
What is happening to our CPF savings

Roy Ngerng got into trouble with Hsien Loong over the issue of CPF savings. Though the pertinent point in his trespass was about an allegation of corruption, the origin came from the heated arguments on why the Govt is adamant to hold back the people’s saving for an ever and ever longer period. There is a perception, rightly or wrongly, that the Govt is unable to return the people’s saving when they hit 55, now not even that, but at 62, 65 or even later.

This return of the people’s saving to their owners has never been an issue up to some time in year 2000. The older generations have no problem getting their money back and thus it was a non issue. It started to become an issue after that with the problem and irritation increasing in momentum. For those in their 60s, not all were able to withdraw all their savings when they reached 55. But the sum retained by the CPF under all the new minimum sums and medisave schemes were bearable. They grudgingly took whatever they could and saw a small chunk of their money becoming untouchable. Some have no issues with the retention as they will get higher interest rate of 4%. Some were against the retention on grounds of principle that no govt should be allowed to use legislation to keep the people’s saving against their will. Compulsion is unacceptable and unethical even if the intention was good and the interest rate was higher.

Today, with the combined minimum sums hitting $200,000, this is no small change, the anger mounted. It is just too much to bear. And for the younger generations, they could expect the sum to go even higher with some projecting the sums to hit $500,000 in years to come, or more. Eventually, the net effect is that there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow after a life time of intense savings.

The other troubling thought is that the Govt has mismanaged the funds and is now caught in a situation that it is unable to return the money to the people. Some even imagined that the CPF vault is empty. These are just perceptions of the people who have money in the CPF. The truth may be the reverse, that the CPF is full of money, safe and sound and could return all the money when due and there is really nothing to worry about. All the sleepless nights are unnecessary and a waste of time.

How then could the Govt convince the people that the money is safe and well? All the schemes to retain the people’s money, the shifting of the goal posts, are telling the people all is not well. You cannot blame the people from thinking so. Can the Govt come out and assure the people, with clear and unquestionable facts and figures to prove beyond doubt that the money is there? The Govt has to do something about this to quell the suspicion and loss of confidence by the people on this matter. Not explaining and clearing the doubts of the people will not do and will only increase the simmering unease of the people. Roy Ngerng and Han Hui Hui and all the speakers will have a lot of things to say and a lot of questions to ask at Hong Lim Park on 7 June.

If, ‘sway sway’, the suspicion is true, that because of the huge long term investments, the assets cannot be easily liquidated to repay the CPF members, or if what the people feared, that a lot of money had been wiped away by bad investments, and there is an urgent need to kick the can further down the road and hoping that the investment will turn good in the long run, it would be better to face the truth and tell the people about it. Living in denial when there is a big hole to patch is a bad idea. It is worse if, trying to live with a lie, the Govt continues to put on a false front that all is well, and can still afford to throw money around like a rich philanthropist. The Govt is very rich and can give and give and give, to the NSmen’s CPF, more subsidies, more funds to international organisations, more overseas investments like there is unlimited supply of funds in the Govt’s treasury.

If, I say, if, the situation is dire, it is better to start on a belt tightening policy and cut waste, cut wasteful spending on the unnecessary, throwing parties costing millions all over the world, non stop celebrations on every excuse to show that we have the money to spend, we are very rich but cannot repay the CPF members when due.

Until the Govt stop devising more schemes to keep the people’s CPF savings for as long as the Govt needs to, the people is going to see these schemes in a different light. The Govt needs a confidence building measure exercise to assure the masses that all is really fine. And one thing it can do is to stop all these schemes and start to return the money to the people. If it cannot do so, it is better to stop spending furiously on parties and to give generously when the people are asking for their money back.

What is the truth? Who knows? The people can only postulate, imagine or guess from the actions of the Govt and its policies on the CPF money. The ball is now in the Govt’s court. There is a lot of explanations and proof to convince the people not to worry. And it is not just about how good and well is the communication or the way it is said. It is about the hard truth and facts and figures, and nothing less. No PR exercise is good enough to avoid from telling the truth.

Kopi Level - Green


Anonymous said...

"Today, with the combined minimum sums hitting $200,000, this is no small change, the anger mounted."

