
We have no natural resources but people

We used to tell the world that we may not have the natural resources like other big countries, but we have a highly trained and skilled workforce. Our strength is in our quality human resources, highly disciplined and highly educated.

This kind of statements is turning out to be a joke, obsolete. We have become a nation with no talents. We need foreigners to create jobs for our people. We need foreigners to help our economy to grow. We need foreigners to replace our daft Sinkies. And the 3rd World recruiting agencies said so and no one in the govt would stand up to refute such degrading comments. But it is not only a comment but they are turning it into reality by recruiting more 3rd World questionable talents to replace our real talents, tested and proven.

Tommy Koh commented that we should allow foreigners in to supplement our manpower needs, not to displace our own talents. The proclaimed ‘truth’ is that we no longer have any talents. Our strength, of having a highly trained, skilled and discipline workforce is a thing of the past. Anything got to do with our world class education system for this dire affair?

We are a dying breed. Without the foreigners to help us we are dead meat. We are like the Eygptians that built the great pyramids, the Romans that built an empire, the British that once ruled the world. What happened to the great educational system and top ranking universities here? Are they producing duds? Or are they producing foreign graduates to go back to their countries on graduation? If our talent pool is no longer our strength, who else or what else can we fall back on? On foreign talents, our saviours?


Anonymous said...

The next phase of growing our economy is to groom the foreign talents to take over the economy and to run the country for the daft Sinkies.

Singapore is so lucky to have the FTs to fall back on.

Anonymous said...

The next phase of growing our economy is to vote & support the Opposition Parties to take over the economy and to run the country for the daft PAPigs.

Singaporeans are so lucky to still have the Opposition Parties to fall back on.
Let's not make the same mistake by voting for PAP again.

Anonymous said...

We have self serving emperors.
But luckily we also have Opposition Parties who should be supported to take over the economy and run the country.

Anonymous said...

"If our talent pool is no longer our strength, who else or what else can we fall back on? On foreign talents, our saviours?"

Doesn't matter our talents or foreign talents, as long as they are our saviours, they are good talents.

Doesn't matter black cat or white cat, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter Teochew Ah Hia or Chee Soon Juan, as long as their party can contest 100% seats next GE, PAP will be voted out.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> We are a dying breed.

Members of a species which refuse to adapt need to fuck off and die out. The quicker the better.

The tiny city is vulnerable. It cannot waste resources to support the useless. Anyway, families need to look after their non-performing baggage. It is not the job of the govt to spend valuable tax money on supporting the wasters of oxygen and space.

Got family values?

Anonymous said...

MS, I must agree with you that the govt does not need to take care of the useless Singaporeans. I hope the ruling party puts this into their manifesto and make this a policy.

Did the Australian political parties also think like you?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


No, the 2 major parties in Australia are a complete waste of oxygen and tax money.

The only 2 parties I give my CAUTIUS support to are:

1. Clive Palmer's Palmer United Party
2. The libertarian-leaning Liberal Democratic Party

because they are the only representatives who support and actively campaign for free markets, open borders and smaller government.

Like I said, my support is tentative. But so far these fuckers have been doing a great job.

The other parties I support don't have seats in parliament they are The Hemp Party and the Sex Party, because I like sex and drugs to go together :-))

Anonymous said...

//Singapore is so lucky to have the FTs to fall back on.//

So let's also make sure that our PAP is so lucky too to have multiple opposition parties to fall back on lah..

IS only fair we take care of them too, tio bo?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

If you believe that you have a saleable idea/platform and the Aussies will be behind you, why don't you put the money where your mouth is and form a Matilah Australia Party?

Unless you are your only believer.

Anonymous said...

It is like we have a two tier system in Singapore. The scholars who know everything and cannot be replaced occupy the top level. The other is people like us, daft and useless. These people need FTs to creat jobs and help them get employments. So if you are down at the bottom level, please do something at the next GE.

Anonymous said...

