
Why China must be assertive?

For centuries, China had been the victim of foreign aggression. Many of the neighbouring tribes were lusting to conquer China. The Mongols and the Manchurians succeeded and ruled China for several centuries each. After the Manchus, the tribes came from further afar, the Japanese, Russians and the Europeans and Americans. China was robbed and raped and dismembered to pieces. Till today, many of its territories are still in foreign hands, now given a new title as disputed territories with the Russians, Indians and the Japanese.

Today China has stood up and demanding the return of these territories seized from her by foreign invaders when China was weak. Why are the Americans crying foul, that China is being assertive and even aggressive? What is wrong with a country wanting to reclaim its lost territories? It is a natural right of the Chinese to take back what was taken away from her wrongfully, by force.

Why are the Americans taking this stand, that China cannot take back its lost territories? It is because the Americans have taken away the territories of the native Americans and many other territories belonging to other natives. To the Americans, what had been taken is a done deal. The natives or losers cannot take them back. If the native Americans were to demand for it, they would also be branded as assertive and wrongful to do so, for wanting to change the balance of power, the status quo.

The same would apply to the natives of Australia and New Zealand, Hawaii, Canada and many other pieces of land. These natives would be branded as not only assertive, they would either be put behind bars or be shot, for wanting to reclaim their land from the thieves.

China is only trying to reclaim its lost territories from the thieves, and the Americans are protecting the thieves and even accusing China of being assertive and aggressive. Many people of Asia and the Asean countries have reclaimed their land through the fight for independence. If they have not done so, if they are still a colony, or if their land is still occupied by the thieves, they would be branded as assertive and trouble makers should they dare to demand for the return of their land.

China must be assertive. China has all the rights and reasons to be assertive to reclaim its lost territories. So do the natives of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and many others. There is nothing wrong about assertiveness when one is demanding for the return of his lost territories taken away by the thieves. The thieves are crying foul now, as if they are rightful owners of the natives’ land.

The deceit and trickery of the thieves to want to keep the stolen land as theirs, as a fait accompli, must not be seen as a rightful thing and the natives reclaiming their land a wrongful thing.

Would anyone put themselves in the shoes of the Chinese and ask themselves what they should do to reclaim their lost land?

Kopi Level - Green


  1. If Singaporeans no need to be assertive.
    Why must China be assertive?

  2. No choice lah. China cannot back down or roll over, then "lose face" to the panty-sniffing Japs and the pimps and whores of Pinoyland.

    As for the yanks...tough shit lah. Unless they get a Rand Paul-type president who has a non-interventionist foreign policy, the Mighty US Navy, along with its SEALs and Marines will always be around at every corner of the globe as the planet's one supreme "policeman", ready to strike if the money or need requires. ;-)

    The presence of US Forces actually raises the stakes and makes The Game more dangerous and volatile.

    If there is ZERO US presence or involvement in the region, the Pinoys and Japs (and Viets) would not be so "aggressive" towards China, and China probably would not be so aggressive in claiming territory.

    However since the entry of the US, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam become more "assertive" (due to their dependance and assurance of Big Deadly US War Cock to protect them) and China responds in spirit and in kind.

    But from an "entertainment" point of view, I have to thank the US of A. They're the motherfuckers who bring some "polish" to any geopolitical situation. NOTHING is newsworthy unless the USA is involved and the event is reported in the 24/7 US mainstream, global conglomerate news machine...which is "live entertainment" of humanity acting out! ;-)

  3. More entertainment coming up in Ukraine and the Middle East. The Americans will be sucked in for good.

  4. No need to claim lah. Be happy with what she has and make the best out of whatever she has. What she has is quite a big piece already. Anyway, Amerca too busy with ISIS and Ukraine now. Its a good opportunity to weaken or frighten those small opponents.

  5. Many people are ignorant of history and did not know how the Chinese as a civilisation suffered under the hands of the colonialists with the Japanese heading the list as the most wicked of the lot and the American as the oppressive of the lot. And there is Russia that has taken the most of Chinese land.