Ya lah, but u think PAP dunno meh?

Perhaps PAP ask the "So?" question.

And I think they rightly conclude that despite this, the strongest Sinkie opposition will not be ready to be govt.

And knowing Sinkies, 60% will be very scared to vote the PAP out. So by default, 60% will still vote for PAP.

So must always ask the "So?" question, LKY style. Sure correct and sure win one.

Tio bo, u tell me lah?

Anonymous said...

Tio bo, u tell me lah?
Anon 10:27 am

Tiok. Hum-palang (everything) tiok.

But only mee siam no hum hor.

Anonymous said...

One person said myself tell people, directly you can’t take back your CPF now, the rules had change, forget about last time we promised to return it at when you are 55 year old?

Don’t twist and turn. And said it in another ways?

By the time you are 68 is it there? What happen to your CPF is as good as anyone guess?

Hope the year suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Don't sue ... just appoint COI into our CPF money lah!
VTO and get Opposition government to appoint COI into our CPF money.

I guarantee COI will find nothing wrong.
If not, I will cut off my cock.
Just like Matilah did so many years ago with his tiny pecker.

Anonymous said...

Transparency International ranking is not fiction or a malicious lie.

agongkia said...

Dun worry lah.Your cpf safe and sound.Its just that they cannot reveal too much so as to safeguard our interest.Telling others how rich we are is not practical.This is State secret just like many parent who do not wish to reveal their properties to the children or external parties for security and many good reasons.
Even if sway sway like what you say,if inside your account left with kosong,what benefit will it bring if to tell the truth to your children.You only cause more unhappiness and let others trying to bully you and for being poor.That is why some towkays pokkai still have to drive big cars,splurge a bit for good image so that their business can keep going. Even give extra bonus to let others think they are financially strong.

CPF got money.Dun be a daft and want them to disclose our State secret.Whats there to prove.Must have confident in our Garmen.

Anonymous said...

Kick the can further down the road until the old man finally gets to kick the bucket. Just make it an issue at the next elections lah. Believe CPF safe, vote PAP. else vote them out. Sure 80% then. Cry bucket of tears, say sorry also no use already tio bo?

Anonymous said...

The word 'CPF' is going to be taboo, just like the word 'corruption'.

Just wait for the day of reckoning.

Anonymous said...

I agree. If money not enough, stop spending like crazy. Anyhow buy, anything also want, anything also buy, anyhow give, anyone ask also give. Everything in billions like spending banana currency.

Go back to basics. Start to return money to the CPF members first, then we know if there is money or no money.

Anonymous said...

Agongkia giving his word of wisdom again.

Parent's money cannot be revealed to children because the money BELONGS to parents, in every sense of the word 'belong', and not the children.

CPF money BELONGS to workers and is therefore different from parent's money. We have every right to know how, where, why and what happens to it. It is not the Government's money and they are just holding it for us, unless they are thinking of confiscating it. In which case, I have nothing to say and rest my case.

Anonymous said...

Just like Matilah did so many years ago with his tiny pecker.said 10.55am.

No lar I think his tiny pecker is still there but his two tiny May be missing lar. That is why he may write his book 1. I wanted to thank that poster that came up with all those suggestions and I think this is the only post that can upset that motherfucker.

Matilar, stop cheating people illegally where u can legally make money by writing your books u motherfucker.

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
/// MATI-LAH, even the SKUNK is ashamed of YEWR SHITTY SMELL! said...
RB Post 27 Aril 2014:

"The books that I would want to write"

// Anonymous Anonymous said...
Matilar, u can also write the following books

1) how to boast about sexual power when both tiny are missing
2) the art of incest
3) the guide on how to bull shits
4) how to irritate people and waste their time daily
5) learning to be thick skin and flameproof
6) how to tahan when your ass kena fucked
7) how to act as patriot when you are a traitor
8) how to act and look normal when you are actually insane
9) learning to speak when a cock is stuck in your mouth
10) how to con your sisters and daughters to continue having sex with you without reporting to the police.

I am quite sure others can contribute other ideas for matilar so that he can become very rich like he always dream of. Knn motherfucker that waste the earth resources.

