
Goh Meng Seng – Your home is not for sale

This is what Goh Meng Seng said of his feelings about Hsien Loong’s National Day speech in his article posted in TRE.

‘But yet, PM Lee wants us to feel “at ease” and reassure us that we can possibly retire by selling off our HDB flats! I am totally disgusted by such suggestion, especially from the ruling elites of PAP who have been paid obscene amount of salaries for the past decades and do not understand how it feels to be “forced” to sell off their “HOME” for retirement. Our HDB flat is our HOME, not an investment. PAP ruling elites don’t even understand this.’

The thought of selling your home is a very frightening and depressing thing, very emotional and upsetting. The home, no matter how small, is more than just the four walls. It is place that a person lived, grew up, a place that provided the comfort and security from the stresses and insecurity of the outside world. Many people think of home when they are insecure, in trouble, in need of help. It is home that provides the shelter and warmth when needed. It is a place full of memory, an anchor of one's life.

The seniors are not as resolute and confident of themselves at their advanced age. They fear change, new environment, strangers, they need the familiarity, the neighbours and familiar faces, comfort and sense of safety in the homes they have lived in. The home is a part of their lives. To sell the home at a time when they are most vulnerable, financially challenged and emotionally unstable in a way is more than just about money. There are more to the selling of a home.

In the same way, there are more to a country, nation and people than just goods for commercial exchange and economic growth. Selling a country is unthinkable. And selling a country is not simply getting a price for the land. A country can be sold in many ways without the citizens knowing it. Selling a country, selling a people, selling a home, is not a commercial transaction, but very much more.

The selling of the home must not be treated so lightly, spoken so casually, devoid of emotions, feelings and psychological implications. So is the issue of immigrations, the exchanging of the people of a nation. Citizenship is not just a piece of pink identity card. It is more than that.

We are so used to instant trees, buying and selling of talents, everything revolving around money and economics. We will not be a nation in 50 years time if we failed to build a people called Singaporeans, but become a hotel of immigrants, transient workers and guests. We will be like duckweeds, floating with little roots that did not sink and anchor to the ground.

When there is no home there is no country. When there is no citizen there is no nation. Try to imagine a nation with all the folks selling their homes in order to live. It is never the same living in a rented place.

This is Home, surely....

Kopi Level - green


  1. A Very Simple Choice

    Vote Opposition and get our CPF back at 55 years old.

    Vote PAP and we will likely not touch our CPF money again until we die.
    And the CPF rules will keep changing (Tharman calls it “evolving”)

  2. GMS is absolutely right in expressing his disgust at this insensitive statement by the PM. It really shows the level of disconnect at the top, leaving you to wonder if they are fit to govern and take us into the future. If you have any doubts about this, the top ND award to Chua Thian Poh should dispel them.

  3. We are not citizens in a country called Singapore.
    We are workers in an industrial park called Singapore.
    Just like the workers in Suzhou Industrial Park.

    If we don't know how to vote wisely, we deserve to end up as migrant workers of Singapore.

  4. Quite true. We are all workers in an industrial park and have to compete with workers from everywhere for a job.

  5. Alamak, this is really disgusting but surely matilar and angkokian will have something supportive to say

  6. Good article. It reflects all that I have believed all the while. Home is where the hearts and souls belong. We should not use it as a commodity for retirement. At the end of one's journey, there is no need for more money but for kinship, friendship and community support. To relaocate old people to a strange place is to accelerate their demise. Is PAP thinking of that?

  7. A person that does not have to worry about selling his home and go homeless cannot appreciate what is the meaning of home even if it is a small hut. There are plenty of attachments to a place called home.

    Now you can see why they are so callous is asking the oldies to sell their homes. They think it is a damn good idea, so practical. Come with nothing, go with nothing.

    But not in their own cases.

  8. What can I say except to say knn to them

  9. I think PM should walk the talk to show us the way. I believe there is an old man staying in a big house although he does not need to sell his house but placing him a new environment will show us the way. Or maybe, he is already in an old folk home?

  10. Just imagine this scenario. A young couple in their early 20s got wedded in the early 60s. Bought a home and started a family. By now this couple would be in their mid 70s. Their children would be in their late 40s or early 50s with children of their own. Weekends would be a great time for family gatherings with grand children visiting the old folks. This would be an ideal scenario with great happiness for grandpa and grandma.

