
The Western wolf pack gnarling at Putin

Shooting down a civilian aircraft and killing so many innocent people is simply unacceptable, bad. 298 passengers and crew died for nothing and someone must pay for this crime. Practically all the European leaders, including Australia, are up in arms with fingers pointing in the eyes of Vladimir Putin. Guilty! And there is Australia’s Tony Abbott jumping the gun again, making a guilty comment on the Russians without needing any confirmation of evidence.

More sanctions will be up against the Russians. Of course, if guilty, the Russians deserve it. They deserve world condemnation, not only from the Western powers.

How many million Iraqis, innocent civilians were killed by the fake invasion of Iraq on WMD charges? David Cameron is thumping down the Russians, telling the Russians, shooting down the M17 was unacceptable. Did his predecessor say anything about faking a lie to invade a country and killing millions of the innocent civilians as unacceptable? Oh, he couldn’t. He was part of the party that made the decision and invaded Iraq. Did any Western power condemn the invasion of Iraq as crimes against humanity?

They are going to charge Putin for crimes against humanity. No, I am not defending the Russians or Putin. They need to answer for this crime if they are guilty. Is there anyone, any Western power, standing up to point a finger at George Bush and Tony Blair for crimes against humanity for the millions of Iraqis killed and wounded. No, it was not a war. It was a framed lie to invade a country. Only Mahathir has the decency to call a spade a spade.

Hypocrisy? Anyone say hypocrisy? Wait till they nominate George Bush and Tony Blair for the Nobel Peace Prize for the peace they brought to Iraq.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. If it were the Ukranians, supported by the West, that fired a US made missle that shot down the MAS plane, the tune that the whole world would be playing will be starkly different.

    Firstly, they will blame MAS for letting the plane fly over the war zone.

    Secondly, they will claim this as collateral damage and tell the Malaysian Government, just your bad luck, your plane was there in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Thirdly, they will still blame Putin for creating the conditions for the incident.

    And lastly, the poodles will also be told to sing a different chorus that rhyme with the US version of the chart busters on primetime media.

  2. Middle east is america's sphere of influence. When they wanted to invade syria, the russians intervened to save their long time ally. The us not happy with russia. so they want to weaken russia. support the anti-govt protestors in ukraine which is russia's ally and buffer state 'protecting' russia's from nato states. overthrow of ukraine' pro-russia govt led to chaos and civil war. due to the civil war mh17 was shot down. loss of those innocent lives is usa's fault.

  3. Politics is a dirty game lah - blaming, manipulating, scheming, plotting, murdering are nothing new.

  4. So many chinese died in ww2 but japan was not prosecuted. Justice is all along a myth.

  5. >>310pm
    The problem is not jews or hitler - it is greed and selfishness aka evil.

  6. Wonder why Bush Junior and or Tony Blair were not nominated for Nobel Peace Prize?

  7. Did America under Bush Senior also shot down a Iranian passenger jet and killing hundreds in 1988?

    But did Bush Senior even apologise, let alone sanctions against America?

  8. It all boils down to power. And I think Putin, just like Bush Senior in 1988, has power too.

    With power, sanctions or not, no difference.

    And being able to contest 100% seats and ready to be govt, RB, bloggers and whoever criticise or not, no difference.

  9. Please lah. Enough bleeding hearts lah. Puti is one fucker who couldn't care less if the whole world ganged up against him.

    He'll just take off his shirt and shove his moobs (old man tetek) in everyone's faces. :-)

  10. Hello RB, the word "gnarling" in your heading of the article should be "snarling".

  11. Hi anon 9:17, thanks. Both words can be used and mean about the same thing.

  12. The US is just trying to rally its allies against Putin, accusing Russia of everything. I am sure they will think of a reason to quarrel with Putin's shadow if they can.

    Now, they are saying that Russia is supplying weapons to Iraq and that is supposed to be big news to us. The US is the biggest supplier of weapons to the whole world, including countries they supported in the Middle East. How come this is not reported as news in the MSM?

