
Baey Yam Keng - a startling revelation

Was it a Freudian slip or was it a well crafted revelation to serve a specific agenda, this was what Baey said at the Young Guns forum on 29 Jan 14. ‘I am 100 per cent sure that not everyone is a PAP member. I’m very sure there are people who voted for opposition. And you have to take my word for that because I know more than you on CCC.

What a revelation! What was the intent and purpose for saying this? Was Baey trying to say he is very well informed, or was he bragging that he knows a lot of things? Or was it just a slip of the moment that he got carried away and said something he shouldn’t be saying?

Did Baey revealed anything? How was he to know that CCC members voted for the opposition? The vote is a secret right? I think I know the answer. The CCC members who voted for the opposition told him personally. Or maybe the CCC members told other CCC members and they told Baey. It must be like that. There is no other official means to know who voted for the opposition, unless there are things that I dunno as a layman. Layman does not know many things, they are simple minded people and will take everything at face value. Tiok boh?


  1. Wolau, like that also called talent. Thinka Secondary scholl pupil can come up with same answers. It does not take much brain work to say such things.

  2. You should believe that what comes out of the 'baey's' (horse in teochew) mouth is absolutely credible.

    After all, can anyone tell me whether horses, like humans, also fart from the arse as well as the mouth.

  3. Hahaha

    Never trust PAP members of all variety. Tang Liang Hong paid a heavy price for telling too much to a friend who is a PAP MP, who squealed on him. These people will even sell their grandmothers to gain 'merit' from the oracle.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. MP Baey had awarded 6 out of 10 points for his own Party, the PAP

    How many points is he worth for his own credibility?


  6. Chee bye lah...

    Dun try create fears here

    Knnccb... limpeh cum here, knowing ip address likely to be monitored n harvested
    So wat the fucking big deal?

  7. of course they know and thats why some people repeatedly unable to get a hdb. this island is full of craps.

  8. Voting is a secret in Spore? I dont believe so as i think there is a serial number printed on the ticket which could be potentially matched with the other half being retained.

  9. An honourable elected member is one who speaks for all in his/her constituency, no matter who they voted for. A small minded one, on the other hand...resorts to threats?

  10. Doesn't matter who don't vote PAP.

    What matters is who vote PAP.

    Even in the worst of times for loser Sinkies in 2011, 60% still voted PAP.

    Have things become even worse since 2011? Not really, tio bo?

  11. What is the fear for NOT VOTING PAP?

    Is anyone fearing that he/get will get banished from Sin?

    The Hundreds of Thousands of Hougang, Aljunied GRC and many more at Potong Pasir are living as well, if not better than those in PAP Controlled Wards.

    Why create your own fear to haunt yourself and others.


  12. You heard it right from the Horse's mouth! Can't be wrong.

  13. You can expect more hot tips from the horse's mouth in the 'year of the horse'.