/// The scholars who know everything and cannot be replaced occupy the top level. ///

This is PAPig propaganda.
Who say scholars know everything?
No one else other than LKY and his die hard supporkers (supporters).

True or not?
PAP scholars got shit for brains.
No heart.
And eyes only for money.

oldhorse42 said...

One singaporean already showed us the way forward. He went to JB, bought some cheap malaysian petrol to douse himself and set himself on fire.
I suppose he did not do it here because he could not afford the high price of petrol here!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Let's hope this is not another reason for Sinkies going to JB. Let's hope this is not another reason for Sinkies to go to JB to buy cheap petrol.

b said...

Singapore is not the best but also not bad compared to most third world countries. Under pap system, any smart ass will eventually become dumb ass. Current PM lee is the best example. Old PM lee is good because he grow up under british system. he founded the pap party to ensure no one will be better than him so that his power, status, wealth will not be overtaken. Just look around, how can ahneh and pinoy degrees be recognised like sg, anz, uk or us degrees?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> If you believe that you have a saleable idea/platform and the Aussies will be behind you, why don't you put the money where your mouth is and form a Matilah Australia Party?

No, I don't believe I have a saleable platform. Most people like regulation (always of someone else, not them themselves), welfare, freebies like education and transport, closed borders and job protection, tax the rich, ban this and that -- anything you don't like: BAN, protection from being "harmed" by free speech, protection from being "harmed" by free markets...etc ad nauseum.

>> Unless you are your only believer.

Yep. Often it feels that way ;-)

b said...

There is only one party in oz, eu or uass or those so called capitalistic or meritocracy countries - the business party. all those parties are only acting ones to create an illusion that the countries are demoncratic. I will not be surprised that Marxism will be kicking again.

Anonymous said...

All this talk on the subject of Singaporeans being displaced by FTs are just bullshit. Singaporeans have been mollycoddled for years are are soft and pampered. Singapore needs hard workers and poorly paid FTs from India, Philippine, Malaysia and Indonesia to maintain the luxuries that Singaporeans enjoy today. Take out all the FTs and the country will be down the drain. Someone, a Singaporean employer said recently on CNA that he could not find any Singaporeans to fill vacancies in his firm, because Singaporeans want air-con environment, no weekend work, high pay and no working in the sun jobs. In short Singaporeans are just too soft. I have heard that Singaporean youth require maids to clean and tidy their university hostel rooms, carry their bags when they report for their NS, teenage children walking to school each morning require their maids to carry their school bags etc etc etc... So, how can you say you do not need FTs to help you grow your economy and to enable you to maintain your pampered way of life? Yes, I agree when some of you say that FTs will replace Singaporeans. This is a foregone conclusion. Singaporeans are lazy, pampered and spoilt. Lean, mean and hungry FTs will be your saviour. So please do not knock the FTs. They are in Singapore to save your country. Be more appreciative and say a big thank you for being in your country.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Dun worry, Marxism is very much alive and well in Australia. It is the dominant philosophy in virtually every Australian tertiary institution.

And yes, I agree - it is a bloody fake democracy. And it doesn't have to be. Australia is one of the world's most robust democracy. Our constitution was modeled after the US, there is a healthy dose of disrespect and skepticism of authority, the press tekans the govt everyday, the people are legally protected to openly ridicule any public figure, we enjoy killer civil liberties....the sheeple have all this on a plate for them to use, and they don't use.

They just lepak and enjoy. Borrow and spend on consumption. Dun worry...let the govt sort it all out. No job? Dun worry. Collect dole. Both parents not working with 2 kid? No sweat, brother. Here's $30k per year dole for you.

Anonymous said...

/// Singapore needs hard workers and poorly paid FTs from India, Philippine, Malaysia and Indonesia to maintain the luxuries that Singaporeans enjoy today. ///
April 14, 2014 3:55 pm

More PAP propaganda.
Who is this Singapore that "needs hard workers and poorly paid FTs from India, Philippine, Malaysia and Indonesia" ?

