
Ex NUS prof resume fraud

In the ST today, former asst professor of NUS ‘who landed a prestigious position at a United States university is now at the centre of a sensational fraud investigation’. Anoop Shankar’s resume includes ‘a doctorate in epidemiology, graduated from India’s top medical school when he was 21, was a member of the prestigious Royal College of Physicians and had been awarded a “genius” visa to America’.

I must say that was impressive. And more impressive, he was at the Duke NUS Graduate Medical School and his 3 papers with Associate Professor Koh Woon Puay must be so good that she had no reason to doubt his talent and is standing by the joint papers.

Now that this professor Anoop Shankar has lost all his positions in the US, maybe he can come back to this talentless island to resume his position here. When a person is good he is good. Just like when a person is good, without a degree doesn’t matter. Singapore has made a quantum leap forward by looking at real talent and performance and not about a piece of paper.

The Americans were not impressed and have regarded this as ‘among the most serious of its kind, has now also sparked scrutiny into the larger issue of fraud that goes unchecked at some institutes of higher education’.

Singapore has no such worry and has no need to go on a witch hunt. All the talents landed in Singapore are genuine talents with real certificates and degrees. Even got no degree never mind, can be promoted also if they are found to be good. And best if they can impress their fellow professors that they are really good.
Shall Singapore extend another welcome to this “genius? Give him a pink IC and we will have a good catch, another talented new citizen.

Kopi Level - Yellow


  1. How about qualifications from
    University of Financial Trade?

    How about qualifications from
    University of Financial Trade?

    How about qualifications from
    University of Financial Trade?

  2. Shall Singapore extend another welcome to this “genius?

    What for, when he is already exposed and there are so many "geniuses" queueing to enter?

    Be a genius by all means and come to Sinkieland, but just don't get exposed!

  3. Best of all - I wonder how much grant monies (taxpayers monies) did he managed to con from Astar - see awarded projects - http://www.a-star.edu.sg/Portals/0/research/BMRC_4th_Grant_Call_(2005)_-_Results.pdf

  4. This "genius" not smart lah, or else how come got exposed, u tell me lah?

    So be smart or learn to be smart, doesn't matter genius or not, Sinkie or not, opposition or not.

  5. The bugger even got two of his friends to frame the US don who was investigating him to frame the US don for sexual assault. The US don sued him and he had to pay $45k. This kind of news really make me angry with the papigs! Own local people with real degrees they don't want to hire. Bloody monkeys with monkey brains from overseas they hire and pay BIG money, the pay so big these bloody monkeys cannot even make in their native land in their entire lifetime.

  6. Come Come Come, once a genius always a genius. Singapore welcome you. Never mind what the American say. You are always welcome to Singapore. We need you to boost our prestigious university lecture team. Fake degrees also accepted. Singapore needs people like you. Come Come Come, oh please Come.

  7. Our dons found him very good, nothing wrong with him, nothing suspicious of him. They even endorsed his works. He is a genius to our stupid dons.

  8. I am sure his new CV will have the word Singapore plastered all over, Duke NUS! And his fellow professors that he had worked with. Nice company.

  9. How come he was caught in US and not in Sinkieland where he was earlier hah?

    The US authorities (maybe with much less pay) are smarter than Sinkie ones lah, tio bo?

    Juast like Anon 10:46 am, this really makes me angry too.


  10. Why need to study so very hard? I think "FAKE" is in the world. May be there is another $44 millions somewhere waiting for U!

  11. In Sin, we trust every talents and their CVs. No need to check, no need to waste time. Why ask a monkey to check another monkey when they will collaborate with each other and take your money and still call you stupid?

  12. University of Financial Trade degree no need once he has proven himself. Remember, degree not important.

  13. Do we have brains?

  14. Come on Folks.
    If a tertiary institution was, is not able to verify a professorship, how can we expect any other organisation and employer to know the educational qualifications of their staff?
    This shows thay fake talents are sometimes better than qualified talents.

  15. Aiyah.. dun create a mountain out of a molehill

    Probablee it an oversight by the HR, an honest mistake... let's move on

    Some more, ah neh qualee from americunt uni, dun play play

    Angmoh cocks sucker like me prefer such uni over ah neh uni

    More .... Surely he is a bargain, better than any papigs

    Leemember, choose the koret party.

