
Can Singapore retain its unique selling points?

What are the unique Singapore selling points that made it so successful and attractive as a city state? This is Hsien Loong’s reply to Malcolm Rifkind in Chatham House.

"It's a first world system in a very complicated and non-first-world part of the world. Things work, the country is stable, the society is cohesive, people are well-educated, the government is incorrupt and efficient, and we deliver on what we promise and we try to head in a consistent direction over a long period of time.

"So if you come to Singapore, and you want to do business, you can count on what we promise you, and what you see is what you get and that's not bad."

We all know that. But what contributed to the stable society and made everything works? The govt is incorrupt and efficient because of a very disciplined and well educated workforce. No rioting or burning police cars.  Would the Singapore workforce still be the same disciplined and well educated workforce as before when the 3rd World foreigners are brought in to replace them? Would they keep everything working, support an incorrupt and efficient govt?

What do you think when the original Singaporeans are replaced and we have a new Singaporean population from the 3rd World?

Kopi level - Yellow


  1. The burning of police car was a one-off case. Lets not dwell on that too much. Corruption cases are rare and when that happens the authority will hit them hard. So, all in all a very good place to do business and live.There are very few places on earth that can compare to Singapore.

  2. What do I think? I can only say knn lor GG already

  3. If there are very few places as good as this city, why is the govt so frighten when the foreign companies threatened them that they would go somewhere else better than Sin?

    Where can these companies go to that are better than here?

  4. CUSHIONED WITH MILLIONSApril 05, 2014 10:44 am

    Rb: // What are the unique Singapore selling points that made it so successful and attractive as a city state? //

    To maintain its "unapologetic traitors" mentality, "shameless money greedy prostitute uncultured rudimentary cavemen anything goes grow gdp at all cost nature", "paper useless pussy cat tigers roaring from cloud scraping IVORY TOWERS", .............. etc etc.


  5. I have full praises for our pioneer generation and the leaders in turning this fishing village to what we have today.

    One the most important thing which I am extremely proud, is the total harmonised peace among the major races.

    After years of living together in the same society , there is what I called the UNWRITTEN BONDS, the brotherhood among the major races in this city state.

    But, with the current rapid imports of LARGE NUMBER of international new citizens into this city state, the question is whether or not we can continue to live with the same harmonised social peace.

    Lastly, we must not forget that, first we must have harmonised social peace before we can achieve economic success.

    Can we do it?


  6. When Sinkies and foreigners visited cities like London and New York, they said, what a lovely and lively place. Yes, these cities are good for visitors and foreigners. But for the citizens, luckily they have the backwaters of a larger landscape to retreat to.

    In our island city state, there is no where to run, We are stuck with the foreigners who are like visitors to NY and London, having a great time with the average locals feeling very uncomfortable.

    Big cities are good for foreigners and not necessary good for the citizens.

  7. What made Singapore work so well in the past?

    Easy question lah!
    It's the daft and obedient Sinkies.

    But now the Sinkies are daft no more.
    Because the PAPigs have screwed the Sinkies' asshole so big even a blind man can see from 2 kilometers away.

    On top of that.
    The Aliens come in to join the PAPigs in their screwing of the Sinkies' asshole.

    What was the final pelvic thrust that broke the Sinkies' asshole?
    Even the Sinkies' children are getting screwed.
    Sinkies' children are now told to aspire to be hawkers and crane operators.

    There is nothing left to lose.
    Regime change all the way.
    Vote them out!

  8. /// I have full praises for our pioneer generation and the leaders in turning this fishing village to what we have today. ///

    Please lah!
    Stop repeating PAPig propaganda.
    Singapore was a bustling world class British colony long before Lee Kuan Yew emerged from his mother's vagina.

    You think British people so stupid like Sinkies.
    Britain spent and lost a lot of resources defending Singapore against Imperial Japan (Lee Kuan Yew's wartime employer).
    You think Britain was doing national service like Sinkies is it?

  9. Mathemagician Jiak Liao KFCApril 05, 2014 11:32 am

    anon 10.01am // The burning of police car was a one-off case. //

    Are u saying next time no more burning of "police cars" but "army trucks", "M60 tanks", "M113 APC", "AMX 13 tanks", " E2C" etc etc?
    When that happens, still have "wayang" to watch? So next time, "COI" chair by former arm force chief MG Winston Choo?

  10. 老黄卖瓜自卖自夸

  11. The Singapore Brand is intact and it working splendidly.

    I don't go for wild theories. I look first at EVIDENCE, then try to construct hypotheses from that.

    The evidence supports the claim: that Singpore's selling points are indeed working and don't seem to be in jeporday, as the evidence points to:

    1. More immigration

    2. More permanent immigration -- people are coming over , and staying

    3. enterprises are being set up to deal with this fact, and enterprises are capitalising on the opportunity to use a workforce that is essentially global in its origins.

    4. Through many independent observations: Singapore is still one of the TOP 2 most economically free cuntrees in the world.

    5. Free cuntrees attract free and freedom loving people. Such people are usually self-reliant, have good qualifications and skills, are motivated, and many are wealthy. Those who are not wealthy have a solid work ethic and entrepreneurial aspirations.

    6. Singapore is a reputed "safe haven" for assets and cash.

    7. Singapore real estate holds its value better than GOLD, which makes it a much sort after "store of wealth". But it is better than gold because of the obscene RENTAL INCOME one can earn as a Shylock Landlord.

    8. The old idea of "Singapore is souless and boring" is gone. Gone away...into the rapidly distancing past. Singapore is one of the HIPPEST most happening places on the planet.

    Singapore won;t only retain its USP's, but is building on them to make them stronger, and add to the list with more and more "value".

