
Shinzo Abe, the 21st Century Hitler

Shinzo Abe is revealing himself as the most dangerous man in the 21st Century. His ‘Meiji Restoration’ is militarism, a mirror of Hitler’s Germany. Japan is going to be the new military power and unstoppable. And Abe is likely to have most of the victim countries of Japanese military expansion and invasion of the Second World War supporting him. And Abe is going to tell these countries, ‘We may have invaded your country, defeated your armies, looted your country, raped your women and massacred your people, we now come in peace. Trust Japan!’ And these countries will all say, ‘Yes, Yes.’

The Philippines with many Pinoys massacred by the Japanese Imperial Army have already offered their support for the remilitarizing of Japan. Vietnam is next on the list despite being colonized by Japan. The Australians, with many of their soldiers died in the Changi Prison after being interned as prisoners of war, will host Abe and listen to his call to support Japan’s rise as a military power.

Who is next? America is a no brainer despite the sinking of their Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbour. America is the one behind the Japanese remilitarization to counter the rise of China. India is also a likely candidate to support Japan for the same reason. India got a better affinity with the Japanese Imperial Army when Subhas Chandra Bose formed the Indian National Army with the support of the latter against the British.

Would Indonesia and Malaysia join the queue to fall in line with Japanese militarism? Singapore is a good friend of Japan and would likely say yes. After all the Singapore govt has made a call to forget about the heinous crimes of the Japanese in WW2.

The revival of Japanese Imperialism is a certainty and likely to be welcomed by the American allies and Southeast Asian countries who have all forgotten about the Japanese invasion and atrocities inflicted on their people. They trust the Japanese and the most dangerous man of the 21st Century, Shinzo Abe.
And the Japanese have been telling these former colonies that they have behaved very well after the war. 

What the Japanese did not say is that they had no choice but to behave as they were muzzled and put on a leash by the Americans. If the muzzle had been removed and the leash cut earlier, this beast would have returned to its animal like behavior earlier. Now the Americans have chosen to unleash this beast to run wild against China. And even before the muzzle has been removed, it is snarling at China and Korea and itching for a fight. Abe has reinterpreted the constitution so that Japan can wage wars again!

Beware of this beast, a beast is always a beast.

Kopi Level - Green


Anonymous said...

RB, I have learnt not to trust politicians. For me there is no right or wrong, no angels and demons. Its all about chess playing. If you are not the chess players, you are likely to be the pawns. So, I am not taking side. China has its own interest and so are Japan and USA. Neither is righteous.

Anonymous said...

The new China can be the old Japan. All their recent moves seem to suggest that.

We may be Chinese but one China Chinese I spoke to consider as "Xiong Mao" (panda). If they tell us to stand, we stand. If they tell us to sit, we sit. We have been too well trained by LKY.

And if you think the Chinese leadership cannot be ruthless, do some research into what happened in Tiananmen. And also Tibet.

The Taiwanese Chinese & the Hong Kong Chinese does not have any illusions abt the Chinese govt. But when Singaporean chinese raised the same concerns, we are deem as bananas. The question tt we have to ask is, "are we the Boxer in animal farm?"

Anonymous said...

The war between China and Japan has already started. Now it is the preliminary stage, a war of words and posturing with threats of open conflict.

The degree of animosity will keep raising and the situations get more tense.

Anonymous said...

When Singapore fell, our guns were pointing south when it should have pointed North where the Japs came.

With history repeating itself, I suggest we point our missiles North East because that's where the Japs invading forces will come, give or take another 10 years with its rearmament.

They say leopards don't change their spots. Neither does the Japs. Their flags with its rising sun will be fluttering atop their warships once again and where it was an unholy alliance then in the second world war with Germany and Italy, it will now be with the Yanks and the Brits.

They are dreaming pipe dreams of occupying Shanghai once again.

Maybe even a repeat of the Nanjing Massacre is on the cards.

The only difference is, China can rain saturation nuclear warheads onto the land of Samurais instead of just Nagasaki and Hiroshima, an erstwhile feat done by their current ally.

This man is courting disaster.

Anonymous said...

Singapore no need to worry this time. We will be fighting on the side of the Japanese and Americans against China.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:30, go do some research on Unit 731.

Anonymous said...

