
Developing Singapore into a Smart Nation

There is this article by a Jenson Goh in the Today paper on this topic and titled ‘Developing the “heartware” for a Smart Nation. What does this mean, a nation of smart people or what? According to Yaacob Inbrahim, a Smart Nation starts with the hardware, ie tapping on the potential of infocomm and media. This is definitely not the Smart Nation I was thinking of, a nation of smart people, but more an attempt to tap on the advantages of technology and communication.

Yaacob went on to elaborate on the use of big data to understand human behavior and the interconnectivity of all kinds of modern devices to give instant information. While writing this, the thought of traffic lights for human beans in MRT stations came to mind. We need devices like traffic lights to inform the people whether the station is crowded or not and how to make decisions like taking alternative transport if it is crowded. This is what a Smart Nation is supposed to be in its basic form. Never mind if the people may become more stupid and dependent on machines and devices to tell them what to do. Won’t it be nice if the people will react to light signals, green they start walking, red, they stop?

Yaacob and his ministry have been thinking, and I think the govt too, and they have come to the conclusion that ‘All problems of a city can be traced to a single factor: Rapid growth, which places massive strain on its support infrastructure. (So) The development of a Smart Nation platform can go a long way in overcoming this challenge.’ Thank God they finally discovered the causes of the problems in this city. And they are going to take actions, to turn this city into a Smart Nation or city, so that all the problems would be solved. I remember the story of putting the cart before the donkey, or was it closing the barn door after the pony has bolted out? Never mind.

There is also the element of the people, the heartware. Now which should come first, smart people first before Smart Nation or Smart Nation then smart people? Let mean put it the other way, smart people make Smart Nation or Smart Nation makes smart people? Or it could be Smart Nation makes robotic people. I think it is easy to have Smart Nation first as the hardware can be bought. Having a nation of smart people is a bit more difficult, and to make matter worse, it is not easy to turn a nation of daft into smart people. It is a daunting task, must be. If it is difficult, then perhaps there is also an easy solution to it. Replace the daft with smart people from the world. We can just bring in the best to replace the daft should be easy. We have started in many areas, sports talents, IT talents, finance talents, academics, medical and legal professions etc etc.

I think we can dovetail the pursuit of both Smart Nation and smart people simultaneously, just buy the equipment and bring the smart people in. But why Smart Nation? The big data and connectivity of devices could bring instant feedback. Not sure how much it will cost. I thought a cheaper way to get instant feedback is Reach or maybe TRE. Cheap and good, unless these feedbacks are not from smart people or smart machines and devices, so no pakai.

The thought of living in a Smart Nation in the morning is quite comforting, something to look forward to. Those not smart people, I mean those that cannot adapt to new devices and technology, please go for classes to upgrade yourself to be smart beans if you want to live in a Smart Nation. And for a start, please get to understand what the three colours of traffic light in the train station meant and what actions to take when you see them.

Have a good day dreaming of a Smart Nation.

PS, has anyone installed a GPS at home so that he would not be lost finding his way to the toilet?

Kopi Level - Green


  1. For a Sinkie, he needs to be smart in order to make lots of money in Sinkieland, doesn't matter nation or its leaders, ruling party or opposition, smart or not.

    And for a smart Sinkie, if Sinkieland cannot, he will go elsewhere to make his money and have a good life.

    So when a Sinkie is smart, whether nation or what not is smart or not is secondary.

  2. Rb, YEW very lay chay?

    Why go through so much hassle?

    Go supermarket or econ mini mart or mama shop or any convenient store!

    Just drink YAKULT every day? Morning, afternoon, dinner?


    Like that sure smart liao?


    Clever bor?

    Same same traffic lights idea?

    Very bright rt?

    Super talents, OK! No pay pay?

    Now, where's my millions $$$$$$ salary?

  3. "For a Sinkie, he needs to be smart in order to make lots of money in Sinkieland, doesn't matter nation or its leaders, ruling party or opposition, smart or not."
    Anon 9:09 am

    Tiok. Sinkies who are really smart can even make money in Timbuktu!

    So why would smart Sinkies want to join the opposition to fight the ruling party whose policies make only those daft and poor Sinkies suffer, u tell me lah?

    And what can daft and poor Sinkies do, if they are only 40% or less out of all Sinkies?

