
The CPF Dialogue – The people taking the initiative

Roy Ngerng and his concerned Singaporean friends held a protest at Hong Lim Park to demand for more transparency and accountability on the people’s savings in the CPF. Other than demanding the return of the CPF savings, they also demanded for better interest rate, how the CPF savings are being invested, abolishing minimum sums, and a list of other things.

This is the first time the people are initiating the conversation, a public conversation on a very important issue affecting every Singaporean. Would the Govt make an effort to respond to the issues and demands raised by the speakers at Hong Lim? Or would this be another monologue, the people talking to themselves just like the Natcon initiated by the Govt, talking only to the convert? In the Natcon it was like the Govt telling the people these would the things they would do to the CPF. The people mumbled and grumbled and that was it. Last Saturday was like the people rising up to tell the Govt what they wanted, what they agreed and disagreed. It is so funny that we have two national conversations but there were no meeting of minds, like two people talking talking but not wanting to talk to each other.

Did the Govt invite critical views like those from the opposition parties or Govt critics to join in the Natcon? Did Roy Ngerng and Hui Hui invite the Govt to Hong Lim Park to speak as well? Apparently up till last Saturday, both sides are keeping each other at a distance or at arm’s length. There was supposed to be a press conference at the end of the rally. When the media were invited to speak, none spoke as if the media were not even there to cover the event. Were the local media present? The foreign media were there.

Hri Kumar is holding a public dialogue with residents of Thomson and Toa Payoh next Saturday to talk about the CPF. Hri Kumar called his public dialogue ‘CPF, An honest conversation’ and invited his residents to register their attendance.

Kenneth Jeyaretnam, Roy Ngerng and Ariffin Sha were reported to have registered for the public dialogue. It would be an interesting dialogue when the two camps met to have a serious and in dept discussion on this very important matter. I think many people from other constituencies would also like to attend. Maybe I should also register my attendance to get enlightened by the two very informed parties on the CPF issues. This initiative by Kenneth and Roy, to make an effort to talk to the other camp, could address a lot of issues and misconceptions about the CPF. It would definitely benefit all Singaporeans.

The avoidance to meet and discuss cannot go on while keeping on a wayang of talking and listening. A healthy exchange in a constructive manner would be a good start to a real dialogue. Now many have doubts whether such a dialogue would be possible, would really take place. Would Hri Kumar welcome Kenneth, Roy and his friends to this dialogue? Or would they be ruled out of order, not qualified to attend?

Kopi Level - Green


Singaporeans look down on coattails eat soft rice pseudo politicians said...

Once many GRCs are converted to SMCs, this act tough marshmallow got no more skirt to hide and will end up losing his deposit and seat in the next GE. KJ should take him on one to one and make him shit in his pants during the campaign trail.

Anonymous said...

No need KJ lah. Send in one young David and this fake Goliath will revert back to his original rodent form and scutter into the long kang. No fight. He will sheepishly raise a WHITE FLAG from the long kang hole and War over!

Anonymous said...

Aiya. All this jiakliaobee where got balls fight in SMCs? All useless bs hiding behind old man's lighting rod lah. Without old man's protection, all tiger pretenders reduced to pussy cats long ago.

Anonymous said...

Most lawyers are society's parasites in this world. That's why people look down on them. They contribute almost nothing to society but demand a ransom pay and waste earth's precious resources. Only know how to use their mouths bs. Give them one simple pri 6 math qn and most of the time dunno how to solve. What do they call that in hokkien?

Anonymous said...

RB, you stand corrected when you say that Roy or "both sides" are avoiding each other or keeping themselves at arm's length on the CPF issue. You forget that Roy had, in is reply to the PM's lawyers, invited him to have an open dialogue. The PM did not respond.

Anonymous said...


More GOOOOOOOOOOD years means actually more ................ years?

Anonymous said...

Swiss standard living means Swiss co-t of living

Anonymous said...

To cover 1 lie you need 1,000 lies.

Anonymous said...

Lau hero, can tell actual meaning of "honest conversation" can be "what"?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thank you Anon 9:28 for the correction.

Anonymous said...

Is that such thing as an "honest marriage"?

Marriage is marriage.

Why need add in honest marriage?

Anonymous said...

When a HUM SUPP LOU try bs your daughter, your grand daughter he "honestly LOVE her", what "gooooooooood" intention could be in his mind?

Anonymous said...

What Is a Freudian Slip?

According to: http://psychology.about.com/od/sigmundfreud/f/freudian-slip.htm

" A Freudian slip is a verbal or memory mistake that is believed to be linked to the unconscious mind. Common examples include an individual calling his or her spouse by an ex's name, saying the wrong word or even misinterpreting a written or spoken word.

