
Devils in disguise

‘A woman is accused of forcing one of her two maids to eat her own vomit, making her strip and taking photographs of her naked. Her husband is accused of hitting both maids numerous times.
According to a report in The Straits Times, IT manager Tay Wee Kiat, 37, and his wife, sales manager Chia Yun Ling, 39, were in court yesterday to face 32 charges, mainly of maid abuse.

Tay - with 21 charges - allegedly hit Indonesian national Fitriyah nine times, and Myanmar national Moe Moe Than six times, with canes, a metal clothing hook and a bamboo stick at his Yishun flat in 2012. He is also accused of making the women slap each other.

On one occasion, he allegedly forced an incense bottle into the mouth of Ms Fitriyah, 32. He is also accused of attempting to bribe her by offering a month's salary and a flight home in exchange for not reporting him to the police.

Chia, who faces 11 charges, allegedly slapped both maids and caned one of them.

On one occasion in June 2012, she allegedly pulled Ms Than's hair, pushed her to the floor and stepped on her chest. She is also accused of making Ms Than strip before taking photos of her.
The most serious charge is that Chia allegedly used a funnel to force sugar down Ms Than's throat, and when the woman vomited, she forced her to swallow her own vomit.’

I saw the above post in Therealsingapore. It is unbelieveable that such things still happened in this Sin City and keep repeating and repeating. Obviously there are a lot of sick people around and some are actually devils in disguise. And with so much publicity given on such abuses, it seems that these devils are not taking heed and will just keep on abusing their maids. Or is it a case of punishment too light and the message has not sink into the minds of these sickos? What happens to the modus operandi of sending a message across by a few harsh punishment to stamp such cruelties from repeating? Caning is definitely a good option to stop the devils from inflicting hell on their victims.

Such acts of cruelties cannot be tolerated under whatever circumstances, not in a country that keeps parroting on kindness, graciousness and about being first world. When would the signal be sent, loud and clear, to instil fear in the devils in disguise that they will suffer even more severe punishment than what they dealt to their victims. Where is the human decency to do something right for once, regardless of race, language and nationality?

This is the time to be unkind to the inhumans to be kind.

Kopi Level - Yellow


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. @hysterical RB:

    >> Such acts of cruelties cannot be tolerated under whatever circumstances, not in a country that keeps parroting on kindness, graciousness and about being first world.

    Relac lah. These are isolated cases. The guilty have been caught and dealt with under law.

    People are going to do what they are going to do. In the realm of human behaviour anything goes.

    So what the fuck is the problem?

  3. "Obviously there are a lot of sick people around and some are actually devils in disguise."

    Sick in the mind and also devils, no doubt. But more importantly (to PAP lah, of course), how many of these sick people will vote PAP in a GE?

    Were there any or many such sick devils among the 60% who voted PAP in 2011? Or how about 2016?

    Or will these sick Sinkie devils vote opposition? In that case, their being sick minded and also devil is secondary, for those who want PAP to be voted out. Tio bo?


  4. People should learn to read postings in TRS with a large bowl of salt.

    1. Reported in the ST, not a figment of anybody's imagination.Obviously the perpetrators are maniacs. Let the law deal with them.

  5. You look at how those people treated Rene Yap and you will know how sick they are. But no one is holding a mirror in their face and they think they are all goodness, angels of mercy, gods and goddesses of mercy.

  6. EEEEeeeeeiii...See, I am hysterical. Please go and get me more kopi to calm my nerves : )

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  8. @1028 Raymond:

    >> People should learn to read postings in TRS with a large bowl of salt.

    I take it you meant TRE - Temasek Review Emeritus.Why even bother? The TRE is THE dumbest site on the internet. It is PURE VOMIT expressed in webpages. Read it and you are in danger of losing at least 10 IQ points. Regular readers present tell-tale signs of permanent loss of intellect -- i.e. they become irreversibly stupid, although the level of arrogance seems to increase with the decrease in intellectual capacity.

    There are so many alternatives to reading the TRE. Even the worst choices one can ever make, still beat reading the TRE. For e.g. Becoming a heroin addict, prostituting oneself for the money to buy drugs and finally dying from a panoply of disgusting diseases and drug overdose...is still not as EXCRUCIATING as reading the TRE.

    If god spread his ass cheeks, and with one heave-ho squeezed out a large bolus of semi-solid shit from his Holy Asshole (The Hole Of His Glory) .... that would be the TRE!

    Got national embarrassment?
