
The govt must stay out of the people’s lives

The govt is elected by the people to look after national matters. They must not arrogate themselves to mess around with the people’s lives and their personal matters like child bearing or how to spend their life savings, how to retire.

What the govt can do is to formulate policies which they think are good and offer them to the people. The people shall decide what is good for them. What is good for A may not be good for B. What is good for the govt may be bad for the people. Everyone is different and has different priorities, values and beliefs. Leave the people to decide how to live their lives, and leave the people’s money alone.

Keep your hands off the people’s money! Nobody is asking the govt to nanny them or to help to mess up their lives. Just because 3 persons went to see the MP for help does not mean everyone is asking the MP for help. Stay off.

Which idiot in govt is claiming that the people are asking the govt to meddle and interfere with their private lives? Kee chiu please.

Kopi Level - Blue. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

The govt is given the mandate by 60% to meddle with the people's lives.

U don't want the govt to meddle?

Then get the 60% not to vote for this govt lah!

Anonymous said...

Whether the govt meddle or not is not the issue.

The issue is whether Sinkies are smart enough to make lots of money and so not get affected by the meddling of the Govt.

jjgg said...

Rb..don't think the solution is so simple.le...have a look at the multitudes fronting at meet your mp sessions..they are not there to drink kopi with the mp..most of them are there to beg for one thing or the other..and the most beggars are to be found in the pap wards..the government have institutionalised begging..away from the streets and into the cc's..when the mps say 3people..they actually mean 300..don't believe me? Go look at attendances in meet the people sessions..hehe

Anonymous said...


If Sinkies have lots of money in their bank account, why care CPF money can or cannot withdraw?

Or if Sinkies can emigrate, then CPF can take out lah.

So smart Sinkies must know what to do so as not to be affected by the Govt meddling with CPF or whatever lah.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi jjgg,

Those people who went to MPS are inviting the govt to help. The govt is given the license to meddle with their lives by them. Just leave the rest alone.

Don't use the same Batam logic to mess up the rest of the people. The people don't buy that kind of 'logic' for fools.

Anonymous said...

and the most beggars are to be found in the pap wards..
jigg 11:25 am

Beggars or not, Govt meddling or not, or whatever lah, but if 60% are happy to vote PAP, that's what really matters.

Anonymous said...

Those who beg successfully at MPS may become part of the 60%.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Please lah, you are talking about Singapore.

I am often accused of interfering in the private lives of citizens. Yes, if I did not, had I not done that, we wouldn't be here today. And I say without the slightest remorse, that we wouldn't be here, we would not have made economic progress, if we had not intervened on very personal matters - who your neighbour is, how you live, the noise you make, how you spit, or what language you use. We decide what is right. Never mind what the people think. ««

Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, Straits Times, 20 April 1987

It is up to the govt whether they want to interfere with your life and for what reason.

Sorry, you don't get a say in this. Your Lee-god has spoken.

...but wait...there's more:

»» If you can't force or are unwilling to force your people to follow you, with or without threats, you are not a leader. ««

SM Lee Kuan Yew, Success Stories, 2002

Anonymous said...

Maybe 60% of the beggars at MPS in PAP wards are successful in getting what they beg for?

Anonymous said...

Seriously got ppl do need help one leh. And the only way to help is gahmen stick its hand to give money to them.

Anonymous said...

Where did the govt get its money from? What is the purpose of the govt if it is not to help the people? To help themselves?

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans are so pathetic. When the going was good we did not hear all the bitching and all the whining. You never complain when the stop at 2 was announced, no bitching when they told you that Singapore needed FTs to upgrade the expertise of Singaporeans, no complain when you were told that graduates must marry graduates so that the next generation would be intelligent. Why now do you Singaporeans complain about your CPF, influx of FTs etc etc. PAP has so far been good for the country. Like it or not progress has been achieved over the 50 years. Stop complaining about this CPF issue. Don't like it? LEAVE and take your CPF with you. It is a free country and you have the right to go. No one is stopping you. More FTs will take your place and believe me, you WILL NOT BE MISSED.

Anonymous said...

" most of them are there to beg for one thing or the other..and the most beggars are to be found in the pap wards. "

So these Singaporean beggars .... is it because they are lazy or is it because PAP government is unable to create good opportunities for Singaporeans?

Anonymous said...