    Now the PM in his ND speech indicated that this pair of old grandparents should sell their home and give up this happiness just so that they have adequate funds to live the rest of their lives? I think this suggestion was a little sad and uncharitable. To give up a place where one has lived for half a century, seen the children grew up, with many happy memories and some sad ones, through good times and bad, and move into unfamiliar surroundings.....it must be heart wrenching and will strike fear is many old folks. I am sure those who made these decisions do not have to sell up their homes just to survive their twilight years. I am certain they will be adequately provided, maybe some even already have they oversea properties and just waiting for the day when they can move out of this overcrowded city and move into their Swiss-style oversea properties to live their Swiss standard twilight years, breathing clean mountain air and eating French cuisine prepared with skills learnt from the French cookery classes.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Alamak, this is really disgusting but surely matilar and angkokian will have something supportive to say

    August 11, 2014 9:11 am

    Its agongkia lah.Goh Ah Gong,not angkokian.
    Only jokers will dream that a 99 years old pigeon hole is something they can call home.How to be MP like that.Somemore same surname as mine.Lucky I not hylum.
    All land here belongs to the Garmen and its State land.How to consider its your home when our Ah Kong were told that its Cheng Hoo Chu(Garmen house) when they bought it.
    Its good that you are still able to sell it and collect the money for retirement.Stay with your children after the sale and if the children fail to allow you to sleep in their pigeon hole,then its your failure for not producing more children or to educate them properly about filial piety.
    Of course Garmen oso at fault last time to say stop at 2 and disallow me to marry more concubine.So dun say I always support policy blindly.
    Someone even have the thought of selling his flat just to campaign in election.How to say its not for sale when need to retire with no money.
    I stay in my Ah Kong's 30 year old flat.I dun sell because I am a stayer and worry they cannot find me when they are on festive season and on 7th month lunar leave and cannot bless me.
    But if I sell it at the 98th year,they will blame me for being a gongtuatai.Selling is a matter
    of time.
    PM never say you must sell when there is no value what.At least he is caring enough to remind one to sell when its time.Be grateful.
    Hylum use to say:Bojeong Narng mo to kwee,kwee mo to narng.

  12. Alamak, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Goh Meng Seng said that he didn't want to contest elections anymore?

    Like that how to fight PAP where it really matters, u tell me lah?

    Scolding PAP or PM Lee on blogs got use or not?

  13. Please lah, The beginning of Singapore was when the British East India Co essentially "bought" the island by paying Tengku Hussein -- aka Sultan of Johor a yearly "fee" after rescuing him from a messy family/ political situation.

    If you ow something, it is up to you whether you keep or sell lah.

    How come Singaporeans so sensitive ah? Anything don' agree...wah make fuck noise...CHILDISH lah.

    Like small boy lah. Go home hisap your mamma tetek lah!

  14. If Singapore has not become independent, probably it would be like another state of Matland, like Malacca and Penang.

    And population may be 2 million or so, not 5 million.

    Is life very bad in Malacca or Penang, u tell me lah?

  15. How does it benefit me to vote for PAP?

  16. Matilah Singapura, why you so childish, come here complain so much? You are a good example of Singaporeans, perfect example, only know how to kpkb.

  17. Not in distant future locals will be living in tentage whereas Singaporeans aka FT will be occupying the HDB flats
    He! He! He!

  18. Give me back my CPF money.
    Return it before GE 2016.
    Or I vote Opposition.

  19. The Chinese call those treacherous folks who worked for enemy, sold state treasure, asset, secret and betrayed fellow countrymen as TRAITORS.
    Chinese Culture and Tradition promulgate enhancing wealth through hard work and perseverance to glorify the Clan on top of sufficiency. Accumulation of wealth is the Main Reason why the Chinese Race is very hardworking and entrepreneurial.

    How is it that after 50 years of prosperity, Sinkies have to see the selling of state assets and more are having to downgrade, sell their homes and lose their esteems????

    We are manipulated and exploited, are we also played out, pawned and sold?????


  20. Mr Goh, I think you have misunderstood a home as a physical object versus a home represented by a family. You seem to be describing a home emotionally which is attached to people, rather than the object of 4 walls. You see, it does not matter if its a small studio flat or a rented flat. Important things is the people around you that will support you. A flat that you have stayed for many years if left empty other than yourself isnt a home. If given a choice, I would forego the old flat, take the money, and go live somewhere with no attachments.

    Guo Lai Ren

  21. "A flat that you have stayed for many years if left empty other than yourself isnt a home. If given a choice, I would forego the old flat, take the money, and go live somewhere with no attachments."
    Guo Lai Ren

    An empty flat has many memories for old people.
    For most old Singaporeans, memories are all we have left.
    Since PAP don't return our CPF back to us.
    An old flat is a good flat because we don't owe the bank any more money.
    Unlike PAP government which still owe Singaporeans so much CPF money.

    Guo Lai Ren.
    You are a lying white Pig.

