
Mid term report card

2 and half years passed since the last GE and it is about time to do an assessment on how the govt had been doing. The massive housing problem has started to show some result. The backlog of housing needed has temporarily been transferred to the waiting list of units under construction. I won’t give credit to this as it was a self created problem due to bad management. In fact the govt should apologise to all the home buyers who ended up paying very unreasonable high prices. The fear of a runaway housing price has been removed. But the price is still high as it is still hovering at near its peak after more than doubling or tripling in the last decade.

The train continues its routine breakdown and disruption of services like a new normal of the 3rd World. Maybe we are having too many foreign engineers running it and so this is the standard to be accepted.
The huge influx of foreigners is still in the country and still growing. The number of cheats caught was more like a token, like they said, a little wayang. The FCF and paying an Indian company to check on Indian certificates is looking more like jokes.

Medical cost is continuing to rise, shortages of doctors and hospital beds have reached an epidemic proportion to some critics. University places are still going to foreigners, including millions of dollars being thrown at them when the money could go to our children and saved their parents from selling properties to finance their overseas education. The wastage of our top students going into medicine and replacing them with questionable medical professionals from questionable institutions will show its ugly consequences as a matter of time.

Has anything changed? Some ministers were seen working very hard with some results. Some were working very hard with no results. Some dunno what they were busy with. Some were all noise and no substance and attracting ridicules. Some were looking after dogs and pets and foreigners rather than citizens. Some were chasing after pampers. Some disappeared, never seen nor heard even in Parliament.

How should the report card be written? The apologists will give it a big A to be accompanied by the big bonuses to be shared. It will be a matter of who would get more rather than who would get less? Unfortunately this will be a well kept secret and no one will be wiser. One thing for sure, the public courts of justice will pass their judgement comes 2016 using their own criteria of measurement.


  1. "Maybe we are having too many engineers running it (trains) and so this is the standard to be accepted."

    Not too many engineers lah!
    Too many Generals.
    Jiak Liao Bee Generals

  2. For what they have done over this two years have demonstrated nothing but one: their 'forecast' has gone terribly wrong, and these wrongdoings are associated with wrong policy....and a statement saying doing social justice could not take over night but years is very misleading.

    The next question is 'should we trust what they say or promise?' My own answer is NO!

  3. "One thing for sure, the public courts of justice will pass their judgement comes 2016 using their own criteria of measurement."

    Are 60% still happy and satisfied by 2016?

    Will WP still remain the strongest party by 2016 but still not ready to be govt?

    These will be criteria for judgement.

    And if yes to above criteria, it will simply be a repeat of 2011 or even better. For PAP, that is.

  4. And if yes to above criteria, it will simply be a repeat of 2011 or even better. For PAP, that is.
    Anon 10:40 am

    Tiok. And enough said.

  5. The only thing that is holding back the 60% from voting for opposition in a GE is the lack of a credible, strong and united opposition as alternative to PAP.

    The day there is one, will be the start of the end of the PAP.

    But unfortunately 93% unlikely there will be one so PAP will remain as govt for as long as there is not one.

  6. But in the first place, why Sinkies cannot have a credible, strong and united opposition for more than 46 years?

    Why is Teo Chiu Ah Hia the best Sinkies can get as leader of the strongest Sinkie opposition party?

  7. @ January 25, 2014 10:48 am
    "The only thing that is holding back the 60% from voting for opposition in a GE is the lack of a credible, strong and united opposition as alternative to PAP."

    Another PAPig apologist.

    You mean Lee Hsien Loong and PAP is a very credible government meh?

  8. You mean Lee Hsien Loong and PAP is a very credible government meh?
    Anon 11:07 am

    Not say very credible but the best available credible govt lah.

    Given a choice of a one eye jack and a blind man, which would you prefer as leader, you tell me lah?

  9. Hi Anon@10.54

    The reason why after 46 years the Opposition still cannot stay united as one ONE United Party is that everybody wants to be the INDIAN CHIEF.

    SDP formed by Mr Chiam See Tong- Usurped by CSJ.

    Workers Party by JBJ - coup d'etat by Teochew ah hiang

    NSP- so many infighting and etc.

    Until the day, they learnt from the Malaysians to unite and form as one BIG COALITION party under one Strong Chief, Sin City will be still ruled by the PAP.

    Time to plan to migrate to the Pearl of the Orient liao.


  10. Just to add. One GE Two SDP members elected in two SMCs just for a term.

    Draw that time maybe 10 over K allowance.

    Just less than four years or so, kena kicked out again by the PAP.

    Once you conquered the constituency, must work double or triple hard and at the same time mentor capable people to take over in leadership. Cannot be selfish and lazy.

    See Chiam See Tong, have second or third comrades in line. After retirement, must pass down to them and not to the wife lah.

    People can see and talk. Cannot be like LKY and pass to son straight. Even that, will wayang to pass to GCT first.

    Sinkies do not like nepotism politics.

  11. /// Not say very credible but the best available credible govt lah.

    Given a choice of a one eye jack and a blind man, which would you prefer as leader, you tell me lah? ///
    January 25, 2014 11:39 am

    Please lah!
    Firstly, LHL's PAP gahmen is not a credible government.
    LHL's gahmen is most definitely not the best available talents in Singapore.

    LHL's government is just the best funded political party in Singapore.

    - Reduce the election deposit to $1,000 per candidate.
    - Eliminate the GRC system.
    Then we really see how good our PAPigs are in GE 2016.

    Do you think LHL and his PAPigs got the balls to do this?
