
PMEs must apply to SG Jobs Bank

The SG Jobs Bank is now in service with 50,000 jobs available for Singaporeans and PRs. These jobs are technically on offer for 14 days before the employer could turn around and claim they have tried but failed to get a local and now can go and get their men/women from wherever they liked. How serious are these companies looking for locals to fill the vacancies or how few locals are qualified for the jobs would soon be known when the statistics are available in the coming months.

It is very important that Singaporeans apply to these positions quickly as it is like they are being given the first right of refusal by these companies through the Jobs Bank. There would of course be some companies just going through the motion with no intent to hire Singaporeans and would do whatever that are necessary to get their desired candidates other than Singaporeans.

There are two things that are important here. First, Singaporean PMEs must respond vigorously to these job advertisements. And two, the MOM must keep a close watch at how the recruiting process is being carried out seriously and not a farce just to appease MOM’s requirements. Hopefully MOM has procedures to collect the data and to monitor and assess how things are being done professionally and not have companies pulling wools over their eyes. It is good that MOM has set up a Fair Consideration Department (FCD) to support the FCF and the Jobs Bank.

Gilbert Goh may want to provide a parallel monitoring channel for PMEs who applied and failed to secure a job despite the 50,000 jobs available. Keep track of what is happening to make sure the employers do not turn this Jobs Bank into a circus. With some of the comments posted in TRE, and if they are an indication of the intent of some of the employers, some monkeys would not treat the Jobs Bank seriously. The threatening remarks that MNCs would move out are hogwash. If they can find another paradise with an English speaking workforce, an environment that is so friendly for businesses and for leisure, no fear of personal safety, please go. And the arrogance of some claiming that they could not find local talents is a sign that they did not intend to find local talents and are bent on hiring their own kind.

MOM would have a lot of work cut out for them to haul up the rascals for a whipping. The Jobs Bank is only a start and now it is the details and the realities on the ground that matter. The FCD needs more manpower to police the processes. Singaporean PMEs must make an effort to reclaim their rights to decent jobs from this portal. All those professionals driving taxis, under employed, unemployed, please submit your applications quickly and best, give Gilbert Goh a feeler of your applications and the results for analysis.

Let’s hope this is real and the employers are serious. Any rejections have to be critically checked by the FCD to make sure they are valid and reasonable. They need to start by checking the CVs and qualifications of the imports from overseas and punish the culprits severely to make a point. The FCD/MOM must have the means to deal with the recalcitrants and not just having kopi and nice talks with them. Everyone must watch how this game is being played henceforth and Singaporean PMEs are not convenient rubbish to be dumped into the waste paper bins.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. Wayang lah. I have no confidence in MOM until they prove me wrong.

  2. When the wheel is set in motion, it is like a rocket in mid air?

    How to stop it?

    Can it be stopped?

    Rb having high hope and wet dream on his self one-sided love affair with an ex-paper tiger, oops, should be paper general?

    Remember 1986?

    A space shuttle exploding in mid air in full world view?

    Is sinkieland awaiting their own fate of similar fireworks?

    If paper generals are really the real stuff, old man would have seconded them long ago to build the Apple, Samsung, XiaoMi, Alibaba, Google to secure our future?

    What is the criteriia to collect fat pay checks?


    Oh, YEW mean YES MEN?

    How about also soulless?

    Are those NO MEN and with full soul like CSJ, KJ, TSL, FS, GOPALAN ever eligible?

  3. Singaporeans are too soft for some of the positions on offer. Most jobs will go the the foreigners. SINGAPOREANS WILL LOOK FOR SOFT JOBS THAT ARE OUT OF THE SUN IN AIRCON ENVIRONMENT, EVERY WEEKEND OFF, NO NEED TO WORK AFTER 5.00 PM, LOTS OF PAY AND NO STRESS.

  4. Mom so goooooooooooooooooooood !

    What else to ask?


  5. Anon 8.57am // LOTS OF PAY AND NO STRESS //

    Are YEW referring to those residing in 800 storey high IVORY TOWERS?


  6. Agree that singaporeans like ESSO jobs.....

    ESSO = Every Saturdays Sundays Off.....

  7. I don't understand the SG Jobs bank leh.

    Now, if the employer claimed to have tried but failed to get a local in the Jobs bank, how does MOM verify this to be true? Does MOM put themselves in the shoes of the employer to verify? And if a lot of employers say the same, does MOM has the resources to verify all?

    And don't forget, despite the Jobs Bank, the MOM are still allowing lots of foreigners to come here and be available to employers.

  8. 50 years of PAP government.
    And this is what we have in Singapore.
    Jobs Bank is not a major PAP government success.
    Jobs Bank represents a band aid solution to a very bad problem created by the PAP government.

    Singaporeans work very hard to uplift ourselves in education.
    We deserve a better government than what PAP has to offer.


  9. Jobs should be given to those who are capable and suitable for the position. Singaporeans MUST NOT be given preferential treatment. If you are an employers would you employ an unsuitable Singaporean or one from a foreign country who is more suitable for the position? When the bottom line counts, it is always better to go for the cheaper and more productive option. Singaporeans are less productive and more expensive than FTs. So if you own a company and you are out there to make money, would you go for the less productive and more expensive Singaporeans? I think not.

