
Why Singaporeans must reclaim ownership to this country

Many things are going the way against the wishes of Singaporeans. And Singaporeans are just hapless, unable to do anything about it except to kpkb, not consulted or ignored. Singaporeans must eventually come to a point when they could not bear it any longer. They will have to decide enough is enough and want to recover their rights to decide what they want for their country and what kind of life they want for themselves and their children. And definitely not what a few people think and decide for them and thumping their nose at the Singaporeans.

Singaporeans must decide how many foreigners they want to have in this country.
Singaporeans must decide how many citizenships they want to give away.
Singaporeans must decide how much the govt should be paid, not to be decided by the incumbents.
Singaporeans must decide how big is the govt and how many political appointments can be allowed. It is public money and no one can suka suka create as many appointments as they want and pay as much as they want.
Singaporeans must decide the cost of public services especially housing and medical care and university places for Singaporeans.
Singaporeans must decide how to take care of the senior citizens and what kind of budget to provide for them.
Singaporeans must decide how big should the national reserves be and how the reserves should be used for their benefits.
Singaporeans must know how much is in the national reserves and where are they.
Singaporeans must decide whether they want so many foreigners to be employed in govt services and GLCs and to rule over them.
Singaporeans must decide on a fair and equitable political system.
Singaporeans must decide how and when they should take back their CPF savings.

There are many more things to add to this list that should be decided by Singaporeans and not by a few proxies that took upon themselves to decide everything for Singaporeans as if they own this island and with total disregard to what the Singaporeans want or do not want. Singaporeans must put a stop to the usurpation of their rights by politicians to chart the course of the country and their lives.

The country and all its assets belong to all Singaporeans and no one is allowed to give it away without the consent of the Singaporeans. How the country is to be run, which direction it should be going, must be decided by Singaporeans. No political party or politician should ever think that once in power they can do anything they want as if the Singaporeans are non existent, or their servants or slaves. Singaporeans must be the master of their country and to chart their own destiny. They must not lose these by default or by surrendering it to a few individuals.

Singapore must not become a modern day Troy when the Singaporeans party and celebrate everyday oblivious to the dangers around them. When they sleep the Greeks could be there planning to take over their city. Modern day Troy does not need a Trojan Horse when the Greeks are invited in with open legs. What is the point of a prosperous Singapore when glory, joy and honour go to the Greeks?

Kopi Level - Green


  1. Rb. // Singaporeans must put a stop to the usurpation of their rights by politicians to chart the course of the country and their lives. //

    AnonymousAugust 30, 2014 5:16 am
    Rb " Good grief! What about those who die without benefiting from their life savings? What are you going to do about it? What is your solution? "

    1) Do nothing. Let them continue "shooting " their own feet "until they cannot walk ".

    2) What YEW are doing! KPKB!

    3) Migrate! Give up the citizenship like what many did and even many new citizens doing it. Withdraw the CPF in one lump sum.

    4) Sell away everything including all property(ies). Buy a nice landed house in neighbouring countries with seaview at the price of a 2 rm flat in SINKIELAND. Use the balance to retire well. Get some work in the mean time to kill time for those who want to.

    5) Vote in 43 opposition members in the future to "bang table " with the garment for "野蛮" governance? " Fight poison with poison " as in the Chinese phrase " 以毒攻毒".

    6) ......................................................................

    7) .....................................................................

    8) .....................................................................




    As the Chinese say:


  2. RB, We have the best defence forces in the world. No worries lah. That's why they let all sort of people coming into our country with open legs.

  3. Wtf.. life so verlee good, Swiss std of living

    U better b grateful to old fart kuan yew hor

    Aka papigs... like hsien loong the clown prince once said, thank to papigs, daft having color TVs.. yeow siew, I say he verlee good if he give me black n white TVs.

    Btw... papigs going to win back aljunied grc, discontent with workersparty growing daily n swelling... aiyoh, Sylvia lim et al be out of jobs soon

    Huat ah.... papigs 4ever.

  4. Hi RB, what you have written are all good to have. However, you live in a democratic country and you Singaporeans have voted in a government to rule over the country, enact laws to govern you and basically make all decision for the good of the country. If you think the present government is not doing a good job, then vote them out. This is the democratic way. Judging by the number of PAP MPs in the government, one must assume that the majority of Singaporeans feel the current government is doing a good job and majority of Singaporeans are happy and satisfied. Just my 2 cents worth from a foreigner ( speed ).

  5. Ignorance may be bliss, but regret will come with realisation.

    However, it is always a case of too late to do the right thing.

    Just like when they say: greed is good. Let's see how long the fairytale will last.

  6. When a family trust the butler very much, the butler becomes the master. The old master get locked in the dungeon. The children are enslaved, and the butler brings in new women and new children.

  7. /// Singaporeans must decide how many foreigners they want to have in this country. ///

    Well, the government will tell you that you voted them in and these are their policies. Eat your heart out.