May 19, 2014 7:23 pm

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I don't know why RB wrote such a long post which really goes nowhere.

>> There is a lot of explanations and proof to convince the people not to worry.

Actually no, there's not. CPF is legal under the law. It has been administered lawfully.

The only objective/ valid grounds for complaint and concern is if the govt or certain members or groups within the govt are BREAKING THE LAW.
So far, there is no evidence to suggest that this is going on.

You don't have to like the govt nor any one of its policies. But as long as they are conducting their affairs lawfully, there is really nothing to do or which can be done -- except exercise one's freedom to express one's discontent.

CPF -- perfectly legal. You dun like? It doesn't matter. One thng is for certain: the world isn't going to change so that you can be "happy". Instead, listen to, sing and clap along with the song!

Anonymous said...

Even if G can come out with facts and whatever to prove/convince the public that CPF still have the monies, I still want MY CPF back when I reach 55, these are my hard earned savings and I don't want and don't need others to tell me how to use them, I believe I am old enough to manage my own fund. Keep trapping people's money and not returning when due make people can't help but to suspect something fishy.

Anonymous said...

If the money is not there, how can they return it to us?

That is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

That is why it is back to 'sewing' the mouths that attempts to tell the truth about CPF. Because the truth hurts.

Anonymous said...

If redbean think PAP Government has no right to keep increasing the CPF Minimum Sum or any other CPF rules;

Then why not redbean organize a netizen group to raise funds to hire a lawyer and challenge PAP's CPF laws in court.

Either the CPF laws are legal or it is not.
Either Mas Selamat is still in jail or he is not.
Either Wong Kan Seng is stupid or he is not.

Anonymous said...

MS logic. Govt can say don't return at 55 but at 65. Legal.

Then don't return at 65 but 75. Legal.

Then don't return at 75 but 85. Legal.

Then don't return at 85 but 95. Legal.

It would look different and reaction would be different if govt said, don't return at 55 but at 95. The roof would blow off. Incremental changes have minimised the effect.

Anything wrong when your money is decided by the govt when to return to you even if legal?

I am wondering if it is legal for the CPF to keep changing and coming out with all the new schemes.

Anonymous said...

Not legal just change the law and make them legal. No chance to argue.

Cheaper, better and faster. That is what they were thinking and talking about. It is not about you or me.

Anonymous said...

Is there any good reasons to hold up the persons CPF, if the persons proven to be able to manage his money well and able to get much higher returns then the CPF 3 percent?

Should the money return to these type of persons? Casinos there are the Self exclusion options for people, why not CPF have some type of mechanism to return the money to those who can manage their own money well?

CPF should not manage every and any persons money, which is too risky, they need to diversity their risk? Even Warren Buffet sometimes lost money?

Those who show they can manage their own money well, their CPF should be return to them as promised when they reach 55? So as to foster entrepreneurship?

Anonymous said...

Let say if a person able to get 18 percent returns per annually consistently why should the CPF manage his money and not return to him?

Anonymous said...

RB, I read your posts regularly and like them (mostly). How do I 'buy you coffee'?

Anonymous said...

The CPF will say:

Your money is our money. Our money is my money.

GIC and Temasek will say:

Your money is our money. Our money is my family's money.

So, what are you going to do?

agongkia said...

anon 1152
You dun give your parent allowance?
Same logic.Whether children give or force to give a monthly allowance to the parent ,its the parents' money.
No right to question whether they spent on business,4D investment,or invest in Batam mistress producing more babies and want to see their account.
Since when workers pay cpf?Its the towkay who pay,its the towkay who attend the Court and face charges if he did not pay.
Rightfully cpf belong to employers since they are the one paying:-)
But the employer is kind to pay for this cpf as welfare so that you can use it for your future needs.
Always remember,your take home pay is your pay.Your cpf should be treated as a tax that give you some return when you get old.So let cpf do whatever investment they deem fit.

Anonymous said...

@ agongkia
the PAP government is not my parents.
And I am not their child.
And you talk like a daft traitor.

Anonymous said...

CPF should not manage too much money the bigger the fund the more difficult to manage, like a matured stock or big companies, which is more difficult to growth?

