
Sinkies are a joke

Let me explain, let me explain. I know you are unhappy when I say that. Calling you Sinkies is already bad enough. Now calling you a joke, sure tak boleh tahan. But come on, the facts speak for itself. You can only be a Sinkie to be a joke. Or you can be a Sinkie and you can be a joke at the same time. Ok, Ok, hear me ok?

You protest and protest against the 6.9m PWP. So what? Your elected govt and elected representative say anything? Did they even bother to say, yes I hear you, but, but, but? No, they simply ignore you and go ahead with the 6.9m. What can you do?
I know what you can do. Come the next GE, vote them to be your representatives in Parliament, vote them to be your govt again. This one I am very sure about it. Joke or no joke?

Let me try another one. You spent a life time saving for your retirement so that you can take things a bit easier, can flirt with whatever that fancied you, a bottle of wine, a few toys, one in each arm, or go on cruises to nowhere. But the rules keep changing until your money like not your money anymore. You want to spend on mei meis or toy boys, they said cannot. Then they said you must keep them in your CPF until you die, or you must spend them on compulsory schemes. But the compulsory schemes are going to cost more than a few mei meis or toy boys, but you gong gong, never say anything, like your money not your money like that. Let people do as they pleased. Joke or no joke.

You want me to carry on? Enough to admit that Sinkies are a joke? Ok, one more nail into the Sinkie is a joke coffin. You know that high cost of car ownership is due to high population right? Then why you want to go along to have higher and higher population and pay higher and higher for that car? Then at the end you got to squeeze your own balls, if there is any, to convince yourself that taking public transport is good, ride bicycle is better, walking is the best. Joke or no?

Jokers! I could go on and on. And you are sooooo angry when I called you Sinkies and jokers. Not happy right? What are you going to do about it? Going to throw stones at me? That will not change you into something else. You will still be Sinkies and still be jokers because I did not make you a joker. I am only telling you the truth, holding a mirror in your face. You need to do the right thing if you want to be called Singaporeans or anything else other than being Sinkies or jokers. This is my version of sticking a spur into your hide, to not just to feel the pain, but to face up to reality.

Still think you are not Sinkie and not a joker? You don’t even see why or how you ended up in this pathetic state.

PS. This post is going to ruffle a lot of feathers.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. No lah, u are tarring all Sinkies with the same brush.

    How can Sinkies who made lots of money under PAP policies and have a good life and hence vote for PAP be a joke, u tell me lah?

    And if these Sinkies happened to be the majority, say 60%, it becomes no joke for the Sinkie opposition, because they will always lose to PAP one, tio bo?

    So keep those Sinkie jokers to a minority, say 40% or less.

    It happened in 2011 and I see no reason not happening again.

  2. How can Sinkies who made lots of money under PAP policies and have a good life and hence vote for PAP be a joke, u tell me lah?
    Anon 9:06 am

    Tiok. And don't forget, maybe a lot of new Sinkies (foreigners made instant Sinkies by PAP) among these Sinkies.

    And this is really no joke for real Sinkies, tio bo?

  3. One more joke and pardon me if it sounds lousy like the standard of the leaders.
    One undertaker told me that human dead body cannot be cremated without coffin. I countered that not all races use coffin for burial and cremation. The undertaker confirmed that what I said is true but, it does not apply to all Faiths. Or, to put it another way; only certain Race or Faith are immune from the mandatory requirement of coffin.
    Can anyone provide some enlightenment about procedures for disposal of human dead body.

    Coffins are expensive and subjected to GST. If they are used in cremation, the money are gone without even a smoke in less than a week.
    Can body be wrapped ib blanket or any presentable materials while held in wake?

  4. Sinkies are not a joke.
    We are just daft.
    60% of us anyway.

  5. "Can body be wrapped ib blanket or any presentable materials while held in wake?"
    May 20, 2014 10:18 am

    Good idea.
    Sounds cheaper than a gun carriage funeral.

  6. a few days before gun carriage funeral, temasek holdings will deliver mourning jackets to every house. anybody step out of house must wear during the 1 year period of mourning. never mind that 40% will be celebrating inside the house.

  7. Remember Stephanie Koh's 'not proud to be Singaporean' remarks? It really struck a chord with me. Many years ago, I used to be a proud Singaporean and when I travelled, I was so proud to say I am one when someone asked my nationality. Now, I am not, because being Singaporean = being daft, so sad.

  8. You're telling the harsh truth, won't feel offended by what you said. As a citizen, I didn't choose this government, other Sinkies do.

    Yes, it's real joke that we keep hearing leaders telling us not to take things for granted when we can't even be sure that we can get to workplace on time everyday and students can get to reach schools on time to take their exams.

