
The Spirit of Citizenship

Below are 4 key points on citizenship mentioned by Obama in his State of the Union Address to the Americans.

‘After all, that’s the spirit that has always moved this nation forward. It’s the spirit of citizenship – the recognition that through hard work and responsibility, we can pursue our individual dreams, but still come together as one American family to make sure the next generation can pursue its dreams as well.

Citizenship means standing up for everyone’s right to vote…. It should be the power of our vote, not the size of our bank account,that drives our democracy.

Citizenship means standing up for the lives that gun violence steals from us each day. (Gun is not too relevant in the Sinkie context, but more about public security and safety when rioting is becoming a new reality.)

Citizenship demands a sense of common cause; participation in the hard work of self-government; an obligation to serve to our communities. And I know this chamber agrees that few Americans give more to their country than our diplomats and the men and women of the United States Armed Forces.’

We do talk about citizenship but our citizenship is being violated by the large numbers of foreigners here. We even corrupted the value of our citizenship with PRs lumped together as locals as if they are citizens. We corrupted out thinking, the thinking of the young on what citizenship means and why PRs and foreigners are not one of us. We have 2 million foreigners gainfully employed here in top jobs that rightfully should go to the locals. Unfortunately our system has failed the citizens badly that many top jobs, I mean govt and govt linked companies’ jobs, happily given to foreigners with the bull excuse that no citizen is deemed fit to take those jobs.

We must thank those exceptionally talented Sinkies to take on 5 or 10 or 20 jobs or else they will all go to foreigners too as no Sinkies are good enough to wear those hats. Sinkies must be very grateful to these super talented individuals. May they be blessed by the horse.

What is wrong with our citizenship when so many foreigners are having a party here while Sinkies are under employed or unemployed? Is our citizenship means giving way to foreigners, foreigners come first because they are good, because they have great CVs and certificates that no one bothers to check for their authenticity?

What is wrong with our citizenship and the aspirations of the citizens to pursue their dreams? Not good enough so conveniently raise the foreigners to high pedestals to fulfil their dreams.

Where is the wisdom of statesmanship?


  1. The important of integrating the opposition voices in the parliament, so that Singapore can be normal?

    One of the side effect is the casinos, which is the side effect of GRC causes suffering to families?

    Out of 33 percent/28 seats of opposition voice is shut out in the GRC or votes topping system?

    How can a parliament behave normally with out enough oppositions, many of the problem will be swept under the carpet, to be manifested more seriously later?

    No point shut down the opposition voices to let it manifest more seriously later? Their feedbacks and ideas is important for Singapore normal and healthy growth?

    Let bring Singapore in line with the International standard and the United Nation standard of healthy democracy, scrapping the GRC and give profit sharing scheme after the GE, where the balance of opposition voices to be heard in the parliament to the good of everyone?

  2. Maybe Singapore different lah?
    Maybe 1st class citizenship means membership to PAP?

    Maybe 2nd class citizenship are people not invited to PAP's tea party.
    Sinkies like red bean who have no merit.

    Maybe 3rd class citizenship are people who join Opposition Political Parties?

    Maybe meritocracy is not about what you can do for Singapore?
    Maybe meritocracy is about what you can do for PAP?

  3. In Singapore which is more powderful you tell me lah.
    Your pink i/c
    Your PAP political membership card?

    In Singapore, which is more important?
    Singaporean citizens
    PAP members?

  4. Doesn't matter pink IC or PAP membership card, t1he most powderful are smart Sinkies.

    Because smart SInkies will sure fai cai(make lots of money).

    If you fa cai, you can live like a king in Sinkieland, so very powderful one.

  5. Obama says;
    "Citizenship means standing up for everyone’s right to vote…. It should be the power of our vote, not the size of our bank account,that drives our democracy."

    But PAPig @ January 31, 2014 11:23 am says:
    If you fa cai, you can live like a king in Sinkieland, so very powderful one."