Big funds got difficult to buy small companies, even a small amount of big funds, it will buy up the whole companies? So it is better for CPF returns the money to those who consistently manage well their money to manage themselves at 55?

To give 3 percents returns, need to make 6 percents, how many investments they can make 6 percent in the world, with the costs of transactions and admin and it can't put too much money lying around in the banks not invested?

Not easy to buy big companies that continue to growth?

Anonymous said...

How good are the GIC and Temasek Holding investment skills are they same as Warren Buffet? Why must they want to manage everyone and anyone money, which they use to give back when they reach 55 as they had promised when CPF schemes were conceived?

Can they get annual returns of 6 percents consistently every year or have the confidence? What are their performance in 2008 crisis?

Anonymous said...

The can't let too much money lying around the bank their cost of holding CPF funds and return them is around 6 percent to the people?

They got to look for investment generate at least 6 percent returns for the CPF to be able to return it to the people the 3 percent as promised if the whole them until 68 or the person took it all out and emigrate?

Anonymous said...

Agongkia's argument is a little too deep for us here to comprehend.

His argument that workers do not pay CPF and only the towkay pays is, kind of, prehistorically speaking, difficult to grasp for one as old as he is.

And his telling us that CPF rightfully belongs to employers since they are the ones paying ( and convieniently forgeting that workers pay more than half of what employers pay to CPF board) is really a mind changing experience for me, to say the least.

Nevertheless, we need his aged wisdom to contribute to the discussion, as always.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon 1:09 or anyone who wished to buy me kopi can simply flip the the adverts, one on top right and one top left of this blog. Read a few pages like anyone reading the adverts. That will do.


After reading the above arguments, I think many have their positions shifted without knowing what was first base. The incremental changes have deceived many to think that the reference point now is at 6th or 7th base and so on.

If I own a bank, I would love to declare all my depositors as unfit to look after their own money and I will keep them for their own good. Would any depositor have to prove to me that he is able to manage his money to earn the right to take his money back? Think.

Isn't it his money in the first place? Have I, being the banker, the right to usurp his right to his money, in a way cheated him of his money?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> Then why not redbean organize a netizen group to raise funds to hire a lawyer and challenge PAP's CPF laws in court.

That's right. The only way is to challenge the law in court. Like people challenging the Section 377A sodomy laws.

>>Either the CPF laws are legal or it is not.

CPF is legal, and it is in the Constitution. The Fifth Schedule has strict codes on how Temasek, the GIC and CPF money is to be handled.

Here's something everyone should know:

Even if you voted the PAP OUT, you cannot suka suka take money out of CPF. It is protected under law, not just any law, but the Constitution itself. One purpose of the Constitution is to maintain the SUPREME law regardless of which political party is in office.

Your life is you life, you may waste it however you please. For me, the CPF thing is settled already.

If you CPF repealed, you have to prove that that it is unconstitutional, and I don't see how that is even remotely possible. But hey, like I said, it's your life, so waste it by any ways you choose :-))

b said...

According to the Association of Investment Companies, the trade body for the investment trust industry, the average fund has returned 16pc over the past year. But some trusts have performed far better.

- Of cos there is a reason why cpf is only returning 2.5 to 4% return and keep increasing the minimum sum. No need to be a genius to figure that out. As LKY gets older, the minimum sum will keep rising. Thats not a coincidence.

b said...

Funny that no opposition is there to fight for more return on our cpf funds. Are they real or not?

b said...

Me think 60% are stupid. So many people died ever see their cpf being returned and they still support this kind of rubbish party.

Anonymous said...

Mee siam got hum(cockles) meh?

If no, why ask for mai(no) hum?

Mee siam mai hum is stupid and a joke, tio bo?

Opposition ready to be govt meh?

If no, vote PAP out is stupid and a joke, tio bo?

b said...

what is ready? pap ever ready meh? if they ready, why so much mess?

Anonymous said...