  8. redbean
    what ownership are you talking about?
    Even "our" HDB flat belongs to HDB.
    We are just tenants.
    Don't believe me?

    Straits Times, 1st Sept 2014 headlines:
    "Govt looking at flexible options for LEASE buyback"
    - even the Straits Times now is forced to admit it is leases that the PAP government is buying back and not HDB flats.
    - How does it benefit any Singaporean to vote PAP I will never understand.

  9. The roots are too deep after 50 years of same party rule. It is not that easy to remove that within one or two decades. How many voters can really trust that opposition can do a better job? Do not forget, all politicians are self serving (papist and opposition).

  10. /// How many voters can really trust that opposition can do a better job? ////
    September 01, 2014 3:52 pm

    PAP is already doing such a lousy job.
    How much worse can an opposition government be?
    Insanity is to keep voting PAP and hoping things will improve.

    1. Sensible Argument.

      Sinkies got to save themselves though it is definitely too late.

      We are SOLD and left with no alternative and NO WAY OUT BUT QUIT OR ESCAPE WHEN YOU CAN.


  11. /// Do not forget, all politicians are self serving (papist and opposition). ///
    September 01, 2014 3:52 pm

    PAPigs have a 50 year track record of being self serving.
    The Opposition politicians are innocent until proven guilty.

  12. Sinkies should stop being daft. This is your country, stop being a defeatist fool and let a few individuals hijacked your country and your rights.

  13. All Singaporeans should " kwai kwai " obey the policies from the government. What else can you do? VTO? Never !!! You will NEVER VTO in the next GE. They had 60.1% in the last GE and they had the majority MPs in parliament. Next GE maybe if you the HLP participants are lucky you might just get a few more % in the votes, but at the end of the day, it will be EXACTLY the same as the current situation. Majority MPs in parliament will be PAP. The same scenario will repeat for another 5 more years and then another 5 years after that. NOTHING will change. Either you live with it or get out of your comfort zone and move to another country. The bonus, if you go down that way, you can take ALL your CPF with you. So Singaporeans who have the gut to leave, please do so. For those who cannot leave, or won't leave, sorry lah, you have to swallow the bitter pills from the PAP.

  14. I think speed has a point here. 60% voted for this govenment and are very happy so really not much can the 40% do as majority win.

  15. What we will likely not see for a long time from Honour (Singapore):

    - We will honour our promise to return CPF money to you in full when you are 55 years old.
    - We will honour the Singapore Pledge and not treat it like an aspiration.

  16. @ mati 4.54pm // Next GE maybe if you the HLP participants are lucky you might just get a few more % in the votes, but at the end of the day, it will be EXACTLY the same as the current situation. Majority MPs in parliament will be PAP. The same scenario will repeat for another 5 more years and then another 5 years after that. NOTHING will change. //

    When the mandate is long gone, unexpected events would pop out one after another. Was the 2012 strike expected? Was the Geylang riot in 2013 expected? Was the Little India Riot in 2013 expected? With many "fissures and cracks" building up underneath the social fabric and the society as a whole, unexpected events, going by history, are likely to be far more severe. Who can defy gravity in this world? Who can defy age and death in this world? NO RULER, no matter how tyrannical and powerful, has been able to defy the natural law. In fact, the more dictatorial they are, the faster their regimes collapse after their demise. Which tyrants in history managed to get their dynastic rule grow from strength to strength after their demise? Qin Shi Huang didn't. Tito didn't. Joseph Stalin didn't. Most if not all didn't! Sinkieland may not suffer such fate in the next 5 years. But if history is any guide, the probability of some triggers one way or another would be relatively high within the next 15 years, not even 50 years! When a society is increasing swamped by economic migrants and opportunists and the native residents start packing up and leaving in droves, the social fabric and the glue that holds the place together would vastly weaken and beyond some threshold, it becomes a pack of cards ready to collapse. It would be a matter of what event would become that "trigger" and historically many and any events can be the "trigger" when the force holding the society together "hangs by a thread" .............



  18. Sin is NEVER DESTINED to be a nation.
    It is just a place for some good men to make their fortunes and nothing more.


    I wonder why we have so many SAF generals and admirals everywhere?

  20. Singaporeans reclaiming Singapore? The chances of that happening is almost ZERO. Not only that, each day that passes Singapore gets more and more taken over by foreigners. As your leader said, Singapore needs foreigners to help grow the economy. I read somewhere that someone has said that Singapore needs to have more middle management. Is this a prelude to importation of middle management talents? Singapore is going down a slippery slope and there is no brake to stop the slide or even to slow it down. Anon 9.07 has put forward a good point. Changes only come when the breaking point has been reached. In Singapore, this breaking point is too far in the distant to even contemplate. Singaporeans hate to get out of their comfort zone, unlike the Hong Kongers. Sheeples !!!

  21. No worry lah. All the top positions will be filled by Singaporeans. The govt will just issued them with pink ICs and they will all become Singaporeans to make all the big monies and to sit on the local Singaporeans. Our new Singaporean core!