@ September 03, 2014 12:31 pm

I will mimic his arguments from a Singaporean's perspective:

PAP is so pathetic. When the going was good we did not hear all the PAP bitching and all the whining about PAP's sacrifices and PAP's low salaries.
PAP never complain when the stop at 2 was supported by Singaporeans, no bitching when Singaporeans supported the FT policy to help PAP upgrade Singapore,
no complain when Singaporeans supported PAP's graduate mother scheme.

Why PAP complain about Singaporeans now?
Singaporean have so far been loyal to PAP and the country.
Like it or not progress has been achieved over the 50 years with the support & hard work of Singaporeans.

Stop complaining about Singaporeans.
Don't like it?
LEAVE and take your aliens with you.
It is a free country and PAP have the right to go.
No one is stopping you.
More loyal Singaporeans will take your place and believe me, you WILL NOT BE MISSED.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 12:31, I know it is very difficult for your dull mind to understand why people are bitching and why you are bitching here. Things are not so simple and straight forward as you see them.

For all the examples you mentioned, let me help you to undertand by using a very simple analogy. You know what is an analogy? Ok, ok, it is another word for example.

If you are a gangster and went around collecting protection money, the people may grudgingly pay you $10 a month just to keep you away. Or maybe you actually helped to keep other gangsters away and maintained peace for the people to live their lives. So they don't mind paying you $10.

Then you increase to $20, $50, $100, $1000 or $10,000, every increase will becoming more painful and must be reciprocated by the benefits you are providing. If you are demanding $10,000 and still offer shit, you are out of business.

Did I get across to brighten up your dull mind? Or do you need me to make it simpler with easier examples to help you understand the issues?

Anonymous said...

RB, you should tell him that paying a IB $50 a week to come here to kpkb is ok. But when the IB is asking for $5000, then the money paid is no longer appropriate for the low quality of work they are doing and the IBs would be out of business also.

Another reason, now the IBs are needed. When things are going well, the IBs would not be needed and would be dismissed.

And there are more serious reasons to do so. IBs are basically people who would willingly compromise their principles and stooped to do dirty things. Such vile characters would only be good to do dirty works but cannot be trusted with important works or positions.

Good to be use as barking dogs only.

jjgg said...

To the iIBs..it's just a job..to the others..it's the passion.imagine..getting paid a few thousand dollars a month just to surf n respond with the same old arguments...time to get a real job bros...

Anonymous said...

If you are demanding $10,000 and still offer shit, you are out of business.
RB 2:12 pm

It depends lah. What looks like shit to RB maybe gold to others. I mean golden opportunity to make lots of money lah. If can make $10M, what is $10K to pay, tio bo?

Anonymous said...

I think the PAP IBs are like traitors who used to work for the Japanese Imperial Army in World War Two.

Anonymous said...

My advice to all the IBs. Whatever you are doing, just ask one simple question. Is it good for the country and people, or it is good for the interest of a party or a small group of people?

Think morally and don't do things that are against your conscience and against the interest of the people and country.

God bless you, to do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Simon predicted that the next GE
would be on 3 Jan 2015.

What say U?

Anonymous said...

Anon 3.04

Can you think of someone who is a Singaporean who worked for the Japanese invaders during WW2? Do you call such a person traitor? Surely not.

Anonymous said...

Q: What does PRC people call a Chinese guy who works for the Japanese Imperial Army in World War Two?
A: Traitor.

Q: What do Singaporeans call a Chinese guy who works for the Japanese Imperial Army in World War Two?
A: Founding Father.

Do you think truth is stranger than fiction?

Anonymous said...

Chin leng, I understand that 20% of the population never made past 65. This includes some of my relatives and friends. In fact I notice that prof Arthur lim, a doctor and eye surgeon, very well off and can definitely can afford the best medical care also die at 80. Most in the obituary page also don't made it past 75 and the cpf is assuming u live 20 years after 65. Serious or not. The only one past 85 is our former pm but not everyone can live that long. I also wanted to enjoy mei mei before my tool get rusty too so give me back my cpf lar. I am sure angkonkia and matilar are agreeable

b said...

It is not right for gov to withhold people money. But this world is not about right or wrong. It is about power. 60% of the voters give the papists the power to do so. Just like many jews gave the romans the power to cruxifix innocent Jesus even if it is a very wrong thing to do.

Anonymous said...

I agreed. I also wanted to hug my mei mei before the flesh can no longer do so. So I want my cpf back for my little enjoyment. Anything wrong or not?

Anonymous said...