Whatever Ruling and Law, THEY ARE LEGAL, WHEN THE POLICY AND LAW MAKERS AKA GOVERNMENT MAKE THEM INTO DECREE(圣旨). Going by MS's argument, once the Government legislates anything, equitable or NOT, justifiable or NOT, it becomes legal. Think technically, he's right. But judiciously, reasonably and humanely, the Ruling and Law that do not cater to equity and justice could be abuse of Authority(power). Sinkies are however not keen in checking abuses of power. They are non-chalance to the saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Anonymous said...

Don't always blame the opposition. Blame yourself if you are one of the 60% who voted PAP.

The opposition is there only to carry our message and if there are not enough opposition MPs in Parliament to have a bigger voice, so that they cannot be drowned by the PAP orchestra in superior numbers, who is to be blamed?

Anonymous said...

Mee siam mai hum is stupid and a joke, tio bo?
3:34 pm


And don't worry, u won't get sued one, if u called somebody stupid and a joke.

This Roy guy did not learn. That's why he is also stupid and a joke too.


Anonymous said...

Hope the govt pass a law in parliament to cut off MS's balls. Then it will be legal and MS will agree.

As long as it is legal, then when they cut his balls, he cannot object or protest.

Anonymous said...

aiyah ... kpkb for fuck sake

not happy ... vote papigs out next eRection

kpkb ... but cUntinue voting for papigs for fuck sake? better go toilet and jerk it out .. for the guys

and the ladies .... ahh, better not elaborate, sakali machiam porno

for me ... i fuck hsien loong and his running dogs n bitches
cos, resigned to the fact the cpf in my nric account already pek kim for old fart kuan yew

knnccb .... we need a revolution. but for a revolution to succeed, blood must flow ... HOW MANY WILLING TO BE the sacrificial lambs?? who will be the matyrs?

sorry ... my blood blooding everyday oredi!!! making those pharmaceutical companies rich ..

Anonymous said...

Should there be a massive debate and calling for ideas in the medias or Mediacorp forum for the return of CPF at 55 as promised? How much should be return, who should be return? What are the safeguard for abuses?

CPF is people blood, sweat & tear money? Many hope to get it back when it was was conceived and promised to be returned when they reached 55, many was shocked that the promised can be changed and left high and dry?

CPF is probabilty one of people most important asset as today high inflation?

What if the contingency and emergency for a person who lost their jobs as today high influx, as today high inflation, savings are easily used up? From 55 and 65 many of population not easy to get a job?

Many their children will be in trouble if their parent lost their jobs?

Many had married late and their children are still quite young, many could lost their jobs in the forties and difficult to find a jobs that pay them the same in these ages as the massive influx of foreign workers?

After hoping they can get better returns then the 3 percent the CPF offer gave another promised again, when or where no the rules of CPF change again?

It important to gather more feedback, not many girls will go to Batam to spent all their money in Batam on men, is it the only excuses or any other excuses changing the rules of returning people money at 55 as promised? What is the percentage of girls take out all their CPF to spent on the men in Batam?

What the danger managing to much funds or putting all the eggs in a basket?

What types of mechanism like the self exclusion methods in casinos to safeguard people or maybe one percent who overspend used up their retirement money?

When the small percentage of people used up the CPF are they working?

Can the CPF returns better then every or any persons who manage their own money?

Anonymous said...

CPF going to adjust it age to 70 maybe in future? How many Singaporean died before 65?

Anonymous said...

Since 4.16 pm suggest to cut matilar balls, I think he should write one more book as book 12 as follow

1) how to boast about sexual power when both tiny are missing
2) the art of incest
3) the guide on how to bull shits
4) how to irritate people and waste their time daily
5) learning to be thick skin and flameproof
6) how to tahan when your ass kena fucked
7) how to act as patriot when you are a traitor
8) how to act and look normal when you are actually insane
9) learning to speak when a cock is stuck in your mouth
10) how to con your sisters and daughters to continue having sex with you without reporting to the police.
11) How to develop multi tasking skill. Sharing of secret on Learning how to type on keyboard posting commentary on blog when there is a hard cock pushing in and out in matilar mouth.
12) How to cook two tiny to be delicious enough that the pigs would eat them.

Anonymous said...

Is there any fund set up formally to help the opp, to mitigate the lost lawsuits?

Anonymous said...

