
Meritocracy to the hilt

This post is going to make some quarters very happy and appreciative, those Sinkies that think they are very clever and meritocratic and are better than the FTs. This group has no interest in the less able Sinkies that would be run down into the gutters. They have very low tolerance for the less clever Sinkies. They will thump their chests and shout, ‘Bring in the FTs!’ The other group will be the FTs here and many on the way. They will be beaming and grinning at the stupidity of this suggestion but will appreciate how it will favour them. Paradise is beckoning.

Meritocracy is really good. We can have the best of the world to make this a most prosperous piece of real estate in the world. There is no room for mediocrity and no need for bleeding hearts. It is like the law of the jungle, Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, where Nature demands only the fittest to survive. Good genes are needed for the survival of the human race. The less able, the NGs, should be abandoned, culled if necessary, citizenship is no protection in pure meritocracy, regardless of everything, including nationality.

The final outcome, a city of the best and brightest and richest, a human paradise! But the island cannot just have the best and very best. The dirty work, the manual work, the service workers to service the rich and cleverest must be around to serve. Only the middle group, the neither good nor bad ie the average Sinkie or middle class, will not be able to find any meaningful existence in such a meritocratic city. You are either the best, to be served, or the lowest life form in the pecking order, to serve.

Shall this be something to look forward to? A city of two classes, the super rich and the lowest manual workers and service providers, and both are foreigners.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. "A city of two classes, the super rich and the lowest manual workers and service providers, and both are foreigners."

    What foreigner? PAP through mutual agreement, can make the super rich or even the not that rich foreigners to become Sinkie citizens. That's what 6.9 million target is for. And as citizens, they can vote, and u know who they will vote for.

    Of course, the lowest manual workers will remain as foreigners lah, and the average Sinkies will remain average lah.

    And do u know some, and maybe a lot, of these average Sinkies are very scared if PAP is voted out, even the strongest opposition is not ready to be govt?

    Conclusion. Despite many angry average Sinkies and bloggers like RB, PAP will still win the next election. Or rather a foregone conclusion.

  2. Yes - meritocrazy, and the Germans have it.

    信不信由你.... 这次世界杯,意大离了,西班哑了、英格烂了、乌拉归了……1/4决赛:哥伦比哑了,法兰熄了,比利失了,哥斯达离家了!照这思路,接下去半决赛:巴熄了,荷烂了,决赛是德国阿根廷。最后:德过了,阿根停了,冠军应该是德国‼️ 

  3. No need to say, by the policies of PAP, average (daft) Sinkie or middle class has already been written off by PAP. But daft Sinkies, being daft, may still not able to see it that way. Or they can see but they cannot do anything because they are daft, unlike the smart ones.

    Anyway, what's the problem?

  4. We see that kind of situation in many third world countries where the inequality gap is gigantic and thus crime rates are also very high. In no time, the country is like a slum with a few very heavily guarded luxurious mansions or villas. All educated middle class will try to migrate because they see no future.