  4. Ya lor, if a Sinkie is smart, why would he care what Yaacob or even PM Lee said or not said?


  5. what so important to be a SMART nation.....

    it is more important to be a HAPPY nation.....


  6. To smart Sinkies, doesn't really matter what Yaacob or PM Lee said or not said.

    It is what actually happened, and how to make money out of it, or get out of it if cannot, is what matters to smart Sinkies.

  7. I kena fined for driving on the bus lane. KNN.
    Can anybody here tell me what all the different colours and dashed lines and solid lines mean in terms of cannot drive hours?

    I'm not going to drive on bus lanes anymore. Boycott all bus lanes. KNN.
    I'm starting to observe other drivers doing the same thing too.
    Let's see what happens.

  8. Anon 9.28.It is what actually happened, and how to make money out of it, or get out of it if cannot, is what matters to smart Sinkies


    Very tiok!

    Many young people nowadays have not much attachment to this sinking land?

    All the nationhood building efforts by PG leaders almost all already undone?


    Who wants to stay here in the long run?

    Din Kee chiu recently think aloud publicly that many younger sinkies might outlive SINKIELAND in less than 50 years time?

    Smart, no smart already too late for many especially younger generation?

    YEW can fill this nation to the brim with 100 millions 3Rd world economic migrants for all YEW care? AND make it back to a truly 3rd world!

    Native born sinkies will leave this hopeless sinking land to the "great thinkers " of the "mrt station traffic lights bright ideas".

    1. Smart sinkies will exploit the system and the people to make their piles and fuck the rulers when the latter deserves to be screwed.

      Someone here has been imparting his wisdom here for so long. But the daft sinkies are not teachable and those smart are born smart and not becos they are hardworking or intelligent.

  9. Smart, no smart all FUTILE efforts lah?

    Mai hum wasting his time amd efforts?

    The ground is not working in his favour?

    His plp grassRUDE only " 报喜不报忧"?

    Whatever scheme, idea in the end become totally unrecognizable on the ground during execution?

    His underlings TOO INCOMPETENT and "sweep too many things under the carpets "?

    How long can YEW hide a growing mountain of rubbish under the carpets?

    NOBODY in the ivory towers can see the carpets bulging out as if some huge elephants underneath?

    When the ground is crumbling, YEW are just building castles in the air?

  10. It will be a matter of time before Sinkies start to lose their way home without a GPS in the car.

  11. We already have a half-past six smart nation.
    Smart citizens.
    Daft voters.
    Useless Leeders.

  12. Chua Chin Leng aka redbeanAugust 28, 2014 10:10 am
    It will be a matter of time before Sinkies start to lose their way home without a GPS in the car.

    Ha ha ha

    Even with GPS, many silver serpents and leeders are 路痴?

    But they are leeding the nation leh?

  13. Hi RB, speed here. I like it, I like it, I like it. Singapore becoming a smart nation. Traffic lights in MRT stations is a really smart move. Traffic signs telling you the time to destinations also very smart. Driverless vehicles on the roads also really smart. I like it. Soon I will be able to come to Singapore, hop on a taxi at Changi Airport and say to the driverless car " I want to go to Jurong or Sengkang and it will automatically take me there. Cannot figure out how I pay the driverless car though?

    All this smart ideas from the smart government must make the Singaporeans feel really smart. To show the whole world what a smart country this nation is becoming. Must be really proud to be a smart Singaporean. Imagine when you are overseas, holidaying in London, Paris or New York. When someone ask " Where are you from? " Just say from " The smart nation !!" and people will know you are from Singapore. How proud this must make you feel. Well done Singapore government. Forward Singapore !!!!

  14. Just to share some snippets.

    Recently some acquaintances came back to visit their relatives after some time working overseas.

    After this visit, they may not be back for the next 20 years or even permanently!

    Their first comment when back in SINKIELAND was that even before touch down, the stress feeling was building up and up. Everywhere they go, the stress is suffocating.

    Likewise, usually after a short trip to Matland, the nearer sinkies are approaching the custom, the stress level starts surfaciand mounting.

    Even after all these VEP and tit for tat custom entry charges slapped both sides of the causeway, the traffic jam every weekends are still as bad if not worst!

    Some sinkies often revealed that die die must "get out " to matland every weekend to get "breathing space". Otherwise can go" gila"!

