
China US relations – Different fears

The rise of China as a contender to challenge America supremacy and world hegemony is the biggest fear of the Americans. They have ruled the world since WW2 and could dictate to the world at will, invade countries, conduct wars, conduct regime change, blackmail and impose sanction on any country it chose to call enemies. The Americans said you cannot have nuclear weapons or WMD, that’s it. Refusal to obey will lead to war, sanctions or regime change or outright assassination of the country’s leaders.

The rise of China as a counter force to prevent America from doing all the above is not going to be accepted willingly by the Americans. The Americans would want to fly its military aircraft up and down China’s coast, sail its naval ships all over the seas of China. It also wants to fly its B52 bombers into China’s ADIZ at will. It also wants to be able to strike at Chinese embassies anywhere in the world at its own time and choosing. But with the rise of China, all these will have to stop sooner or later. With the rise of China, China too would want to fly its military aircraft along the American coasts, its naval ships in the eastern Pacific Oceans and the western Atlantic Ocean. And it would want to strike back at will should the Americans dare to do a Belgrade again. These are the fears of the American Empire.

The Chinese fear is all about what the USA will do to prevent its rise as a superpower peacefully. It fears that it will have to fight a war with the Americans and its allies along the way. It fears that the Americans will put obstacles on its path in all its activities across the world. The Chinese fear a premature full scale war with the Americans when it is not ready to return favour for favour with the Americans.

Across the world, many countries under the influence of the West also fear the rise of China. They fear China because they were told to, for centuries, by the western powers that China is a rogue and expansionist nation. They fear China because they refused to think who actually conquered and colonized them and dictating how they should conduct their relations and affairs. They fear China because they live under an illusion created by the west that China is a monster and the Americans are their savior. And they unconsciously choose to be under the control and dictate of the Americans rather than be free nations to choose their own destiny without being control by any superpowers. They did not know that the fear of China is an illusion created by the western powers to entrap them like fearing a shadow.

The Americans have a real fear of losing its pole position and the freedom to do as it pleases. China has a genuine fear that the Americans are trying in everyday to throw a spanner in its works or to start a nuclear war.

The rest of the world that claims to fear China has an irrational fear planted in their heads by the western powers. There are a few with self created fear of China when they made claims to Chinese territories as theirs. Other than those with competing claims, the fear of the rest of the world of China is simply foolishness. They do not fear the Americans as they have got used to being bullied and dictated by the Americans and this has become second nature and an accepted norm of living with the American Empire. They don’t mind the Americans spying on them and waiting to destabilize their countries when the Americans are unhappy with them.

Many countries in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and across Asia have been victims of American bullying for decades since WW2 and are seeing the enemy as it is, the real and not imaginary enemies planted in their heads.

There is a new beginning in the horizon when the world will be more equal with more superpowers emerging to balance the American Empire from doing as it pleases, for running roughshod over weaker countries at will.


  1. RB:

    >> Many countries in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and across Asia have been victims of American bullying for decades since WW2 and are seeing the enemy as it is, the real and not imaginary enemies planted in their heads.

    All wayang lah. They gladly take all that wonderful US Foreign Aid year, after year after year.

    When their economies tank, the US Fed always bails them out. Corrupt dictatorships like the House Of Saud enjoy super-duper American treatment. They fuck their citizens, but enjoy all the freedom and lucrative opportunities the US has to offer. This ain't gonna change soon.

    Arab Spring? Well...we know how that shit turned out.

    There is a new beginning in the horizon when the world will be more equal with more superpowers emerging to balance the American Empire from doing as it pleases, for running roughshod over weaker countries at will.

    "New Horizon"? Are you in a karaoke singing a romantic ballad that's turned your brain to mush? Where got "new horizon"?

    As long as the USD is the world's reserve currency, they will hold the upper hand. Sure, there will eventually be a dollar collapse -- but it is doubtful it will be anytime soon. Most cuntrees are teetering on the brink. The Yellen Fed is the "last resort" which -- love it or hate it -- will be the determining agency to make sure you still have electricity and water when your indebted cuntree's economy crashes.

    Please lah, there is no "new horizon". China is growing, no doubt. But its growth is dependent primarily on exports. To keep exporting, its buyers have to have money. And the shit-fiat-wipe-backside-toilet-paper-money is controlled by the Americans, who have very cleverly converted DEBT into the world's most sort after commodity.

  2. Matilah, did anyone see the collapse of USSR? Did anyone see the rise of China in so short a span of time? Did anyone see China giving the Americans a run for their money in world competition?

    The collapse of the dollar can be another tens of years and can be as near as tomorrow. Ok I don't mean literally tomorrow or the next day. It must collapse just like out one party dominant govt. It is a matter of when.

    And when I said many countries you can safely exclude Saudi, Japan, South Korea or the Philippines and many more.

  3. If most people in this world is having a better life compare to 50 years ago, USA has done a good (although not perfect) job.

  4. Ya, ya, ya, if 60% is having a better life than 50 years ago, PAP has done a good job.

  5. April 01, 2014 3:40 pm>>

    But are they having a better life? To clarify, most=90%.

  6. Actually, nobody really expected the economic rise of China in so short a space of time. Japan is obviously sore about losing it's number one position in Asia.

    The fact is, if China could do it on the economic front, would anyone dare to bet against it's military progress, say a decade or two from now?

    Sure, the West has all the time been pouring cold water about the obsolete military hardward and the number of decades China still needs in order to catch up with the West in military hardware.

    If that is the case, why is there a need for the West to fear China.s military rise? They will always be several steps behind the West. Ironic, isn't it?

    On the one hand the West has always underestimated the military capabilites of China. On the other hand the West have been discreetly trying to put China down, using every dirty trick in the book to achieve it's agenda.

  7. @854:

    >> speak with some sense would you?

    Sure, I can do stuff so that you might be "happy". All you have to do is PAY me, you cheapskate broke motherfucking loser. You PAY ME, and I'll write anything you desire. I'll even write that your toothless cocksucking $5 whore of a mother is a VIRGIN and a SAINT. :-)

    >> The collapse of the dollar [...] It is a matter of when.

    Brain-damaged zealots claim that their jee-zus or 12th Imam is coming back...it's only a matter of when. So far there are no clues the USD will collapse or that the jewish zombie or crazy imam are coming back.

    Seriously, I used to be a gold bug. Nowadays, not so much.

    The world is leveraged about 10:1, ie. $10 of debt is backed by $1 of money. Also the amount of shit-paper derivatives -- securities based on debt, but fancier -- is in the quadrillions. You'd think that this kind of indebtedness would collapse the world economy.

    And that might happen. When it does, guess what the US Fed will do : print more to ensure global liquidity. All the struggling cuntrees will be in favour, as will the IMF, World Bank, UN, EU, Asian, APEC, WTC...ALL -- without exception.

    The gold-bugs say NO. Gold will be the real money. I say BULLSHIT. Most people don't have gold. If you have gold, you better have a well stocked armoury, and lots of ammo because everyone who doesn't have gold, as well as govts are going to come to take yours away.

    The fiat-money system is here to stay. Despite all the imperfections, dislocations, unpayable debt obligations, distortions and currency wars -- our day-to-day lives are still by and large peaceful and prosperous.

    Most of the world's population are deluded. So they continue in their collective delusion and go about their daily lives.
