to disturb me for what I am doing especially when my stance is for the good of country and people.

    It would not me nice if I have to talk about my own story here as the whole world is watching. They are more sensible than those silly IBs who insisted that I was part of the protesters and demanded that I apologise for heckling the children.

    Should the truth and justice be distorted to such an extent that non partisan people are forced to become partisan, it would be the beginning of the end of the regime.

  13. Maybe what the chief of police mentioned in the internal inquiry on the little India riot is an exaggeration. Or did he misrepresent? Embellish the facts? When he mentioned to the effect, he has insufficient man power......Dotseng Oct 12 359 pm

    Sadly, this is the quality of people we have holding high position with power. Why bring manpower problems to an inquiry hearing a riot. If the police chief could not convince his Ministry on his staffing needs and this affect the performance of the Force, then the CP is ineffective and should have been removed!

  14. Terror by any other name...

  15. Knn... hsienloong, do this nation a favor n yourself a good karma

    Please dun come back from your official Turkey trip

    For yourself, haze here is not healthy

    For the nation... WE HAVE ENOUGH OF YOUR SHIT. ..


  16. the truth is, in the eyes of the universe, we are merely bacteria living on the surface of a big poo called earth. Sometimes they killed each other, sometimes they reproduced.
