
The biggest protest rally at Hong Lim

This Sat, 7 Jun, a massive rally is expected at Hong Lim to protest against the retention of the people’s life savings in the CPF. “Return our CPF” or "Return Our Money" is the war cry of many grandpas and grandmas and also from the young. For the grandpas and grandmas, they have not much left in their CPF but still money to them. For the young, the fear of a few hundred thousand dollars of their savings being retained by the scheme is sending shivers down their spines.

The CPF issue gained prominence after a young blogger blogged about it and is being sued by the Prime Minister for defamation for his allegation of mismanagement. Roy Ngerng, an otherwise nondescript health worker, is now in front page news in the social media. International media have also picked up the trails and are likely to be present in force this Saturday as well.
The furious effort of the people in pumping money into the pocket of Roy to pay for his legal fees and damages has taken everyone by surprise. The initial shock of facing a lawsuit from the island’s top defamation lawyer representing the Prime Minister must have put on a lot of stress on this young man. The surge of support by the masses has in a way alleviated his fear and renewed his confidence in his cause to tell the story of the CPF savings scheme.

More than $80,000 has been raised in 5 days through crowd funding and with more coming in. It is a cause that affects every citizen, young and old, and touches their hearts. They are going to turn up in full force this Saturday at Hong Lim.

Would other political and non govt organizations stand up to support this cause kickstarted by a young blogger inadvertently? The issue is not political and transcends all political parties and non political parties. Would they rally their supporters to support a young man championing the aspiration of the people to want their money back? Or would these organizations stay away as if it is none of their business?

Political parties in particular would strike out to the estates and walk the streets to ask the people for their support and votes during election campaigning. The people now need their support in this case. The people may not be knocking at the doors of the political parties. But they are expecting the political parties to come forward to support them. Political parties that failed to answer this call, thinking it is none of their business will have no reason to ask for the people’s support in the coming GE. This is a reciprocal act. It is also something that political parties have been shouting, to fight for the people’s interests. Now it is time for them to show that they are indeed fighting for the people and to come forward to stand, not behind the people, but with the people on this cause.

When the political parties called for support from the people, the people answered. The people are now calling, would the political parties answer or would they hide in their little corners and ignore the people?

Would there be a massive turnout this Saturday when the people are marching in front in the protest, leading the protest? Where are the political parties and the politicians? So far not a whimper is heard from them except for KJ Jeyaratnam who would be one of the speakers on Saturday. Would the political parties fail the people?

Kopi Level - Green


Anonymous said...

"Where are the political parties and the politicians? So far not a whimper is heard from them except for KJ Jeyaratnam who would be one of the speakers on Saturday."

Hahahahaha. Another speaker is Tan Kin Lian. And do u know what they have in common?

Both lost their deposits in elections, one in a BE and the other in a PE.

The other political parties and politicians however know that rallies, no matter how big, or even if illegal, are of no use in Sinkieland.

And they also know that as long as they themselves are not ready to be govt, PAP will continue to have the support of the 60% to win 90% or more seats.

So of what use is protests and rallies, u tell me lah?

PSS said...

The saying goes, "A thousand miles begin with the first steps".

Have Singaporeans just taken a baby step towards a more open, more diverse, more forgiving, more democratic, more caring, more humane society ............................... ?

Or is this a false dawn and more hard line measures, more "suppressive means", more "fixing", more "nights of the long knives and operations what have you are in store" and lying in wait for the first wave of martyrs in the 2010s of our short history

Anonymous said...


Rallies don't change govts and their policies, at least not in Sinkieland.

Only majority votes will, and not only in Sinkieland.

PSS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PSS said...

Must Singaporeans "live in fear" and under constant "high-handed suppression" from cradle to grave?

What gave whoever up there the unbridled authority to run roughshod over the populace at their whim and fancy?

Are we living in an ancient, absolute power, autocratic monarchy or modern, first world democracy?

Anonymous said...

$70K in 4 days certainly show a level of unprecedented support for a patriotic Singaporean.

If 10,000 Singaporeans could physically show up in Hong Lim Park, it would be be yet another unprecedented level of support for patriots.

I don't know why the Opposition Parties do not want to activate their supporters.

PSS said...

Is the "emperor" having two heads and six arms?

What gave him the right to run this place as if it is his "private serfdom"?

Enough is enough?

Everything is "up to them to say"?

Everything is "according to their definition"?

Everything is according to "when they deemed it right and when they deemed it wrong"?

Must ordinary Singaporeans live "such a mast**ba**d existence" come what may?

Is it worth living such a "wretched life in a cramped tiny yet super expensive pigeon hole in the sky"?

Anonymous said...

Rb no lar knowing sinkies at most two thousands will show up including the one thousand plus that donated. I will be there but sinkies very kiasi type.