The geo-political game playing out in Asia ie NE SE, is getting intense and exciting,

Even Australia supposedly a western country located in asia no thanks to colonial aggression, also want to join in the fun

japon pm just talked about his grandfather kan abe in the Australia parliament

Anonymous said...

Abbott says stronger ties with Japan not aimed at China - shouted the news

The said...

When changes are made to what is already known as a Peace Constitution by a nation which has never apologised in a convincing manner for the invasion of China and massacres it inflicted on the Chinese people, then we must expect something not quite peaceful in the near future, and with the US throwing in its support, can hot conflict be far away? But if it is going to be a real conflict, China today has a fighting chance, by sheer irony — the visit to Japan by Deng Xiaoping had made many, many things possible for the Chinese nation. There will be NO winners in any conflict when the US plays its dark hands like they are doing now in the Middle East. Let’s have two perspectives, one from a Japanese and the other a regional politician:

Contributing to “At Century’s End”, Shuichi Kato, a leading social critic from Japan, in an interview with National Perspective Quarterly (published in 1995) under the Chapter “JAPAN’S EMPTY CORE”:

[NPQ: Is Japan incompatible with the world, or is it capable of joining the world?

Kato: I think Japan can become internationalized, as it is doing every passing day. But it will not become cosmopolitan for a long time to come, not before the end of the twenty-first century. ¶ Japan will remain the MOST insular of all the advanced nations; its insularity is deeply rooted. But this expression of difference should be, and can be, peaceful and cooperative. I don’t think Japan is dangerous, nor a threat. I also DON’T think it is a model for the FUTURE.

NPQ: Just as there is anxiety in the world over the reunification of Germany, is there cause for anxiety over the reunification of Japan? By this I mean the reuniting of Japanese nationalism with its financial and technological might?

Kato: I hope not. Yet there has emerged, over the past few years WIDESPREAD Japanese nationalistic sentiments. It is more than pride, probably less than chauvinism. Because Japanese cars are good, everything Japanese is good. That’s the logic. Extolling Japan’s cultural roots as superior to those of the dying West,…PLAYS into the NEO-nationalist sentiments. ¶ And because everything Japanese is good, a BLIND eye is turned to the WAR CRIMES and OPPRESSION of Japan’s past. We speak about the past in VAGUE ways with sophisticated words — the real point being to attenuate our UNSPEAKABLE wartime ways. For the moment, the neo-nationalist sentiment has NOT crystallised into any political platform, despite the goings-on of the likes of Shintaro Ishihara. So far, it remains a diffuse feeling and nothing more.

NPQ: It is tempting to suggest that the Japanese world view amounts to a kind of group existentialism, characterised by situational ethics and moral relativism. Where is the center? What are the absolute values?...

Kato: There is NO absolute value relating to outsiders. Inside the group, there is very much a certain state of mind where it is considered morally good to be honest, pure-minded, or sincere, and not egoistic in one’s actions. Ethical behaviour toward outsiders is based on a different criterion. For Japanese, the largest insider group is the nation of Japan. For us, the whole human race is divided into TWO subcategories — the Japanese and non-Japanese. Unfortunately, most Japanese DON’T have much sympathy for non-Japanese. Hiroshima evoked deep sympathy because it was the Japanese who WERE hurt. But, to take only one example, the lack of reaction to the Vietnamese boat people that drifted in the seas around Japan during the late 1970s was APPALLING. The Japanese AREN’T much interested in ANY country that DOESN’T produce oil or BUY Japanese cars.] [Shuichi Kato is the author of the definitive three-volume study, A History of Japanese Literature and Form, Style and Tradition]

The said...

Incidentally, Right-wing Shintaro Ishihara is the co-author with Dr Mahathir in a book entitled, “The Voice of Asia” published by Kodansha International Ltd; (1995 – ISBN 4 -7700-2046-5).