Maybe it's the business owners?
Maybe it's the PAP Millionaires?
Anybody other Singaporeans?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> Singaporeans are lazy, pampered and spoilt. Lean, mean and hungry FTs will be your saviour.

Amen brother. Praise the lord.

Anonymous said...

/// So please do not knock the FTs. They are in Singapore to save your country. Be more appreciative and say a big thank you for being in your country. ///
April 14, 2014 3:55 pm

We are not knocking the FTs.
We are cursing the PAPigs.

It's the PAPigs who should be appreciative and say thank you to all the daft Sinkies who vote PAP despite the obvious lack of talent.

Anonymous said...

This is April 14, 2014 3:55 pm again

Hi April 14, 2014 4:06 pm

You get the govt you vote for. So if you are not satisfied by the way you are governed, then you know what you can do. In the meantime let the FTs earn their bread. Until the day Singaporeans can fend for themselves please be more appreciative to the FTs. It is not the fault of the FTs that Singaporeans are not capable of doing all the work currently done by the FTs. Just imagine if the shoe was on the other foot and Singaporeans have to venture to China or India to work as FTs, what would you say then? I think the way things are going you will need the PRC, Indians, Pinnoys and Malaysians to help you grow your economy for the next 50 years. Singaporeans are just too soft and lazy, I say again.

Anonymous said...

/// Someone, a Singaporean employer said ... ///

Now that's a reliable source.
No self serving interest there?
Let's increase our population to 6.9 million based on this reliable source.
Is this how PAP formulates National policies?

Anonymous said...

@ April 14, 2014 4:16 pm

Nobody is blaming the FTs.
I don't blame the FTs in Singapore.
I blame PAP who created FT problem.

I look for the cause of the cancer (PAP).
I don't care about the symptoms (FTs).

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Dun forget NEWater. This is produces from the "natural resources" of daily shits and pisses from the entire population. Everyone contributes his/ her natural resource -- in most cases multiple times per day. And it is ageless --- from babies to decrepit fuckers on death's door -- as long as you are alive, you have to shit and pee.

Just a reminder to you all -- we are connected because part of the water you just drank contains some water that was in the big shit I took last night. Please enjoy :-)

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> I look for the cause of the cancer (PAP).

No lah. The PAP is wholly supported by the voting majority. The PAP are a minority. However they are the "right" govt for the cuntree. The People Get The Government They Deserve.

Me personally, I think the PAP are doing a good job. I think they are over paid, but then again I must remind myself that these are Singaporeans-- and like most Singaporeans they want a good life, with high pay, dun work so hard, and have a comfortable and STYLISH lifestyle.

The PAP folks are true reflections of the typical Singaporean. You take any Singaporean, give them power and pay them astronomically...and you will get someone with "PAP mentality".

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans are just too straight and are now being screwed and cheated by foreigners just like the politicians being screwed everywhere they go, being cheated of their money and still didn't know what hits them.

Look at how the SWFs are losing their pants and you will know how stupid they have become.

Anonymous said...

It's the patriotic duty of all Singaporeans to get rid of the cancer(PAP) that is destroying our country.

Anonymous said...

>>355pm Singapore needs hard workers and poorly paid FTs from India, Philippine, Malaysia and Indonesia to maintain the luxuries that Singaporeans enjoy today.

- Hallo, they are not cheap and when are they hardworking? I see pinoy cs or ahneh it staff having their lunch more than two hours all the time. If they are cheap, how can they afford those expensives resale hdb? Additionally, they are good in backstabbing and taking away the jobs of any local pregnant women or new mothers. Many resorted to fake certificates and cvs.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> the cancer(PAP) that is destroying our country.

Nonsense lah. The PAP are doing a reasonable job -- at least the place is safe for rockers and hipsters to do what they do and make the place AWESOME.