  10. This whole JOB Bank is a sham.

    As you rightly pointed out, the employers are just going through the motions.

    Actually, the whole trouble started when some morons said that foreign companies would pack up and go if foreign workers are not allowed in. This piece of sewerage talk just embolden these employers and hence we are in the situation which we now find ourselves.

    Also, all the so called FTAs we negotiated were closed by a bunch of asses when they gave in on the matter of opening up our employment market to their workers. What we got in te end were sub par so called professionals with fake credentials mostly.

    The only thing to do would be to pack them all home and issue no more PMET visas. As simple as that.

    Meanwhile, we should welcome all those hardworking Bangla workers for without them this country will really go down the sewerage tube. We should also allow Pinoy service staff because only they can provide good service in restaurants and the like. The old aunties and uncles now taking over just cannot hack it and looking at them while eating my food, I quickly lost my appetite. As for the hookers and night club hostesses and other places where you want a fling, please continue to allow PRCs in. They're damn bloody good at what they do.

  11. U see...

    Papigs the bestest...

    FiVety % discounts at poleeclinic for white hair generation, quick go queue up 2 c doctars but beware of medicine that r excluded hor...

    Security guards.... minimum pay hor

    Mee-cee, kooleee kang also ai kee

    Mata mata koolee kang poon keep.

    Cleaners pay also kee

    Chia lui also kee-k

    Supermart prices also eng -kai kee, stinkapoo standard of living veri the standard.

    So... u fucking darts dun everlee day stop cry papa, cry muther

    Huat ah... vote papigs

  12. The Jobs Bank is simply a way for PAP to show and tell Sinkies that PAP is doing something for those "can't get a job" Sinkies.

    Whether or not it is effective to get Sinkies the jobs they want is a separate issue.

    Just like for public transport, fare hikes and breakdowns are separate issues, according to PTC chairman Gerard Ee.

  13. High value add means high class escort? Selective?

    Every Tom, DICK, HAIRY, STDs, VDs, HIVs, what have YEW is like 3rd world LOW VALUE ADD factory? NON-Selective? Machiam Keng Cheo Kar? Cheap can liao? Heard about Deskar Rd?

    Even prostitution also can choose HIGH VALUE ADD like escort or low/ no value mass pump and pump like Desker Rd or Keng Cheo Kar or was it Mang Ka Kar?

    Our selective HIGH VALUE ADD first world slid back to low value add labour intensive food and beverages service economy?

    Plenty of BUZZ but where is the VALUE? Where is the quality? Where is the BIG SPENDING POWER? How to make our living exporting food and beverage service industry? Yew have to bring in mass cheap 3rd world lavour to man the industry. Yew have to bring in even more 3rd world tourists to sustain the high costs. Lots of BUZZ yes! Real spending power or export competitiveness? Yew judge for yourselves.

    This type of economics is really even behind the 1960s standard which brought us 3rd to 1st world.

    By another generation, another memoir can be titled "From 1st World to 10th World "?

    Who is the author?

  14. Just a question,.
    are MOM Emoloyees themselves happy workers or even satisfied with their job and pay???

  15. @ August 08, 2014 9:54 am
    /// Jobs should be given to those who are capable and suitable for the position. Singaporeans MUST NOT be given preferential treatment. ////

    If Singaporeans are not going to be given preferential treatment, than I think it's time this company consider relocating themselves out of Singapore so that they can do as they please.

    /// If you are an employers would you employ an unsuitable Singaporean or one from a foreign country who is more suitable for the position? ///

    If you want to employ foreigners like Indian talents ... than please relocate your company to India.

    /// When the bottom line counts, it is always better to go for the cheaper and more productive option. ///

    I think it's time all these "cheapo" companies relocate themselves to India & China.
    Please go.
    We don't want you here.

    /// Singaporeans are less productive and more expensive than FTs. ///

    So please go. We don't want you here in Singapore.

    /// So if you own a company and you are out there to make money, would you go for the less productive and more expensive Singaporeans? I think not. ///

    Again ... please go.
    Relocate to India and China and you can lower your costs even more.
    We don't want champion complainers here in Singapore.

  16. It's time we become more selective with:
    a) the type of aliens we want in our country.
    b) the type of companies who set up shop here in Singapore
    c) the type of political leaders we vote into office

    No more blank checks.

  17. Anonymous August 08, 2014 12:11 pm
    /// It's time we become more selective with:
    a) the type of aliens we want in our country.
    b) the type of companies who set up shop here in Singapore
    c) the type of political leaders we vote into office

    No more blank checks.///


    YEW are 30 years late?

    Should have realised in 1984?

    The Chinese call it: " 不见棺材不流泪 "!

  18. MoM has to go thru the motions in an attempt to "appease" the noisy entitlement-mentality | The-world-owes-me-a-living | the-govt-owes-me-a-job crowd.

    In fact, there is only the Golden Rule:

    He who has the GOLD, makes the RULES.

