
The immigration door closing in Europe

A personal experience by AM Bakalar in NYT and reposted in mypaper yesterday told of the rising misgivings of having too many immigrants in European countries, not only in England and France but also in Poland.

‘You are not from here.’ This was what another Pole told him in his home town. When he replied that he was born there, the Pole said, ‘but there’s something (different) about you’. Bakalar wondered if he was becoming an immigrant in his own country. Don’t worry, many Sinkies are already having that same kind of feeling in the train, becoming a minority in their own little island.

Bakalar accepted that ‘every country has the right to control its borders and the flow of immigration’. But objected to the heightened fear of immigrants. And this was made more stark by Cameroon, the British PM, who introduced several measures to discouraged new immigrants into Britain. The British were horrified by the new immigrants exploiting the public services and benefits systems.

Nothing can compare with the monetary rewards that foreigners are reaping the moment they became Sinkies. Instant cash rewards in tens of thousands from public housing and all the subsidies for medical, education and other handouts from the generous govt that do not think why new citizens should reap instant financial rewards while some citizens are suffering in pain from deprivation of public housing and other goodies.

What kind of immigration numbers is Bakalar talking about that are alarming? The Poles, with 521,000 in Britain, are the second largest ethnic immigrants after the Indians. For a country with 60m people, it is just a drop in the ocean. We have at least half a million PRC and Indians each, a few hundred thousands of Pinoys and Myanmese here, not counting the rest. Half a million against a citizen of 3.5m is 1/7th or 14% of the population of the locals. This is not a small number to be easily brushed aside.

The social and security impact to the foreigners are starting to show signs of stress on the small population in a small piece of rock unlike Britain. When would it erupt into a major crisis is only a matter of time. Only fools will thing it will not.
The Europeans are finding the number of immigrants flowing into their countries getting unbearable and we have fools keep harping on our immigrant history and must let in more immigrants.

There don’t call Sinkies daft for nothing. The ignorance of history be several decades of not teaching the subjects in schools have created a citizenship of ignoramus who did not know when they will be booted out of their country by the sheer numbers of foreigners coming ashore. Would Singapore become a state of China, India or the USA? We have been under the British, Malaysia and Japan before. A change of nationality is not really a far fetch idea. The only difference is the pain of losing it once for all and never having it back again this time round.

PS. Kopi level - Blue
Many thanks


  1. "The ignorance of history be several decades of not teaching the subjects in schools have created a citizenship of ignoramus who did not know when they will be booted out of their country by the sheer numbers of foreigners coming ashore."

    LKY used to say nothing happens by accident in Singapore.
    Does this mean that this was all planned in advance?
    Including the unemployment of Singaporeans?

    Does this make PAP the anti-Singaporean political party?

    Millionaire Teo.
    What do you think?


  2. I was very surprised with a recent survey that 6 in 10 young people have considered looking beyond Singapore to achieve their dreams........

    I always thought that this city state is indeed a "paradise"........

    Very sad....very sad... very sad..........

  3. "For a country with 60m people, it is just a drop in the ocean"
    - Sinkies are the most tolerant people in the world. Being tolerant is okay but too tolerant and that is self destructing.
