
SGX is in the pink of health

After two months of public consultations and another two months of thorough studies, the MAS/SGX have came out with several recommendations that would ensure the stock market to be in the pink of health and will continue to grow and grow with reduced risks, and the small investors well protected, with better liquidity and with more choices of stocks for the small timers to invest in.

It is a signal that all is well. There could be a few possibilities in the recommendations by the MAS/SGX. A slew of big and drastic changes could mean that things were not healthy, and thus the need to bring out the chopper to get the bad parts out of the way. And if there is nothing substantial that needs to be changed, just a minor tweaks here and there, it is as good as saying all it fine, nothing much needs to be done. Or there is nothing wrong with the stock market, really, sure.

Initially I was disappointed to think that the few minor changes would be too small to make any impact on a sick market. I was expecting some dramatic and major changes to save the market from dying. Obviously I was very wrong. There is hardly anything wrong with the stock market. I was being paranoid and saw only the bad stuff that was not there in the first place.

For those who think that the changes could be the last nail that goes into the coffin, they will be disappointed. The measures would surely help the market to revive, to survive and to grow in strength.

Mark my word, the market will be simply great and more buoyant, with more liquidity, and more investors will be swarming in to invest in the market when the new measures are introduced, just like all the previous introduced.

What are the new measures? Never mind. It is the result that is important.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. don't know much about the stock

    but one thing I know is that some
    of my friends who had invested in
    the stock markets, suffer heavy


  2. Your friends are not the only one. The system is unfair as long as the computers are allowed to trade against the small investors. It is as good as cheating.

    When right and wrong is blurred, a crime is no longer seen as a crime.

  3. There you go.. some positive news commentary from you, finally...

    Now go make some money will ya? Perhaps then you would be less bitter and wouldn't have to beg for alms just to buy "Kopi".

  4. Raymond.
    Failed as a transport minister.
    Trying to start a new career as a blogger is it?

  5. Raymond lost his job as a minister now must earn a living as a blogger. So pathetic.

  6. Anything under Pinky must now surely be in the pink of health. That is why I understand election is just round the corner.

  7. Diagnosis maybe less revealing than postmortem.
