
I thought driving taxis only for Singapore citizens

I saw this post in Hardwarezone about Pinoy taxi driver in Sin City. It was accompanied by a photo of the inside of the cab with sever Pinoy flags in it.

‘Dear The Real Singapore,
I took a cab from my office to ubi this morning and I encounter a Pinoy driving taxi in

.Isn't it illegal?....

I am shocked that some Taxi companies are breaking laws by hiring Pinoy to be working as Taxi drivers. Are our local taxi drivers going to be displaced as well?
The pinoy speak with a very strong accent that I couldn't understand properly and he was also extremely rude to Singaporeans like me.
I won't be surprised next time the whole country gets displaced with foreigners and that even our ministers are foreigners.
Can LTA please clarify why are these foreigners welcomed into our country as 'Foreign Talents' but work as cab
drivers? Are we in shortage of cab drivers?’

Can this be true? Maybe the Pinoy taxi driver is now a citizen, a foreign talent with a string of degrees. Taxi driving is the last bastion that is protected and reserved for jobless Singaporean PMEs. If this is violated, where would the jobless unemployable Singaporeans going to find a self employed job? Cleaning tables in hawker centres? Or someone going to ask, you want to clean tables in restaurant, foodcourt or hawker stalls?

Oh, the trick now is to recruit foreign talents, make them citizens and by passed this protected profession. Is this the case now? Yes, LTA, please confirm that this is not true. I hope this is just a mistake, an oversight. Or we are now recruiting foreign graduates to compete with our PMEs in driving taxis? We have many graduate taxis drivers, including a PhD.

Kopi Level - Yellow


  1. "Can LTA please clarify why are these foreigners welcomed into our country as 'Foreign Talents' but work as cab
    drivers? ...Can this be true?"

    True or not, does it really matter?

    And is it true that the opposition is still not ready to be govt by next election?

    And if true, that's what really matters. For PAP, that is.

  2. The more Sinkie opposition parties there are, the more not ready the opposition will be to be govt.

    Is it far fetched to imagine Teochew Ah Hia and Hainan Ah Ko fighting over the PM position if the 60% voted opposition instead of PAP? I think not.

    And if it happens, this scenario is even more scary than Pinoy, PRC or India Indian taxi drivers in Sinkieland, tio bo?

  3. "Is it far fetched to imagine Teochew Ah Hia and Hainan Ah Ko fighting over the PM position if the 60% voted opposition instead of PAP? I think not."
    Anon 9:31 am

    Tiok. That's why PAP not scared one.

    Why not scared? Because PAP knows Teochew Ah Hia, Hainan Ah Ko and the 60% very well. As for the rest, including bloggers, PAP can forget about them.

  4. Smart Sinkies very scared if Hainan Ah Ko or Teochew Ah Hia become PM, all Sinkies, including smart ones, also cannot make money. And even if they want to become taxi drivers!

    Whereas under PAP, although bad, at least smart Sinkies can still make money.

  5. What can we do if your forward looking, honest and efficient government wants to welcome us with open arms into your tiny and crowded island?

    Please stop griping and blaming us honest and hard-working folks who make huge sacrifices to come here to help contribute and build your economy.

    Please don't be xenophobic and be broadminded & accommodating as these days we're living in a globalized world.

    Next time before you attempt to spread hate and ill-feelings, do spare a moment to think of your compatriots who are presently making a living in the Philippines.

    I can tell you we welcome Singaporeans and all foreigners with open arms and make them feel at home.

  6. Under this LHL-PAP government;
    Singaporeans have fallen very far.

    - In the past, Singaporeans would compete for all the top jobs in Singapore e.g. banks, manufacturing, IT etc.
    - Now Singaporeans are competing for taxi driver jobs with aliens.
    - I am ashamed of the 60% Singaporeans who support PAP in GE 2011. You make Singaporeans look so stupid.

  7. Anon 9:49, Hhahahahahhahhahha....
    You are a joker and I like your jokes. You made big sacrifices to come and help to build our economy? hahahhahahahhhha.

    If Aquino heard what you said he will call you a traitor.

  8. RB,
    There are many new citizens driving taxi. As long as you are a Singaporean - whether born here or overseas, you can drive taxi. My frens ever told me that they ever cane across PRC taxi drivers. From their accent and the kind of Mandarin they speak confirmed non natives. Question is how do they communicate with local non Chinese? At least locals could speak some Malay. PRCs can't. No jobs here are exclusively for locals now. That's a fact.

  9. "There are many new citizens driving taxi."
    Gintai_昇泰 10:29 am

    Wah Lau eh. U mean foreigners who can only work as taxi drivers can also become citizen meh?

    Is PAP scrapping the barrel to get foreigners to become citizens? And to get votes?

    Siao liao lah. Like that real Sinkies sure must vote PAP out. But then how, with so many new citizens?

  10. Anon 10.11 am

    Kapatid na lalaki, you have no choice now.....just imagine if all of us from the Philippines, China, India, Bangladesh and Malaysia were to all leave your small & crowded island tomorrow, your property price and economy will collapse.

