
When no meeting of the minds is intentional

There have been a lot of kpkb by the more vocal citizens about bad policies or policies they do not want to go along. The 6.9m PWP, the complaints about the influx of ‘foreign talents’ to displace local PMETs, the demand to return the people’s CPF savings at 55, the high property prices, the anger about throwing public money at foreign students, offering them scholarships and precious spaces in the local universities, etc etc. How did the govt respond to these challenges?

One simple straight forward tactic is not to talk about it, just remain silence and pretend there is no problem or they did not hear anything. Is any of these topics discussed in the Natcon? Other than the unavoidable issue of CPF linked to Medishield Life and the Hong Lim Protest, is any of the issues raised in Parliament? Let the anger and energy dissipated with time and soon the people would be too tired or even forgot about the problems. People have short memories and are not persistent enough to fight for what they think is right or to stop what is detrimental to their good and did not want to continue. As unorganized groups, they soon lost themselves, the issue lost steam, and gave up on their cause.

Another way to handle public anger or disapproval is to side track the issue or pretends to be working on it but on a different issue. The people are angry when good jobs are given to foreigners in the name of foreign talents. Does anyone notice that the govt is not saying anything about the continued influx of foreign talents but focused on reducing the intake of foreign workers instead? There seems to be no meeting of minds, the people talking about FTs and the govt talking about FWs.  Is this an intentional diversion from the main issue, ie foreign talents, pretending or ignoring them but working on reducing the FW intakes that the people knew are jobs that the locals did not want to take up? They did not understand what the people are kpkb about, the FTs and not the FWs?

Maybe it is about good communications or selective communications, talk only on topics that they chose to talk about and keep quiet on issues that they did not want to talk about. And there is no need to bother about a meeting of the minds. The meeting of the minds, if there is any, will be in the Natcon on select topics with the converts talking to the converts of the same religion.

Kopi Level - Yellow


  1. Our leeeders have their own agenda which is to replace sickening sickie with foreign talents as quickly as possible.
    You will notice the pioneer package actually encourage oldies to fall sick to enjoy the benefits.
    Soon the pioneers will be replaced by younger and faster and cheaper foreigners who are so appreciated of the lightning party that they will vote them in every election for the next 50 years!
    So why answer pesky questions raised by RB and the like. Just stonewall them, lor.

  2. /// The people are angry when good jobs are given to foreigners in the name of foreign talents.
    Does anyone notice that the govt is not saying anything about the continued influx of foreign talents but focused on reducing the intake of foreign workers instead? ///

    Dear redbean
    Very good observation.
    I have to stand up and salute.
    Pay my respect.

    I owe you a moral apology.
    When I first started reading your blog a few years ago, I had my doubts about you.
    You grow more & more insightful in your observations about this wayang PAP government over the years.

    I salute you.

  3. Any more hope for the future?July 12, 2014 12:25 pm

    ..... cont'd

    Singaporeans are already living with about 6.5 million people without realizing it. 5.4 million plus moving average 1.1 million tourists and short term visitors currently.

    By 16 years time 2030, it will be likely 7,000,000 plus 2,200,000 monthly moving average tourists/ short term visitors.

    How about by 25 years time when current young couples buy their EXPENSIVE HDB flats and reached 50+ by then?

    Again, how to survive like that in the long term ? Maybe not even real long term! Only just to reach 50s .......

    How to have babies in such blurry climate and prospect?

    What is the government's blue print for the majority to get by under such environment?

    How can the lower and lower middle class survive properly over the next 25 years young, middle age or old?

    Build more casinos?

    Build more Geylang vices?

    Legalize more vices?

    What are the government's proposals for the majority to get by under such prospects?

    How can one self pay millions and millions but act "blind and deaf " when confronted with such current, mid and long term social issues? Humongous remuneration just take every month but such problems just kick the can down the road or sweep under the carpet? See all kick down the road or swept under carpet? Where got problems?

    How are the lower and middle class going to survive and get by over next 25 years and beyond......... young, old or middle aged?

    Rb, the masses are faced with CPF issues, HIGH living costs issues, ...... etc etc

    What are you and fella sinkies going to do about it.........?

    Just let the fish head rot away.......?

    Act "blind and deaf"?

