
VEP could be a blessing in disguise

Not that I think it is a good thing as it hits everyone in the pocket from both sides of the causeway. Any hike in such fees will only hurt the people, the ordinary people. The rich would not think of it as a cost thing. In fact it would be good if the fees are higher, like some suggesting the ERP charges should go up to $50 per pass so that their Merces and BMWs and Bentleys could have the roads to themselves.

Now a return trip is going to cost $40 or $50 daily and those that have to pay for it would become a real source of pain. For those Singaporeans who have bought homes in JB and commuting daily to Singapore will bear the brunt of these high charges. It would definitely put off people who are thinking of doing the same or relocating their factories or workshops to JB.

Why I say that this is a blessing is that it is a prelude to more of such to come. You can the light at the end of the tunnel. And this is just an eye opener. It is better to know what would be coming now before plunging in with all the money and cannot extricate without suffering huge losses later.

I hope no one has built any nursing homes for the oldies there or thinking of doing so. Now every trip to visit the old folks is going to hurt the pocket real bad. Filial piety and wanting to be near the oldies are going to be very costly if the oldies are residing in nursing homes in JB. For those who have done that, they may want to bring back their old folks as the cost of commuting would negate the comparative advantages that were there before.

The VEP and toll charges have eroded whatever advantages JB has over Singapore. They have leveled the playing field of cost differences. In the case of Iskandar EZ, before the hen lays its golden eggs, it has been strangled to death.

See the blessing in disguise? The oldies too would be celebrating as their children would no longer find it attractive to park them overseas unless they chose not to visit them too frequently.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. Its a national issue, partly caused by the vast difference in income and property price. If no pro-active maesures are taken to discourage the outflow, Singapore will be doomed eventually. Singaporeans will start to buy houses in JB and communte between the two countries only for the purpose of employment.


  2. someone said before that with a
    stroke of a pen, policies can
    change overnight.....

    scary scary scary .......


  3. Happy investing in ISKANDAR!


  4. This VEP is indeed the way to go.

    Raise it as high as possible so that the pizza delivery boy and his off peak car will not clog up the causeway. He can jolly well revert back to his motorcycle.

    As for those who bought houses, bungalows and what nots in Iskandar, serve you right for not gazing into the crystal ball before you take the plunge. You think you got that house cheap? It's now a chip that is lost. This Iskandar pipe dream is something dreamt up of to sabo Sinkiepoor. And we will not take it lying down. No Sir! I say to that Fock You fella, keep up the VEP, increase it exponentially and those dumbfocks across the causeway will follow to their doom.

    Now, it is so breezy, nice and easy to drive into the cowboy town in my open top cabriole. No fumes and smoke from jammed vehicles! For all these, I gladly pay the VEP, more if they so require. It's all for the common good of people like me.

    This is one policy change that I applaud.

    Way to Go, Fock You!

  5. @9:47

    Why are you so pissed with the new reality? Expect more to come.

    Take it out on your wife not on the poor keyboard if you made a bad investment decision or if your grocery bag is getting smaller or you now have to sell off your "cheap" attap hut there and move back to your job.


  6. 9.47 am I have to disappoint u as I do not own 1 cent of asset in mat land. Having said that your selfish and inconsiderate attitude is less than desire. U need to take more life lessons on how to be a better human being. So u better start learning you motherfucker knn don't make fun of people who got trapped

  7. True. Taxes hurt those lower down on the socio economic spectrum -- i.e. the average middle-class chap who just takes advantage of opportunity...but not to "score big-time", but just to get ahead.

    If the arse falls out of the domestic real estate market in Johor, to me that is a GOOD thing...i.e. "buy" opportunity at rock bottom prices.

    Iskhandar is highly inflated anyway. Time for it to drop , and take out a few players from The Game. (It's just a game folks...nothing serious...all built on illusion anyway)

  8. @10:40

    Putting up a comment, however opinionated is making fun of people?

    You can choose not to read it or dismiss it as hogwash but what gives you the right to spew vulgarities and unsolicited advice?

    I started being a learned human being while you were still sucking milk!

    And for your information if you care to read between the lines and think further ahead with that pea brain of yours, those who invested in Iskandar are only facing a temporary setback. Like everything else, things will revert to normal as the new VEP charges are gotten used to. It is just a matter of time. Did you go to the streets to protest when MRT fares were raised? No you didn't. Didn't you accepted it in the end and life goes on per normal? Yes, you did.

    So teat sucking moron, you got lots to learn before you even want to engage in an exchange of views with me on RB's blog let alone a full blown debate, without the vulgarities.

  9. 10.55am don't make stupid assumptions

    1. I am 85 years old so I am already on earth before your dad put is load in to create you.
    2. How do you know it's only a temp setback? U mean u can tell the future? At my age I am afraid u will get a rude shock.
    3. I did go to the protest in mrt fare increase.
    4. I did not accept life goes on as usual and that is why I attended most of the protests and visiting blog to comment and meet a moron fucker list u posting nonsense.

    So now u see see how your tiny brain made so many wrong assumptions. By right u are lucky u were the chosen one instead of the second nearest sperm to reach the target and u get flush out instead.

  10. @11:26

    At 85, if you say so, you sure is one dirty old man. Lots of SYTs travelling next to you better be careful because you may do things you might regret later on. And remember, old age is no defence for a deviant old man.

    That said, you are the one making assumptions. I'm 90, yet like our MM still agile enough to face off with the likes of you. I am still your elder so be more polite will you?

