
Hsien Loong’s popular TV show

‘Ask the PM’ is indeed a popular show with 700 questions tabled and the talk of the town. The questions varied from the serious national issues, bread and butter issues to entertaining the juveniles. It was actually asking too much to expect 700 questions to be answered in all seriousness in a one hour slot. As a result some viewers were disappointed as they did not get what they wanted to hear. Only the children were the happy ones.

Let me put up a few suggestions to make this show better and more thorough so that no one will be disappointed and left feeling hungry and unhappy that many issues were not adequately tackled. The serious adults must be demanding for a detailed discussion on national issues. But the children must be very happy knowing the PM also shared the same passion for comic heroes.

With this in mind, one thing the producer could do is to classify the TV show into different segments to cater for different groups of people, the PG14, PG16, PG21 or X rated. No NAR please. This will in a way separate the viewers so that their interests would not clash and start to blame one another, or be bored by the different issues raised by the different age groups.

Another thing is to turn it into a serial to give more time to the different category. Otherwise there is no way to answer 700 questions within one hour. With only a handful of questions answered, nearly 700 people would be very angry for putting up the questions and the effort knowing that it was a waste of time.

And the 700 questions were only the beginning. When the serial is on air, more questions could come in and the streets would be silent. People would all be rushing home to watch the programme, Monday for children, Tuesday for youth, Wednesday for adults, Thursday for aunties and Friday for uncles. Oh, Saturday night primetime can be reserved for foreign talents. It could be a long running series to better the Taiwanese Life drama. And no one can complain about the questions being too shallow, naïve, jokes and nothing serious. The adult series would definitely be serious and the children would be light hearted. They might call Hsien Loong uncle in the programme. The interesting one could be the auntie series, and they may regard Hsien Loong as an auntie killer.

There is great potential for this programme to be as famous as Yes, Prime Minister! It could generate a lot of revenue for Mediacorp and propel Hsien Loong as a TV idol, a heart throb of the young and the aunties.

Think my suggestion is good.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. Who is paying for the expenses for this TV show?

  2. RB, knn u are damn good is segmentation leh

  3. For the kids, he should come in dressed as Superman. As for all others, he can come in as Alfred E Neuman.

  4. Want to do a show might as well do it well. The last show was neither here not there and some people got quite annoyed by it. It defeated the whole purpose of the show.

  5. @ Chua Chin Leng aka redbeanSeptember 16, 2014 11:48 am

    /// Want to do a show might as well do it well. The last show was neither here not there and some people got quite annoyed by it. It defeated the whole purpose of the show ///

    Ya, want to do, do well?

    Run a cuntry cannot like that?

    Cannot like "mai hum, ai hum, mai hum, ai hum, mai hum, ai hum " ......... ?

    "Ai or Mai " must make up mind and be resolute?

    Like that "everyone" suffers if "ai, mai, ai, mai "?

    The hawker sure "kee siao "?

    Tell them "ai hum' , then tell them "mai hum ", then "ai hum", then change mind "mai hum ", then "ai hum " again?

    The hawker "very cham "?

    Do YEWR one person business "ai hum, mai hum, ai hum, mai hum, ai hum,mai hum, ai hum" ...........?

    到底 "mai hum or ai hum"?

    YEW say the hawker "cham or not "?

  6. A running series as suggested by Rb will certainly get the Prime Minister to endear himself to Sinkies.
    However, me doubts the Prime
    Minister will consider the Peoples' feelings as his priority. Getting the People to conform will make governance that much easier for the Ruling Class. So, just a side show to create a soft side should suffice.

    Please do not take 'ai hum mai hum' as a joke, it can confuse You and give You much headache, especially if the One is from the Imperial Household.

  7. "It was actually asking too much to expect 700 questions to be answered in all seriousness in a one hour slot."

    - anyone attempt to do a show for a pm with 700 bread and butter questions within one hour is insulting the national tv, the voters, the audience and most important the entire cabinet including the pm. the management of the organiser should be sacked.

  8. Those who enjoy wayang, let them enjoy.

    Those who enjoy soap operas, let them enjoy.

    We know all these are shows put up for the converted fans to enjoy. Let it be.

  9. @ Anon 2.42pm // Please do not take 'ai hum mai hum' as a joke, it can confuse You and give You much headache//


    Very Tiok!

    Very Der TIOK TIOK TIOK!

    Now sinkies confidence in the garment or the future prospects is on a slippery slope?

    Visibility is at most in weeks and months?

    For those sinkies who interact frequently or daily with the ground, it is quite noticeable that things are "slowly but surely " falling apart?

    Those who might have the heart in the right place are helpless and also "cannot" help because they are likely to be "wacked down" with a "sledgehammer" if they "offer to help " ?

    Those who are "in charge " mostly dun have "any heart " or "in the wrong place "?

    Predictably, under such climate, there is only one direction society, hope and future prospects can go, and that's sliding down the slippery slope?

    The ending is also quite predictable?

    Mai hum ah mai hum?

    YEW "ai hum or mai hum " sinkies also jiatlat? Because mee siam in the first place doesn't have hum?

    YEW can only regain sinkies confidence and buy in if YEW publicly eat "MEE SIAM WITH HUM " in a hawker center

  10. Redbean,
    that has to be one of most expensive comedy show in the world. This pinky comedian is pervasive that Shitty TV has no quell to show his show frequently whenever there is advertisement time.

    First of all, brainwash other by showing his face and his nonsense of blah blah blah, and secondly earn his TV companies countless money due to his show of face in advertisement (you think advertisement is free ?). What could be better to use taxpayer money to promote his party and himself.

    What do you think ?