    But the worst part is the coming back to SINKIELAND end of the short trip.

    The awful and dreaded feelings are no lesser than the sickening dread young army boys felt every time they need to book in on Sunday evening during BMT.

    Even many Malaysians share similar sentiments after a happy short weekend trip up north to their home. Their lodgings may be not so modern and well renovated but they feel the warmth back home.

    Especially The moment one passes the woodlands checkpoint, the stressful, awful and dreadful feelings start to creep in and sink in the hearts, minds and souls.

    How many oldies and readers share such similar experience and sentiments pls kee chiu.

  15. Feel so much stress in Singapore.
    Then why 60% Singaporeans still vote PAP? Are you saying 60% of Singaporeans are not smart?

  16. Haha, Speed, you are starting to talk like a Sinkie. I like it.

    Soon Sinkies will buy a gadget to attach to their bodies to remind them when they are hungry or thirsty, or when they need to sleep.

  17. The move toward a "Smart Nation" will mean that many of the people who are not "tapped in" i.e. lack the S.T.E.M AND entrepreneurial skills will be essentially left behind.

    "Big Data" is already here lah. It is only that not much noise has been made about it. But in the science spaces of Singapore, there is ALOT going on: 3-D printing, nanotech, synthetic biology, robotics, genetic engineering, etc. Singapore has been manufacturing semiconductors for over 30 years already lah...you're talking about the highest of tech being a fixture and revenue generator of the economy for a significant time already.

    Like it or hate it, Singaporeans LOVE THEIR TECH. They love the latest tech. Die, die MUST have -- FIRST!. Everytime a new gizmo is released, you'd better be "on the ball" like most kiasu Singaporean or it will be SOLD OUT.

    In math and science competition, Singapore school kids keep obliterating the competition from the western liberal democracies. This has been going on for several years already.

    So in general rocking, awesome Singapore is already well on track to kick more ass not only in Asia, but the world.

  18. The move toward a "Smart Nation" will mean that many of the people who are not "tapped in" i.e. lack the S.T.E.M AND entrepreneurial skills will be essentially left behind.

    "Big Data" is already here lah. It is only that not much noise has been made about it. But in the science spaces of Singapore, there is ALOT going on: 3-D printing, nanotech, synthetic biology, robotics, genetic engineering, etc. Singapore has been manufacturing semiconductors for over 30 years already lah...you're talking about the highest of tech being a fixture and revenue generator of the economy for a significant time already.

    Like it or hate it, Singaporeans LOVE THEIR TECH. They love the latest tech. Die, die MUST have -- FIRST!. Everytime a new gizmo is released, you'd better be "on the ball" like most kiasu Singaporean or it will be SOLD OUT.

    In math and science competition, Singapore school kids keep obliterating the competition from the western liberal democracies. This has been going on for several years already.

    So in general rocking, awesome Singapore is already well on track to kick more ass not only in Asia, but the world.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Actually SINKIELAND aimiNG to be "SMART NATION " salah liao.

    MH ( Mai hum ) already said SINKIELAND still Sampan despite economic progress albeit Sampan version 2.0.

    Thus the slogan should be towards a "SS" ( SMART SAMPAN).

    And MH1952 ( MAI HUM 1952 ) is the Smart Sampan 2.0 captain! Charting Sampaniards to catch longkang fish.

  21. Who are the suppliers who will be selling the "SMART" hardware & software to Singaporeans?

  22. Why not develop Singapore into a Happy Nation?
    Why so ambitious?
    Seems like the only people who will benefit are the suppliers of SMART technology for a Smart Nation.

  23. The best SMART technology SINKIELAND could apply may be in VICES.

    SINCE MH1952 obsession is $$$$$$$ and more $$$$$$$$, can invent robotic pimps and prostitutes and line them up in Geylang brothels rooms.

    All fully automated. Upon selection of the prostitutes and pumping model, patrons can just go inside the pump and pump room, insert say a $30 notes and then they can start pump and pump.

    Simply pumptastic bright ideas like "MRT STATION TRAFFIC LIGHTS ".

    So during "SERVICE SESSION ", with implementation of traffic lights also in brothels, the "TRAFFIC LIGHTS " is red so no entry for other patrons. When existing patrons business finished with the SMART robotic pump and prostitutes, "TRAFFIC LIGHTS " change to green. Next customer can go in and insert the notes.