[Allowing Japan to once again send its forces abroad is like giving a chocolate liqueur to an alcoholic. Once the Japanese get off the water wagon, it will be hard to stop them. Whatever the Japanese do, they DO very WELL. It’s part of their culture, whether the task at hand is sharpening a samurai sword or making a Sony tape recorder or compact disc. So if they start to build an armed force, it will be the BEST, and it will have the most sophisticated weaponry. ¶ Although I think the values of the younger generation have changed – they wouldn’t chop off heads and put them on a pole – what proof have we that if they get into a desperate situation, for example, blocked access to oil or markets, they won’t set out with the same zeal as their grandfathers did? ¶ We’d be happier, including the present generation of Japanese, if the American security alliance remains, leaving Japan to concentrate on high-definition television] [from “At Century’s End”, chapter The East Asian Way– by Lee Kuan Yew]

[Unfortunately, unlike the Germans, Japan has NOT been open and frank about the ATROCITIES and HORRORS committed in World War II. By avoiding to talk about it, the victims suspect and fear that Japan does NOT think these acts were WRONG, and that there is NO genuine Japanese change of heart. (1992) ¶ If Japan is to be a WORLD player in the field of economic and politics, it has to become an OPEN society like the US, easy to read and understand. It MUST win the respect and admiration of other countries. Japan CANNOT HOLD ITSELF OUT AS A UNIQUE civilisation. Instead, Japan has to become a MODEL from which others can borrow parts of Japanese civilisation to improve their own system and so be more successful. This needs PROFOUND change in the mindset of Japanese leaders and especially those in politics, the media and academia. (1994).] [LKY – The Wit & Wisdom]

On regional security, LKY again: “China’s neighbours are unconvinced by China’s ritual phrases that all countries big and small are equal or that China will never seek hegemony” (1994).

Then, “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”, now “collective self-defence”

Different words, similar idea, similar intention, similar objective?

Similar tragedy!

Source: Sempitan Emas

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

In geopolitics they changed sides quite easily. During WW2, China was fighting the Japanese with the Allies. After the war, China was with the Soviets and Japan was with the Allies.

Soon North Korea will be declared as the good boy by the Americans and Japs. No more Axis of Evil and be fighting China and S Korea will be on China's side against Jap and the Americans.

Anonymous said...

I am Anon@10.30 & I see a lot of Boxers (the horse fm Animal farm) in our midst. Like Boxer, we think that when Napolean start to rule our region, our lives will be better off simply because they look like us. But will it.

The history of atrocities about Japan is well known but we should not be blind about the ruthlessness of the so call mandarins in China. If they r ruling Singapore & we had a protest like what we had in Hong Lim Park recently, it is not beyond them to sent in the tanks to level the ground at Hong Lim, together with the protestors. This is not long ago history that we r talking abt. This is the recent past.

If they think a disputed territory belongs to them, they will just sent the army to take it eg Tibet. Now the Spratleys.

The Mandarins are no Angels. China never have to ambition to venture beyond their immediate territory but they are starting to change. They have built the first aircraft carrier and more will come.

As they get richer, their military power will also get stronger. I shudder to think how they will use it.

Anybody who thinks that Japan will repeat Nanjing is mad. The difference betw then & now is that China is a major nuclear power. Try it and the entire Japan will be levelled. U think the Japanese r tt dumb to recognise the threat.

Anonymous said...

Really? If China did not send in the tanks into tiananmen, China wld have broken up like russia. I just curious how u came to tt conclusion.

China has been a country for thousands of years, through multiple invasions and calamities. But one small protest in beijing can break up the country? Do u really believe tt?

We may be the children of the peasant class in the past but only the staunchest believers in eugenics will believe that we are useless and all the achievements tt we have had means nothing. Just look at Australia, they may be a land of ex prisoners from Britian but they made something of themselves. Likewise with America, the best & the brightest were hardly the people from Britain tt migrated to america.

If we, sinkies are discriminated against by foreigners, then u shld ask a "not so well to do" china chinese why they prefer to come here to steal work from us. If they are truthful as one of them was to me, they will tell you tt opportunites are given only to the well connected. If they are fm the poor background, it is very, very hard to break through.

Because of the colour of our skin, it is tempting to cheer the rise of china but we shld not have any illusions tt they r going to take care of us (overseas chinese). Look at the s-chip saga and we will do well to learn tt they will screw us whenever they can. So, it is time time tt we wise up and stop becoming "xiong mao"

Anonymous said...

How old are you anon 2:36? You think like a perfect banana. Your history is western history of China. You look at China like you are an angmoh. You are just parroting all the views and fears of the west about China.

The angmohs are very happy to make bananas think this way, fearing a ghost of themselves. Actually they are giggling at how bananas could fear and hate themselves so much.

It was lucky that they found America and not China or the Chinese race would have been extinct, terminated like the Red Indians. You know how many Red Indians were killed by the Europe settlers?