/// knnccb .... we need a revolution. but for a revolution to succeed, blood must flow ... HOW MANY WILLING TO BE the sacrificial lambs?? who will be the matyrs?
May 24, 2014 4:28 pm

Fuck lah!
Can't even get more than 40% to vote Opposition.
Can't even get more than a few hundred at Hong Lim Park.

How to have Revolution?
More likely you get EVOLUTION.
After a few thousand years, the PAPigs finally evolve into real PIGS with a real heart.

Anonymous said...

@May 24, 2014 7:59 pm

highly unlikely ...

look at the familee ...

bloodline seem like morphing back to orang utan

darwin theory need to have a second look

knnccb .... hsien loong, limpeh hereby surrender my blood, swear n tear cpf fund to be old fart pek kim

knnccb .... puki mak

Anonymous said...

Hi RB, if you think the CPF is an unfair system, why don't you just give up your Singaporean passport and go to Australia to join all the other quitters. If you do so you can get all your CPF back and no minimum sums will be held for you. Stop stirring up the issue and it get to be boring and tiresome. Your repetition o this topic is getting to be monotonous. Quit Singapore and head to another country and take all your money with you. There are many FTs who are waiting to take your place here.

Anonymous said...

May 24, 2014 9:43 pm

knnccb .... applying your logic,

if u not haBpy reading angtou rambling, u can simply fuck off

anybody pointing a barrel at your temple to force u to cUM?

knnccb ... 2day i had angtou theng at tEnpenis market, veri the sidup.

knnccb .... hsien loong, my cpf fund machiam pek kim for old fart kuan yew, i resign to fate BUT tuli chuo chong sepat toi humkah chan

Anonymous said...

They kept delaying returning the people money at the CPF which promised to be returned at 55, the people worried they overspent the tax payers money, paying 10 times the equivalents of the Nordic, Swiss & NZ ministers pay?

Don't know when they can stop changing the rules?

And other form of excessive spending? What is the excuses for their own overspending?

Did they show example of been frugal compare to the leaders of other leaders? Before they worry people took out their CPF and overspend it?

They worried about people overspending, like the girls took their CPF spending all their money at Batam men, how?

Which is which, who are actually the spendthift?


Anonymous said...

The leaders should ponder deeply and reflect upon themselves is it that, they overspent the taxpayers money or others who overspent their hard earned CPF money and need to be locked up?

Why can't be they like others leaders of the world as frugal and reduced their pay to the level of those developed countries with similar populations and other expenditures, so that S'porean can get back the CPF at 55 as promised?

It could be the huge amount of expenditures, they need to be delay and locked others CPF?

It is the promised of returning others CPF they must uphold, not to give all sorts funny excuses as usual? A promise is a promise? How many of them can live up to 70s got good food huge amount of money to spend, many died before 70?

They need to spend these huge amount of money, so do others need to spend some of the hard earn savings in case of emergency when they lost the jobs to the huge influx of foreigners?

As usually many who married late need these amount of money and bringing up their children, in case of any emergency to uses it?

They should ponders deeply to reduce their pay comparable to those advanced countries populations and other expenditure and be more frugal, so as to return the CPF?

CPF is others hard earn money, their blood, tear & sweats, which they work for years to save hoping they get it back when they are 55 as promised?

Many of them got back the CPF do well, before the rules changed again?

There should be a national debate on these CPF issues?

Anonymous said...

The elephant in the room, do pay attention, your CPF has morphed into a monster de facto tax.

Anonymous said...

To pay for the life style of the rich.

Anonymous said...

SINGAPORE - Mr Tan Jee Say will announce the registration of a new political party tomorrow (May 25).

Hosay liao!

If his new party can contest 100% seats next election, Tan Jee Say will have a 93% chance to become the next PM of Sinkieland.

Anonymous said...

It's a pity with another new party formed then three corners fight again. All wanted to be chiefs but not Indians. The opposition is so fragmented that there is no chance whatsoever to win.

Anonymous said...

New party to fight PAP or to fight among the opposition themselves?

My gut feeling says it is going to be the latter. We have seen people switching political parties like changing shirts. Where is the commitment? They cannot even let go of their ego. Every member will soon start fighting for position and trade accusations.

