
Tharman: S’pore needs to groom local banking chiefs

‘Two months ago speaking at the 40th anniversary dinner of the Institute of Banking and Finance (IBF), DPM and Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam told the audience that the Government wants to groom Singaporeans for leadership positions in the financial industry.

He said that financial sector skills and leadership development are key priorities for the industry, as they will define Singapore’s continued success as a financial centre.

“We must ensure we are well prepared with the skills, depth of expertise and innovative capabilities to stay relevant and competitive. We have to continue to build globally competitive teams in Singapore, by proactively developing our Singaporean core while remaining open to foreign professionals with needed specialised experience and skill sets,” he said.

He emphasised the need to develop Singaporeans for positions of leadership in tomorrow’s financial world….

In a way, banks like DBS Bank is helping to ensure that it’s top leadership positions are manned by Singaporeans – by hiring foreigners and converting them to Singaporeans.’

I think Singapore has found the most efficient and effective formula to ensure that the banking sector will not fall into the hands of foreigners., Yes, follow DBS Bank’s example, hire foreigners and give them the pink IC and make them Singaporeans. Short and sweet and no need to waste money training Singaporeans. All the top bankers can be Singaporeans in double quick time. Just offer the foreigner CEOs citizenship.

In the same way, we can have the best politicians in our govt. Just go round the world and offer the best politicians Singapore citizenship and put them up as Prime Ministers and ministers. We would have the best politicians money can buy, instant tree politicians and bankers. We can do that to the universities also, to the civil service and GLCs.

This is the way forward to ensure a prosperous Singapore with a strong Singaporean core. Hsien Loong should have talked about it at his NDR to assure Singaporeans that this island will always take care of Singaporeans first and their future are in safe hands.

See, I am in agreement with govt thinking and policies.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. It should have been done long ago. Why? PM has no vision?

  2. RB, you have improved. Now you oso know how to speak in fork tongue.

  3. i have a interesting customer today
    parent china citizen, singapore PR,(now canada PR as well), 1st son school here since k1, singapore PR, two years ago go to canada now PR there as well give up singapore pr(maybe cause of ns). so body in singapore but mind in not in singapore. how?

  4. Saw this big headline in the ST, a bigger Singapore Sale.

    We should do it, sell off everything in the island. Everything is for sale.

  5. And what is wrong with the idea that we should bring in Talents from overseas to run our banks and other major industries after they accept Singaporean citizenship? After all, they will be Singapore citizens and will be the same as if true blue Singaporeans were to be in positions. I this this instant tree system is good for Singapore. Until we can find good enough local talents, this existing system will have to do.

  6. Hi Speed, will you be going to Hong Lim this Sat?

  7. Hi RB, There is a possibility I have to be in UK by then. If I am still here, in this wonderful land of chicken rice, I will surely join you at HLP. Look forward to finally having that kopi O Kau siutai with you.

  8. Ok, just let me know before Sat. We were so close but not knowing it: )

  9. Before the gomen succumbed to the Pinkerton Syndrome, Singapore banks were all led by Singaporeans. Even for some foreign banks like Citibank, the top management were mostly Singaporeans.

    Then someone decided local anesthesia is not good enough, must have foreign anesthesia. Good local banking leaders were replaced with retirees and FILTHS (Failed in London, Tried HongKong & Singapore) such as John Olds & Philippe Pillart.

    A whole generation to top Singaporean bankers were shunted to the sidelines.

    Now they want to groom so that they can once again condemn the locals to doom once the boom has zoomed.

  10. This govt is so talented and far sighted. Now they discovered they need to groom local talents for the banking industry in the future. They are so pro active, always thinking ahead.

    Singaporeans are so blessed. Money well spent, every cent of it.

  11. Long before Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his pro alien policies.
    Singapore was already a financial centre with plenty of good Singaporean bankers.

  12. What happened then? Why now no local bankers?

  13. I am getting sick and tired of such talk by our leaders. Nothing more than trying to close the stable doors when all the horses have bolted.

    Why the sudden realisation? Why? Why? Why?

  14. In the final analysis, I think Singapore really needs to groom more opposition MPs. That is the mother of all grooming that comes to mind.

    What do you think?

  15. We need one FT to replace Pinky. See how Pinky feel.

  16. Redbean says:
    "This is the way forward to ensure a prosperous Singapore with a strong Singaporean core."

    PAPigs will say:
    This is the way forward to ensure a prosperous Singapore with a strong PAP core.
    Singaporeans not needed lah!
    Any alien will do.
    Singaporeans only good for National Service and driving taxis.

  17. Everything has a price and almost everything is for sale. Learn to let go will set us free. Clinging to a citizenship that promises nothing will not bring us any happiness. The AhNehs and AhTiongs understand that very well so they are everywhere applying for Ca, Au, Eu, Us passports. Sinkies have a clear advantage over them at the moment before it is all too late. THe world belongs to those who dare to try (for a new passports) .

  18. Tharman can say whatever, however so long he is not the PM, his words are no use.

  19. He has unwittingly revealed one of his card and agenda.
