
MH370 – Suckers are born every minute

‘Australian authority to announce new search area for MH370
(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-06-23 09:50

CANBERRA - The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) confirmed with Xinhua on Sunday that the agency is working on analyzing existing data and information to refine a new search area for the missing Malaysian Airline flight MH370.
Chief Commissioner Martin Dolan said the new search area will be announced by ATSB on Wednesday.
Dolan told local media earlier that the new search area would be hundreds of km south of where the first phase of underwater search had covered….’

When is Australia an authority on where the MH370 was supposed to crash? After 3 months of wild goose chase, is China still willing to be led by the nose by the Australians to search in God knows where in the hope of finding MH370?

What expertise or information that the Australians had or in possession to be in an authoritative position to tell China and the rest of the interested parties where to find MH370? If there is anyone that really has some clues on the missing aircraft, it must be the Malaysians. Even Immarsat’s satellite pings were more like fabrications. If China is so desperate to look for the aircraft, it is better that they rely on their own resources and intelligence network whose information would likely to be more reliable than all the western countries can provide.

China should stop being a sucker or a gullible and willing victim of misinformation. The western countries are likely to lead them by the nose on another wild goose chase.

Kopi Level - Yellpw


  1. If there is no traces of floatation like seat cushion, hand luggage, life vest etc, only one theory remains. The aircraft was made to sink in one piece.

  2. Australia must have got very reliable tips of the Disappearance of MH370.
    China must work closely with all participating in the Search and Rescue.
    It is on such a rare incident that all the nations work with each others co-operatively despite having differences.


  3. Aussies just want to kng earn extra by deploying their forces and billed MAS or the insurance companies.

    Country economy must be really down

  4. Between the two choices, Oz still better than bolei land. Oz is first world and bolei land is third world.

  5. Actually I think there are good reasons, and nothing much to do with finding MH370 really, that China is so interested to search in the southern Indian ocean together with the Australians.

    They are:

    #1. It provides the Chinese navy or even air force a great opportunity (or excuse?) to do some training and exercise in vast seas and oceans. If no MH370 case, where got chance to train their ships and men in such an environment, u tell me lah?

    #2. Through such exercise, the Chinese navy and even airforce can then be strong, seasoned and ready to do some real fighting, eg in the South China Sea, when required. And what is South China Sea conditions as compared to Indian Ocean?

    Just like the SAF also send Sinkie soldiers and equipment to train in Australian deserts and Brunei dense virgin jungles, tio bo?

    What for? To toughen up Sinkie soldiers lah, so that when real fighting in Sinkieland or in neighbour Matland happens, it will be no sweat for these seasoned and trained Sinkie soldiers lah.

  6. Have some feeling lah ,uncle.Chinese got a saying 另可杀错,不可放过.
    Even if the found nothing,the action is enough to appease their citizen.
    Its a rare opportunity and good experience for their rescue and search unit.
