
The USA failed in Iraq?

Many political analysts are putting the blame on the Americans for failing to create an Iraq run under democratic principles. They said all the institutions of democracy collapse within two years after the Americans pulled out similar to Vietnam. And what was left behind is a more chaotic, divisive Iraq that is on the verge of a full scale civil war.

I can appreciate the dumb western political analysts and self appointed saviours of Iraq and the middle eastern states for believing that the Americans murdered Saddam Hussein and brought down his dictatorship was for the purpose of democracy, freedom and human rights. It is really disappointing for middle eastern political analysts to think likewise.

Democracy, human rights and freedom were just the catchphrases used to dupe the Arabs and the world that the Americans were all well meaning. Whether Iraq becomes a democratic state is a non issue. If Saddam was pro Americans like the Shah of Iran, he would still be in his palace and killing his opponents and with the full support of the Americans. The dreadful state of affair and the killings and crippling of a few hundred thousand Iraqis by the American invasion must be a sad result of freedom and human rights for the Iraqis. The country has been torn apart.

These daft analysts are condemning the Americans for a failure. The Americans are quietly congratulating themselves and popping champagne in celebration for turning Iraq into a war torn state that would be in a mess for decades to come. The Americans have succeeded in what they set out to do to the Iraqis in particular and the Arab states in general. They must not be allowed to live in peace, to be rich and powerful. The Middle East must be in a constant state of flux and disorder.

The situation in Iraq is exactly what the Americans set out to do, chaos and in a state of war and confusion. Having achieved their objective, the Americans have moved out their forces to create the same scenario in Asia, to create tension, incite wars and turn the states in Asia into another Iraq and a bickering Middle East.

The silly Asians are no smarter than the Arabs and are yelling for war like heroes, warriors and soldiers. Aquino just officially backed the remilitarisation of Japan led by Abe despite the vivid memories of Japanese massacring hundreds of thousands of Pinoys in WW2. They could not see the consequences of war to their countries and people and the region. They love every minute of the Americans’ presence in the region and are so grateful to have this evil Empire supporting them in a new war they hope to start fighting.

They have forgotten about what happened to Iraq and the Middle East. Asia has enjoyed nearly 40 years of peace in the absence of the Americans. They have recently moved back in and tension is rising with war imminent in East and Southeast Asia. How many silly Asian leaders are willing to be led into another war by the Americans and the Japanese?

Kopi Level - Yellow


  1. "How many silly Asian leaders are willing to be led into another war by the Americans and the Japanese?"

    None. Because if war can happen, it would have already happened. If it didn't, it will never happen.

    If Sinkie opposition can be ready to be govt, that would already had happened in 2011. If it didn't, it will never happen.

  2. This is the stepping stone for an invasion of Syria n Iran.

    Absence of certain meat in their diet make most of the people incapable of rationalizing

  3. Oh, they have succeeded in Iraq, as indeed they have done so in many other countries. Just depend on what you think their hidden agenda was. If the US's real intention is to destroy other nations or to cause strife and stir shit and cause enmity among other nations (like egging on Vietnam, Philippines and Japan against China), then, hell yes, they have succeeded.


    In Libya, we destroyed a brutal yet stable nation-state and replaced it with anarchy, a failed state apparatus and rule by tribes, warlords and radical Al Qaeda types with a continuous low level of violence.

    In Syria, we destroyed a brutal yet stable nation-state and replaced with utter chaos, a mad civil war that left 180,000 dead and 9 million refugees and most of the nation in utter ruins outside of the state’s rule. Radical Islamists control vast swathes of land and atrocities occur continuously. The truth is that Syria has been destroyed.

    In Iraq, the US removed a very brutal yet stable nation-state and replaced it with utter chaos, and a continuous insurgency followed by a savage civil war that has left 1.4 million Iraqis dead. Al Qaeda types control vast swathes of land, and Ayatollah types hold sway in the south. Iraq lies in ruins.

    In Afghanistan, the US removed an evil yet fairly stable state under the Taliban and replaced it with military occupation and a failed state which barely has jurisdiction or control outside of Kabul city limits. Most of the land lies in ruins and a vast number of died for no particularly good reason. Afghanistan basically lies in ruins.

    In Ukraine, the US replaced a stable but corrupt leader who refused to bow to IMF debt slavery and be a nation-seller. A man who got cold feet when it came down to the nitty-gritty of selling out his people bailed on the devastating deal being shoved down his throat. The US then funded some of its pet Nazis to riot in the streets, kill cops and put snipers on buildings shooting dozens in false flag operations.