    As far as I'm concerned, the locals who are not on board with this can fall overboard and drown. :-))

  12. @"死掉算了"12:0pm // I don't go for wild theories. I look first at EVIDENCE, then try to construct hypotheses from that. //

    So what data u collected? Yr analysis based on? ANOVA? Multivariate? Multi Linear Regression? Sample size? Sampling techniques? Multistage SRS? Stratified or cluster? Significance level at?

    Pls lah!

    Likely any an neh from 600++ also can do better than that.

    Cant even hold a candle to compete with 3rd world ah neh, still keep BOASTING about free competition?

    Compete with FT Ang Mo?

    Probabilty = NULL.


    Got balls/ brain to showcase your sampling design and inferential methodology?

  13. According to Matilah, Singapore will do very well with foreigners and no Sinkies left.

    This is what he wants and maybe this is what our leaders want as well.

    A very prosperous Sin City without Singaporeans but visitors only.

  14. Sg is well known for
    1) money laundering
    2) exploiting workers
    3) evading tax

    With people like MS, sg is hopeless but sin is very prevalent.

  15. @1223:

    >> Got balls/ brain to showcase your sampling design and inferential methodology?

    Of course. BTW I dun get my data from my own sampling design. SingStat does a wonderful job.

    I can also assure that the probability of success in Singapore for locals in NON-zero. The largest collection of data point in the population who are doing well are still overwhelmingly LOCAL Singaporeans.

    Are there Singaporeans making money? Fuck yeah. Lots of them. Many in their 20's. How many other places do you know where young 20-somethings can sign onto a 1.5-2 million dollar condo? In Singapore it's no big deal lah.

    Your hypothesis of direct competition is a bust lah. To be successful, you don't necessarily have to "win" by direct competition with foreigners. You can COMPLEMENT. i.e. you can set up enterprises which TAKE ADVANTAGE of the foreign element. For e.g. You can rent property to them. You can import and distribute popular items only available in their own cuntrees.

    Capitalism is a great system. It rewards the enterprising.

    Got enterprise?


    >> This is what he wants and maybe this is what our leaders want as well.

    Sometimes come off as a clueless fool. What personal benefit would I directly gain from having "no Sinkies left"?

    As I've indicated many times before: no one is indispensable. I don't care about people's beliefs and feelings. Most of what they say is unimportant too...because it is their feelings and not their reason doing most to the yakking. What is important is how they act. Do their actions create value or diminish value? That's all.

    Being local or foreign has nothing to do with it. How one acts has everything to do with what future consequences one, and others affected by your action, reaps.

    You lost yur job? Oh, fucking boo-hoo...do you think you are so special that your boss and the rest of the world owes you a living? Or perhaps you think that the greatest injustice ever done in the world is was when someone chose someone else instead of you -- and so now you cry and wail like an ugly fat schoolgirl who just got fucked and dumped, and so you pen apopoleptic screeds on the TRE or to the Straight Times cocksucking editor?

    Fuck you lah. Grow up and grow a pair. :-)

    ...or don't. Up to you.

  16. That is why I said that for a person without a country, he can spout nonsense. Leaders who treat their citizens as non citizens will be booted out for sure.

    Then they can go and sleep with their their foreign talents in their home country.

    Sinkies must reclaim their country and run it for their own good. Sinkies do not need so many foreigners to have a better life. They need not have to be taxi drivers when they can have more dignified jobs to do.

  17. @RB:

    >> That is why I said that for a person without a country, he can spout nonsense

    100%. I absolutely enjoy my position as armchair critique. I can spout not only nonsense, but anything my alcohol-enhanced imagination conjures up...with no consequence except my own shiok sendiri.

    >> Sinkies must reclaim their country and run it for their own good

    Wishful thinking again. Good luck to you! (IMO -- ain't gonna happen)

  18. 牛皮吹破了, welcome to the blog. When you discuss with Matilah, no need to be kind. He hates people being kind to him. Just sock it to him : )

  19. 时间是宝贵的!April 05, 2014 10:58 pm

    @ Rb: // 牛皮吹破了, welcome to the blog. When you discuss with Matilah, no need to be kind. He hates people being kind to him. Just sock it to him : ) //

    Rb, ha ha. When "someone blows the 牛皮" bordering on "lunacy" of INFINITY, why not practise some "kindness" and let them "dwell in their abode for the lunatics". What is supposed to be discharged through the big intestine via the "mouth" behind their torso might have defied gravity and went the wrong way to the upper part between their ears. It is being spouted through the mouth instead of the natural outlet in normal human. You are being too kind yourself to term it "nonsense". Discharge originating from the big intestine is certainly much more "REVULSIVE" than mere "nonsense". On the other hand, it is quite meaningless to "engage" IMH type in a discourse. Their more apt "sparring partners" might be residing somewhere in Yio Chu Kang. Pray tell how to reason logically with someone plagued by the disease of "lunacy". U tell me lah?

  20. @RB:

    >> He hates people being kind to him. Just sock it to him

    WOW. I feel so loved. Someone finally understands me.

    @ 时间被浪费了!

    I see you have a fixation with shit -- especially human shit, specifically my shit. You sound sexually aroused by shit -- specifically my shit.

    Therefore I extend a very warm welcome to you, dear 时间狗屎. You have cum on the right blog. So keep touching yourself in the most forbidden ways, and keep cumming onto this blog with your hot jizz, as you revel in blissful exuberance whilst you play with and enjoy my shit.

  21. 哈蟆功 --- Ha Ha HaApril 06, 2014 9:19 am

    @ 8.27 am "死掉吧"

    Ha ha ha

    Is there any good "translator" to confirm this is the "correct" translation of "Matilah"?

    "Matilah" --- "死掉吧" ?
