
I also cry for the table tennis team

After more than 10 years of importing foreign players to don our national colours, we have won many medals internationally, including the elusive Olympic silver medal. The table tennis players have worked hard, done well and deserving well paid for their effort.

Where are the real Singaporean table tennis players other than a couple in the reserves and never have the chance to play, maybe a couple of times when we were already assured of a win.

What is the purpose of hiring the foreign players? Did they say that they are here to provide training for our own players, to motivate our players to play for our country? Or are they here for the long haul, to represent our country while our own boys and girls will forever play the bridesmaid or worse, the page boys or flower girls? Is this what we want, is this money well spent?

At least the silly buggers in the football team have a target, to be in the finals of the World Cup by 2010 or something like that. Nevermind if they failed to meet that deadline. They could do so by buying more foreign players and make it in the next World Cup. We have plenty of money. But is there a clear objective for table tennis, a goal and a date to achieve it? Would we have our own national team by 2020 and stop wasting public funds importing more and more foreign players?

Would we still be cheering the foreign players in 2020 and our bridesmaids and page boys would still tag along, happily enjoying the glory attained by the foreigners and carrying the medals on their chests with pride?

The thought of seeing a repeat of 2014 in 2020 or in 2030 makes me cry. Doesn’t anyone understand what stupidity means? Doesn’t anyone feel embarrassed by the whole scheme of things? Would the next appointed President repeat the folly to claim more glory and jump wildly every time we won a medal?

Is this money well spent to build a Singaporean core of talents?

PS: Please do not berate the foreign players. They are just doing what they are paid for. They are young people who just love their sports and their professions. The young have the privilege to be ignorant and to enjoy their blessings.

Kopi Level - Blue.  Thank you.


  1. Parents see their own children not doing so well in kindergarten and lower primary school so they adopt other people's children who seems to have more potential and give them the best education while neglecting their own children's education. Their foster children do very well and become doctors and PhD holders. Their own children become salesgirls and factory workers. What will other parents say when they see this? Sure to say knnccb your own flesh and blood you so fast give up on? Now your foster kids say thank you and go overseas to work and not come back and your own children will be the ones looking after you in old age.

  2. You are not thinking like a super talent. As far as super talents are concerned it is all about money. They will sell father and mother and spouses as well, for money.

    No attachment except to money.

  3. Is this money well spent to build a Singaporean core of talents?

    Please lah, it is not to build, but to replace Sinkies!

    But how can PAP put it in this way, even if it is the naked truth and obvious even to the daft Sinkies?

    And if this can happen even on a broader and higher level eg jobs, population growth, PR, citizenship, etc, what big deal is a game of table tennis, u tell me lah?

    Unfortunately, the "not ready to be govt" Sinkie opposition cannot be replaced by better and ready foreign talents. Can or not, u tell me lah?

  4. /// Please do not berate the foreign players. They are just doing what they are paid for. ///

    I fully agree & support this sentiment.
    Our anger should be directed at the PAP government if we are unhappy with our table-tennis team.

  5. Instead of recruiting young Chinese table tennis talents to compete with Singaporean talents in the Singapore team.
    - why not recruit foreign "middle-aged" table tennis talents instead.
    - if they are middle aged, they will not be around too long to deprive our young Singaporean talents of a place in the team
    - at the same time, these middle aged foreign talents might be more willing to share their skills with our Singaporean youngsters

    What do you think?

  6. /// Parents see their own children not doing so well in kindergarten and lower primary school so they adopt other people's children who seems to have more potential and give them the best education while neglecting their own children's education. ///

    Please do not make the mistake of thinking the PAP as our parents.
    Or Lee Kuan Yew as our Founding Father.
    These PAP people are our masters.
    We are their slaves or what LKY calls "digits".

    "I freed thousands of slaves.
    I could have freed thousands more, if they had known they were slaves."
    Harriet Tubman

    1. Sinkies will remain DAFT AND NOT MIND BEING DAFT.

  7. How can one not jump up in joy to have the privilege of attending the Olympic as part of ones duty. Mind You that he got diplomatic(VVIP) treatment. And nothing beats getting Million Sin Dollars for doing that kind of job. Or is it a job?

