
This Singaporean reject will not return as FT

‘….Encourage bold visions and idea, no matter what they are. One of the reasons why Singaporeans overseas do not want to come back, is because the smallness of the vision of the local population. The big bold visions draws out the best in us, they draw people to us. No one believed me when I first said we could build a space industry on our own, now 18 months later, the Australian government is supporting its creation along with Universities and Commercial entities in the creation of the Delta –V which is now leading the creation of the Space Industry in Australia.

Reduce the amount of red tape to experiment. At Singularity University, I am investigating, Bio electric batteries, next generation drone flight systems, Genetic Modifying organism, and new ways of traveling into space. We know that we can’t do all of them, but we can test all our ideas and experiments on them to validate them.This is incredibly useful for generating new ideas and validating old ones. I intend to already build a similar facility back in Sydney to support the space industry….’

Above is part of a letter from a Brian Lim to Jack Sim explaining why he would not return to Singapore. That is not all. If he had not migrated to Australia, he would probably be a hawker or someone peddling goods in the pasar malams. This Brian Lim did poorly in his PSLE, ended in the Normal Stream, repeated his O level, and failed in polytechnic. What kind of prospect or jobs would he be fit to do?

Today he earned a Masters in Space and working in NASA in Singularity University in Australia. Would he be invited to be a returned FT? Can we find the reason why there is no talent among Singaporeans and why other countries are producing so many talents? If a PSLE failure can be remoulded into a top talent, surely all the straight As and near straight As students must be better potentials. But no, they are not even good enough to compete against 3rd World funny degree graduates.

And this Brian Lim is not a single or exceptional story. There are many Singaporeans overseas that are rejects of our educational system but earning Masters and PhDs and working in high tech, science and engineering industries. Can we figure out what is wrong with this kind of developments?

And look at what this Brian Lim is doing, ‘investigating Bio electric batteries, next generation drone flight systems, Genetic Modifying organism, and new ways of traveling into space.’ Some of our super talents would laugh out their dentures if they found out Brian Lim failed his PSLE. Brian is employed by the Australian govt in space exploration and space mining. What are our local talents doing, building more costly shopping centres and monuments? Or maybe trying to study solar flares, earthquakes and tsunamis or desert storms.

There have been many stories of our failed students that turned out to be gems in foreign educational systems. How many of our Einsteins have been wasted in the process and going through the decades of our educational system?

Kopi Level - Green


  1. It is scary to think of our children's future. They are expected to work hard to get a "good" education but eventually find themselves edged out by cheap labour from neighbouring countries with dubious education standards. The only route after all these expensive education is to drive taxi. How can we still support such a government? Will PAP please tell us why we should continue to support them?

  2. It is scary to think they still believe the people will support them for such stupid policies.

  3. /// One of the reasons why Singaporeans overseas do not want to come back, is because the smallness of the vision of the local population. ///

    It's not the local population that is the problem.
    It's the PAP leadership and the smallness of their of their vision for Singaporeans.

    Even PAP's Founding Father never believed that Singapore can survive as a country.
    If your leader don't have the bold vision ... you think this leader will ever let Singaporeans have bold visions?
    - ask a few questions about CPF and you have the danger of a lawsuit

    Trust me.
    Nothing big and strong will ever grow under the shade of a big banyan tree.
    It's time to chop down our big banyan tree.

  4. @ July 11, 2014 8:59 am
    "How can we still support such a government? Will PAP please tell us why we should continue to support them?"

    This person is obviously a typical Singaporean growing under the shade of our big banyan tree.
    An American would simply say "Vote them out".

    Like a scared little boy ... still asking for permission.
    : "Will PAP please tell us why we should continue to support them?"

    No need to ask so politely.
    Just say "PAP - Get the fuck out of my face"

  5. Haha........

    Sinkies begging their Rulers to explain why he or she should support them.

    Can You sense the DAFTNESS?

  6. Call it a conspiracy theory. NTU and NUS GPA may be deliberately skewed to keep the graduates in Singapore. Also it may be a design to keep our graduates busy for them to stay out of politics. There is rampant grad inflation today and to get into a more reputable university, one would need GPA 3.

    Most university in USA average GPA is way more than 3 because the professor want to help their students.

    While I was in NTU, a horrible percentage of NTU undergraduate keep failing exams, and keep repeating.

    The professors even congratulate themselves shamelessly for failing students in order to motivate them to try harder.

    NUS NTU professors took very little of their students for post-graduate.

    They lavish our monies on FT.

    NUS NTU professors are the most stupid professors in the whole world yet they are raking in astronomical income.

    The US professor publish a lot of paper. Else they write a lot of world class text book.

    Our professor do not publish anything. They are too lazy to write text books.

    They only talk and talk. Then they fail their students, destroying their students future. Then they celebrate failing of students by poping champaign.

  7. Now you know why unranked universities gave their students first class honours and our universities gave second class lower.

  8. If all sinkies went through the oz system, many of us will become doctors or lawyers or scientists instead of lowly paid accountants or engineers or programmers. The sinkie rulers are afraid of intelligent pheasants who will challenge their power so they keep them stupid/ignorance/dull.

    "Your ignorance is their power." Noam Chowsky

  9. /// The sinkie rulers are afraid of intelligent pheasants who will challenge their power so they keep them stupid/ignorance/dull. ///
    @July 11, 2014 3:57 pm

    I agree.
    I believe the PAP government has every intention of turning our children into maids and hawkers to serve the alien talents PAP is importing.
