
My dad always there for me, says PM

If you want to know what is the meaning of ‘ho mia’ in Hokien, the title of this post says it all. How many people could say it at the age of 62? Hsien Loong is really so blessed. At this ripe age when he could be a grandfather, he still got a father above him and children below him.

Some would wish they could say the same thing at 50. Some would like to say the same thing at 40 or even 30. No, some will be very happy if they can say it at 20. KNN, some don’t even have the chance to say that at 10.

Count your blessing Hsien Loong. You have a damn good life to have a father that is always there for you at 62 and to be walking side by side with him as the PM of a country.  Maybe I shall not say count your blessings but share them with others. Many are not so fortunate and have to be their own father from very young, with no father to be there for them.

He is what people like to say, ‘ho mia kia’ or ‘chin ho mia’ When one is exceptionally blessed, it is good to share this blessing with others.

Kopi Level - Yellow


  1. Let him be ho mia lah. Since when were people born equal, u tell me lah?

    What is more important is to be smart. Because if a Sinkie is smart, Sinkieland will provide lots of opportunites for him/her to make lots of money, and with lots of money, will be ho mia.

    So even if u were pai mia (not blessed) at birth or when young, u will be ho mia later if u are smart. Don't believe, just ask kee chiu minister. Or even ex minister Mabok Tan.

  2. Luckily for PM Lee, 60% are also ho mia.

    Of course not all 60% are ho mia at birth or when young lah. Some are ho mia by being smart. Most important (for PAP lah of course) is that ho mia Sinkies, at 21 or older, are a majority.

  3. Imagine, a boy under in the shadow of his father, 60 years. Ho mia? Grow up lah.

  4. PAP Chicken Joke
    Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

    CHICKEN: The pigs ate all my food. Jiak Liao Bee.

    Q: Why won’t the chicken return?

    CATHERINE: LIM: The affective divide on the road has become an unbridgeable chasm.

  5. There is a Chinese saying fortune don't last 3 generation. There is logic in the sayings. A son with a father that wield power, how much compassion and empathy will he has for the people lah? Sinkapore is doomed lah.

  6. The Parody of Roy Ngerng
    Darth Vader:
    What is thy bidding, my master?

    There is a great disturbance in the Force.

    Darth Vader: I have felt it.

    We have a new enemy, the young Rebel who destroyed the Death Star. I have no doubt this boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker.

    Darth Vader:
    How is that possible?

    Search your feelings, Lord Vader. You will know it to be true. He could destroy us.

    Darth Vader:
    He's just a boy. Obi-Wan can no longer help him.

    The Force is strong with him. The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi.

    Darth Vader:
    If he could be turned, he will become a powerful ally.

    Yes. He would be a great asset. Can it be done?

    Darth Vader:
    He will join us or die, my master.

  7. Google Kee ChiuJune 22, 2014 11:09 am

    @ 10.18 am
    just ask kee chiu minister.

    Anon 10.18 am, as a matter of fact, in google, if you search kee chiu minister, the results are as many if not more than the actual name search ........ but both search results nonetheless lead to the same person.

    So Chua Chin Leng is called aka RedBean.

    Will the same happen for kee chiu?

    In this context, how about "ho mia kia"?

    Ever try google "jin pai mia"?

    Guess whose names appear?

    Sinkies PMEs? Sinkies? Sinkies Oldies? Sinkies CPF retirees? Sinkies over stressed over hot housed students?

    Now try google "jin ho mia"


    "Sinkieland foreign kia"? "Sinkieland Ah Neh kia"? "Sinkieland ah tiong kia"? "Sinkieland pinoy kia"?

    Have "Sinkies"?

    See! Even google search confirmed sinkies "pai mia". Means oldies destined work until last breathe.

    Rb kpkb every second also no use

  8. Some people are just lucky in the GENETIC LOTTERY, and also have been fortunate (lucky) to avoid any direct physical disaster.

    No, there are no such things as "blessings", because there are no supernatural forces or beings to hand out those so-called "blessings". (However, many fully functional adults -- many of them educated -- choose to believe in space fairies and ghosts with magical powers).

    It is LUCK -- i.e. the statistical probability which presents in ways beneficial to you, conferring an "advantage" which is greater than the average or the accepted "norm".

    Life is neither fair, nor equal.

    Got luck?


    Opposition parties are working to bring S'pore lowest wages workers pay to double from $800 to $1600 to close the wages gap comparable to the advanced countries?

    As the opposition quality of candidates continue to improve as they sense that the chance of opposition entering the parliament improve by the days?

    Bringing S'pore birthrate to that of Denmark at 1.8?

    Improve the standard of living to control immigrants to 5.6 millions similiar to Denmark? Their ministers income around $200K more cost effectives? If Singapore ministers pay around $300K still 50 pc more then the Danish ministers income?

    Further heavy competition from opposition maybe brought the S'pore minister income comparable better then the Danish by 50 percent around $300K not so much as $3 millions, to save tax payers money and reduce those indirect taxes which need to support them in long term?

    The President Election had save the tax payer money from around $5M various perks, incentives, bonus of around 8 months, previous President not much competition, now with 4 of S'pore best competing for the EP - TT, TCB, TJS, TKL, all had managed entities of more then 100 millions capitalization potential PM materials? TT had rejected the PM job previously?

