
The Americans want to take over the leadership of ASEAN

In the latest round of telling the ASEAN countries who is the boss, John Kerry was late for a meeting by more than half an hour and making the rest of the leaders wait for him. While this has been the normal for the Americans with its Allies, and to some extent with some ASEAN members that are used to call the Americans boss, not every ASEAN member will willingly accept this rude behavior of the Americans. But as small countries, and being the host in this meeting, they quietly ignored the lateness of John Kerry.

But there is another big country in the meeting and it would not allow the Americans to brush everyone aside as inconsequential. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi promptly told Kerry that he was late and had kept everyone waiting. Kerry had no choice but to apologise.

The Americans were trying to tell the ASEAN that they were here to lead. And they came with an agenda, to set the pace and conduct for the countries in the region, particularly on the South China Sea. The western media as expected treated the ASEAN Regional Forum as an American forum. In the front page of the local media, it was reported that ‘South east Asian countries yesterday expressed concern over “increased tensions” in the South China Sea and called for stepped up talks with China, a development the United States said was a setback for Beijing’s effort to play down the disputes.’ It added, ‘A senior US official said ASEAN countries’ concern over China’s maritime actions was at an “all time high” based on private conversations,…’ AGENCIES.

The communiqué issued after the meeting included the phrase, ‘We urged all parties concerned to exercise self restraint and avoid actions that would complicate the situation and undermine peace, stability and security in South China Sea.’ There was no reference to the American moratorium or the Philippines called to stop China from its construction activities in the South China Sea. This did not stop Perry from claiming that ‘the communique’s wording was new and strong criticism of recent Chinese actions’. Kerry added, ‘I think the language goes far enough…I think we made the points we came to make. We were not seeking to pass something; we were trying to put something on the table that people could embrace’.

The above line of thought that the Americans wanted to put across, that they have set the tone and agenda for ASEAN, was refuted by this comment in the same AGENCIES’ report, ‘But there was no specific mention of China in the final statement from an Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) meeting and the 10 nations did not take up a US and Philippine call for a freeze on provocative acts in the sea’. The Americans may want the world to believe it is the self appointed leader in Southeast Asia, but the ASEAN countries have different thoughts. No, they would not let any Johnny comes lately to boss around with them. And they would not accept anyone being rude and turning up late for meetings among leaders of equals.

John Kerry and his men may want to go back to Washington and tell Obama and the American people a different story, but it is clear that its leadership role was never a consideration. The Americans were just a guest to the regional forum. The Americans must not go away thinking that they have wrestled and taken over the leadership of the regional association. ASEAN will be a neutral regional association with its own interests and would not be manipulated by big powers and would not be led by big powers. It is not NATO or SEATO and will never be one.

Kopi Level - Green


Anonymous said...

Was he jerking off in his room?

Or, shagging the aung chee bye?

leemember... vote papigs 4 more good years

Veritas said...

I have written an entry about the Gaza conflict.

It is more important to see the big picture and so that we can make judgement whether Sunni Arabs are victims or Israel is good.

agongkia said...

Its a matter of time for American to take over the leadership of ASEAN if more and more ugly Asean citizen naming themselves with angmo names like Dony Tan or Jeorge Yeo..

See,only China's FM Wang Yi will dare to remind him of his lateness.
Why?Becos he is Wang Yi,not another Raymond.

Anonymous said...

The Americans and Pinoys were trying to use Asean to contain China. They think the Asean leaders were daft.

Anonymous said...

Kerry came to the meeting with the intention to put a thorn in China. However, having been told off by China for being late for the meeting must have made him take a step down. That aside, the US of A already have proxy countries in this region to vote and veto on their behalf. Japan, Pinnoyland, South Korea and to a certain degree Singapore are all such states. These countries will ask " how high ? " when their master call out " jump !". Such is the situation in this region.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Veritas, could you explain why the Americans were so prompt in attacking the ISIS and not doing anything when Israel attacked Hamas?

Israel's raid killed more innocent Palestinians than ISIS killing Iraqis. And to top it all, the Americans killed more Iraqis than all the Palestinians killed by the Israelis throughout their occupation of Gaza and West Bank.

Anonymous said...

But Sinkieland still need to buy arms and weapons from Uncle Sam, tio bo?

Why we didn't buy from the Chinese or Russians, u tell me lah?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I dun blame the Americans at all. They are already clear about global domination. They have "exorbitant privilege" with their toilet-paper fiat money, and bankrupt 10-year Treasury Bonds, but the world still flocks to buy 10yr US bonds and stocks of US Dollars, and the US itself buys its own bonds with PRINTED MONEY.

America practices "American Exceptionalism" openly and unashamedly. There is no "hidden agenda" with America. Everyone already knows America acts in America's self interest -- "if you dun agree, fuck you, we're America...we're awesome, bitchezz!"

ASEAN leaders themselves more or less "invited" their Big White Daddy Gangster to "protect" them from the Big Bad Evil Chinese.

ASEAN fuckers are hiding behind the skirt of their PIMP-Gangsta.

Fuck All Y'All!

Veritas said...

Veritas, could you explain why the Americans were so prompt in attacking the ISIS and not doing anything when Israel attacked Hamas?

Israel's raid killed more innocent Palestinians than ISIS killing Iraqis. And to top it all, the Americans killed more Iraqis than all the Palestinians killed by the Israelis throughout their occupation of Gaza and West Bank.

USA is manipulating the Arabs for sure.

But the Sunni Muslims have been too savage and their innate character too intolerant that USA is able to exploit their wickness.

For Israel, she does not want West Bank or Gaza, because Arabs will win by fertility and demographics. Israel just want peace with her neighbors.

What to do if hamas fired 2000 rockets into israel killing civilians? Even arabs themselves admit that.

If Malaysia fire 2000 rockets at singapore, when SAF go into johor and cause civilian casualties, RB you support who?

Veritas said...

While the USA went into Iraq, and now I look at forum, and a lot of Muslims claim that Christian deserve shit, because USA is christian.

Sunni is heartless and full of excuse. So if true Christian deserve shit, why Yazidi got shit also.

Why did Sunni conduct genocide and sex slavery on Yazidi. And this is not the first time, Sunni have been shitting on Yazidi since long time, since Ottoman...etc.

Yazidi women has been sex slave to Sunni after WATCHING SUNNI KILL THEIR HUSBAND.

Why why why?

Many people have been too timid and too afraid of Islam, because Islamist is more fierce.

Meanwhile people like pink dot type keep attacking software target like Christian...etc..

We need courage to speak the truth.

Anonymous said...

According to Israeli reports, the Iron Dome system is able to knock down all the rockets or at least near to 100%. So what are 2000 rockets?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Ok, ok, Veritas, cool it. I know this is one of your pet topics. Don't let you emotion run loose.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

We have Veritas, a non muslim, very well read about Islam and the Middle East, commenting on the issues.

Any muslim bloggers here share his view or disagree?

Anonymous said...

Kerry has gone to Australia to sign another military pact.

Anonymous said...

The on going 2014 Gaza massacre was the result bombings, shellings, shootings in UN & other highly congested areas . The re-supply of bombs , missiles, tank shells and other lethal weapons meant goods profits for those producing them.