    Obviously PAPigs and Obama have very different ideas about the meaning of citizenship.

  6. Haha........
    He did not even appear on television to wish the Chinese celebrating the Lunar New Year Of The Horse. Message was conveyed by the News Readers.
    Whence he called on Singaporeans to accommondate and accept foreigners, he spent millions of Sin Dollars to go about it.
    Like Father like Son, they just like to work for enemy and aliens.

    What say You?


  7. >> It should be the power of our vote, not the size of our bank account,that drives our democracy.

    Nonsense. Capitalism FIRST, then democracy (optional).

    If you put democracy first, there's the danger that the "have-nots" will out-vote the "haves" out of their property.

    What drives Hotel Singapore is the size and power of the collective bank account. Make no mistake, there is no dignity in being poor. To be wealthy however, is an astounding achievement for a nation/hotel and its people/ guests.

    Rule #1 for living in Singapore: Always make sure you have enough money.

    Voting is optional. Democracy is welcome, but unnecessary: Singapore prevailed for 150 years as a Crown Colony with NO political democracy, but lots of laissez faire capitalism

  8. fa cai is the most important irregardless of whatever the cracy or idealism running around. fa cai is more important than patriotism or human rights.


  9. cow boy system is all based on fa cai system. whatever omama said is all but bullshits.

  10. /// Like Father like Son, they just like to work for enemy and aliens. ///

    What do you call a Chinese man working for the Japanese Imperial Army in World War Two?
    Would you call this man a traitor?
    What type of fruit will emerge from such a poisonous tree?
    Will the fruit be any good or not?

  11. Where is the wisdom of statesmanship?

    If they don't have wisdom of statemanship, how could they have won every election with at least 60% mandate for more than 45 years?

    And even their strongest opponent acknowledged them to be competent.

    So what more wisdom needed or wanted of them, you tell me lah?

  12. For a statesman, he must have wisdom to remain as a statesman for as long as he want.

  13. When a party is running on auto pilot, on the momentum of the past, the conductor can be a dud, the orchestra will continue to play. But it is going to come to a halt soon when the music starts to become noise.

    Of course some would not notice the noise or that the music is no longer the same and still gloating that dear leader is great.

  14. 90 years old.
    Still not senile meh?

  15. Today, you put an ass as the PM, things would still look fine and will run quite smoothly for a while.

    And the ass can even claim credit for doing nothing.

  16. With no GRC or profit sharing around 43 percent or 38 seat of the main party?

    WOnder these are the child playground or the votes passing around or vote top up type of games?

    Base on the the Punggol East BE no profit sharing, result main party 43 percent?

    60 percent of vote minus the 3 percent of the TP walkover due to last minute technical glitch is 57 percent, estimated profit sharing can boost the vote around 14 percent?

    Without profit sharing is 57, so profit sharing can boost around 14 percent not bad?

    Profit sharing scheme can increase as much as 12 seats or 14 percents of the votes? These are the estimate?

    Vote sharing or GRC or votes top up can increase as much as 1.8 seat per GRC?

    Out 15 GRC an average of nearly 2 seats need to be given excess votes by those person who have excess votes?

    Without GRC around 52 seats/60 percent with GRC is 81 seats/93 percents of the votes?

    GRC can gain extra seats by 28 seats of 33 percent of the votes, supposed to go to the oppositions?

    Without GRC oppositions can gain as much as 35 seats or 40 percent of the seats, but with GRC opposition only can gain 7 percent or 6 seats?

    So is the GRC for racial harmony or money making schemes?

    The system is it international standard or recognized by United Nations?

  17. Without profit sharing of $1K during 2011 election?

  18. Without profit sharing scheme of $1K per person during 2011 election?

    The average support level is less 14 percent of the votes equal to 43 percents, for the main party?

    Minus the GRC support is 52 seats for the main party, not 81 seats or 93 percent?

    Plus minus 14 percent of the votes without profit sharing scheme?