    All 4 of them was rigorously questions by Prof Tommy Koh and their response is close watched by the public in CNA, all four have formerly serve the ruling party?

    All have the potential to be PM if the LHL decided to retired early? Should S'pore hold a Elected Prime minister?

    The opposition Singapore First Party, ideas of pumping Singapore massive reserve of more then $350 Billions to a high end advanced country, should be seriously consider and more feedback and ideas from the public needed?

    Singapore can't continue to rely on foreigners or foreigner investments which is usually low end? With massive competition from China at the lower end of the industries, and S'pore cost keep rising?

    How to transform S'pore Small and Medium Enterprise to high end, high margin manufacturing of branded products need to be seriously consider and drawing international consultant to draw a road map? Foreign investment 25% Local companies 75% target?

    20 million tourists arrival with longer and spending more money the target?

  10. The CPF system should have options, like those with track record of getting good returns from their money, and produce credit risk asset for them to withdraw at 55 as promised, not to lock up too much inefficient funds?

  11. It's good to know that LKY is always there to help PM Lee.

    But is LKY always there to help Singaporeans?
    Is PM Lee always there to help Singaporeans?
    Or are they always there to scold us for having subsidy mentality?

    I think LKY is only the Founding Father of PAP and LHL lah.

  12. It is better for those who know how to invest not to borrow money or pledge their share to the bank to borrow money to invest it is more risky an need high interest and cost and their margin is lower?

    The should take out their own CPF or allow to take out their CPF to invest at 55, their own fund is at lower cost then borrowing?

  13. With regards to CPF;
    Keep your hands off my money.
    Just fuck off.

    If PAP wants to protect Singaporeans' money.
    Close down Temasek and buy Berkshire Hathaway shares.

    Who do you want managing our Singaporean reserves?
    Ho Ching or Warren Buffet?

  14. For the cost of paying all the super high salaries of the managers in GIC and Temasek and the high cost of buildings and operations, it is cheaper to put the money with Warren Buffett. Paying so high salaries and losing so much money is a joke.

    Yes, closed down GIC and Temasek will save a lot of money. No need to pretend to invest and lose the pants.

  15. "If PAP wants to protect Singaporeans' money.
    Close down Temasek and buy Berkshire Hathaway shares."
    Anon 1:41 pm

    If there is PAP, there will be Temasek.

    If there is a male Sinkie, there will be a penis.

  16. No matter how ho mia one is born into or made out of, never push one's luck until it runs out.

    I have a friend and colleague who was born ho mia and ah sia kia. His luck ran out after he pushed his luck.

    People affected by the Lehman Bros or the Maddox guy fell into the same spot.

  17. the three are synonymous, god, son and holey ho

    the modern day "3 in 1" instant kopi

    why u complaining???

  18. He is also there for his father, what! If not for him would his father continue to draw full pay without working. His father would have been medically boarded out long ago had not been for his son, the PM!

  19. He is more than generous. He is sharing his blessings with 2 more million people, and going to be more. Where in the world got this kind of "ho lang", and Prime Minister some more. Bless you Hsien Loong.

  20. Ho miah bo ho miah

    Ho lang or phai lang

    got to wait and see

    whether they ho see
    or bo ho see.

    And before they see, they
    got respects or get curses.

    After they see, the people
    weep like North Koreans
    over their leaders.


    will the people be overjoy
    when they see/die. Ironically,
    they already know and so are
    their successors.

  21. So who is he next prime minister? May we ask if there is a successon crisis in that party? May we ask why we need so many mayors for an island State ? London only has one mayor!

  22. For transparency purpose, we need to know much these mayors are drawing from the tax payers' money? 5,6 or 7- figure pay per annum? If big country in the western developed world only have one mayor in the capital city bigger than Spore than why we have a mayor for a tiny weeny town

  23. For comparison, the former mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, was paid $1/- per year.

  24. the minister anchoring the tanjong pagar grc will be the former army general if not how to be dpm if cannot lead the charge to the electoral battle tio boh ?

  25. is there any political objective for having so many mayors from the ruling party ?

  26. the next general election could be a watershed as the change of guard in the Tanjong pagar pap grc team is very highly possible. could this signals a major power shift in that party

  27. New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg has what it takes to run a country like Sg, smaller than NY at 1,214km2 8.4m peoeple, but a Spore mayor may not be able to manage NY city

  28. Yah
    Some are truly lucky to be protected by their daddies. Especially those that have powerful daddies loaded with wealth that last till the earth is destroyed. These spoilt brats can swagger and ride over anybody for they have the power to flaunt and taunt.
    And why not when they seem to own the turf? Afterall, it is their father's territory or their grandpa's.

  29. Is he just a daddy's boy who is still not ready to be his own man?
    What do you think?

    Is this true - It seems like LKY never went away even though LKY has retired for many years as a Prime Minister?

  30. So far none of their children apprear to be interested in politics.

  31. The next election could spell the beginning of the decline of a once influencial family.

  32. an unprecedented propaganda blitz next year could co-incide camouflage with the tectonic power shift within the party ?

  33. He made it sounds like his dad is a demigod. Always there? Pls lah.

    I do wonder if that LKY that is still around is a clone or cosmetic version of the real one.