Forget it.

Anonymous said...

Should there be an International debate on how to return the money to those people by 55, some of them after sec 4 came out to work many years and most of their lifetime of savings are in CPF, you want them to work non stocks to keep savings money they can't for their whole life?

Once internationals views were sort those Singaporean, who are working abroad can propose their ideas how to return the people the CPF which they promised to return to them at 55?

Which is crucial as trust is very important?

The leaders should ponder deeply and reflect upon themselves is it that, they overspent the taxpayers money or others who overspent their hard earned CPF money and need to be locked up?

Should they volunteering reduce their admin expenditures and give back to those persons at 55 as promised?

How to reduce the expenditures to pay pack people lifetime hard earned savings? What are the ways and suggestions, ideas need and welcome?

Why can't be they like others leaders of the world as frugal and reduced their pay to the level of those advanced countries, which they pay themselves around $200K annual and do a good jobs?

No necessary must very high pay them can attract talents reasonable pay will attract talents that serve with a heart?

Too much pay might attract the wrong type of people coming in?

For the example of those advanced countries with similar populations how they do it don't give excuses, anyone can give excuses and see how they can do it with less expenditures, so that S'porean can get back the CPF at 55 as promised?

It could be the huge amount of expenditures, they need to be delay and locked others CPF?

It is the promised of returning others CPF they must uphold, not to give all sorts funny excuses as usual? A promise is a promise? How many of them can live up to 70s got good food huge amount of money to spend, many died before 70?

They need to spend these huge amount of money, so do others need to spend some of the hard earn savings in case of emergency when they lost the jobs to the huge influx of foreigners?

As usually many who married late need these amount of money and bringing up their children, in case of any emergency to uses it?

They should ponders deeply to reduce their pay comparable to those advanced countries populations and other expenditure and be more frugal, so as to return the CPF?

CPF is others hard earn money, their blood, tear & sweats, which they work for years to save hoping they get it back when they are 55 as promised?

Many of them got back the CPF do well, before the rules changed again?

There should be a national debate calling more people to contribute their ideas on these CPF issues on how to return their money as promised when it was conceived?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> Going by MS's argument, once the Government legislates anything, equitable or NOT, justifiable or NOT, it becomes legal.

It is always justifiable ;-)

I think everyone should go and learn properly how Singapore's parliamentary system works, and the role of the constitution in the making of law.

If you don't understand, you'll be forever in limbo confabulating arguments and conspiracy theories that have no bearing on the reality you're actually suffering from in the real world.

Most people haven't even read the Constitution. They don't know the history, they don't even know the implications. Everything is taken for granted. Whatever doesn't "fit" -- just start whinging and blaming the government.

Once a law is in, and it conforms to the constitution, it is VERY DIFFICULT to have it removed or changed.

It is not the role of any govt to be "compassionate" or "kind" or any manner of those nebulous "spiritual" ideas. The govt/ state is the territorial agency of legal force and ultimate decision making. When ever it makes law, they have many ways of law enforcement to ensure that people comply.

Anonymous said...

Matilar seemed to be talking about Decree and not Law.

Are You living in ancient China? Singaporeans are not rule by Qinshihuang, You know ?

Virgo 49 said...

TCJ said CPF unique is that you pay your property with the funds.

CPF monies not our monies meh???

You think CPF monies given by the PAP meh???

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> Matilar seemed to be talking about Decree and not Law.

In Singapore context, there are many similarities.

>> Are You living in ancient China?

No. I live, and pay hefty taxes, in a free western society will all the lovely individual freedoms guaranteed by Constitution, and upheld by the courts -- which every government hates because the courts frequently thwart any attempts at introducing unconstitutional legislation.

>>Singaporeans are not rule by Qinshihuang, You know ?

Actually, you are the one who apparently doesn't know ;-)

Singapore's 1st Emperor,is influenced by the House Of Qin, Hence you will notice the numerous parallels between the Qin way of governance and modern Singapore.

Feel free to disagree with me or dislike my posts. As long as I can make a buck, and rock-out in Singapore, I don't give a shit who's running the place or how they do it :-))