    An insane Nazi regime soon took over and immediately declared war on every minority in the country, especially the Russians. They also for all intents and purposes declared war on Russia. The Russians in the East, naturally alarmed at the rise of this new Nazi power in Europe, logically decided they wanted no part of this mess and voted to secede. A huge military operation was then launched on the people of the East resulting in hundreds dead and entire cities in ruins while America cheered on the slaughter and called for more killing and destruction. Much of Eastern Ukraine now lies in ruins.

    In Yemen, a weak government has lost control of much of the countryside where tribal militias and Al Qaeda type Islamists control giant swathes of territory. I am not sure what it was like before 9-11, but I do not think it was this bad.

    Tunisia, previously a very stable state, is now destabilized by invading Al Qaeda types from Libya flooded with weapons from the overthrown Libyan government.

    Mubarak was removed in Egypt, and in the resulting protests, many died. Elections were held, and Muslim Brotherhood Islamists won. Quite a bit of protest and some violence then ensued. The MB started enacting a lot of anti-democratic laws, and al-Sisi, a Nasserite style general in the Egyptian Army, seized power along with other officers. The MB protested, and many MB protesters were massacred in cold blood. Death sentences were levied against 600 protestors for a protest in which one cop was killed. Attacks against Egyptian Coptic Christians increased dramatically. The result is a chaotic Egypt that was much more stable under Mubarak.

  4. Thank you The, for the clear description of the state of disorder in the Middle East. Thanks to the US for doing them such a great favour so that they would be so embroiled in killing each other and have no time to live life in peace.

    The same formula of the US will be applied in East and SE Asia. We will have wars between the Koreas, China and Japan, China and Vietnam and the Philippines, and maybe Malaysia and Indonesia would want to join the fun.

    Then we will have failed states in the region, embroiled in wars that they did not know how they got started and why were they killing each other and living in disorder.

    Thank you America, for your pivot and blessings.

  5. "We will have wars between the Koreas, China and Japan, China and Vietnam and the Philippines, and maybe Malaysia and Indonesia would want to join the fun."
    RB 10:51 am

    Please lah, where there are Chinese, there will be no wars.


    Because Chinese, and doesn't matter whether PRC Chinese, Pinoy, Malaysia, Indonesia or even Sinkie Chinese, are smart and only want to make money wherever and whenever possible, not battles or wars, and within and without. Not even an election battle eg the smart Sinkie Chinese!

    So what happened in the Middle East will never happen in Asia.

    Or at most they will only fight a blog battle, and at the same time not forgetting about making blog kopi money.

    1. The blame lies with weak and cowardly moron obama doing NOTHING! NATO IS obama's stupid strategy...He could have used air power to decimate and defeat isis...used CIA to replace maliki as pm years ago but Obama the imbecile did nothing. Now we are all going to suffer higher petrol prices and higher electricity bills and soon isis will target western interests from its safe haven in iraq...opinion by chin chow girl

  6. I think those Arabs who fight wars in Syria and Iraq against their govts is because under their govts, they could not make money, or do not know how to make money. So they fight to get power first, and then money. Got power, then sure got money one.

    Whereas smart Sinkies will get money first, never mind no win election and no power.

  7. I think those Arabs who fight wars in Syria and Iraq against their govts is because under their govts, they could not make money, or do not know how to make money. So they fight to get power first, and then money. Got power, then sure got money one.

    You are wrong. Many of these Jihad kids are foreigners and they got arms from USA.

    In fact, Islamofascist are traitors of Islam. They are bedfellows of Jews, Zionist and USA.

    The Nasserites, the Iranian Ayatollahs, Hezbollah are the one with back bone standing up against USA and Jews.

    Fuck Malaysian UMNO, who is a staunch USA ally. In fact USA and Israel is the main evangelist for Islamofascism and Islamofascism are shit people of mankind.

    Fuck Islamofascist.

  8. Get real, Assad of Syria has a lot of support from good Sunni. The Alawite is just 10% of population and without Sunni support, Assad will be seeing Allah this morning.

    Assad despite of all his short coming are patriotic Arabs, and has been eager to give Israel trouble.

    Fuck the Malaysian Malay UMNO, who are very Islam but at the same time, is ally of USA.

    The UMNO where so many Malay are proud of is big traitor of Malay and Islam.