Discovered by Sigmund Freud, he described a variety of different types and examples of Freudian slips in his 1901 book The Psychopathology of Everyday Life. According to Freud, these errors reveal an unconscious thought, belief or wish. "

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha

A deal is a deal.

When somebody proposed an "honest deal", what is in his mind?

Anonymous said...

"Would Hri Kumar welcome Kenneth, Roy and his friends to this dialogue? Or would they be ruled out of order, not qualified to attend?"

If I were Hri Kumar, what more do I need to hear from them which has not already been heard? Because whatever Kenneth and Roy wanted to say has already been said in their blogs and HLP, tio bo?

So need them to attend dialogue for what, u tell me lah?

Anonymous said...

@ 9.28am

Dun worry lah.

Now kena one young hero already from 300 become more than 6,000

If kena one lau hero, 12 jul 2014 might become from 6,000 x 20 = 120,000?

Recall Streisand Effect?

This wil become the Streisand Effect of the decade

Paper cannot wrap fire lor.

Anyway, patriotic Singaporeans onwards will bail out whichever David, young or old, needs legal fees to protect himself from Big Gigantic Mammoth Astronomical Godzilla-Size GOLIATH.

Kopi will become whisky and bleu cordon :)

Anonymous said...

Clap clap clap

Should encourage them to have 1,000 "honest conversation" throughout sinkieland ......

Heard news travel like fire?

When you try cover a fire, what happen?


ha ha ha

Thank you mister MP for adding wood and fuel to the "FIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRE" this sat 14 jun 2014

If sinkieland under this type of calibre, u thiink got "hope"?

Anonymous said...

What did Hri Kumar know about CPF ? Did he make the CPF policies ? Is he privy to confidential information that hidden from the public information ?

Why the hell a PAP legal talk about CPF when it should be the CPF PAP policy maker. As usual, they trying to hide behind a lackey to give bullshit again ?

So on basis did kumar has the right to waste taxpayer money to give bullshit and regurgitate the PAP's line ?

Anonymous said...

Freudian slip, only this conversation is honest.

Anonymous said...

This is a good strategy. When the govt holds a dialogue, the critics must make it a point to attend and prepare thoroughly for a good discussion.

Anonymous said...

"This is a good strategy. When the govt holds a dialogue, the critics must make it a point to attend and prepare thoroughly for a good discussion."

What nonsense is that ? the critics must attend and prepare thoroughly, and yet the same PAP buggers responsible for the policies are absent and no need to attend and send some lackey to regurgitate like parrot again ?

Get real ...

Anonymous said...

You don't need kumar to initiate the dialogue, you need the CPF policies makers to initiate the discussion. Who are they trying to fool ?

Anonymous said...

CPF policy makers are unknown. No name can be attached to the CPF policies. It is so hazy. Who ah? Who made these policies?

b said...

Just look at those placards - sinkies are really creative! We should have a placard competition next round! I think the days of papies are numbered.

Anonymous said...

No one would dare to own up to say he was the one who decided on the fate of the people's savings. They knew it was morally wrong and reprehensible to do that. So better hide under anonymity and not to be blamed.

Anonymous said...

As I said before, this Hong Lim Park meeting on Saturday was a total waste of time. The PAP government does not even have to answer to you lot of losers. You can kpkb all you want and nothing will change. If you do not like the way it is in Singapore, you can leave and no one in the government will shed a tear. There are many from India, Pinnoyland, PRC and Vietnam who are queueing up to take your place. Just take all your CPF, Medisave and all your bank savings and leave. All these kpkb is just getting too boring. LOSERS.

Anonymous said...

@ 5.11pm

It is one day when you grow old, get replaced by ah neh, ah tiong, ah noy; it is one day when you grow sick, attended by foreign docs and nurses and at their mercy; it is one day when the next financial crisis wiped out yr fortune and you need the cpf monies to provide for yr kids, see docs, buy fd, you will regret totally what you have said today! That day will come. Open eyes big, big. Nobody is invincible their whole life. Bad doers, evil hearts, ruthless arrogant beings will get their karma they deserve one day. Din you realise? Haven you realised? To lie in bed one day already tak boleh tahan. To lie in bed for 2 years is karma. Yr turn will come one day if you continue yr way.

Got remorse?

Got repentance?

b said...

Employers must pay a bond for every foreigners they employed just like people have to pay a bond for every maid. The bond must be 5x their monthly salary just like the maid.

Anonymous said...

5.11pm, u very free and got nothing to do is it? Writing to irritate people. Dare to tell us who u are or not? Or no balls right? Got check when you shower or not? To check whether your two tiny still around?