    The main party still got a very decent support of 43 percent of the votes or 38 seats?

    2016 might need more profit sharing scheme per person during the election?

    Maybe $1.8K per person to reach a reasonable votes level of support?

  19. From a support of 55 during 2011 election to a support of only 43 in Punggol East BE without profit sharing scheme?

    Profit sharing scheme of $1K per person can do wonder during election?

  20. stateman lee = divine wisdom = able to sell to the people to vote for him despite all the major cock ups in the public policies.

    he is the best in terms of statemanship.

  21. Law of supply and demand

    When you keep increasing the glass is full of water, what do you get?

    Same as a small island, every year when you increase the population of $30K to grow the economy what is the outcome?

    All these 30K of new immigrant per year, usually is from the much lower cost 3rd world countries? It will likely to take away the jobs of new citizens, locals and their children jobs or depress their pay?

    At one hand you want them to increase the birthrate on the other hand you make them worry about the rising cost and possibly they jobs replace by cheaper foreigners?

    Why don't you learn from the Nordic, where they place great emphasis on improving their locals potential to solve the economic issues?

    It is likely you want the foreigners to be citizen to vote for you and maintain your world highest pay?

    The law of supply and demand dictate that where you supply more people, prices will rise, shortage of facilities and new citizens and local and their children will have less jobs and their pay depressed?

    With these conditions the babies will reduce, the income gap will keep widening and the standard of living where every year $30k of new citizens came in?

    Or maybe reduce your pay to that level of the Nordic slightly above them now your pay is around ten times the Nordic ministers pay?

    With a figure head president made a staggering $40 million in his 12 year tenure, 9 times that of a USA president made the same period?

    Singapore already do well in the service and tourism sector, their other ways is to grow the SME into multi national companies, like the Nordic, so that the local can increase the standard of living and wages?

    The way of depending on foreign investment already outmoded?

    Singapore have $300 Billions of reserves to branding, develop, patent, innovate & design the SME products, so that they can grow and export to the world? To be less dependent on the foreign investment?

    It is mistaken belief that foreign companies and cheap labour can continue to support Singapore grow?

    If you continue to bring people, with the oversupply of labour the wages and standard of living of the local will drop?

    Of course you can use the govt own media to support their cause, but the average person don't benefit much from keep importing too much new citizens with the side effect getting worse and worse?

  22. The original idea for GRC is to have minority ethic citizens represented by ethnic MP. Now we have new pony cit, we have PRC cit and a few others. Will the pap rope in these new cit to be MP so as represent their ethic group interest? After all they are the minority groups and what the GRC is for.
    What do you think?

  23. Come 2016 likely the taxpayer of $10 billions to entice the voters?

    More money maybe will made them think where they get so much tax paper money from indirect taxes?

    To pay them around $1.8K per person during the election for profit sharing scheme?

    From the locked CPF for life, COE, land sales, GST, ERP, Levis etc.?

    Singaporean just can't only look for immediate benefit neglect the long term and their children future?

    To pay them these 10 times of the salaries to pay the Nordic, need lots of whether they say is not taxes, still it need to be taxes indirectly, if not where the money come from?

    It is not only the money concern the social cost of overcrowding that effect the future of SIngapore?

  24. Come 2016 likely the taxpayer of $10 billions to entice the voters?

    Previously during 2011 election each person got $1K?

    More money maybe will made them think where they get so much tax paper money from indirect taxes?

    They got to all out to entice the voters because of the incredible high stakes? Imagine only in Singapore they can made ten times that amount their counter part, in the west with this type of talent?

    A figure head president got a staggering $40 millions in his 12 year tenure, 9 times that of USA president in the same period?

    To pay them around $1.8K per person during the election for profit sharing scheme?

    From the locked CPF for life, COE, land sales, GST, ERP, Levis etc. and other?

    Singaporean just can't only look for immediate benefit neglect the long term and their children future? The heavy brain drain?

