
First Gen and present Gen PAP solved problems

When the first generation PAP leaders took over this country, the job was cut out for them. Everything needed to be fixed. Unemployment and growing population, lack of industries, lack of housing, healthcare, schools/universities and good jobs, the uniformed services to defend the country, the civil service etc etc. Everything needed to be done and to be done fast.

Everyone in the leadership rolled up their sleeves, including all the civil servants, to get things done. They did it. Housing, industrial parks, good jobs, full employment, good medical services, our own armed forces and police force, an efficient civil service etc etc. They practically solved every existing problem of the day. The people were contented and gave their full support to the leaders.

The present generation of PAP leaders also solved a lot of problems. Housing problem is more or less solved except that the price is still sky high and some Singaporeans still not allowed to buy HDB flats and thus no stake in the country, expensive medical care is waiting to be solved, influx of foreigners is slowing down a bit, high property prices falling, jam packed trains will become better, traffic jams also improving. Not bad huh? This present generation leaders are also great problem solvers. Give them any problem they will solve it.

The only difference between the first generation leaders and present leadership is that the first generation leaders solved problems they inherited or were existing. The present leaders solved problems they created. And as they go along, they will create more problems to solve. The CPF is one of them, high cost of living, high property prices, high population growth from immigration, congestion, all are waiting to be solved.

And when they have solved these problems, they will pat their back and said well done, so clever. 

Kopi Level - Red


  1. "The present leaders solved problems they created."


    Whether inherited, existing or created problems, and whether solved or not solved, do majority Sinkies think there are better leaders than the present ones to be voted in to solve?

    And are majority Sinkies still happy and satisfied enough to vote PAP despite problems not solved?

  2. /// The only difference between the first generation leaders and present leadership is that the first generation leaders solved problems they inherited or were existing. ///

    You sure or not? The only difference?

    One glaring difference is that the 1G leaders were paid peanuts, yet they delivered superior results. The 3G (or is it 4G?) leaders were paid millions and yet screwed up royally.

  3. During the formation of singapore, singapore is more of a socialistic national with strong nationalistic ethics from the PAP government, free education, cheap housing and cheap medical was granted to all, and that lifted us from potential economic disaster from the split from Malaysia, the socialistic ways of nation building was emulated by China that started a economic revolution in China. That was almost dismantled by the 2nd generation PAP leaders using a capitalistic methods to maximise returns via rent seeking and not creating new values. The large amount of money that the government gotten was put to poor use, by creating a market subsidies that awash government agencies with more money that wasn't there because it it will evaporate very fast if ever the system were to go bankrupt. I suspect that the CPF system is over leverage, what I am getting at is that government should not be in the business of rent seeking, I am not suggesting that we go back to the old socialist ways, what I do want to see is that a level playing field is created, foreign talent or whatever completing at level with Singaporean. Which now the socialising the risks and maximising on the levies.

    1. Sorry typo, which now the government is socialising the risks and maximising on the levies.

  4. 1G PAP Leeders were paid peanuts for solving problems they inherited.

    Present Generation (3G) Leeders are paid millions for solving problems they created themselves.
    Because it takes genius to manufacture new problems to justify your multi million dollar job?

  5. Could the GRC system outmoded too, like the Denise Phua suggested do away with the Elected President?

    It used to be easy and walkover, just put a few well qualified and obedient candidates through the GRC system, even they could lose to a better opposition, they the could get into the parliament as a part time? Problems and tough questions could be swept under the carpets?

    If this coming 2016 election half of the eastern side GRC gone to the opposition, where mostly are locals, rather then foreigners new citizens in the western side, could spelt disasters to S'pore foreign investments might worry as Singapore is very much depend on foreigners and investments?

    A GRC is usually hemmed by heavy weight ministers or senior ministers, if half of the cabinet gone, will Singapore in a precarious position?

    Can Singapore train more then half of the new ministers parachute in on the job training, or appointed in the oppositions parties ministers like numerous advanced countries?

    The eastern side GRC are mostly in the mid 50s percentage of voters, which the 5 persons Aljunied GRC helm by foreign ministers George Yeo, altogether 3 mininsters gone in one GRC to opposition?

    Base on the lastest by election, from a confident of winning the Punggol East By Election using a highly qualified arse doctor, to a shock defeat had taken many by surprise, even now the top new candidate put up by the ruling party is no guarantee of winning like last time, many new citizens are worry about their CPF can't be taken out, how scary where you suppose able to used to be your life time savings suddently locked up forever?

    Inflation and immigrants 30K every year, which now the new citizens and older population had more access of latest info and news as contrast with previously only they can get their news from state controlled medias, using mobile internet?

    Many likely to cut cost not to pay for the MSM newspaper rather get their lastest news from the mobile internet and as now it getting cheaper and more new advancements?

    Previously bringing in the heavy weight ministers to bring in candidate like the feed stomp Tin Pei Ling, is out mocked with more advancement and usuage mobile internet it will be a game changing 2016?

    East Coast GRC with a minister don't agreed with the minimum wage could gone as most countries had minimum wages?

    Tin Pei Ling pull down so much votes even a top minister in his hey days can command 70 pc now the average they can get is around 56 the third worst performers after Aljunied and East COast GRC, Marine Parade GRC in 15 GRC?

    Many older ministers and MP would like to retired early and take their profits, in case the might lose as sentiment get worse rapidly?