    Like some deaf frogs and ostriches?

  4. S-i-n-g-a-p-o-r-e-a-n-s the next election is near, let's change the political landscape through unity.

  5. LKY is dying soon.
    Let's unite and build Singapore 2.0.
    A Singapore for Singaporean citizens.

    Say No to a Singapore for PAP citizens.

  6. The bloggers are doing their part in educating and enlightening the people of what is happening. There will be a reawakening when the blinkers are removed from the people.

  7. How to maintain high minister and top civil staff pay if the country do not import FT or FW? Otherwise we will have to sack half of them.

  8. RB please stop stirring up the muddy water. Your posts are usually very anti-PAP policies. The best thing for you is to stop your blog and get on with more productive form of writing. The PAP government is doing a fine job. Only those who are unsuccessful in Singapore are forever kpkb. Cannot compete with FTs, then just become a FW, or better still get out of the country and take your CPF with you. Be a quitter.FTs are here to help build the country. Instead of kpkb, you should be thankful. Without the FTs Singapore will go back to become another 3rd world country.

  9. @July 12, 2014 10:19 pm
    "Without the FTs Singapore will go back to become another 3rd world country."

    - If this is true, then confirm PAP's policies need to be subsidized by cheap labour to be successful.

    - Truly the citizens of PAP have become politically bankrupt ... no vision and no ideas.

  10. @ July 12, 2014 10:19 pm
    "The best thing for you is to stop your blog and get on with more productive form of writing."

    - Voting out the useless and inefficient PAP government is a very productive and patriotic thing to do.
    - Are PAP policies so feeble and brainless that it cannot withstand public scrutiny and debate.
    - if PAP citizens believe PAP policies have merit, then defend your policies with facts

  11. @ July 13, 2014 8:34 am
    "The PAP government is doing a fine job."

    Using what standard?
    PAP citizens and PAP Ministers are doing fine.
    I'm more concerned about Singaporean citizens.

  12. @ July 12, 2014 10:19 pm
    "... better still get out of the country and take your CPF with you. Be a quitter."

    - You mean like former PAP citizen George Yeo?
    - or maybe some sons and daughters of PAP Ministers and former Ministers?

  13. July 12, 2014 10:19 pm
    "Only those who are unsuccessful in Singapore are forever kpkb."

    What about PAP?
    - PAP has kpkb in the Straits Times for the last 50 years to CONvince Singaporean citizens that PAP citizens need very high salaries to manage one of the smallest country in the world.

    - Johor's Iskandar Development region is 2,217 square kilometers in size.
    - Singapore is 716 sq km big. Three times smaller.

  14. Hi 10:19

    If you are a FT, I can understand where you are coming from. But no Singaporeans would listen to you and the above bloggers have responded, the average Singaporeans knowing what kind of life lies ahead of them.

    If you are a daft Sinkie who thinks everything is fine, be informed, many Singaporeans have a change of heart and know what is good for them. And they will change the govt in the next GE. This is an unavoidable and inevitable truth.

    You are out of sync and out of time in your thinking. I am just an observer and I believe what I am seeing is the truth. You may choose to believe what you want to believe.

    Since 2011, the govt has gone back to its previous self. There is no change in the thinking and policies and strategies. It is the new PAP that has deviated from the old PAP and sticking to its guns that this is the way forward. The people, except for the very rich, are not biting.

  15. There goes Rb again. Old and New PAP.

    Rb needs to wake up. He is stuck in the 60s

  16. Hi RB, if what you say is true then the next GE will show the sentiment of the Singaporeans. I believe that maybe 60% will still put PAP in power with the majority MPs in the parliament. So with that majority nothing will change. Any policy deem appropriate for Singapore will be passed. Singapore politic will be forever pro-PAP. I believe the PAP is doing a fine job. The recent medical assistance for the lower income and the pioneer package dished out just goes to show the good intention of the PAP government. I do not hear you saying anything good when they do the right thing?

  17. When the Man incharge started out good, he should be good right to the End. There should be no reason for Rb to doubt that.

  18. There are many philantrophists that are doing charity. Some have a lot of money from unknown sources or unspeakable businesses. Some were robbers before and giving out some as charity after robbing from the people. And the people are grateful.