    My advice to you is not to be so bitter with life although it appears it has been unkind to you. Accept it for what it is and you'll be a happier man. At 85, if you say so, you don't have much longer to live so if I were you, I would be kinder to myself and not be so stressed out with what others write, which is their absolute right to do so. If you still find it hard to accept, maybe you might like to consider checking into the IMH to check on your maniac depression which in my considered opinion is what you are suffering from.

    For a start, you might like to go easy on the vulgarity stuff. It demeans you. It shows the level of education you received and at the end of the day, God made a mistake by not striking you down with some dreaded disease at your age. That will surely take away some anger from your convoluted brain and you just might live quietly with equanimity.

  11. It is good to see a senior gentleman at 85 and still active contributing to the discussion on what is happening to the people and country.

    It would be nice to see an army of grand dads protesting and standing up to protect the ignorant kiasi, kiasu and kiachenghu young.

  12. With contributions like "KNN" "Motherfucker" "Sperm" and the like is "contributing to the discussion on what is happening to the people and country"?

    No wonder some of your detractors are not impressed with the diatribe you write sometimes though in your better days, you do say some brainy and thought provoking stuff.

  13. Asshole 12:24, why don't you try to write something intelligible for us to read?

  14. Yah man, why you so silly, everyday got no choice but must come here and read diatribes and get so angry. Are you stupid or what?

    You don't have to come here you know, silly ass IB.

  15. Singaporeans have to make Singapore a happy place to live in.
    If PAP cannot do this, we have to vote in a different government.
    How can we say ... put your old folks in Johor.
    And depend on the lower costs in Johor to cover up a very expensive Singapore?

  16. 12.03pm, at 90 u silly old farm again still made assumptions and never learned.

    1. Don't worry about me I am enjoying all the mei mei I can afford like angkonkia. Better u face the wall and jerk off yourself.
    2. At 90 u surely does not look polite to me calling people moron. At least I do not pretend by calling u an asshole.
    3. At 85 it's true that I don't have much time to live but better than a 90 years old asshole like u.
    4. I live as a happy man so since when did I say I am depressed?
    5. By the way I have a phd from top university versus based on my assessment you have a primary school psle education or at best may be ITE. And
    6. Finally stop bringing and hiding behind your god as it's. No use as I am a non believer.

    And stop pretending like you are a gentleman when u Abel others as moron and cursing them. At least I don't pretend anything and calling a spade a spade that You are aa asshole. But at least your parents have a nice session producing you as a freak accident and a curse to mankind.

  17. 12.03pm, at 90 u silly old fark again still made assumptions and never learned.
    Sorry reseeding as many typo errors due to unsteady finger.

    1. Don't worry about me I am enjoying all the mei mei I can afford like angkonkia. Better than u face the wall and jerk off yourself.
    2. At 90 u surely does not look polite to me calling people moron. At least I do not pretend by calling u an asshole.
    3. At 85 it's true that I don't have much time to live but better than a 90 years old asshole like u.
    4. I live as a happy man so since when did I say I am depressed?
    5. By the way I have a phd from top university versus based on my assessment you have a primary school psle education or at best may be ITE. And
    6. Finally stop bringing and hiding behind your god as it's. No use as I am a non believer.

    And stop pretending like you are a gentleman when u Label others as moron and cursing them. At least I don't pretend anything and calling a spade a spade that You are an asshole. But at least your parents have a nice session producing you as a freak accident and a curse to mankind.

  18. Just keep working, heads down, shoulders hunched, either directly as civil servants, or indirectly in private jobs, but in the end all the money goes back to the Government in taxes, rental, lease of HDB flats, GST, levies, etc.

    The bottom line is, you just have enough to eat and a roof over your heads for electing the government of your choice.

  19. /// Happy investing in ISKANDAR!
    August 13, 2014 9:12 am ///

    Now, it becomes Is Kan Lah!!!

  20. For those worst than shit and soulless, nobody would even bother to cast a glance if YEW follow the 7th month folks back to their "homes" at end of their " holidays ". That is that much of the "welcome" here for YEW. Even an heavily armoured M60 tank would feel "shy" standing next to YEW for the impenetrable skin of yours on your faces.

  21. so cheap ...so cheep

    cheepy, cheepy cheepcheep

    better raise charges fiVety folds laigi the bery bagus

    huat ah ..vote papigs 4 more goody years

  22. The pigs in the neighborhood are worst than 7th month ghosts. Heartlanders can smell their stench before they even board the trains in town tens of miles away. The stench gets more unbearable when the trains get nearer to the housing estates.

    But the worst stench are those in landed areas. 10 pig stys put together still are not as smelly as these places.

    When they are filled with shits from top to bottom, what come out are nothing but shits.

    Any wonder this place stinks everyday everywhere.

    What did one commenter here call this place?


    HA HA HA





  23. RB you are wrong. With increase in VEP, Sinkies will all the more put their old folks in JBland. Old folks' home will be much cheaper than S'pore and now the children will have an excuse not to visit their old folks more often. "Pa, Ma, now the VEP so high, we cannot afford to visit you often. Once a year on CNY can, hor?"

  24. Rb : // Not that I think it is a good thing as it hits everyone in the pocket from both sides of the causeway. Any hike in such fees will only hurt the people, the ordinary people. The rich would not think of it as a cost thing. In fact it would be good if the fees are higher, like some suggesting the ERP charges should go up to $50 per pass so that their Merces and BMWs and Bentleys could have the roads to themselves.//

    In this aspect, the Chinese has a saying:


    For a big state, it will not become a BIG power.

    For a TINY ISLAND STATE, it will be DOOMED!