You need to educate yourself on the history of the USA and China to avoid making superficial comments from little knowledge.

b said...

Usually a small dog makes a lot of noise. But it is the big dogs that are working. Just look how China is going to establish new ties with Germany and those countries formally bullied by americans. The future is obvious.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

As the world get disillusioned by the decadence and bullying of the Americans, the destruction and killings they committed everywhere, China is quietly creating a new order under the principle of equality.

The Yuan would soon replace the greenbacks as the international currency and by then the USA will just be another ex economic powerhouse. There will be a new ethos and evils and wicked powers will be named as such. The murderers of innocent civilians will not get away scot free.

How many innocent civilians have the Americans and their allies killed in the middle east, in Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc etc. To the west and WOG, they are just collateral damages, nothing to it unlike the Tiananmen Massacre. The Middle eastern people are not humans and their lives are dispensable.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The two reigning clowns of Asia today are:

1. Abe
2. Aquino

Can't even include N Korea's youthful Kim Jong-un -- since he's only fired a few missiles and killed some musicians and singers...that's all...those artists were probably awful anyway, no no loss to humanity there ;-)

Anyway, the Japinoy duo are Asia's laughing stock. Man are they fucked in their heads...

Anonymous said...

anon@2.51. Actually, the angmoh did find china. His name is Marco Polo.

Seem like you need to educate yourself abt history, not me.

Maybe I am a banana but sounds like you are a "xiong mao". I don't really base my views on race religion, just on the facts.

It sounds like you caught the "yellow fever'. Anything yellow must be good, irrespective of the evidence in front of your eyes.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong to be bananas when your rulers worked for murderers of fellow countrymen.

What are banabas in comparison with traitors? Especially bananas that grow up under treacherous leaders.

Virgo49 said...

Anon @4.12

"Xiong Mao" are a rare endangered species and wanted by countries begging PRC to give or loan to them.

Have to gain the close relationships or "quang xi" from the "yellow" before they acceded the favours.

So "Xiong Mao" definitely more valuable and dignified than the bananas.

Anonymous said...

In the past it was guns and canons that made colonization possible, many Asians lost their land but adapted and realized the need for small arms in their military.

Then after the ww2 ended fighter jet- engine plane and large tanks enter the scene. Russian France UK/US all got jet planes

China quickly adapted and made copies of mig21 when its tech/manf still not mature

without military parity the whole country could be in jeopardy esp those in the big league

then came the N BOMB

major power start to have them.

China benefitted from the tech transfer from Russian

Now carrier fleet is becoming a commonplace, UK just named a 60,0000 tons carrier, one more coming.

Japun , even tiny SG also want to operate carrier

Anonymous said...

Dodo birds are also quite valuable! They r so dumb tt they finally became extinct. Of course, they were a valuable, endangered species first.

Look - start reading abt what the Philippines r saying abt china, what the Vietnamese r saying also. Philippines now want US back after kicking them out. Why? Because they realize tt there need to be a counterbalance to a humongous china.

When many r saying the same things, maybe (just maybe) it is time to ask whether long held position (based on emotion) continue to be relevant.

I am a Singaporean Chinese & I hv no wish to be part of china. Because if we r part of china, you can't even gather in hong lim park. So I am not sure where the loyalty of the pro china commentators actually lie when they call the realists traitors.

Anonymous said...

Being in this part of world 's geo political landscape the countries in this region must deal with the big powers whether it is China, India or Japan

There will be always a mix of either pro-asian or pro-western sentiments whether it is in SG or thailand or vietnam

depending on the historical ties between them, the cultural and trade exchanges, would then decide what is best for each country

Anonymous said...

Basically whether Sporeans are pro-china/russia VS pro-us/japan/PH , Spore is not going to change anything whether we are against the Cihnese/Russian or against the Americans/Japanese/pinoys there will not be a tip of balance due to Sg participation

end of the day the big powers decide

Anonymous said...

On the whole, I wld hv to agree with u. Although I do not like many of lky's policies in recent years, his foresight in helping the American locate their navy here after they were kicked out of PH looks like a brilliant strategy now. Mahatir was quite unhappy with it and was quite public abt it at tt time.

Anonymous said...

Audi sold more than 50,000 units June alone in China

how can not pro China when comes to trade

b said...

But Oz not pro china leh. Dunno which wire went wrong in Abbott head.