    If highly qualify and successful candidate like the arse doctor of Punggol East can lose don't say the average new candidates?

    Now opposition keep improving the standard of the candidates, the electorates are warming up to the ideas of multi parties systems where talent can draw from more diverse background then the single party system,like some highly successful small advanced nations?

    Expenditures is lower to run and expenditure is lower and don't indirectly taxes too much over strain business? Where they train up local through innovations and automations,as those labour intensive industries difficult to compete?

  6. " A GRC is usually hemmed by heavy weight ministers or senior ministers, if half of the cabinet gone, will Singapore in a precarious position? "

    Actually hor.
    Given PAP's poor management record over the last 10 years.

    I think Singapore's current precarious position will improve with the removal of these current crop of incompetent PAP Ministers.

  7. Why create problems in the first place only to be solved subsequently? If no problems created in the first place, there will be less contentious issues to tackle. But then if they didn't create problems for them to solve, how are going to justify their existence? It's a vicious cycle really.


  8. Should we return to the single seat SMC, one to one system?

    GRC used to be easy and walkover, just put a few well qualified and obedient candidates through the GRC system, if problems is ignore further it will translate into more protest votes? Many of the problems were swept under the carpet in the past had manifested?

    2016 election possibly eastern side GRC gone to the opposition base on the Punggol East Result, where mostly are locals, rather then new citizens as in the western side?

    GRC is usually hemmed by heavy weight ministers, if half of the cabinet gone, will Singapore be in a precarious position?

    Can Singapore train more then half of the new ministers parachute in on the job training, or appointed the opp parties ministers which could win more then 60 percent of the votes in 2016?

    Eastern part GRC are mostly won the mid 50s percentage of voters, 2011 where mobile internet is not as prevalent as in 2013?

    Aljunied GRC helm by foreign ministers George Yeo, altogether 3 ministers gone to opposition?

    From a expected sure win to the lost of 10 pc, the Punggol East By Election using a highly qualified doctor, to a shock defeat, with 2 more opposition parties, dividing the votes, last minute withdrawal of SDP?

    Taken many by surprise, top new candidate now put up by the ruling party is no guarantee of winning like last time, as many new citizens are worry about their CPF can’t be taken out, heavy competition from foreigners and new citizens for jobs? Massive inflation?

    Before mobile internet they can sell any policies by MSM?

    Inflation and immigrants 30K every year, which now the new citizens and older population had more access of latest info and news as contrast to previously only they can get their news from state controlled medias, more and more prefer to use mobile internet now for news?

    Many likely to cut cost not to pay for the MSM newspaper, using mobile internet for news instead?

    Previously bringing in the heavy weight ministers to bring in candidate like the feet stomp Tin Tin Tin, is out mocked, with rapid dropping support, and with more advancement and usage of mobile internet it will be a game changer 2016?

    East Coast GRC with a minister don’t agreed with the minimum wage could gone as most countries had minimum wages, it is the second worst performer with 54 percentage? With the govt own many of the enterprise?

    Tin Tin Tin pull down so much votes even a top minister in his hey days can command 70 pc now the average they can get is around 56 pc the third worst performers after Aljunied and East COast GRC, Marine Parade GRC,, in 15 GRC?

    Many older ministers and MP would likely to retired early and take their profits, in case the might lose as sentiment get worse rapidly?

    If highly qualify and successful individual, like the arse doctor of Punggol East can lose don’t say the average new candidates?

    Opp keep improving their standard of candidates, the electorates are warming up to the idea of multi party system?

  9. Unlike the earlier minister like Goh Keng Swee Toh Chin Chye and Rajarathnam were thriftly, unlikely today ministers that overpaid them so many times then some successful small advanced countries?

  10. Problems have to be created to create an illusion that they (ministers, gov, managers) are needed so that they can keep their jobs. Problems have to be created so that they can hold the voters hostage to their rule (e.g. I will give you this upgrading if you vote for me).

    "Inspire fear, then relief. If you want to get what you want, you can first make a person fear the worst, be relieved, and then be happy enough to grant you whatever you want. This is a mean little trick but it’ll get you results." (wikihow)

  11. First generation ruling elites: long hair, pop music and decadent foreign culture not allowed.
    Second generation ruling elites: long hair pop music and foreign decadent culture allowed and welcomed.
    Everything else kept the same.

  12. If people used up their CPF do they need to go to work or not?

    Or they died in hunger? Let say if they out of money between 55 and 65? Or for those who don't have CPF want?

    What happen, eat glass of course got to go to work? Saying every persons take out their CPF money spend it all is a ridiculous excuses?

    Why don't other countries give these types of excuses, it will be make a butt of jokes?

    If they the very few who spent their money of course the got to work? Of course some will spent all their money it is natural, not all can keep their money?

    Majority know the CPF is their hard earned money they need it as a backup in case they lost their jobs between 55 and 65, most will not used all?

    Just because very few persons spent all their money, doesn't mean all will spent all their CPF, most know they need to put aside for rainy days in case they are out of jobs?

  13. If a person put money in the bank fixed deposit, next year the agreement or is promise to return to him the money, if next year when he go to collect his money the bank said he can't handle well his money, he might spent all of it he need to come some time later and get some money every month but he can't get back the principal?

    It will be the joke of the world?
