
Roy Ngerng was sacked by TTSH

Roy Ngerng the blogger that is being sued by the PM Hsien Loong was sacked from his job at Tan Tock Seng Hospital yesterday. He should have seen this coming. His sacking was a matter of time. The reasons, using office hours to advance his social cause that were not within the scope of his work, and worse, engaging in anti govt activities. He had breached the civil service code of conduct and his terms of employment. TTSH may be a private govt hospital but if I am not mistaken, is still run administratively like a civil service set up.

There is nothing wrong with his sacking. And there is nothing wrong with the PM suing him for defamation. The funny thing is that there is a foul smell in the air. There is unease and eyes are rolling all over like something is not right. Unfortunately everything is right, everything is in accordance with rules and procedures and the law, just like the high ministerial pay and all the political appointments. Everything is done legally and no one can find any fault with them.

Like George Yeo said, everything is so perfect, so right and so proper. Roy Ngerng would just have to find another job that allows him to do what he is doing and to wait for his defamation case in court.

Kopi Level - Yellow


  1. Reminded me of a gentleman I know....Chin Tai.

  2. "...everything is right, everything is in accordance with rules and procedures and the law..."

    And the law also states that "no person shall loiter in any street or public place within a radius of 200 meters of any polling station on polling day."

    Enough said.

  3. This saga is no longer a matter of right and wrong. It has gone past that.

  4. Once in a while, we get a Roy Ngerng, JBJ and a CSJ. These people never learn.

    Well what to do ?

    Telok Blangah

  5. The episode tells you that before u open your mouth, think of the consequences lor. Every action has consequences. So don't anyhow say thing, Suka Suka feel good, then letter comes u have to take responsibility and then u are toast.

  6. The famous old "knuckle dusters and hatchets" strategy. Although criticized by many locals and human rights groups, this method of cutting off the economic legs of dissidents who refuse to back down is EXTREMELY effective, and yields consistent results each and every time.

    If you are a ruthless, cold-hearted bastard, this tool will soon become a "favourite" of yours.

    However, if you are a decent, average person, you will not have the heart to be so cruel to another human being.

  7. I am sure MS is a decent, average person, will not have the heart to be so cruel to another human being.

  8. With 2m foreigners working here, our PMEs are already plundered and squashed and could not find decent employment. What the fark is happening?

    And many of our children are working on part time or contract terms!

  9. Yes, agongkia you are right. Remind us of the smrt driver who was sacked because he blogged. Roy is another fallen guy who blogged unfavourable on gov't policies. What constructive politics are those in power talking about?

  10. Everybody should have seen this coming when you go against them.
    CSJ was sacked as NUS lecturer over petty taxi claims when he went into oppositon politics.
    JBJ was sued to bankruptcy just for waving a police report at a rally.
    Tang LH had to pay humongous sums
    after taking in their bait.
    The regime always think they are acting on high moral ground but actually stoop the lowest to destroy their opponents

  11. This world is not fair and never meant to be fair. This world is not about white and black, good and bad, right and wrong. Its all about power. Have power, you are always right and always rich and always whiter than ever. This world is just full of bullshits.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Matilar, I am away from sg and upon checking into hotel and surf RB website, u die die just sprout your nonsense. Got nothing better to do is it. Knn go write your books lar. Go write book 1

    1) how to boast about sexual power when both tiny are missing
    2) the art of incest
    3) the guide on how to bull shits
    4) how to irritate people and waste their time daily
    5) learning to be thick skin and flameproof
    6) how to tahan when your ass kena fucked
    7) how to act as patriot when you are a traitor
    8) how to act and look normal when you are actually insane
    9) learning to speak when a cock is stuck in your mouth
    10) how to con your sisters and daughters to continue having sex with you without reporting to the police.
    11) How to develop multi tasking skill. Sharing of secret on Learning how to type on keyboard posting commentary on blog when there is a hard cock pushing in and out in matilar mouth.
    12) How to cook two tiny to be delicious enough that the pigs would eat them.
    13) How to brag about your intelligence when you have none and how to tahan when both mouth and ass kena screwed at the same time.

  13. /// The episode tells you that before u open your mouth, think of the consequences lor. ///

    It's better to diam diam and speak only in the voting booth in GE 2016.

  14. Still the same Singapore. No second chance. (and I am not talking about the cheap shop that was in Yokoso Shopping center).

  15. The PM needs wise counsels. Sad thing, he is surrounded by nincompoohs.
