
An honest dialogue on the CPF

MP Hri Kumar wanted to have a dialogue with his residents in Thomson and Toa Payoh on 14 Jun. The banner for this dialogue reads, ‘CPF – An Honest Conversation: Public Dialogue with Thomson-Toa Payoh Residents’. I wrote about this earlier that Roy Ngerng, KJ Jeyaretnam, Leong Sze Hian and Ariffin Sha had registered to attend this dialogue.

The latest, Kri Kumar did not accept their registration as the event was only for his residents. Ariffin posted a couple of responses by Hri Kumar saying that he was pleased that residents from outside his constituency were interested in the dialogue.

Netizens are crying foul that Hri Kumar is not accepting residents from other constituencies to attend this dialogue on the CPF which is a national issue. I thought it would be a great opportunity for Hri Kumar to give the govt’s version of the CPF story and clarify whatever doubts raised by the people. And if necessary, Hri could bring in more experts like Indranee Rajah or a minister to assist him in this very important conversation. It would be the first opportunity for the govt to rebut whatever issues that were raised at the Hong Lim Park protest rally.

It is all about communication and explaining govt policies to the people and this dialogue could be raised to a national level and would receive greater publicity than intended. It would be good for Hri Kumar and the govt to say what they need to say to the residents and to remove whatever wrong perceptions they have on the CPF issue.

Why should an MP not willing to engage in a serious conversation on a serious matter with the residents, or a few residents just because they were from different constituencies? This is a golden opportunity not to be missed for the govt to say its piece. Why not? Why abstain when so many doubts and issues have been raised by the speakers at Hong Lim and needing answers?

Should not this be what constructive politics be, engaging the people?

Kopi Level - Yellow


Anonymous said...

The conversations invite PA members, obedient citizens, pioneer generation and those who don't ask difficult questions. If Roy, Kenneth, uncle Leong attend, Hri will not be able to handle them lah. He will needs to get help from ministers or pinky.

Anonymous said...

i propose his PUBLIC dialogue be run like the following success "conversation"


Raymond said...


Because it is a constituency meeting, not a national conversation.

Because the constituency residents voted for him, the others didn't.

Because a single MP does not have the authority to host a national meeting.

Because Roy et al wants to crash the meeting and are happy to confuse everyone.

Enough reasons for you?

Anonymous said...

How the hell Kumar can have honest dialogue when he can't even be honest about who can attend, or doing flip-flopping, or maybe so called PAP "shifting" ?


This is even aside from him even in doubt can understand what CPF policy is all about ? How can Kumar has a dialogue without both side of expertise to critically analyze the issues together with the CPF policy makers ? Where the fu#@$k is those CPF policy makers ? Who are they exactly ? How come cannot show face ? Just like who are the one who write the White Toilet Paper without academics endorsement and reference ? Why are they all hide behind anonymous for PAP government when it comes to explaining by the pap buggers responsible for those ?

Still trying one trick phony on naive and gullible residents who know little about the CPF policies ? Fooling the ignorant again and again ? But what is the new about PAP. Leopard just never change its spot.

How much more tax payer money is kumar going to spend for this substandard dialogue session that ?

Anonymous said...

When someone goes into your house without your permission and took 36% or more of your salary from your bedroom drawers, every single month for the last 30 years, refusing to return the full sum of our money back to you, and keeps telling you that more and more of savings must locked up with them,

Saving the troubles of forcing their way into your house, they TOOK our money by forcing the employers with punity laws, to credit our salaries directly into this so called cpf board.

We should have a referemdum on the cpf policy !More freedom to more options ye, we are citizens of the State not subjects

Anonymous said...

PAP Dialogue:
I talk only with people who agree with me.

Dictionary meaning of dialogue:
"take part in a conversation or discussion to resolve a problem."

So how to resolve a problem if Roy Ngerng, KJ Jeyaretnam, Leong Sze Hian and Ariffin Sha are not there?

Meaning of wayang:
Please see above.

Anonymous said...

The cpf policy, the management of our lifelong savings must be put under the mother of all public scrutiny. Brigtest of light ought to be shone on the GIC because it gives the public a perception that it lacks transparency and to dispel its shroud of secrecy.

Anonymous said...

