
Cash is King

‘My mother recently suffered a heart attack. She was hospitalised and a stent was inserted into her heart. The resultant hospital bill came up to about $18,400.

My brother and I have more than $90,000 in our Medisave accounts, but only $3,950 could be deducted from my brother’s account as this was the maximum amount allowed. We had to pay the remaining amount of more than $14,000 in cash….’

The above were the introductory paras of an article ‘What good is Medisave if you can’t use it when you need it?’ by a Danny Tseng posted inn TRE. Danny and his brother had to pay cash to settle the bill. It was like they only wanted cash and money in CPF/Medisave was not acceptable. Actually not. Money in the CPF is limited used money, not money that you can use freely. It is money good on paper but not when you want to use it. This accentuates the saying ‘Cash is King’. Trust the value of your cash. Other forms of money are funny money, money but when you need it, becomes elusive.
Now you understand why the govt is encouraging people to put in more cash into their CPF or their parents’ and spouses’ CPF? The Govt also believes in cash. Give me your cash and I print some numbers in your CPF statements and guarantee that the money will be there, very safe.

Which one is more useful? Which one is more real? And ‘sway sway kena’ a case like Danny’s mother with a huge medical bill then you cry and curse yourself for putting more money into your CPF/Medisave.

Be smart, keep your money in cash so that you can use it when you need it. Money in CPF/Medisave will only make you smile when the monthly statement arrives. Don’t be a daft Sinkie.

Kopi Level - Yellow


Anonymous said...

knnccb ...

wah liao eh ....

not ..... $8???

remember someone only paid $8 and show us his titties too

knnccb ... blogger might be some a high networth individual like the brunei royalty

Anonymous said...

Tan Kin Lian
November 24, 2013
Once a person passes 80 years, the organs are likely to fail or cancer will set in. There is nothing much that can be done on the medical front. At that age, people are likely to die from the treatment than from the disease.
If the patient worries about the pain caused by the disease, it is possible to take palliative treatment to ease the pain.
It is better to live the remaining years naturally. It is better to leave any remaining assets to the family than to spend the money to pay the doctors and hospitals or worse, to leave a big debt for the family to settle.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Totally agree with Kin Lian's statement. Expensive medical treatment at old age is a luxury for the very rich. I may be wrong on this, it could be prolonging their agony, using money to buy suffering and pain for the patient.

agongkia said...

Even if I am bankrupt becos of my parent medical expenses,I will be happy if i can extend their life span even for a day by giving them treatment.
Sinkie should learn to be filial than to seek the easy way out.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Cash is King

Nearly correct. However burning up cash doesn't last very long. I would like to amend that common phrase to:

Free Cash FLOW is King (aka FCF)

>> Expensive medical treatment at old age is a luxury for the very rich.

It is a luxury. But you don't have to be very rich, in the same way that you can buy a luxury car or a luxury whatever...you don't have to be rich. However if you aren't rich, you will have to "sacrifice" in other areas.

"You can't have your cake and eat it too".

Expensive medical treatment -- for e.g. plastic surgery -- has always been considered a luxury. It is only the warped thinking of today that plays on the already established "entitlement mentality" which leads people to believe that expensive medical procedures are a "right".

How's your FCF coming along, Your Royal Majesty? ;-)

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

P.S. The advent of medical tourism has made "expensive" medicine more affordable. So really folks, the world is getting better. You can thank globalisation for that, but I know, you won't ;-)

Anonymous said...

"Expensive medical treatment at old age is a luxury for the very rich."
RB 9:34 am

Tiok. And may I add, for the powerful as well. These 2 usually come together.

Matland Dr M even had a a major heart operation at the age of 82!

And look how hale and hearty he is even at age 89, as compared to our Old Man just 2 years older!

So for some, money and power do have privileges, and at whatever age.

b said...

The pap policies are extremely harsh to the poor people. The only way to change is to vote for a different party. PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

Sinkies know what had been happening in Sinland and are affected by the policies themselves. However, they rather suffer than rock the boat. They believe their fear will make the Sinboat unsinkable and will remain afloat infinitely and eternally. At least they will not drown so long as PAP captains it.
The folks think they are as good as matilah, or even better. We all know matilah is wise and wily, those who are able to survive in the boat to nowhere could be better . Remember, matilah play play in Oz, Chow Kit/KL, Bangcock and many other cities including New York and Holywood.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


I have to correct you on a few points:

>> We all know matilah is wise and wily,

I am definitely not wise. Just ask my ex-wives ;-) Wily? Yes, again ask my exes...I grew up basically on the street, not as some privileged "white horse" with rich parents.

>> many other cities including New York and Holywood.

Nope. Not Hollywood. I dun like LA at all. I like Northern California -- follow Highway 1 north -- Santa Cruz, San Fran and going further Seattle and Vancouver in BC. Vancouver is like a larger version of Perth. San Fran and Sydney are so similar in "feel".

However my favourite is still Thailand. Not at the moment, though...