Anonymous said...

RB no need to worry lah. Protest against the Pappies govt, opposition leaders and supporters will Zhitong turn up one. Just look out for them on Saturday

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Wah, this month is a month for protest at Hong Lim.

I encourage as many people to attend these "celebrations", to have a good time and to cheer on the valiant speakers. I see these events as more "mini festivals" or "celebration".

This Sat. got the "gimme gimme gimme back my mah-ney!" protest, and on the 28th (also a Sat) got the LBGT community and supporters like me celebrating "Pink Dot" with this year's theme "Freedom To Love". I myself am hoping to meet some friendly bi/ lesbian chicks who would "open to the experience" of having an "open" guy like my good self contribute to their "fun", by adding variety -- which we can agree is the sambal blachan of life.

These public gatherings of the citizens concerned with matters of civil society are great. People (especially the women -- who of course whet my appetite) are in a festive mood, emotionally on a "high", which means their inner social animal is primed to engage and ready to make "new connections".

These festive protests -- let's face it, they're not that serious -- are wonderful opportunities to expand one's social sphere and engage with like-minded folks.

In the grand scheme of things, the situations may not change post-protest: i.e. The CPF still remains locked-away for "safety", and the level of homophobia remains the same, especially on those of a religious bent.

No worries. You can still have a marvelous time. You can still meet new people to hang out with or to make "friends with benefits" (FWB). It's entirely up to you and luck :-)

So please, go along and support these worthwhile causes -- both the CPF thing, and the Gay thing. And have a rocking good time!

2 festivals/ protests in one month at Hong Lim. I think that's a first for Singapore...

Carpa Diem!

Anonymous said...

Freedom of speech is not free....

So "transparency" is not "transparent". Accountability is neither accountable nor responsible.

I wonder if we could get to the bottom of the CPF issue.

A laughing stock in 21st century from a little Red Dot.

Anonymous said...

If only Matilah Singapura also speaks at Hong Lim Park for the Coming Events, it will be packed. Crowds will spill over to Boat Quay and the surrounding roads will be jammed.

Will Matilah Singapura whet our appetite for volunteering to entertain us Sinkies with your wits and humours of substance.
Redbean will hug You on stage in appreciation.

lust for love said...

Suspect the CPF Board doesn't have enough funds to meet the needs if a lot of old people withdrawing all their money at the same time, which is why they keep giving excuses year over year to make it more and more difficult for people to withdraw their money.

Also Temasek has been making quite a number of high profile losses on its overseas investments and part of this money may not be recoverable in the short run.

To sue a blogger until he bankrupts because he brings up an issue that affects everyone is politically stupid! This is unlike in the case of suing JB Jeyaratnam and Chee Soon Juan where the issues they brought may not affect so many people then.

The blogger is an ordinary citizen, he is one of us.We should support him in whatever we can. This is nothing personal between him and the PM. This is an issue which affects all of us, whether or not you support the MIW!

Anonymous said...

Ya lor.
Matilah cannot just write the talk
to screw others for no action but just talk cock and rod. Surely, he will show sinkies what's a man and what's idiot.
Show us your mettle Man.

Anonymous said...

Read andyxianwong wordpress to see how state assets were sold. It is truly revealing.
Sinkies have to worry not just about their CPF, their future wellbeings are also at stake if they remain docile in state matters.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> Crowds will spill over to Boat Quay and the surrounding roads will be jammed.

Oh nigger please, you nearly gave me delusions of grandeur there. Nearly.


>> Show us your mettle Man.

For my fee, anything is possible. I am a trained public speaker -- I did all the Toastmaster's , Speaker's Club stuff for years. Being only a lowly PSLE holder, it would be impossible to compete in the world, unless I skewed the odds in my favour. Since I love to talk cock and am a Master Of Bullshit, I learned how to speak and sell, write ad copy, market...and manipulate people for selfish personal gain.

>> just write the talk
to screw others for no action but just talk cock and rod.

Like I said, if there is no personal gain for me, there is no point. I couldn't give a flying fuck what you think of me.

Too bad for you, I just love myself far too much :-)

Anonymous said...

Every fair-minded citizen regardless of political affiliation must stand up or risks being the next target. Politicians must not be allowed to take down another citizen. A comment on Yawning Bread perhaps best sums up our feelings of PAP: “I think as a nation we are tired of this tactic of bankrupting your opponents when you are morally and ethically bankrupt yourself.”

Anonymous said...

Middle-aged ordinary citizens must voice their displeasure now as policy changes will take time to come into effect.

Those who have just started working should be aware of the detrimental effects of the CPF policy. Although the PAP has effectively stripped away the rights of older citizens, this has to be reversed. Policies are not cast in stone. By remaining silent, you will also be dealt the same CPF body blow when you retire. - Philip Ang

Anonymous said...