    Q: What makes setting up enterprise in Singapore so damn awesome?

    A: The freedom to hire and fire whomever you choose for whatever your reason (usually it is the same reason: make the most amount of money possible)

    Got Capitalism 101? (aka Freedom Of Contract)

  19. RB

    Most MNCs have already halted their expansion plans.

    In addition, some have now moved out their functions.

    English speaking graduates can be hired thru the rightsourcing mode much more cheaply now all over the world.

    Furher, because of broadband and internet, senior management may as well be at the beach area.

    You seem to think MNCs have no choice, they do have choices and a lot of choices, so present senior management can enjoy but good luck to those starting out than.

    Prime example Maersk and Evergreen which caused Singapore which thought it had a monopoly to charge ridiculous premiums.


  20. RB

    The FCF is definitely good for all PMEs and enforcement should be heightened and you do have some points but to state that MNCs have no choice and we can price ourselves , well, I would beg to differ unless your only interest is very short term.


  21. Hi Anon 11.20

    Is that all you can say? You are pathetic to say the least. All you can say is " please go ". Singapore needs foreign investments and more enterprises to locate here. Ask yourself, if you run a business, do you go for productivity or are you so stupid as to indulge in sentimentality? In the dog-eat-dog world, especially in Singapore, one has to be practical and realistic. Making money is the end game. So, please do not show your stupidity and ignorance and just say " please go ".

  22. August 08, 2014 1:04 pm
    /// Making money is the end game. ///

    You are right ass-hole.
    And Singaporeans are not making any money.
    It's time to force out all these cheap companies that can only pay starvation wages.
    Business is a 2 way street.
    Both parties have to benefit.

    And if PAP cannot lead Singaporeans to a better life;
    Then it's time to change government.

  23. Many PME's have already migrated. They have joined the ranks of darkness.

  24. Why should Singaporeans accept starvation wages in order to keep cheapo companies here?
    Why are we subsidizing our Millionaire PAP Ministers lack of ability by accepting starvation wages for ourselves?

  25. Why must Singaporeans accept starvation wages to keep cheapo companies here in Singapore?
    Why not landlords reduce rents to keep the cheapo companies here in Singapore?

  26. There will be MNCs that would pull out. They would be replaced by those who find this place attractive to come in. The cheapskate MNCs that want cheap labour can go to where the cheap labour is. Bringing cheap labour here is not what we want except for some of our industries. Cheap labour lowers wages for citizens as well, and cheapens the whole system and turning it into cheapo 3rd World.

    We are flooded with more and more people because of cheap labour and low productivity and low value add industries. We need to restructure away from such industries.

    Some MNCs have gone, good riddance, if they have found another paradise.

    1. Agreed. I worked in manufacturing before, some jobs are just so rote and repetitive a single person adds very little value. In such case the product must be high value enough or the company needs to move toward getting high value employees. Otherwise it will still be needing a lot of people, each doing little bit for mediocre results.

  27. // Prime example Maersk and Evergreen which caused Singapore which thought it had a monopoly to charge ridiculous premiums. //
    August 08, 2014 12:37 pm

    In the case of Maersk & Evergreen;
    they moved out because the PAP government was not willing to reduce rents.
    Not because Singaporean workers were asking for million dollar salaries to be honest.

  28. "...they moved out because the PAP government was not willing to reduce rents."
    Anon 1:30 pm

    That's only half the story. The other half was that they could manage to find another country which offer them cheaper rents.

    If they had not found a cheaper place, they might have continue to remain in Sinkieland.

    And for the same reason why 60% continue to vote for PAP. Because there is not another party which is ready to be govt, let alone be a better govt than PAP.

  29. Does not matter if WP and Low Thia Khiang is ready to be government or not.
    We are voting for them.

    What can Low Thia Khiang do?
    Cry ... after he is made Prime Minister?
    Just like LKY in 1965?

  30. Low Thia Khiang not so wimpy and 娘娘腔.

    Unlikely he would cry if made PM.

    But his CEP at most mb a minister.

  31. CSJ and KJ are two other potential candidates.

    If really destiny is set that way, we have to live with the results and people's choice.

    As for who should be made the head of the team, worst to worst, just use the simplest method if it is a deadlock.

    Heard about "scissor, paper, stone "?


  32. You mean post to the employment agents in Jobsbank or to the direct employers? MOM can't hold the employment agents accountable because their clients were kept secret from public viewing. In fact, those applicants won't know who is the employer's name if they apply thru recruit agencies in the Jobsbank.

  33. Most PMET's have already migrated or relocated. They much prefer to be like darkness. Who wants to be a beggar after all. What's going to happen is after two weeks of showcasing, these crooks will hire their own kind and nothing will ever change. If this could really change things and deliver a level playing field. Why would so many PMETs migrate or relocate in the first place.

  34. How come below has an ad that read Hire Foreign Worker.
    Any way its very unfortunate that we need a third party to monitor recruitment here.

  35. The only way to create better paying jobs for Singaporeans is to vote out the PAP government.
    - PAP is turning us into a 3rd world country
    - low salaries for workers
    - high rentals for the PAP landlord government