    It's parish, u daft

  16. Do you think Anoop Shankar is too over-qualified to be a PAP grassroots leader?
    Maybe he can help integrate alien talents into Singapore society?

  17. can issue pink IC, two wrongs made a right.

  18. MS, don't be silly lah. There are 500,000 FTs here no problem. Only one case. What is the big deal?

  19. Tip Of the Day:
    EVERYONE who is an employer IS FULLY AWARE of fraudulent qualifications, degree mills etc. So CHECKING is now standard procedure.
    September 12, 2014 12:42 pm

    @ matilah.
    Sure or not?
    PAP govt. got check meh?
    PAP General says "one shot, one kill".
    So Anoop Shankar has already been sprinkled with PAP's Holy Newater and declared to be a talent that Singaporeans lack.

    Well done PAP.

  20. I think there is an unspoken rules in Sin City. Fakes no need to apply. And no fakes will be so dishonest that they still want to come here with their fake CVs.

    We have a very good understanding with the fakes, like we pay the fakes good enough that they would not want to be fakes.

  21. Another day and another fake talent!
    This fake professor is smarter than the chinese fake from Zhejiang University. The chinese fake only conned an old lady of her millions and the PAP of their credibility.
    This Indian fake conned a top University which is supposedly staffed with brilliant minds and his fellow co worker who could be another fake.

  22. The prof from Duke Nus can vouch that he is a genius and recommend the university to take him back.

  23. RB, to be serious, there are half of million of these foreigners here and those asses are sitting so comfortably in their arses and not lifting a finger thinking all is well.

    Just take a very conservative estimate of 10% fake, we are talking of 50,000 of them walking around and bing paid good money for faking. To be real, at least 30% are fakes and that is 150,000 cheats working here as the real McCoys.

    And our asses earning their millions and very happy about it. And poor PME taxi drivers out of job.

  24. Can this be put into the Guinness World Records?


  25. Will those who read RB's articles
    and attached comments everyday be
    awarded a PhD in KPKB from RB
    University of Financial Trade?

  26. Based on the papists law, coning is a very important talent that most sinkies are not equipped with. To con people without even changing the eye pupil is a skill unique to the snake charmers.

  27. Haha, most willing to issue my Redbean PhD. It will definitely be recognised here. I mean in this blog.

  28. How many more such frauds in our universities, companies, banks and civil service? Foreign talent indeed.

  29. None. Only one now exposed.
    Don't you trust our system?

  30. When one Singaporean spends all his money in Batam ... PAP says all Singaporeans cannot be trusted with our own money.
    So when one foreign talent (in this case two) has been exposed;
    Why PAP Ministers never say all foreign talents cannot be trusted?

    - So can we now finally all agree that PAP is a Pro Alien Government?
    - and our Singaporean children got no future under this PAP regime?
    - True or not?

  31. U daft?

    These r talents that daft local born lacked

    Thanks to those wise men from papigs, the cuntry is benefiting from just influx of talents.T

    Leemember, papigs care for u, love u n

  32. Can learn from these talents right? Sure be invited for tea.

  33. Wow!
    The Way things are going, we may have to ask if OUR OWN TALENTS AND ELITES are REALLY DIFFERENT FROM ALIEN TALENTS LEH.

  34. Heck.. he can also be our PM

  35. One fake in 50 years OK LA!

  36. Does this apply to Singapore????

    “Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.”

    I think this is very true in Singapore.

  37. All the shit talents of the 3rd world are laughing themselves crazy at our stupidity all the way from the top. When they look at those clowns they must be wondering why daft Sinkies are paying them that kind of crazy money.

    Head shaking.

  38. This island has turned out to be filled with dafts. The most daft ones are right at the top, those incharge and making millions, even university professors, the easiest to con and cheat. Tell them a good story and they will believe you. Better show them your string of degrees and they will go down on their knees and worship you. Called yourself a genius and they will think you are God.

  39. To be fair, you don't expect our esteemed PM to check the credentials of every foreign talent that comes in here to take jobs away from the real talents of Sinkiepoor who are now driving taxis, peddling houses and insurance policies, do you?

    The persons responsible for hiring these cons whether in the private or public service should be held accountable and jailed for conniving or gross negligence. We have laws against spitting, littering, raping, robbing, etc. How about laws for letting in fake talents either from conniving to deceive or criminal negligence not to check or vet thoroughly?