  8. That Ah Huay dared to cry some more. The medals at 2008 Beijing Olympics and 2010 World Team Championship got nothing to do with Lee Bee Huay as she just took charge of STTA (Screw The Taxpayers Association).

    The highs and lows of her 6 years at STTA - the highs are due to the previous leaders as training takes years (both locals and foreign players), and the lows are entirely due to Ah Huay.

  9. We can see this image everywhere at our work place and organizations. The PAP government copied and implemented this everywhere especially at the top job. We will be in big problem.

    Does Pinky see this?

  10. It is like the idea of selling your homes for retirement. One monkey said it, no protest, all the monkeys will think it is a good idea.

    So this buying of sports talents and foreigners to take jobs from Singaporeans are still thought of as a good idea. The idea must be shot down to tell them it was a silly idea and very destructive to the well beings of Singaporeans.

    Sad that no one with a respectable voice would say so. It may need another Roy Ngerng to say so and a big protest at Hong Lim Park to wake up their idea.

  11. Why does RB need to cry for the TT team? Aren't they well compensated, well clothed and well fed?
    After their stint is over, they all can retire back to their motherland with their millions and live in mansion. Perhaps also keep an investment property in this little red dot to earn rental income.
    Look at LJW! She is back in Beijing enjoying her millions paid by the clueless sinkie. She used to hold a pink IC. Is she still a singapore citizen or chinese citizen now?
    RB should not waste his precious tears on our chinese national TT players.
    Cry for the sinkie instead!

  12. @RB:

    You don't produce food. So you import it.

    You don't have enough water. So you import it.

    You don't have talent to run corporations. So you import what is required.

    Nothing wrong with importing foreign players lah. Being "born" is simply a matter of where your mther's chow chee bye happened to be when she shitted you out. We all know that a chee bye can be ANYWHERE -- no big deal.

    You have to get past the idea that your "local" citizenship is solely determined by your mother's chow chee bye.

    Get over it lah!

  13. Please respect your mother's smelly cunt would you? No need to go around advertising it and wearing it like a badge on your chest.

    I am sad that we would always have a table tennis team of foreigners paid by the people's money. You don't mind throwing this kind of money, many others mind.

  14. huat ah .. under papigs

    the cheeby ...oops bee wah had done well

    hip hip hurray ... this foreign talent cunt had brought honour to stinkapore which natives stinkiputra cunt

    leemember ... one n onlee ,... papigs 4ever

  15. Anon 4:49, are you IB?

  16. @August 16, 2014 5:39 pm

    y lidat?

    i openly declared i m hardcock papigs supporker oredi ..

    i know stinkapornang r daft, my idol, old fart kuan yew oreadi casted this fact in stone

    if u wanna answer ... yes i m IB

    IB aka iron ball

    leemember ... join me, be a proud papigs supporker n we huat ah

  17. RB may be she cried cause she was told to go rather than resigned? And for matilar, knn please go write your books lar. Now the book poster never post already so I also don't know which book u should write first but I remember one with two flat tires one very funny.

  18. This mati guy like the pigs in real life. Annoy and irritate people to no end. And their lingua almost mirror image. Good for the pigs to "advertise" themselves here through such a pathetic and scum proxy. The world can read and see for themselves the mentality and upbringing of the "pigs". This mati guy is a mirror image ..........

  19. And he is very proud of his pedigree stock, smelly cunts. IMH still sleeping and didn't know he has escaped?

  20. WOW! Look at all the attention I am getting.

    I'm touched, people. Anyway here are gift ideas for your mums: Buddha and Jesus dildos, go on, enlighten her ;-)

  21. White cat or black cat is ok so long as purpose is achieved.

    Does it matter whether local or foreign born? Is birthplace that important to determine a person worth?

    Be open minded folks, many good and honourable people here in sg (past and present) is foreign born.

  22. Anyway, i will also support importing a foreign born pm if needed.