    Btw, functions such as time duration can be added. If want longer, need insert $50 or $100. Also with SMART technology in a SMART NATION, the service can be selected also and its like ala carte additional options such as xxx, xxxxxxxx or xxxxxxxxxxxxx etc .......

    If some patrons more perverted, want orgy also can! Pay more $$$$$$. Can choose different races robotic prostitutes and pumps.

    Be an outstanding pimps and prostitutes SMART CITY using technology to earn big $$$$$$ in vices.

  24. My lunatic fictional speculation:
    - Singapore is the testbed for SMART Nation technology
    - Success and failure to be paid by the Singaporean taxpayers
    - a few lucky companies will be supplying the SMART technology
    - if successful, these lucky companies will then sell the same SMART technology to other countries for a profit

    Stupid Singaporeans will be the guinea pigs.
    Worse still, we pay for the experiment.
    Failure - we pay
    Success - some lucky companies benefit.

  25. Those road side electronic boards telling motorists how many minutes to point A or B is one of the most wasteful tech gadgets. How much to instal all the cameras and computer systems, cabling etc and maintenance, just to say 2 mins or 10 mins to what place, unbelieveable. As if 5 or 10 minutes matter. How many people use it or benefitted from this electronic elephant?

  26. How many people use it or benefitted from this electronic elephant?
    August 28, 2014 4:30 pm

    Totally agree.
    A dedicated radio station for traffic would be more useful.
    You just play a recorded message over and over again.
    And the recorded message can be updated once every 15 minutes or when necessary.

  27. The way to expand your business empire is to make the people hook on something (used to be opium but now is internet), hold them hostages to that something and they will support (or vote) your business (or party) year in year out.

  28. The traffic light model to control the people actually works in most situation except when the people who are subjected to control has lose or increase their sensitivity towards colors (which the leaders like to brand them as color blind and all kinds of names).

  29. Smart or nonsmart is to achieve one thing - more wealth for the papists. Thus it is pointless whether smart or nonsmart.

  30. Knn, smart simi lan cheow?

    The smartest solution is to shut down the fucking internet

    Then I no need to cum n defend papigs everyday

    As usual, papigs is bastard, vote 4 papigs

    Sorlee, papigs is bestest

  31. @1201:

    »» Smart sinkies will exploit the system and the people to make their piles and fuck the rulers when the latter deserves to be screwed. ««

    "Fuck the rulers?" Good luck on that. Don't waste your time feeding your ego by "fucking the rulers" -- you'll NEVER succeed. They hold all the power and influence. In the end, if you stick out your head too much, someone will use it as a target and shoot at it. Better to be "low key" under the radar (my style).

    As a Singaporean you are a MOTHERFUCKING STUPID ASS if you do not exploit any opportunities presented to you. Singaporeans are kaisu/ kiasi -- which means that it is in your cultural DNA to exploit and maximise any situation -- before the govt comes in and closes the "lobang" (loophole).

    For e.g. when people realised that Johor is cheaper, they started to shop there en mass and buy their petrol. Govt bang balls so it came up with the "Half Tank Rule" which evolved into the "Three Quarter Tank Rule". Now they are imposing a tax on Malaysian vehicles.

    If you work hard, then make some money and want to buy a car...not so fast, you have to pay the govt COE FIRST before you can even hold the keys in your hand.

    So Singaporeans know that their govt likes to grab money here and there. Which is why Singaporeans are DAMN CLEVER at exploiting "lobangs".

    Be a patriot. Exploit as much as possible...before the govt takes the lot!

    1. True, many a sinkie were debarked, made bankrupts, put behind bars and exiled themselves.
      However, the smart fuckers, like one chap here, get to enjoy exploiting and screwing cos he is patriotic. He supports the Government Schemes of exploitation.

  32. @548:

    »» He supports the Government Schemes of exploitation. ««

    Those schemes do not require my support -- they were put in place (mostly unknowingly) BY THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES -- aka "The People Get The Government They Deserve".

    I'm merely an opportunist, an exploiter, a profiteer...a true blue, born in Hougang, SINGAPOREAN i.e. Singapore style: "If you see a LOBANG, you must exploit it!"

    Better look after yourself. You die, your pasal. OK?

    Got Singapore culture?