    So be thankful that we foreigners are helping to support and provide you and your families a good life.

  11. Please go and let our property market collapse, if it will. But one thing for sure, you will have to return to your slums and become jobless. No other country will want you.

    I bet 10 to 1 that all of you will be begging to stay and would not want to go back to be poor again, and despite your claims to be talented, you can't help your poor country to be better a wee bit.

  12. The alien talents are unable to help their own families in their own country.
    But can come to Singapore and help PAP & Singaporeans.
    What a joke.

  13. @July 13, 2014 11:34 am
    " Kapatid na lalaki, you have no choice now.....just imagine if all of us from the Philippines, China, India, Bangladesh and Malaysia were to all leave your small & crowded island tomorrow, your property price and economy will collapse. "

    Unlike the spineless PAP citizens, Singaporean citizens do not bow to blackmail.
    I will vote Opposition to prove you wrong.

  14. Pinoys, PRCs, India Indians etc came to Sinkieland not because they love Sinkies or want to help the Sinkie economy or PAP.

    If there is a better place than Sinkieland for them, they will just instantly pack up and go. No question about that.

    That's why Sinkieland may be attracting only those available 2nd, 3rd or unrated foreign talents just for PAP to get the numbers.

    And for that, daft Sinkies will suffer. But still not enough of them to vote PAP out.

  15. Are PAP the typical traitors?
    Unable to attract Singaporeans to help them build up Singapore.
    Can only attract alien talents from 3rd world countries?

    You can judge a leadership by the quality of people it attracts ... with and without money as an incentive.

  16. They are desperate. No good and worthy Sporeans want to join them. They went to beg Ong Ye Kung to come back.

    Must have asked the Aljunid team to come back oso but they tulan also don't want to come back.

  17. We the citizens of PAP.
    Pledge ourselves as one united pigsty
    Regardless of race, language or country of origin.
    To turn Singapore into a fascist business park.
    Based on money and Hitler's ideals.
    So as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for PAP.

  18. See a pig.
    Vote him out.
    And save a Singaporean job for the next 5 years.

  19. Hi Gintai, Many foreigners are now disguised as new citizens to take advantage of Singaporeans. This is a very sad state of affair.

    Like many people said, Sinkies deserved this fate for being daft and allowed others to trample all over them.

  20. a few years back i took a comfort cab at pasir ris. the cab driver was from myanmar. saw his burmese name on the dashboard. he said his wife and kids all living in s'pore.

  21. Gintai, I dun find you running to say there's no such thing anymore, what happen, finally seen what I have that even the taxis are not exculsive as you claim?
    Citizenship are given away with such pace that during my initial saw of a prc driving a taxi was not wrong.....yet you rebutted it furiously, we are born here, have lived here and is still here and most likely die here, they came and is now one of us?in your books if they have the credentials....then they are ok?, cool, keep on believing what you want but if your children ever run into job alocation problems, pls dun write into your blog and languish with your cries.
    languages or dialects are and is never going to be an issue, sooner or later everyone speaks it, dun kid yourself. Please.

  22. The pinoy taxi driver is not a foreigner but likely a new citizen. If u go to New York or SFO, u will find that many taxi drivers are from India or Middle East too so sinkie land also sama sama.

  23. So easy, just give everyone citizenship then give them licence. See, only for Singaporeans. Even top jobs and next will be ministers, prime ministers and presidents.

    Find a FT, offer him citizenship then make him PM or president. Daft sinkies will not find anything wrong with it.

  24. LTA needs us to wake them up...instead of send the taxi with mechanical fault to the taxi company workshop for repair..one taxi company's relationship officer just called this taxi uncle to say that his taxi traveled less then 250km (as required by LTA on each n every taxi every day)that day idle in the workshop..which means LTA is pushing taxi comapny to push each n every taxi to travel at lease 250km a day even the taxi was due for repair (that day) is counted..so much so putting the passenger's safety less important...

  25. Hi leelili, welcome to the blog.

    It is easy to go by the book and not thinking.

  26. Its time people start to wake up that no job is safe anymore in this era. Btw, pinoys can easily get back their pinoy citizenships.

  27. Some Sinkies never learnt how the System works and just blast away just bcos they are in the Industry. It is so obvious that most at the bottom of any industries know a lot less than those at management level.

  28. So you know a lot? Or you are also at the bottom level and didn't know what you are talking about?

  29. Leelili, and you drive 250 kilos for 8 hours average a day, 1st its to sustain your family and your own needs, now you have to sustain the requirement because of the regulation made. You can't keep to the 250 kilo, they take your vechicle back?

    LTA, to wake who up? Surely you jest, same tea cup isn't, I'm seeing more and more uncles driving reckless, more and more falling asleep while driving, safety.....what's that?, growth...at all cost....sinkies....who are they?

    You put that man in charge, along with 60% as blind as you wanted such kick dog treatment, suck it up and move on, because if you don't they have readied new recruits to take your place...what are you going to do then, go back to your office job...where? how? WHO WILL STILL HIRE YOU?