IB 8:53, you have been repeating the same few sentences here daily. Is your intelligence limited to these few lines?

b said...

Hope there can be more than one million people attending this event to demand more transparencies and accountablities in cpf dealings. There is too much fishy business going on in cpf that goes unscrutinised. How can interest return be so low all these years? I can easily get better yields by just investing in gov bonds without any help from expensives investment managers.

Anonymous said...

When interest is half of inflation, you are not saving. Your money is diminishing.

Anonymous said...

Talking nonsense all the time. I was overseas in china so can not access RB blog for some reason and by the time I got back, knn wasting time with your posts all over the place. U very free is it? Why don't u go write your books.

I can suggest one more book for u to write if u so free.

13) How to brag about your intelligence when you have none and how to tahan when both mouth and ass kena screwed at the same time.

1) how to boast about sexual power when both tiny are missing
2) the art of incest
3) the guide on how to bull shits
4) how to irritate people and waste their time daily
5) learning to be thick skin and flameproof
6) how to tahan when your ass kena fucked
7) how to act as patriot when you are a traitor
8) how to act and look normal when you are actually insane
9) learning to speak when a cock is stuck in your mouth
10) how to con your sisters and daughters to continue having sex with you without reporting to the police.
11) How to develop multi tasking skill. Sharing of secret on Learning how to type on keyboard posting commentary on blog when there is a hard cock pushing in and out in matilar mouth.
12) How to cook two tiny to be delicious enough that the pigs would eat them.

Anonymous said...

Get ready handycams and Smartphones with big big mem cards. Can supporters actually wear masks to hide their identity? I am sure the govt secret agents will be armed to the teeth with video cameras to "hamtam" the supported.

Watch out!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@People talking shit:

Folks, there is a difference between voicing dissent over govt policy and taking personal shots at particular individuals.

Had Ngerng not defamed the PM (by suggesting that he's like bunch of pilfering so-called "christians"), Ngerng would be ok.

Same with that cartoonist guy -- he went and drew a pic of LHL slapping the judge. These fellas in the govt got no sense of humour lah. Play the smart game and learn how to use indirect ad hominems if you need to bitch-slap any of the elite executives.

There is no law preventing anyone from disagreeing with govt policy. However the laws on defamation are "flexible" enough to apply to anyone who calls out a member of the government BY NAME, and thrashing their reputation.

This is the modern era. No one respects martyrs anymore. Play it SAMRT.

Anonymous said...

After Temasek's denial in the state-controlled media today that it did not manage our CPF savings ,

would MAS and GIC be feeling the heat now that the ball is in their courts, thrown over from Temasek, also to deny that they don't deal our CPF savings ?

So right now, who are the officials and institutions dealing managing investing DIRECTLY with our CPF monies then now Temasek has denied it ?

We are talking about hundreds of BILLIONS of S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ of our hard earned savings here, our life-long saving. WE are more than entitled to know the who, the what and the why of the all matters pertaining to our CPF savings ?

Anonymous said...

DO NOT go to Hong Lim this Saturday. Stay away. Hope the attendance to this event be made up of only a few losers. CPF is the best policy by the PAP government. Do not be fooled by this few bloggers on RB's site. Do not waste a valuable Saturday. Well Hope there will be a big thunderstorm on the day and a total washout.

Anonymous said...

DO NOT go to Hong Lim this Saturday.
Anon 11:48 pm


Better to join either Hainan Ah Ko or Teochew Ah Hia party to fight PAP at elections than to go to Hong Lim Park on a Saturday.

And if u think joining their party is no use, going Hong Lim Park lagi no use.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hahahahah, the IBs are feeling the heat here. The heat will be at Hong Lim. I am sure you guys will be there too : )

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised no one commented on your suggestion that oppositions mobilize their supporters at the Hong Lim rally. Hong Kong just had one with hundreds of thousands people. Can't Singapore have at least tens of thousands show up at the rally on the most important i$$ue? Bring your friends and relatives there. PAP needs to be afraid. Very afraid.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> Well Hope there will be a big thunderstorm on the day and a total washout.

Well in that case, since we're all "hoping" for something, let me tell you what I hope -- I hope your children die slowly from cancer!.

But how about some numbers: The weather forecast for Sat. is cloudy -- at this point no rain.

21000 are killed by god everyday. So I reckon the chances of you organising a few funerals is pretty good :-)

Go number to casket company?

Anonymous said...

There will be no more than 2000 at the event.
Those who turn up will be the regular attendees.

Do You understand sinkies?

Selfish, kiasu, kiasi and greedy.

Fuck up sinkies.