    If you bother to read the history you will understand why the Chinese are standing up to the colonialists to take back what rightly belonged to China.

    The bananas are the most despicable Chinese who did not know the wrong done to their forefathers by the West and the Japanese. And they yelp and yelp about how good the west are and how bad the Chinese are.

    Then the silly southeast Asians, being colonised, raped and looted by the colonialists and everyday parroting the fear of the Chinese, because the West told them so.

    Look at the Middle east. That is the current day China. Broken up and in ruins and in shame, beaten and killed everyday by the West.

  6. Make peace not wars is the best option for everyone lah. We are all living on the same planet. Why must be so selfish?

  7. Are Singaporeans better off under British colonial rule or under Singaporean PAP rule?

  8. Why don't you quote the 70m to 100m native americans massacred by the white Europeans, the civilised and peace loving people of the world?

    And don't be stupid to quote the Great Leap Forward when many of the deaths were due to natural disasters like drought. The policies for the Great Leap were for rapid growth and not intended to kill anyone.

    Stop blindly quoting numbers without thinking. The world's Number One Genocide in human history was the massacre of the Red Indians in the USA.

  9. @644:

    »» Are Singaporeans better off under British colonial rule or under Singaporean PAP rule?

    Cannot speak for ALL Singaporeans, but IMO Self Determination is the best option for any "tribe". And under self determination: The People Get The Cuntree and The Government They Deserve, so in the case of Singapore, IMO the result is spectacular...not "perfect", but still FUCKING AWESOMELY SPECTACULAR.

    BTW, you anti-Lee fuckers could have a some good news soon. Uncle redbean, please check whether my prediction is reasonable...

    IMO Lau Harry Lee has perhaps a few weeks left before he shakes off his mortal coil. My info from undisclosed sources.

    Got 21-gun salute?

  10. "" IMO Lau Harry Lee has perhaps a few weeks left before he shakes off his mortal coil. My info from undisclosed sources.""

    Stop bullshitting Matilar. You should not say things like this. Our Great leader will always be with us.

  11. Just wondering, what it took to meticulously, systematically, intentionally, massacre a continent of human beings to the tune of $100m?

    I am bewildered. I am more bewildered to see that the whole world refused to even talk about it, refused to acknowledge it, but to turn their heads away and praise the Americans as the kindness people, justified to carry the flag of human rights, justice, human goodness and morality.

  12. " Stop bullshitting Matilar. You should not say things like this. Our Great leader will always be with us."

    Yes anon 8.14pm, think YEW are probably right!

    Old man, based on Chinese astrology, can likely live beyond 2016.

    Btw, his 9st bd is coming up on the Tues ( 16 Sept ) after the coming one. His likely appearance would dispel the untruthful "info from undisclosed sources" .........

  13. /// Why don't you quote the 70m to 100m native americans massacred by the white Europeans, the civilised and peace loving people of the world? ////
    September 06, 2014 6:12 pm

    My thesis is simple.
    Don't look at the colour of the skin.
    Look at the results.
    And the results says;
    More Chinese citizens have been killed by Chinese rulers than foreign powers.

    I don't care what about the intentions of the Great Leap Forward.
    Bottom-line: More Chinese people died.
    Whether they have died by deliberate design (genocide) or incompetence (bad planning) or natural disaster (bad planning again) is not relevant.
    They died under the rule of a Chinese government ... Mao Zedong ... a Chinese ruler.

  14. Thus, according to Ward Churchill, a professor of ethnic studies at the University of Colorado, the reduction of the North American Indian population from an estimated 12 million in 1500 to barely 237,000 in 1900 represents a"vast genocide . . . , the most sustained on record."

