
Chuck Hagel farting in Shangri La

 The Americans ‘will not look the other way when fundamental principles of the international order are being challenged’. Is this a statement of peace or a provocation for war? And Abe stressed about the rule of law. In the first place the Japanese broke all rules of law when they sneaked up to Pearl Harbour to destroy the American fleet without any declaration of war. They also attacked Russia in 1939 without declaring war. Can anyone trust the Japanese to obey the rule of law?

As for the Americans, as the Chinese General Wang Guanzhong pointed out, what rule of law when the Americans refused to ratified the UNCLOS? What laws was Chuck Hagel talking about, American law of the gun? At least the Chinese were a signatory to UNCLOS, a commitment to abide by the UN laws of the sea. The Americans refused to accept these laws, meaning they do not want to abide by it.

What laws did the Americans followed when they invaded Iraq and murdered Saddam Hussein and killed and wounded several hundred thousands of civilian and innocent Iraqis? They did not even apologize when they should be prosecuted in a tribunal for war crimes. They could repeat the same dirty trick in Asia. Malaysia, Myanmar and Indonesia better watch your backside.

And what did the Americans did in Libya when the UN forbade them to attack Libyan military positions but to maintain a no fly zone? They violated the UN resolutions, violated the trust the UN bestowed on the Americans to observe the rules of engagement. Can you trust the Americans to abide by the rules of law or fundamental principles of international order when they had violated every one of them at their own discretion?

The world’s number One gangster and the world’s number One rogue nation during the Second World War talking about abiding by international order and the rule of law? Or are they talking about gunboat diplomacy, the rule of threats, threatening other nations with military intervention? The American gunboats are everywhere in Asia. The Japanese are sending their gunboats to the Philippines and Vietnam. Are they for peace?
But not to worry, many Asian leaders and academics are American and Japanese apologists would believe them. They would tell you, Americans good, Japanese good. America is indispensable to keep peace in the region. And the barbaric Japanese, the murderers of hundreds of thousands of Asians, raping Asian women and making them comfort women, are the best peace keeper! My God, aren’t Asians stupid? I think they are stupid to the core.

PS: China should put its batteries of DF21 on Red Alert and roll out its war chest of American T bills to do battle with the White House and the Yakuzas.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. The Defence Secretary of the Americunts looked like a muffetdeck
    (Chow Ah Kua)

    See the bearings and demeanor/behavior of the Chinese and their Generals.

    Upright, like KONG CHET (Scholars)

    Comparison of LHL to LTK.

    Americunt muffetdeck (WOG) to Nantah Scholar.

    How to fight wars with the PRC???

    Siong see!!! (Suicides)

  2. In war as in love, all is fair. Be it ploy or strategy and both, there is nothing against convention and (International/Universal) law.

    Any nation/state taking issue to the United Nations to seek protection and justice, might as well choose to sleep with the Enemy..

    The United Nations Organization is impotent. The Greenpeace Movement is far more proactive.

  3. @RB:

    >> They violated the UN resolutions, violated the trust the UN bestowed on the Americans to observe the rules of engagement.

    Please lah, no violation. The USA has consistently been open and direct with the UN: America takes orders from no one. It will always act in American interests.

    >> China should put its batteries of DF21 on Red Alert and roll out its war chest of American T bills to do battle with the White House and the Yakuzas.

    To me that is a reactionary, short-sighted strategy. And I think the Chinese are smarter than that. IMO, they're playing the "long game". Let the 2 assholes make their noises, play dumb, do some fake kow towing.

    You dump US govt securities now, the market will just absorb it -- yields are down, prices are up. Central banks are looking for shit to buy so that they can print more money...bad move.

  4. The possibilities of opposition coalition or the coalition with the govt could be sooner then later?

    Previously from 70 percent support in 2000 election dropped to 57 support (Punggol East and the Tanjong Pagar walk over lest then a minute late submission)?

    The news can viral up the world in secs?

    You can see the massive impact of mobile internet on the Punggol East By Election result? People no longer just listen to the MSM they counter check the comments on the mobile internet?

    The CPF locked scheme, where majority of people asset or savigs, the immigration and inflation) could put a heavy toll on the govt, possibly drop 20 percent of their votes from around 60 pc to 40pc?

    Previously people mostly can only get their news from the state controlled medias which is easier for them to sell their policies?

    Presently with the rapidly development of mobile internet, sharing sites and getting cheaper and cheaper, so people likely get their news from a click of their hand then getting news from the MSM got to wait until the next days difficult to comments on the issues?

    The govt advantage of owning the media kept reducing by the days as internet technology kept improving and cheaper?

    The Punggol East By Election show how the mobile internet changed things done more rapidly then every you can imagine?

    With a click of the button you can search for questions to answer in google, not just seen what you heard in the MSM?

    The critical point of massive drop in support is due to the CPF, if people to vote the opposition coalition how much can they get back their CPF, what type of measure they will take to reduce the cost of running the govt so that people can take back the CPF as promised easier?

    The opposition coalition by studying some of the successful models of empowering its own people, reducing the income gap, more stimulus for increasing the birth rate, reducing people anxieties to give birth job securities and increasing people standard of living by less reliance on foreign investments and immigration? By studying how these successful small countries can run in much lower cost and expense to produce many successful multi national enterprise and individuals?

    As highly talent former senior public servant and private professional keep coming in to help out the oppositions coalitions, seen they have regularly activities reach more understanding, unity and co ordination in various platforms?

    The oppositions coalitions is likely to reduce the expenditures or tweat the policies, so that people can get back their CPF at 55 as promised, the question is how much percent return to the people at 55 - 70 percent or 80 percent?

  5. The two of them talked as if
    China has f....their mothers.

    If America can spend $5billion to destabilise Ukraine over a three ars period, what is another $5billion to destabilise China.

    After all America has the experience in such actions in Latin American, Middle East, former Yugoslavia.

    There will be countries willing
    to cooperate with America because of money or afraid of regime changed initiated by the mighty USA

  6. Chuck Hagel farts, and so does our MSM aka CNA. In fact, CNA now farts with an American accent.

    Yesterday, they called China's response to US/Japan, calling it a 'bite' back. That I think is an insult to China. Only animals bite. Animals like Channel News Animals, maybe.

    When Japan later responded to China, they reported that as 'hit' back. They sure are looking up to the Japs. As if we do not have enough of prominent Japanese traitors among us.

  7. You must know who are the people writing for our media. Yellow bananas and black bananas.

  8. People must understand/brainwash that violence will not bring peace or solve any problems. THe only way is to talk talk talk.

  9. ur place or mine ?
