
Qian Xue Sen - Father of American and Chinese rocketry


This is the link to a video on the life of this Chinese patriot who left a life of luxury and fame in the USA to return to Communist China and founded the Chinese missile and space programme. He was the professor in Caltech and was head of the American jet propulsion and rocketry programme, and others in the Navy, Air Force and Army.

There can be no sacrifice more than this man and his family and his friends who chose to return to their motherland, a poor communist country, and made a difference in the lives of more than 1b people.

The video is recommended for the bananas to know what dignity is all about. Not the kind that comes with a high pay. Anyway that is not dignity but foolishness.


Anonymous said...

Better a banana in USA contributing to the Red Cross. Than a "pure" Chinese selling tainted milk powder to fellow Chinese mothers and helpless infants.

Veritas said...

This man is also a scoundrel, one who carry balls.

He greatly exegeratted the productivity of wheat. 小麦亩产可以上万斤

He was a gang of widely hate Madam Mao Jiang Qing.

While many admire his works in science, a lot hate him for being a spineless serpent.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

He is a scientist and not a politician. He is a patriot who exchanged a great American life to that of a poverty stricken country living at times in near poverty.

Veritas said...

Qian is genius and giant in rocket science. He even got a rank of colonel in US Air force.

His teacher is father of USA rocket and missile and the among the world's top 5 rocket scientist von Kármán.

Von Kaman is a Jew, never married and his best student was Qian.

Tsien contributes to many important advancement in aerodynamic.

Chaplygin-Kármán-Tsien approximation (potential flow)

von Kármán-Tsien compressibility correction.

Qian was also a professor in Caltech, among the toughest and best university in the planet. He was not very popular to his student in Caltech, as he always despise his students as "too stupid", and himself was aloof, never shown any passion towards his students.

At Caltech, he was one of the founder of During the 1940s Qian was one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is instrumental in creation of all rockets and space vehicle, missile of USA and is a training ground for provisioning scientist to NASA.

The JPL website today still memorize Tsien as one of her founder and there is a picture of him.

After the victory of WW2, Qian was a colonel interrogating Wernher von Braun, amongthe top leaders of Germany V2 program. He is the most important figure in all USA space and missile effort including the Apollo program.

Veritas said...

Hi RB, you should write about Robert Kho Seng Lim, a Singaporean. Bob was the top scientist.

Lim was the greatest scientist not only in Singapore, but the Numero Uno Chinese scientist. He is the first Chinese and ONLY Singaporean to be made associate ( equivalent to member because member is only given to US citizen) of US National Academy of Sciences (NAS).

Many Singaporeans have no idea about the prestige of NAS membership. To put it simply, it is ultra-prestigious, probably next to Nobel prize in terms of commending natural science achievements. During the period of 37 years, from 1942 to 1979, merely 8 Chinese were members of NAS. Out of these 8, 4 or 50% of them won the Nobel prize.

The only hero we are taught to remember is bastard banana Kuan Yew and next come a very masturbated version of Lim Bo Seng.

Kuan Yew is really a fucker.

1942 林可勝 Robert Kho-Seng Lim

1958 吳健雄 Chien-Shiung Wu

1962 林家翹 Chia-Chiao Lin

1964 李政道 Tsung-Dao Lee Nobel prize

1965 楊振寧 Chen-Ning Franklin Yang Nobel prize

1977 丁肇中 Samuel C. C. Ting Nobel prize

1978 田炳耕 Ping King Tien

1979 李遠哲 Yuan-Tseh Lee Nobel prize

Anonymous said...

Another Chinese who needed to run away to America in order for his talents to be nurtured and allowed to bloom. If he had stayed in China, he would have been a farmer. Mao Tse Tung was very good at developing mediocre Chinese farmers from good rocket scientists.

Veritas said...

Singaporeans Robert Kho Seng Lim who was remembered by nobody today in Singapore was the FIRST chinese, way before any PRC Chinese to be made associate of NAS (US National Academy of Sciences).

His father is famous Lim Boon Keng, where a large part of Boon Keng road was probably his father's property.

Boon Keng father work for opium king in Singapore Cheang Hong Lim, 章芳琳. The Hong Lim Park that mark ascends of Kuan Yew when he made is ranting there as a fledgling politician was name after Cheang Hong Lim.