    If this basic thing in life can't even be guaranteed, why leaders keep telling us not to take things granted ! This is a joke, isn't it? But this isn't funny at all if you happen to be trapped inside the MRT train, groping helplessly in the dark.

    This is so shameful! As a country, we deserve the government we choose for. Can't blame others, except ourselves!

  9. "The jokers get the punchline they deserve" ;-)

  10. @1018:

    >> Can anyone provide some enlightenment about procedures for disposal of human dead body.

    Sure. You can donate your body to science (my preferred choice). You can be buried at sea. Or try this latest eco-friendly method: liquification.

  11. Matilar, it's does no one good donating your body as your diseased body will infect many young men or women aspired to be doctors lar. Best it's for u to be cremated so the earth is cleaner if u get what I mean.

  12. Sg is only good as a springboard and it stops there. Sg is the only country in this world that got its independence without wanting one. Sg should abolish mandatory ns and allow dual citizenship to complete the mission of ideal springboard. Cannot keep the subjects hidden in the dark forever - subjects cannot stay stupid forever in this internet age.

  13. For the record and completeness, here it is

    1) how to boast about sexual power when both tiny are missing
    2) the art of incest
    3) the guide on how to bull shits
    4) how to irritate people and waste their time daily
    5) learning to be thick skin and flameproof
    6) how to tahan when your ass kena fucked
    7) how to act as patriot when you are a traitor
    8) how to act and look normal when you are actually insane
    9) learning to speak when a cock is stuck in your mouth
    10) how to con your sisters and daughters to continue having sex with you without reporting to the police.
    11. How to develop multi taking skill. Sharing of secret on Learning how to type on keyboard posting commentary on blog when there is a hard cock pushing in and out in matilar mouth.

  14. 3.19pm, got spelling mistake lar in book 11. Here they are

    1) how to boast about sexual power when both tiny are missing
    2) the art of incest
    3) the guide on how to bull shits
    4) how to irritate people and waste their time daily
    5) learning to be thick skin and flameproof
    6) how to tahan when your ass kena fucked
    7) how to act as patriot when you are a traitor
    8) how to act and look normal when you are actually insane
    9) learning to speak when a cock is stuck in your mouth
    10) how to con your sisters and daughters to continue having sex with you without reporting to the police.
    11) How to develop multi tasking skill. Sharing of secret on Learning how to type on keyboard posting commentary on blog when there is a hard cock pushing in and out in matilar mouth.

  15. Actually comparing to indians and pinoys and many other third world countries and some first world countries, sinkies are not a joke. They are much better off.

  16. I think Sinkies are worst than a joke.

    60% are mentally retarded and blinded who cannot even see what is so dammed wrong with the present leaders and policies.

  17. Matilah will surely mati from full-blown aids. science will not want his body. the national environment agency will claim his body and send it for incineration at the rubbish incineration plant in tuas.

  18. 60% are jokers. 40% are no jokers.

    As the majority are jokers, the conclusion is Sinkies are a joke.

    No need to look for other parameters to justify the claim.

  19. I know when my sinkie was choked I deployed a great big rubber plunger straight at its sinkie hole.

  20. Who says Singaporeans are a joke? RB I think you are sadly mistaken. All the scenarios you highlighted are very minor hiccups in the lives of Singaporeans. You forget or intentionally forget to point out the many many many good things and advantages to be a Singaporean. Let me point out a few, education, safety, opportunity for making money, enjoy all other high-life available in Singapore. The most important thing about being a Singaporean is the privilege of having a fantastic government in the PAP.

  21. "The most important thing about being a Singaporean is the privilege of having a fantastic government in the PAP."

    That ship has sailed many years ago already.
    In 1980 to be precise.
    Since 1980, PAP's incompetence has been steadily increasing.

  22. 'Still shaking the tree boss'. - Paul Newman in 'Cool Hand Luke'.
    'Still plunging the sinkie hole boss' - Plumber's assistant in Sinkieland.

  23. Hahahahahahahahahahah....anon 6:57, where are you from, pluto?

  24. So much anger in so many young men.

    How come the young ladies in Singapore are so quiet? Even in fb and blogs there were only a few female names.

  25. How come the young ladies in Singapore are so quiet?
    RB 10:11 pm

    Young ladies, like those young male foreign talents, no need to serve NS mah.

    Some more there is a law called the Women's Charter to specifically protect women because they are considered the weaker sex.

    Got Men's Charter or not, u tell me lah?

    Because men are strong and so must be fierce and angry lah. Fierce until PAP also scared, then got use, tio bo?


  26. Ruffle a lot of feathers you said redbean? Naaaaaaa you thought too highly of sinkies, surely numbskulls are not able to feel anything or can they?

  27. You are worse than an asshole.
    You lousy son of a translator.