    By the end of the 19th century, writes David E. Stannard, a historian at the University of Hawaii, native Americans had undergone the"worst human holocaust the world had ever witnessed, roaring across two continents non-stop for four centuries and consuming the lives of countless tens of millions of people." In the judgment of Lenore A. Stiffarm and Phil Lane, Jr.,"there can be no more monumental example of sustained genocide—certainly none involving a 'race' of people as broad and complex as this—anywhere in the annals of human history." -

    See more at: http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/7302#sthash.lBGMotoT.dpuf

    I say more Chinese people have died at the hands of Chinese rulers.
    You decide for yourself.
    And don't let the Chinese ruler tell you what & how to think.

  15. Typo @ 9.17pm

    Should be "91st bd" NOT "9st bd"

  16. "China has all the rights and reasons to be assertive to reclaim its lost territories."

    No lah. China, just like smart Sinkies, want to make money. If can make money, then be assertive. If not,what for, u tell me lah?

  17. Doesn't matter desert, sea or in deep jungle, if got oil, sure can make money.

  18. But Sinkieland got not even enough land, let alone got oil.

    So how Sinkieland make money?

  19. Geopolitics have always been about race and religion. The supremacy of race and religion have always been the motivating factors to rule the daft and the weak.

    The easiest people to rule are the Asians, particularly the Indians and the Chinese. Both are ancient civilisations but have people with weak minds, and many would rather be whites. They rather despise and spit on their own kind and ignore the transgressions of the Europeans against their own kinds. They will betray their own kinds using all kinds of excuses, short of bleaching themselves.

    The greatest murderers in human history are the Europeans starting from the Portugese, Spaniards, the Dutch, English and the Germans. In the name of religion, God and conquests, they killed hundreds of millions of natives and oppressed them to slavery and mediocrity.

    Today they refused to talk about their ugly past. And the Afro Asians kneel in front of them as their white gods.

    The Red Indians were too difficult to conquer. So the white savages called the Red Indians savages and terminated them for their own good.

    The Arabs are next on the list, to be crippled and messed up, to be divided and impoverished. Would anyone ask how many Arabs have the ISIS killed compared to the number killed by the Americans in the invasion of Iraq?

    The Chinese today have stood up to find their own place in the sun. The Whites can no longer conquer or oppress the Chinese people. They fear the Chinese as a competitor in all fields and are all out to suppress the rise of the Chinese people, with the help of westernised Chinese people to condemn the Chinese people. The westernised Chinese people think they are superior to the Chinese by wearing western lenses.

  20. @ September 07, 2014 9:20 am

    /// The Chinese today have stood up to find their own place in the sun. The Whites can no longer conquer or oppress the Chinese people. ////

    No Chinese anywhere in the world would quarrel with this sentiment.
    Even Bananas or mangoes or oranges would support.

    /// They fear the Chinese as a competitor in all fields and are all out to suppress the rise of the Chinese people, .... ///

    Who is "They fear.." ??
    This is how evil leaders throughout history attempt to anoint, appoint and justify their position as leaders.
    Who is "They" ... this undefined, unspoken enemy that requires all Chinese people to surrender our rights, freedoms, CPF monies, logic and etc. to a great Chinese leader so that HE can unite the Chinese?

    /// ... with the help of westernised Chinese people ///

    How do you define a westernised Chinese?
    How dangerous is this "westernised" Chinese?
    How many Chinese people have this "westernised" Chinese killed versus example Mao Zedong?

    Mao Zedong was another 'westernised" Chinese by the way.
    Who do you think he copied the ideas of communism from?
    Karl Marx.
    You think Karl Marx is Chinese?

    I respect your opinion as long as you don't ask us to stop asking questions, looking at facts and using logic and open debate.
    Blind subservience to yet another Chinese leader will bring ruin to China.
    Just ask any Singaporeans.

  21. Many of the wrongs of modern China, other than the purges of the decadent and exploitative rich, were not intent to murder or kill their own people. Tiananmen was a political movement that could lead to very adverse consequences. Before condemning it, ask what would you do or could you do to have a better ending. It was a heavy price to pay for the Chinese leadership.