Coincidentally, Kuan Yew's grandfather Lee Hoon Leong, prosper by working as a purser in Indonesia opium king Oei Tjiong Ham.

No one knows whether Kuan Yew grandfather ship carried opium to SG, but 99% likely that it did and fetched more opium to SG than any other drug trafficker hanged in SG.

Anonymous said...

"Lim was the greatest scientist not only in Singapore, but the Numero Uno Chinese scientist. He is the first Chinese and ONLY Singaporean to be made associate ( equivalent to member because member is only given to US citizen) of US National Academy of Sciences (NAS)."
Veritas 1:53 pm

I think we also have Sinkies who attained some fame in US lah, like this one below.

"Social and Family Development Minister Chan Chun Sing has been inducted into the hall of fame of the United States Army Command and General Staff College.

The former Singapore army chief, who is now also Second Defence Minister, is the fifth Singaporean to be given the top honours at the military institution at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, considered by many as the intellectual centre of the US Army."
The Straits Times, Monday, Nov 11, 2013

No wonder he is even considered by some as PM material.

Anonymous said...

"The former Singapore army chief, who is now also Second Defence Minister, is the fifth Singaporean to be given the top honours at the military institution at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas,.."

But he is the fifth one what. What happened to the other four? Where are they now? Any of them ministers?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Veritas, I am not familiar with Robert Lim. Perhaps you can fill us in on his achievements.

Veritas said...

At least China is still the 3rd nation that put people on space.

China's first satellite in 1970 was launched when she was fighting USA, Russia, India...etc.

Not even France or Germany put someone in space.

Anonymous said...

But how come Sinkieland cannot attract these top rate PRC talents to come here?

How come we can only attract "don't know what rate" PRC and other nationality talents?

Anonymous said...

/// But how come Sinkieland cannot attract these top rate PRC talents to come here? ///

yeah right.
Let's see.
Become citizen of USA or become citizen of Singapore?
How to choose?
Which one is better?
Very hard to decide right?

One country got billionaires like Bill Gates who want to help people.
Another country got PAP Millionaire cronies who don't want to help people.
Like that how to decide?

Anonymous said...

Although we may not attract the really good foreign talents, at least we can attract their good (or huge rather) money.

If not ah, how to have GDP growth?

How many real, local born Sinkies are super rich?

How to sell those properties in Sentosa Cove and other high end locations?

How to make Sinkie HDB owners feel rich with their pigeonholes?

Anonymous said...

/// Although we may not attract the really good foreign talents, at least we can attract their good (or huge rather) money. ///

True. That's all the PAP gahmen is good for. Attracting money that does not belong to PAP to come to Singapore. Too bad not so good at investing hor?

/// If not ah, how to have GDP growth? ///

True. It's very clear that the PAP gahmen does not have the leadership, creativity and capability to grow Singapore's GDP any other way.

/// How many real, local born Sinkies are super rich? ///

That is a state secret ever since the PAP abolished the inheritance tax.

/// How to sell those properties in Sentosa Cove and other high end locations? ///

What else is the PAP gahmen good for, you tell me lah?

/// How to make Sinkie HDB owners feel rich with their pigeonholes? ///

Why does the PAP gahmen feel that it is their job to make us feel rich?
Are you trying to hide something?

Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Qian was held and debriefed and he was not allowed a single piece of paper home. He reconstructed everything he knew from memory to put rocket science into practice again. Today, PRC's Second Artillery gives assurance to their country that when the time comes - and I hope it never will - those who go ballistic and send ballistic missiles across the stratosphere will be met with a force of equal magnitude in the opposite direction.

Anonymous said...

not simple leh-he king of rocket

He is also the cousin of the mechanical engineer Hsue-Chu Tsien and his son (first cousin once removed) is the 2008 Nobel Prize in chemistry winner Roger Y. Tsien. Asteroid 3763 Qianxuesen and the ill-fated space ship Tsien in the science fiction novel 2010: Odyssey Two are named after him.

b said...

Too bad, scientists are usually not interested in politics else Stalin, Hilter, Mao, LKY will be unheard of.

Anonymous said...

These are great men of their times. They did not bother about how they dressed or what they could or could not eat. They just pursued their passion in science, the perfection of science.