
MH370 – Abbot called Najib to report on rubbish found in the sea

Australian PM Abbot found it important enough to call Najib to inform him of some floating rubbish he found in the sea and had satellite pictures of it. And the Australian govt also found it so important to call a press conference on the discovery. Unbelieveable.

I am putting my neck out on this, that the area being search by the Australians would be the last place for the plane to be in. Using the logic of a reasonable man and all the facts available till now, MH370 cannot be in that region.

Why would the pilot make all the clever manoeuvres to evade radars just to fly the aircraft into the Antartics and ditch the plane there? It is effort all for nothing. If they wanted to ditch the aircraft, it could be done easier in any part of the South China Sea. And if the plane has ditched in the water, the black boxes would be beeping and this would be picked up by the satellites long ago, or by the Aussie planes in the area.

The fact that the hijacked aircraft was flown from where it was means that they wanted to bring it to a place of their own choosing. And they are not going to dump it anywhere. There are 239 lives on board, including the hijackers, and could be more. So far there has been no indication of the hijackers intending to kill themselves or the passengers.

To find the aircraft in the Antartics would be the most baffling thing and defy all reasons and logics. Still I can be logically wrong. Yes I can be logically wrong and cannot rule this slim possibility out.


Anonymous said...

Tony Abbott is the buffoon of Australian politics. In just 2 months since taking office, he and his coalition govt manage to piss off 2 of the most important countries to his nation, China and Indonesia. Under him, Australia is becoming even more of a lapdog of the US even though his nation's economy and survival depends very much on Asia's especially China's.
Any surprise that floating rubbish is taken to be debris from the fuselage of the MH plane??

Anonymous said...

The assumption then has to be that there was a fire in the electronic compartment. Pilots and passengers were knocked out and aircraft continued at the last set course until no more fuel. Then it make sense.

Anonymous said...

It's probably easier to find MH 370 than it is for Singaporeans to find an operationally ready Opposition Party that will protect them from PAP policies. Share trading must be very slow for redbean today.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 2:03, the fire assumption does not make sense. It takes less than a second to flip the emergency switch or 5 secs to make a mayday call.

If cannot be an explosive fire as the cockpit is sealed off from the passenger cabins.

A fire would mean the aircraft would have crashed and some debris would be found. The black boxes would be beeping. Some passengers would get a message through. The silence from the passengers and the failure to make emergency calls told a story that something deliberate happened to stop them from doing so.

I still believe the passengers are alive.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Ya market is as quiet as a church when there is no service.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a mother and baby sperm whale which the Japanese whale "research" ships haven't killed and eaten.

Anonymous said...

Think all leaders in the world have nothing to do..and just want to "give their thoughts."

Just like our PM Lee....

What do you think.

Anonymous said...

If nothing else, this blogsite is a good place to catch up the latest developments of MH370.
There are many well versed with aviation and the technical aspects related with aircrafts and flight management. Rb himself seems quite an expert in the field.
All considered, there are too much grey areas which are not easy for anyone to grasp logically.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

At the location it disappeared and went under radar cover it could go anywhere. All the socalled sightings are NOT confirmed, only could be's.

See how lackadaisical they dealt with the information and misinformation and grasping on straws as truth? I will put up another story on this tomorrow, if nothing is heard or found.

Anonymous said...

It seems that any discussion on this blog always got something to do with the opposition party not being able to form the Government.

Nice try!

Anonymous said...

The latest theory is MH370 gone missing because of the WP not slapping the PAP pilot who fell asleep on the job.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:08, RB wrote in English. You are reading Greek or Sanskrit?

The said...

/// The latest theory is MH370 gone missing because of the WP not slapping the PAP pilot who fell asleep on the job. ///

And the Malaysian, Indonesian and Indian radar operators are also kooning on the job.

Anonymous said...

Actually all those radar operators around Asean are sleeping on the job. Suddenly, being jolted out of their slumber, they are claiming that they saw this and that, just to cover their arses.

Better for them to shut their gap and create less confusion. But that would mean they were really sleeping, so must open their mouths to spit nonsense.

Anonymous said...

At least the Indons are honest to say they saw nothing.

How could they see anything when the aircraft was avoiding radars?

Veritas said...

It was revealed that the captain was relative of Anwar and was arrowed to helm the flight last minute. Not likely he will plan any sabotaging.

Anonymous said...

i think since the plane went missing, rb cannot sleep at night because so exciting.

Anonymous said...

redbean is probably the most qualified aviation person on this blog site. I know I can't fly a plane for peanuts or even $600K in salary.

I really hope redbean is right and the passengers are alive.

Anonymous said...

How could the Australians think it serious enough to inform the Malaysian PM about their findings.
That area is nearly twice the distance from KL to Beijing. And to think that the plane already flown north and then divert west to the Straits of Malacca or the Andaman Sea.
Was MH370 running on nuclear fuel to go that distance?

Anonymous said...

How could the Australians think it serious enough to inform the Malaysian PM about their findings.
That area is nearly twice the distance from KL to Beijing. And to think that the plane already flown north and then divert west to the Straits of Malacca or the Andaman Sea.
Was MH370 running on nuclear fuel to go that distance?

Anonymous said...

MH370 will be found at about the same time as when the WP announce they are ready to be govt.

Anonymous said...

Was MH370 running on nuclear fuel to go that distance?
March 20, 2014 9:29 pm

MH370 was running on Indian ocean currents power to go that distance.

The currents have more than 10 days to do that, u know.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Not only the mystery is mystifying, many lives are involved.

I have just posted another piece on the many questions that are running through my head.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

'Mr Mark told The Daily Mail: "What I think is interesting is that if you look at where the plane was last seen on radar and where the debris has been found, it is almost a straight line.

"I would say it means that once the aircraft turned, it didn't change course. A mechanical fault or emergency seems more plausible to me."'

What a stupid comment. Take any point in the Indian Ocean or the South China Sea and draw a line to where it was last seen it will be a straight line.