
Hong Lim Affair – What do you think, how do you feel?

So many things have happened since the last Hong Lim Protest Rally on 27 Sep. So many things have also been said and done, from the moment the NPark Director and Police officer approached Han Hui Hui to the protest march around the YMCA tents, the jeering at Teo Ser Luck, the heckling accusations, the midnight calls and the investigations at the police station of protesters, including Hui Hui for illegal assembly. And then the confistication of Hui Hui’s note book, the legal letter by her lawyer Ravi and the return of the note book, what do you think?

How many of you think that the police and NPark Director were doing the right thing? How many don’t think so? How many are feeling very comfortable, joyous and confident that our country is in good hands? How many are shaking their heads in disbelief and bewilderment? How many are proud of what had happened, how many would like to hide their heads in the sand in shame?

How many feel that it is all about rule of law and justice? How many feel that it is all about the abuse of rule of law and injustice?

I am very sure many people are upset, disappointed or elated and encouraged by what had happened over the Hong Lim Affair. Is it a good thing to have happened like it happened that way? Do you have confidence in the govt or otherwise?

Is the hierarchy of the govt in jeopardy as a result, caused by the social media, protesters or civil servants/police?

Kopi Level - Yellow


  1. Wah piang posted in TRE honest opinions and got banned

  2. "Is the hierarchy of the govt in jeopardy as a result, caused by the social media, protesters or civil servants/police?"

    Not at all.

    Till now, as even the strongest opposition the WP is not ready to be govt, PAP will have a 93% chance of being returned to power by the 60% again next election.

    And with that, the hierarchy of the govt will not be in jeopardy, despite what the social media, protesters or civil servants/police had caused, tio bo?

  3. For some of the 60%, being upset, disappointed and losing confidence in the PAP govt and yet voting for PAP are separate matters.

    Just like fare hike and MRT breakdowns are separate matters, according to the PTC.

    In fact I would even say million dollar minister salaries and their performance being below expectations are also separate matters.

    And all these are uniquely Sinkie matters. If not, where else in the whole, wide, world can u find such matters, u tell me lah?

  4. Uncle Chua, you were there at HLP. What do you think base on your first hand reporting and the aftermath of the incidents?

  5. Things were equally bad, if not worse before 2011 than now.

    And Uncle Chua and others had also blogged much earlier before 2011.

    Yet 60% voted for PAP in GE 2011, and hence PAP govt hierarchy remain in place till now.

    So why should things be any different for govt hierarchy from now till next GE and beyond, u tell me lah?

  6. If Aung Juan Soon Chee party can win like Teochew Ah Hia party had won, then I think PAP govt hierarchy will indeed be in serious jeopardy.

    But can happen or not, u tell me lah?

  7. The next GE will still be 60:40. Only difference, which is 60 and which is 40.

  8. But can happen or not, u tell me lah?
    Anon 10:10 am


    If can happen, why would Hainan Ah Ko want to cabut from Aung Juan Soon Chee Party to form his Sinkie First Party, u tell me lah?


  9. Move On! Move On!

    the authorities should let the
    case rest.....

    no point proceeding as there are
    opposing public views.....

    please lah please lah.....

    it was really a very very very
    small protest as compared to

    don't waste resources....

    don't let the matter be a
    WORLDWIDE laughing matter to ask
    the authorities to dig into this
    so very very very small protest
    any further......

    please please please.......


  10. Small matter? This is a mountain....of a molehill.

  11. i think they should have expected that.