Unfortunately Singapore has a cancer in the form of LOSERS who complain complain complain and don't do anything to fix their shallow lives, but expect "help from the sky". When that "help" never come, they get angry and blame the govt.

Fuck man. That is hilarious. This kind of comedy, very hard to find :-)

Anonymous said...

Stop the delusion. The Indian FTs are very well paid starting from CEO of DBS and the CEOs of all foreign banks and also top level management.

Daft and stupid Sinkies still think they are cheap when they are buying expensive cars and landed properties.

How easy to make daft sinkies believe that they are eating shit and shit is good? They are so hopeless, cannot think.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


And so they should. CEO's and higher echelon people deserve to be paid a lot because they create value for their enterprises and the owners of the enterprises -- usually shareholders.

As far as I'm concerned, they can buy as many landed properties and cars as their greedy little capitalist hearts desire. Afterall, in a meritocracy you get to ENJOY the fruits fo your skill and effort.

Don't be such a jealous grouch lah.

Anonymous said...

we should allow foreigners in to supplement our manpower needs, not to displace our own talents.

This statement need so long to figure out?

Anonymous said...

/// This statement need so long to figure out? ///
April 14, 2014 9:27 pm

We are dealing with fascists.
These people think & do in terms of ideology ... not common sense.
Fascists are dangerous people.
They see everything through the spectacles of their ideology.

SUPER TALENTS 前无古人后无来者 said...

@ 4.33pm // The PAP folks are true reflections of the typical Singaporean. You take any Singaporean, give them power and pay them astronomically...and you will get someone with "PAP mentality" //

Ha ha ha

Often only those who are not the best yet dream to be the best get inducted into the system. Look at the YOG! It meant to be some sort of coming out party. Budget over blew the top. Venues compromised. Food poisoning. Worst, instead of boosting the image, likely it was increditably tarnished with the wrong signature on all the participation certificates. It has to be rectified with many more millions to reprint, resend all the certificates to all the corners of the planet. A coming out party and you have this sort of mess up? Certificates also cannot get it done right. Now this "super talent" is being sent to AMARICA to study underground water storage technology and submit report eventually to dig huge underground water storage. OMG! Might as well tasked this "super talent" to build a nuclear plant. The day they start digging the underground water storage likely could be the start of an unstoppable massive exodus. How on earth someone who can screw up on simple things like certificate signature is tasked to oversee such a mammoth project and task? Is this an April Fool's JOKE? Can't blame Rb for asserting the following:

///// Our strength, of having a highly trained, skilled and discipline workforce is a thing of the past. Anything got to do with our world class education system for this dire affair? /////

You may not have seen the last. Obviously! The next potential candidate in line to be a future PM is "famed" for asking people to "kee chiu". Combine this "kee chiu" and the "certificate signature mess up super talent" and you likely get the most "talented potent mix of talents EVER" to head sinkieland for the likely "ultimate project". There are many more "super talents" in the team. Long term leadership succession planning? What a great job! "Zillions THUMBS UP"! Sinkieland's "First Emperor"can rest in peace liao. No need "rise from the grave" anymore. Sinkieland in "very safe hands". Tiok bo? TIOK, PLS "KEE CHIU"! Uncle, if "kee chiu", have free chicken rice or nasi lemak? Throw in kopi kau also can. No need restaurant atas cafe latte or food, food court also no need, hawker centre will do. Throwing hundreds of millions on foreigners is money every single MILLION well spent. One more dime for sinkie oldies, poor and unfortunate may be one more dime too many!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

With CECA, our PMETs are hapless and have to content with taxi driving.

With the Asean Economic Community agreement, what would happen to the remaining PMETs?

I dont believe they are going to sign this agreement.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> With CECA, our PMETs are hapless and have to content with taxi driving.

If they have such LOW EXPECTATIONS of themselves, then they rightfully DESERVE what they get. There is nothing wrong with driving cabs -- it helps people and creates value.

If they want more, they have to DEMAND MORE from themselves, not the government. You can only earn up to the level of value you create for others.