  9. The Arab countries have been pawns of the Americans for centuries and could not free themselves from the American's clutch. They will be kept as faild states, fighting and fighting among themselves.

    Sad thing, they did not know why they ended in this state and still worshipping the Americans.

  10. 100% agree with RB.

    >> The Americans are quietly congratulating themselves and popping champagne in celebration for turning Iraq into a war torn state that would be in a mess for decades to come.

    Yep. A true masterful stroke of evil genius. Now with the added bonus of Muslims slaughtering Muslims. What a score!

    >> The silly Asians are no smarter than the Arabs and are yelling for war like heroes, warriors and soldiers

    Actually the Asian are sillier than the Arabs. Very few Arabs trust the US. In fact, many Arab govts don't hide their dislike for US Forces.

    In Asia -- all legs are open, pussy lips spread like lotus petals, and the moist pink juicy insides of Asia's Vag-jayjay beckon big cock from US of A to give it a right-royal fucking.

    "U.S. forces give the nod
    It's a setback for your country
    Bombs and trenches all in rows
    Bombs and threats still ask for more"
    -- Midnight Oil 'US Forces'

    >> How many silly Asian leaders are willing to be led into another war by the Americans and the Japanese

    Almost all of them. Especially and including China.

    As usual, follow the money.

  11. Touch wood. I have a dilemma. It is better to let Islamofascist hehave like a clown in Middle East -- so that China can rise without being sabotage by USA.

    Will China be allowed to emerge if
    1) USA good with Muslim countries
    2) USA and Russia is good and there is no Ukraine problem.

    China is allowed to rise peacefully because USA got distracted.

    The day when USA become ally of all good Muslim, you see civil war in Xinjiang and Tibet and Taiwan.

  12. Wow, wow, wow, I think I am going to strike toto this week. Matilah agreed with me 100%! See, when he takes his medicine everything will be fine with him.

    On a more serious note, I must agree with Veritas. The US was preoccupied with Osama and the ME and let China to rise in peace. Then they panicked, quickly get out of ME and Afghanistan and came out with the pivot.

    So they thought they could start to give China trouble. But God or Allah said, not so easy. Come back and get stuck back in Iraq. You Americans have committed too many sins in Iraq and killed too many innocents. You will be dragged back to pay the price.

    Where are Bush and Blair? Why aren't they arrested and charged for crimes against humanity?

    Mahathir, you are needed to put these two evil men behind bars.

  13. "Many political analysts are putting the blame on the Americans for failing to create an Iraq run under democratic principles"

    - the objective has never been to create or improve Iraq democracy. the objective for any wars leaded by the americans has always been - profit maximization.

  14. Many reasons for starting a war. As Matilah would say, follow the money trail.

    Desert Storm and Desert Shield wasn't about Saddam Hussain or WMD. What has Saddam got to do with the World Trade Centre suicide planes?

    It was about Iraqi oil. It was about military industrial complex. About American companies going in after the bombing for reconstruction. It was about using Iraq as a test bed for new weapons, especially the stealth bombers and their laser guided missiles and the cruise missiles. It is about getting rid of old ammo that may become unstable. And best of all, it is about making a huge profit by making the coalition of the unwilling pay for this multi-billion adventure. And poor Japan ended paying a large portion of the bill, and the US actually making tons money for getting rid of its old ammo, for testing new weapons and for "revenge" for the WTC.

  15. "As Clinton railed against cuts sought by Republican to the U.S. foreign aid program, she told senators, "We are a competition for influence with China. Let's put aside the humanitarian, do-good side of what we believe in. Let's just talk straight realpolitik. We are in competition with China."

    - the reason why americans always bother china is because they think china is competing with them for PROFIT. it is all about the love of money - the root of evil as stated in the bible. I am sure if americans break up, all the countries in the world will swing side, bootlick, curry flavor china. the power of money can never be underestimated. it is never about humanitarian, green peace, democracy or freedom.

  16. Bush and Blair should be hauled in front of the International Court of Justice for war crime. WMD, which they never found, was the reason for their excuse for creating this problem.

  17. USA creates wars and fight in the Middle-east bcos it wants to save Israel and itself from Jihad. It also wants to crusade the Middle-east for their dear Jesus.

  18. And they came to SE Asia to lie to the Muslim leaders that they are here to help them. And the daft Muslim leaders are so happy to stand beside them and take photographs with them, forgetting that they are the devils in disguise.
