
Hsien Loong - Rising international stature

Hsien Loong’s state visit to the US is a sign of his higher profile in the international arena and also the growing importance of his views. The Americans are listening at least. He made two important calls to the Americans. One, he told the Americans to use trade instead of military means to engage Asia. Two, he told the Americans to support their country’s initiative, the TPP. In the case of his first call, would the Americans be saying, oh yes, we are using trade for sure. We are selling military weapons to the Asian countries. But to do that we need to create some tension first, maybe a little localized war. The second call is needed probably because the Americans were not heeding Shanmugam’s call in his earlier visit. So Hsien Loong needed to make this visit to convince the Americans one more time.

The Americans are funny, or is it the Singaporeans. The TPP is started by them and they are not supporting it and it needs Singaporean leaders to go all the way to the US to explain to them how important it is to the Americans. If they finally listen to Hsien Loong, it will mean that Hsien Loong’s view carries more weight than Obama.

Another point Hsien Loong said was to Abe in Japan. He told Abe to forget about WW2 as it is causing tension in Asia. Let me guess what Abe would say to him. What WW2 history? There was no WW2, no Rape of Nanking, no comfort women, no Japanese soldiers killing the natives of Asia and SE Asia, no Sook Ching in Singapore. Abe would probably be asking Hsien Loong what WW2 history was he talking about.
Maybe Abe will also say he is suffering from dementia. And many Sinkies too have forgotten about WW2 and Sook Ching, particularly those who were not affected by it, who have no one in their family being shot by the Japanese firing squads in East Coast, Punggol, Changi or Blakang Mati. It is so easy to forget and move on for these people.

Why is Abe finding it so difficult to forget and keeps arguing with China about the Rape of Nanking and with the Koreans about comfort women? Ask Aquino, he too cannot remember the massacre of Pinoys by the Japanese when they were invaded.

To be able to tell the Americans what is best for them, to be able to tell Abe what is good for Japan, these are good signs that Hsien Loong is now acting like a senior statesman, in the same class as his father. He speaks, the world listens.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. When they have this "we are price takers and not price setters" carved in stone in their head, what else can you expect from them. This mindset is detrimental as we always end up with the short end of the stick in any nego.

  2. Ha ha, telling a murderer and rapist to forget his past misdeeds, which is exactly what he wants. Somehow he doesn't see to geddit. Will you forget who were the traitors and collaborators with the Japanese in WWII? I guess being the highest paid head of state carries with it an aura of wisdom, statesmanship and dignity even for an idiot, like wearing an emperor's new clothes.

  3. "He speaks, the world listens."

    When RB speaks, I and a lot of people also listen what. Maybe even outside of Sinkieland, aka the world, also listen.

    Not only listen, but a lot will also buy kopi for him, as per his request after every blog he posted., or every time his blog is visited.

  4. "When they have this "we are price takers and not price setters" carved in stone in their head, what else can you expect from them."
    Anon 9:15 am

    What about the 60% every election. And the Sinkie opposition? Price takers or setters, u tell me lah?

  5. I don't understand what this blog is about. Can you elaborate?

  6. Lee junior has been groomed for his present job all his life, because of the "dynastic thinking" of his father.

    So it looks like he's becoming adept at playing populist politics on the grand ol' world stage.

    The Japanese outright denial of WW2 can be made to backfire on those panty-sniffing assholes, but it will take great skill at statesmanship to give them a nice slap.

    When they deny the occurrence of WW2 and Japanese involvement, simply then "request" Mr Abe and his people to STOP SPREADING RUMOURS about the mythical atom bombs being dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and attempting to extract SYMPATHY from the rest of the world. Stop lying, bloody Pokeman motherfuckers!

    Lets see how Mr Abe's memory is after that. I'll bet he'll start to remember again.

  7. /// The TPP is started by them and they are not supporting it ///

    So what else is new? They are not supporting it because they do not want to be bound by the rules. They want to tell people what to do, but not the other way round. Just like they did not ratify the Law of the Sea treaty - they did not want to surrender their sovereignty. And because of this, they have no speaking right on the South China Sea disputes.

  8. lee junior take over his father its normal

    The Japanese outright denial of WW2 can be made to backfire on those panty-sniffing assholes, but it will take great skill at statesmanship to give them a nice slap. - i dont understand this part.

    so did atom bomb drop on hiroshima and nagasaki?

  9. The Japanese fabricated the stories of Americans dropping Atom Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is not true. History must be rewritten on this chapter.

    Now you can read a new truth.

  10. History is so easy to rewrite. Just ask a few young boys and girls in Christmas Island if they heard of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbour. If they say no, that there is no bombing of Pearl Harbour.