Hri Kumar is only a MP, aka mayor, just like Arnold Schwarnegger was a mayor in California, he couldn't speak on behalf of Obama Administration policies mah, like that so simple still don't know ??

If so simple cannot understand, how can understand govt policies ?

Anonymous said...

How transparent you want Temasek and GIC to be ? They tell u, you also don't understand, because it is not 1 sentence can finish explaining, even if explain, you will also complain, because you just don't understand and do not want to understand.

They told you, CPF funds is risk free funds therefore it has to earn risk free rate, aka govt bonds rate, which is SGS (Spore Govt Secs) but people si si don't want to understand, say GIC earn 6% they also want to earn 6%, what to do ? CPF is not mutual funds leh how can be same rate?

Anonymous said...

RB, if u not careful, u may be getting a letter soon and then u are kaput or toast and the kopi money not enough to save u lor

32 said...

CPF has got it all wrong. The commissioner should step down. Since people have to work until they die, where is the rationale for holding people cpf monies back?

Anonymous said...

WTF! If you advertised as "PUBLIC" then anyone could attend. Pulling back your tail when under threat is a NO BALL act. Phui

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi 32, welcome to the blog. Working till one dies is changing the dynamics of CPF savings. People who are above 60 should not be required to contribute further esp the self employed.

Anonymous said...

Like LSS, Hri tried to quietly uninvite the unwelcomed.

Anonymous said...

Actually it is very easy to join in this exclusive public dialogue meant for Thomson/Toa Payoh residents. Just rent a room in that constituency and then get your address in your NRIC changed and you are ready to walk into the act. Just Do It. Good luck.

fish 'n' chips

Anonymous said...

First howlian , be the first to hold a CPF dialogue.
Then found out the more vocal netizens want to attend, chicken out to say its only for residents.
Cause he wouldn't be able to handle the hard questions.
Remember how GCT look when being
skewered by Tim Sebastian of BBC
Sigh! PAP MPs can never survive in an Aus or British Parliament.
For all his shortcomings, I am sure LKY would never evade such a confrontation

Anonymous said...

"For all his shortcomings, I am sure LKY would never evade such a confrontation"

LOL... LKY just ask what is your name and what is your company, and your company will know what to do next just like what they do to Roy exactly.
he will say you are daft for questioning the CPF.

For goodness's sake, please stop worshipping this old fart. Time and time again, he fails miserably bad and yet hoodwink to make himself look good.

Anonymous said...

“The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.”

Anonymous said...

Why Roy want to attend a PAP organised dialogue?

What is he trying to prove or achieve?

Whether through blog, rally, dialogue or whatever, does he seriously think those proposals he made can ever be realised?

Virgo 49 said...

LKY try to teach the bumis in Matland to give equal representation to the minority races in parliament by creating the GRC schemes.

In a way, the minority candidates were given a lift to to be elected on the strength of some
strong majority candidates.

These candidates were not elected on their own strength and capabilities and yet they howlian and made the most comments thinking that they are smart.

One to one in SMC, they be washed out like the vovo Kings/Queens in shooting range.

Anonymous said...


Those person who are able to take back their CPF earlier batch are lucky, they are able use these reserve to get better returns and do better in life, then those unlucky one who had their CPF locked up forever?

The funny thing at that time their life never delay so long died 15 year later at 70 and the girls never when to Batam to spend all their money, which they heard these excuses now, when the rules are changed?

How fast they found out that human life extend had 15 years, and the M'sian didn't extend still at 55 they get back their CPF?

They thought that after slogging over 30 to 40 years they can get back their tear, blood & Sweat money at 55 as promised?

These is their most important savings for life every month they put aside 37 percent monthly, which they are promised to be returned to them when they reach 55?

The need these money for reserve, their children education, crisis out of jobs etc?

Anonymous said...

Bloody spam, ruin a perfect blog, just like the ruling, where ever and when ever, they decide to help, the ppl has to pay more, think now its the time they start burning their files...cause its gonna be taken over soon.

The said...

Hri Kumar is effectively saying that all these while, the dialogues by PAP have all been dishonest and wayang only. That the NatCon is really a con job on a national scale.

Glad Kumar is honest about this. Would be more glad if he is honest about his flip-flopping as well.