Without the Guidance and hardworks of the Government, Singaporeans could be staying in attap huts and fishing in prahu.
Today, Singaporeans are driving Mers, Bms, Audis and live in condos all over the Island. Some live in properties that cost tens of millions.
Be grateful that be it housing, healthcare, education or transportation, no other nation is as good. Which countries have covered walkways to bus stops and trains that transport the people country wide. Shopping is usually less than two kilometres away, integrated resorts are built for the old and young for leisure.
What about the many nationals from all over the World to serve You at superstores, eateries, pour your beers and provide You personal services. Get a great massage from the top to the bottom anywhere and lucky ones even get to bring them home.
All the above-mentioned are due to the dedication of the Government to the people.
Be grateful and count your blessing that the Government has taken good care of You.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:02, please stop being an idiot. Gratefulness must go to the deserving. When a good leader turns bad, you cannot continue to be grateful without being silly.

In govt, many leaders started good but turned bad later. Would you put a bullet into your doberman that starts to bite everyone, including you, even if it has served you well for a long time?

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:02, please stop being an idiot. Gratefulness must go to the deserving. When a good leader turns bad, you cannot continue to be grateful without being silly.

In govt, many leaders started good but turned bad later. Would you put a bullet into your doberman that starts to bite everyone, including you, even if it has served you well for a long time?

Anonymous said...

Sinkies should be grateful to Nathan and Kuan Yew as well. Had they not worked for the Japenis during World War Two, there could be more locals killed by the imperial army. They themselves might have been massacred.
It is said that Kuan Yew was a translator for the Japenis, did not know he knows Japenis language that well.

Anonymous said...

Rb // They must not arrogate themselves to mess around with the people’s lives and their personal matters like child bearing or how to spend their life savings, how to retire. //

Rb, your frustration is this aspect is unlikely to get any redress this life as long as YEW r a sinkie or born one.


Look at old man's name: It "speaks" for itself that your life will be "controlled and interfered" in. Rb, have YEW not realised his name sounds like "Li Kuan You" aka "Li control you"? Have YEW ever wondered if his name sounds like "Li kuan me" instead of "Li kuan you", they would not have meddled so much in your life?

Anonymous said...

New "lynal itchy" song: " 管You, 管Me "

[Chorus ]

"管You, 管Me, 管 us always , that's the way it will be.
管You, 管Me, 管 together,

I had a dream, I had an awful dream.......
People in the par playing games in the da
And what they played was a wayangparade
And from behind of walls of fear a voice was SHOUTING out

管 you, 管 me

As we go down SINKIELAND's highway
Seems the hardest thing to do is to find trust or truth
Many untrustworthy man
They only understand
That when PMEs lost their jobs
They will only say "Go drive a taxi"


管You, 管Me, 管 us always , that's the way it will be.
管You, 管Me, 管 together,

Rb, YEW see.

Your life will always be "meddled" !

Because they will "always 管You, 管Me, 管 sinkie together,
LEEGALLY " ........

Anonymous said...

New "minegal blueblur " song "管you, 管me, 管sinkies"

" Tell me when CPF will be mine
Tell me 管you, 管me, 管sinkies
We can share SINKIELAND destiny
Just don't make me wait till CPF not mine

When will you say yes CPF to me
Tell me 管you, 管me, 管sinkies
CPF means happiness to me
when will it be returned at 55

Every minute CPF is not paid to me
Every minute seems a lifetime
Let me tell you how
By coming to HLP camaraderie

SINKIES can't wait any more
Tell me 管you, 管me, 管sinkies
Say its sinkies you call daft
Tell sinkies CPF can return at 55

Every minute CPF is not paid to me
Every minute seems a lifetime
Let me tell you how
By coming to HLP camaraderie

SINKIES can't wait any more
Tell me 管you, 管me, 管sinkies
Say its sinkies you call daft
Tell sinkies CPF can return at 55

Whoa garment tell me when
tell me when tell me when
Yo cum on tell me when
Yea CPF at 55! "

Anonymous said...

I want to hug my mei mei, so can't u understand? Give me back my cpf before I no longer can stand.

oldhorse42 said...

Ya why do we need MPs to manage HDB estates and ping pong teams? Professionals can do the job better and cheaper!
MPs should only be law makers. They should spend time in parliament drafting and debating and passing good laws .

Anonymous said...

Law making is just a minor job. Just go there and raise hands. Part time mah.