  22. Smaller flats no drop in quality even if the size is like a dog's kennel. Good quality home, better than 500 sq meters landed properties.

    All of you are encouraged to live in these quality shoe box flats. I have no choice but to live in my landed property my ah pa left me. I not so lucky.

  23. Guo Lai Ren. You are a twit. Home is always linked to emotional part of life. What is the point of selling you home and settle at a location where you are a total stranger. You will die a miserable old man at the end.

    Where you are today, you know your neighbourhood well that includes your usual barber, fruit seller, kopitiam boy, hardware stores, doctors, neighbours and even the road sweeper. Even you cannot affort high class restaurant each day, you can still pass your time with the people who knows you, besides your family.

    Thant is what the issue about. Not just money!

  24. There is a saying, na de qi, fang de sia. An old house is what is plainly, an old house. When we die, we cant take the house with us. I know because I have long sold my house and living on the fruits of the house. True, I have memories of my old house. Ironically, the memories are still there, but I dont regret it. Because they are just memories. Btw, I dont rely on my cpf, because I have surpluses financially. So whether the government decides to take my cpf or not, I dont care.

  25. You do not have to forgo the comforts of our neighbours and amenities just because you sold your house. You can actually have your cake and eat it as well if you know what you are doing. Well, at least have.

    Guo Lai Ren

  26. @ Guo Lai Ren
    Typical PAP story.
    If I can do this (on my million dollar salary), I don't see why the rest of Singaporeans cannot do what I did.

    Dear Sinkies.
    It's useless arguing with the pigs.
    Just vote Opposition in GE 2016.

  27. In reality, Sin does produce some successful and even filthy rich Singaporeans. Many of these folks are conceited, devoid of empathy and sympathy. Others are selfish, self centred and hedonistic. A few did realise when they were afflicted with fatal sickness or met with serious accident and mishap.
    To sum it up, age is no indication of intellect and wisdom, pride comes before fall and folly does happen to clever people. Nevertheless, we must be happy that there are people doing well, otherwise we will all have to wallow in misery and sadness. And that will not be worth living.

  28. To this person who thinks I am from pap or a pap supporter. If you have got something to say that makes more sense than what I said, say it. Dont put a political agenda to conclude my comments. I am neither a pap supporter nor earning million dollar salary. I just want to comment based on what mr goh said. Frankly, I dont care if you want to vote for opposition. Just dont bring something political to this conversation.

    The main message I wish to bring across is that our lifes revolves with the people around us. Our loved ones. Not the house. I see a lot of people today living for the house, rather than the house for the people. I hope some people in this blog got my message. If you can act what I said, it will do you wonders, regardless of whether you vote for whichever party next time.

    Guo Lai Ren

  29. Family and house are two separate entities.
    Family and home are part and parcel of each other.
    A house that a family uses as a home is the Most Basic Requirement of any person to build happiness. It is the Foundation of living.


  30. @ Guo Lai Ren
    "I hope some people in this blog got my message."

    What's your message?
    What exactly did you do that made you so secure and smug?

    Just like Khaw Boon Wan.
    He got a $8 heart bypass.
    And as a result he thinks healthcare is very affordable in Singapore.

    You PAPigs are all alike.
    Drop a lot of hints but nothing concrete that Singaporeans can do to help ourselves.
    And then turning around and accusing Singaporeans for being useless.

  31. It is sometimes hard for those born with golden spoon or those that never underwent hardship to understand the challenges of living. Much more difficult will be the ability of the strong and healthy to understand the suffering of those in poor health or down with debilitating sickness.
    Let's hope that the Society itself is not too sick to be filled with ruthless and greedy folks. No society is perfect but it will be woeful if the majority are avaricious and merciless.

    Living used to be simple and good in the Good Old Days, but we are facing mounting challenges as day goes. Squabbles will not solve anything. We got to rid the Problems plaguing us from the causes. This requires unity and cohesive effort.

  32. /// It is sometimes hard for those born with golden spoon or those that never underwent hardship to understand the challenges of living. ///
    August 11, 2014 9:24 pm

    But what I find difficult to understand is;
    Why would daft Sinkies vote for Millionaires to represent them in parliament?
    If you are not a millionaire, why would you vote for a millionaire to represent you in parliament?

    I think PAP is a party with a large proportion of millionaires in their membership ranks.
    And if you are poor and capable, they will pay you a millionaire's salary to make sure you understand the problems of the RICH.

    Do you think my opinion above is true?
    If you think what I say is of some merit, then why are Sinkies voting for a party that seems to understand only the problems of the millionaires?

    What part of "representative" government don't we Sinkies understand?

  33. If you don't vote these Pappies out, "selling your homes so that you can retire" will soon become the new normal !