    There is some benefit, but in long run, general Singapore will be likely in trouble?

    With the govt own media, the opposition chances are not very high? That why they are so successful, even with Singapore so much problems?

    It is not only the money concern the social cost of overcrowding that affect the future of SIngapore?

    To pay them these 10 times of the salaries to pay the Nordic, need lots of whether they say is not taxes, still it need to be taxes indirectly, if not where the money come from? Many of the average population will be taxed high and dry?

  25. The wise thing is to let the SME takeover the role of the foreign MMC, to grow the Singapore economy with $300 billions of reserves? Like many successful advanced economy?

    Singapore is in a much better position than in the 60s?

    Singapore can't forever depend on cheap labour that lower and lower our productivity?

  26. Singapore one of the most serious mistake is not enough opposition MP, Japan and many advanced countries start depend on foreign technologies and investment later develop their SME to the multi national companies?

    Singapore need to dismantle the GRC that retard Singapore healthy grow and in line with the international standard that oppositons MP play an important role to supplement and complement the main party?

  27. Whereas many those who became advanced nations developed their own SME, Singapore made the mistake of depend of foreign multi national companies, which usually want cheaper and cheaper foreign workers?

    Whereas the advanced nation continue to develop their local to make and invent better machinery to improve their product and design, Singapore continue to be over reliance on cheap labour intensive foreign investment and cheap foreign workers?

    All these MMC they do came from the SME, which their countries continue to nurture their local talent rather then depend on foreigners?

    So many local lose out to the cheaper foreign workers?

    If in the 80s if they don't form the GRC to curtain the Oppositions MP from coming in the parliament, Singapore could have become an advanced countries like Israel, South Korea and Japan which depend on their own local to power their economic?

    Right now Singapore have grow its tourism industries from average of 8 millions tours to 14 millions people? As Singapore will reach it limit in increasing the foreign tourist?

    Singapore need to find ways to train it local and improve the yield of each tourist? So that each tourist come and happy to spend more?

    Singapore need to find the right international consultations to spearhead the development of its local SME to multi national companies, Which it can pump in more then $300 millions reserves?

    Singapore to welcome ideas and suggestions around the world on how to grow it SME?

    What time of incentives and recognition like the Nordic given to the SME to success?

    Singapore can't continue to depend on foreign investment like the past which they depend on the supply of cheap labour? Singapore need automation and more efficiency ways?

    With the govt controlled state media the right encouragements and support can bring many Local SIngaporean SME to MMC?

    Singapore should make the mistake again of over reliance on cheap foreign labour and labour intensive foreign MMC?

  28. Massive amount of money need to pump in to transform the economy from a foreigners dependent economy to a SME to mmC economy?

    Singapore got to be like when it beginning in the 60s seek foreign consultant or experts to grow it economy and now to transform it to a local SME base economy that employ mostly local so that it can increase it lower end standard of living?

  29. Agree, seek consultants and advisers but never allow them executive powers like CEOs of our own institutions. Never let the wolf in.

    Only fools would allow this to happen.

  30. There is no point for Singapore to keep harping on the foreigners issue, that was the past, in order for Singapore to reach the Nordic or Swiss standard?

    Obsolete ideas should be discarded long ago, what for keeping play the spoilt old records, it do Singapore no good?

    Singapore advantage of having the one of the busiest port in the world?

    Successful tourism industries?

    More then $300 billions reserves?

    If Singapore were to keep harping on the foreigner issues, it will reflect how childish our leaders are?

    The priority is to grow the local not foreigners?

    The priority is to grow the local companies to export to other countries to build it another wing?

    Singaporean local is the most important asset the confident of their future is utmost important?

    How to spend the $300 billion reserve to built up our local companies to multi national companies is utmost most important so that they can employ more local and increase their wages?

  31. No point keep churning the foreigners, local are here to stay for life, foreigners can go home any time, like the Hongkie left SIngapore 97 bubble collapse or the Russian left greece?