  11. big brother is like that. your parents also like that. that why tpp not supported. what can u do? they are big brother what. u wan ur child to live in slumb? remember we are small, so many countries beside us.

    lee junior did a good job though. no big brother support u, later u die. but singapore is supported by investor all over the world. so we are a company country.

    so malaysia country so big, still wan reclaim land. destroy earth. so many religion in this world teach ppl good things. but no follow. war and all this etc.

    we are control by investor. minister only working. that why minister want start sending resume to george yeo. so inside pap also got good and bad ppl. lee junior always hear what the advisors say, reporting stuff on the ground to him. report wrong things to him. lee also dunno. he only 24 hours. so poor thing must take leave queue chicken wing. he must have miss his life just for the play ground your child played on.

    free abalone porridge in hougnang and aljunied given by who? pap or wp?

    why is that minister need to start sending resume when we start to vote pap? so weird.

  12. knn. than why i memorize so hard for my history lesson. waste my time. better watch "educational movies" better.

  13. that why there is policies to help people but people in civil service and stat board dont want to help people. are they creating more problem to bring singapore down?

    that why even poor aunty appeal rental housing to lee junior so many times but hdb reject. lee junior no power over hdb. scary. so many politics even between pap.

    maybe even lee junior is bottle neck. so easy to run a country? run one family also headache already.

    so vote pap better right? if not gilbert 16k a month, email him no reply, dunno his website stories real a not.

  14. so goplan nair and roy is being sacrifice if pap is good.

    poor thing.

    just hope lee junior forgive them.

    and the blue ic ntuc lady. what is wrong and what is right. if not why before tampines got multi storey carpark, some people got special privileges and some dont have. just track the it dept record.

    if this is singapore. we must follow that the pledge say so that more investor can come.

  15. Maybe he acting as translator for the Jap like his old man

  16. Well, President Obama came, President Xi came etc...but did not visit Singapore..or he has to go there..

  17. His call for us for forget is really ironical if the japs cannot even get the Chinese forgiveness, one with sincerity and repentence then how to forget.

    Did Abe or other former PM kneel in front of the Chinese vistims' memorial like what German Chancellor Willy Brandt?

  18. In the recent visit at security summit first priority was given to Abe to speak

    He did not even bother to lay a wreath at the WWII memorial at City Hall not far from Sg Presidential Palace /Istana

    So why one is not asking the US to forget about the war instead and ask why after 70 years US troops are STILL in Japan?

  19. Abe did not know there is a war memorial in Singapore to commemorate their invasion here. Did he remember there was a WW2?

  20. You people must try to understand Obama. I think he felt shy to meet up with Hsien Loong. His income is even less than a minister here. Think our mayors are getting more than him.

    How embarrassing for him you can just imagine.

  21. "He speaks, the world listens." RB

    - got listen meh? I think Junior Lee is just like sinkies, kpkb but no one listen lah. Obama and Abe are both mocking at him cos he is PM not due to his own merit but his father paving the way all out for him. He is very lucky got such a father to help him all the way.

  22. Singaporeans have all forgotten what the Japanese did to the country during their occupation of the Malay Peninsula during WW2. We must also forget those who help the Japanese during those days when many innocents had their heads chopped off. I seem to remember a certain " interpreter ". I wonder who that was???

  23. nah beh chee bye, better to be under the japs than under the leenasty. fuck the americans for dropping the atom bombs. sinkies will be better off if jap occupation continued until now.

  24. Indeed sinkies have mostly forgotten about japanese atrocities committed on their forebears.
    Ironically, some who worked for the japanese imperial army during world war two are being reminded of their deeds, by the current generation.
    History will ultimately reveals the truth making cheating and alteration to historical fact near impossible.

  25. His father was translator.

    "He speaks, the world listens."

    As a spokesman for the Japanese, I suppose.

  26. 1) how to boast about sexual power when both tiny are missing
    2) the art of incest
    3) the guide on how to bull shits
    4) how to irritate people and waste their time daily
    5) learning to be thick skin and flameproof
    6) how to tahan when your ass kena fucked
    7) how to act as patriot when you are a traitor
    8) how to act and look normal when you are actually insane
    9) learning to speak when a cock is stuck in your mouth
    10) how to con your sisters and daughters to continue having sex with you without reporting to the police.
    11) How to develop multi tasking skill. Sharing of secret on Learning how to type on keyboard posting commentary on blog when there is a hard cock pushing in and out in matilar mouth.
    12) How to cook two tiny to be delicious enough that the pigs would eat them.
    13) How to brag about your intelligence when you have none and how to tahan when both mouth and ass kena screwed at the same time.
    14) How to inflate two flat tyres when the holes in the tires have not been mended!
    15) How to boast to women you have a rolls Royce when you only have a Mini Cooper with four flat tires and running out of petrol!
    16) The matilar secret. How do you stick your little pecker into a donkey's mouth and don't ended up the donkey chew off your little pecker and two tiny.