    Many politicians have committed grave errors and mistakes. Some for personal gains, some for the good of the country and the majority of the people. If Tiananmen was mishandled, China may not be what it is today and the 1.4b people may not enjoy the better life they are living today.

    Many of the faults of China and the Chinese people were due to bad leadership, weakness and poverty and ignorance.

    Mao was a revolutionary leader, inherited a backward and broken country and an illiterate mass of people. Could anyone do better than him? He did some bad policies but his overall achievements were good enough for the Chinese people to forgive him and still rever him.

    From Deng onwards, China has been blessed with very good men in the leadership. What China is today is not fluke or accident. They did it meticulously, purposefully, and conscientiously to be the number one economy in the world. In a brief 40 years, they have uplifted the lives of 1.4b people and allow them to stand tall and proud among nations and civilisations.

    What is Singapore compares to what the Chinese have done for themselves under very unfavourable conditions with the West putting obstacles in the way in every step they took?

    There is a new China and a new people in the making. The old China mentality still exists in the new Chinese.

    For the bananas, they must not forget that it took them more than two generations to be what they are now from their Chinese forefathers.

    Your parents were once like them, crude, rude and awkward and a lot of misgivings in their mannerism. It would take another generation for the new Chinese to be a new people and be more refined if they could continue to prosper and be like the Europeans.

    The Europeans were murderers, pirates, conquerers, wild men before they grew rich from robbing and exploiting the rest of the world. And they are what they are today after a few centuries of being wealthy, to redefine their mannerism.

    But they have not stopped killing. Killing is in their blood except that you don't see it or refuse to see it when you are on their side.

    How many have ISIS killed and how many have the Americans and their allies killed and maimed in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and many parts of Africa and the ME?

    And don't forget, the Americans were the mothers of Al Qaeda, Talibans and the ISIS and many terrorists groups. Ask Hilary.

  22. @ redbean
    "Tiananmen was a political movement that could lead to very adverse consequences. Before condemning it, ask what would you do or could you do to have a better ending."

    I'm not here to debate the rights & wrongs of Tiananmen.
    I'm here to say that Chinese lives are not cheap.
    Just because Chinese are killed by Chinese leaders does not make their lives any less cheap or less worthy than if they were killed by foreigners.

    If Chinese people like redbean cheerfully accepts the loss of Chinese lives at Tiananmen ... are you not hypocritical in expecting Europeans to respect Chinese lives?

  23. @ redbean
    "If Tiananmen was mishandled, China may not be what it is today and the 1.4b people may not enjoy the better life they are living today."

    In 1989, after several weeks of demonstrations, Chinese troops entered Tiananmen Square on June 4 and fired on UNARMED civilians.
    Estimates of the death toll range from several hundred to thousands.
    It has been estimated that as many as 10,000 people were arrested during and after the protests.
    Several dozen people have been executed for their parts in the demonstrations.



    I challenge you to go tell the parents of all the students who died.
    Go tell them that their children died "for the greater good".
    Go tell them "If Tiananmen was mishandled, China may not be what it is today and the 1.4b people may not enjoy the better life they are living today."

  24. @ redbean
    "Mao was a revolutionary leader, inherited a backward and broken country and an illiterate mass of people. Could anyone do better than him?"

    I guess we will never know if there was indeed a better leader than Mao.
    Since Mao killed off all his political rivals.

  25. Do not see the Need for Rb to explain the civil disorders of Chinese History or the Internal Conflicts and Killings in China.
    There were Objectives and Reasons beyond objective explanation. At different times, different events require different solutions and not all can be peaceful.
    History has shown that killings had happened everywhere through all time and they ain't going to stop as long as beings exist. It is too complex in nature to rationalize.

  26. Anyway Rb did not claim or say that any killing was noble, quite the Contrary.

  27. I was and remain an admirer of the way redbean thinks and writes about Singapore politics.
    It's original and critical thinking about Singapore at its best.
    I mean this sincerely.