  13. The moral standing of the so called world sheriff is taking a beating especially in Middle East everyday the bloodsehd in State of Palestine continues.

    Precison bombs, merkeva tanks shellings, other advanced and deady weapons are raining down on Palestine, a country with no proper army, no navy no airforce, no airport, no control whatsoever but trapped in a open prison

    The UN shelter is not attacked by Israel and condemned by UN sec-gen.

    RUSSIA should help the Palestine to stop this humanitarian disaster to turn the opinions in its favor

  14. The Israelis military have since attacked the hospital, mosque and the UN shelter.

    The no of killed Palestinians have increased rapidly since the Isreali invasion now surpassed 700.

  15. So, God is the God of Israel. What can you expect?

  16. Basically very very little the Palestinians can do, their enemy are too strong -Israel+US and others .

    Is is either they surrender totally give up fighting or suffer more misery , anyway they have already lost much of their land as the Jewish settlement keep expanding.

    Dun even talk about sovereignty they have zero control over their airspace long long ago to the Israel

    just give up lah and submit to the Israel and US for good, it is a lost cause

  17. There is a God of Israel. There is also Allah. Who will win eventually?

  18. I saw this interview with a girl on CNA calling the shooting down of the Malaysian plane as killing the innocent. With due respect the the victims and families, what about the common people killed in Iraq, Vietnam, and now in Middle East? Are they not innocent people?

    This is selective reporting and brainwashing, rotten to the core.

  19. I think the wide spreading of a deadly disease like SARS or Ebola or huge earthquake will unite the world again. Without any external factors, they just like to fight among themselves or bully each other like little school boys.

  20. Even Mr Ban Ki-Boon is very angry that his UN SCHOOL/facilities that shield tens of thousands of people in Gaza kena bombed.

    The reporting by cna should be considered sterile if compared with those with arabic tv which probably showing graphic pictures of those killed. It has riled many in the Palestine west bank to protest against Israel which resulted in more misery.

  21. Palestinians fighting back is like an egg being hurled on to a rock. It has no chance at all. Nobody in this world want to fight Uncle Sam with its US$640b defence budget.

    11 aircraft carrier fleets leh !

    Together with Israel and their allies they are invincible

    Israel alone has enough f-15/ f-16 mnnitions for a gaza blitzkrieg

    Ultimately your land will be gone forever when there is no more Palestinians left in Gaza as more women and children died

  22. So stop all these vicious cycle of violence

  23. Re: "gnarling" and "snarling", mean completely different things. In the context of your article and its heading, the meaning you wanted to convey to your readers was that the western powers were "snarling" at Putin, i.e. like wolves growling at a potential prey with teeth bared.
    "gnarling" on the other hand means twisting something into a knot.
    Check the dictionary in the interest of clarity and accuracy.

  24. Re: "gnarling" and "snarling", mean completely different things. In the context of your article and its heading, the meaning you wanted to convey to your readers was that the western powers were "snarling" at Putin, i.e. like wolves growling at a potential prey with teeth bared.
    "gnarling" on the other hand means twisting something into a knot.
    Check the dictionary in the interest of clarity and accuracy.

  25. @ 252-3:

    >> in the interest of clarity and accuracy.

    You are in the wrong place if you expect those standards. Even on his best day, redbean is a confused thinker. On his worse days...any manner of mental detritus can be shit out like smelly diarrhea from is dysfunctional brain.

    Proof abound!

  26. Why get so personal? Skewer his ideas/opinions for what its worth, but why descend to such low level of personal attack?

  27. @823:

    >> why descend to such low level of personal attack?

    You ask "why?". I ask WHY NOT? ;-)

    Lighten up. This is the internet. Most of the cuntent here is not serious, and not even true.

  28. I wanted to say: "Well then, I shall let sleeping dogs lie, and barking dogs howl" - but on second thought it would be insulting my canine friends. Enough said.