    But respectfully.
    Somehow, when it comes to China ... all the originality and critical thinking stops.
    Somehow, when it comes to China, I feel like I am reading something a PAP IB would write about Singapore.
    Dogmatic and accepting history as it is fed to us by the rulers of China.
    Just like a PAP IB accepts what PAP rulers tells us is the "correct" version of Singapore's history.

    Chinese lives are not cheap.
    I want to hold these Chinese rulers accountable for every single life they ended.
    I don't want to debate whether the killing is justifiable.
    I want them to go visit the parents and personally explain why their children had to die for the greater good of China.
    (Any Singaporean here want to go and explain to Chia Thye Poh's family that he was jailed for the greater good of Singapore?)

    I am as outraged and angry over the loss of Chinese territories as any of you here.
    But before we happily argue the case for more Chinese to die for China's greater glory.
    Please stop and ask.
    Whose greater good are these young men dying for?
    How will their parents benefit?

    Remember the millions of Chinese who died building the Great Wall of China.
    For "whose greater good" was it for?
    Please stop and think before beating the war drums over Diaoyu Islands.

    Remember Falkland islands?
    The war between Britain and Argentina in 1982 over a couple of islands?
    The rulers of Britain & Argentina decided to send young men to die to defend the honour of their country.
    Go ask their families what "greater good" was achieved from the deaths of their sons.

    I have said enough.
    To Mr Chua Chin Leng ... thank you for your patience and indulgence in entertaining my postings.
    I apologize if I have offended anyone here.

    1. Are U able to hold the Government liable for all the Flaws Rb has highlighted here in My Singapore News?
      Please show that U are able to make the Leaders in Sin responsible and accountable. Only then can the Readers here believe U are real and sincere. Otherwise U are here just to ridicule Rb and Others.

  28. Anon 7:23, there is no need to apologise. You are entitled to your views. As for your challenge, I will accept everyone of them if you are sincere enough to identify yourself. I can't accept a challenge with a faceless entity.

    For the moment I take it at face value and I will admire your views more if only you are proud of your views and dare to tell us who you are.

    If this small little verification you are also afraid to take up, I have serious doubt about who you really are. Everyone can have a view and should be proud of his or her view. If you dare to challenge anyone, including me, you must have the courtesy to identifying yourself. What is there to hide under anonymous? Do you have reasons to make such a strong stand only to hide behind anonymity?

  29. RB, I am very sure this guy is not what he claims to be. And everyone be warned that he is trying to plant his views as the right views. You did the right thing by asking him who he is. He is likely to be a fake and would not dare to show his face.

    Matilah Singapura, Patriot, and a few others, are also suspicious characters. Please be careful of them.

    1. Patriot cud be the IB of the IBs.

    2. Tiok, everybody is IB! Rb, YEW also IB. Old fark also IB. Mai hum also IB. Char tao also IB. All commenters also IBs. Ha ha ha ha ha.

    3. 真真假假, 假假真真。ha ha ha ha ha. Rb,YEW are真的, YEW are also 假的! Ha ha ha ha ha.

  30. Hi all, in the internet world, you just don't know who is what. Just keep an open mind. The IBs will reveal themselves in one way or another by their posts. Just watch what they say and what is the objective or agenda and you cannot be too far wrong.

    I am super IB. You know me by what I write: ) Just be wary.

  31. kooky spooky conspiracy theorist anon nut-case@1040:

    »» Matilah Singapura, Patriot, and a few others, are also suspicious characters. Please be careful of them.

    Eh kotek, tis is a forum lah -- a virtual place where people are represented by lines of code...TIP for the day: THIS SHIT AIN'T REAL.

    It is not as if IRL (In Real Life) we're going to come over to your house and eat your children lah.

    ....or maybe we might...In that case, be careful, be very very careful....muahahahahha....
