
An oasis in the 3rd World

What makes Singapore so different and so special? Someone once said, we build an oasis in a 3rd World region. In this oasis of modernity, everything works. We have an infrastructure that worked, an environment for creature comfort and a safe and clean environment. We created all these for people who are looking for such an environment to live and work in. And these are the people from the rich industrialized west and also the rich warlords and royalties of the 3rd World.

You can say that much about impressing the westerners from the developed world. And they would be pleasantly surprised to find such a place in the 3rd World where everything works. The water is drinkable from the tap. You press a button it works. You press a switch the light comes on. We take these simple things for granted. But they are miracles in many 3rd World countries. The people from the developed world would die to be here than elsewhere to do their business.

And those from the 3rd World, even if they are royalties or filthy rich, they have not seen anything like this outside of their palaces and mansions except filth. It is something they would feel comfortable and like to live in. Yes, they would prefer here than their 3rd World environment unless they did not want to leave their homes when taking a step outside is a walk into poverty, disorder and filth.

And for the rest of the 3rd World creatures, they have never seen anything like this in their life times and would never be able to enjoy them in their home countries. The road sides or the pavements, the walkways, are many many times cleaner and more comfortable than their homes. Walking into a shopping centre is like walking into a palace, and much better, much more comfortable.

Why do we need to go around the 3rd World countries begging for them to be here? They are crawling here, forming long queues. Even those from the developed world would want to be here than elsewhere.

We are selling ourselves too cheaply, like unwanted cheap prostitutes. We even offer ourselves to cheap foreign workers in large numbers. Is it something to be proud of, something that we want and can called achievements? We created a 1st World environment, 1st world public transport system, 1st world infrastructure only to flood them with more than a million or two million 3rd World inhabitants. Is that really what we want? Swiss standard of living amidst the 3rd World?


  1. This little red dot is actually owned and run by big business, whose only concern is the bottom line. And are heavily dependent on cheap workforce to maximise profit.
    The Govt is owned by them. controlled by them and work for them.
    Massive import of cheap labour from 3rd world countries is needed to sustain these big business.

  2. Hot housing invariably brings early harvest and early demise.
    It is just harvesting earlier and faster but sustainability matters.
    Does an oasis have the infinite capacity?


    1. 拔苗助长(hot housing) has negative connotation in most instances.

  3. "Swiss standard of living amidst the 3rd World?"

    Tiok. Swiss standard of living. But only for smart Sinkies who know how to make lots of money under 3rd world PAP policies. Or rich foreigners to park their money here (previously they did it in Swissland) as safe haven.

    Luckily for PAP, these smart Sinkies are around 60%, includng lots of new (rich) Sinkies. Or else PAP would have been voted out already.

    Yes, Sinkieland is now the Swissland of Asia, or even the world. But I repeat, only for smart Sinkies and rich foreigners.

  4. Opposition and daft, suffering, money no enough Sinkies have no place and no voice in Sinkieland.

    Except on the internet. But no use, tio bo?

  5. The jewel will make a perfect mausoleum. And Changi airport be renamed LKY Airport.

    1. Better minus the L.

      KY... sound better, easier on the tongue.

      Knnccb.... hsien loong, return my coffee money. I need it for my coffin money. Not pek-kim


  6. future is something no one can be 100% sure.....

    only one thing we can be sure is that we MUST have sufficient funds and reserves to survive in this city.....

    never never never follow the crowds in committing to big ticket items thru easy loans....unless we are super-rich...live within our means.....

    we have NO choice if we want to continue to have a space in this crowded "oasis" in future ......

    only one way: BE DEBT-FREE or at least DEBT-LOW.......

    but now........let us enjoy the well-earned merry and joyful holidays.......cheers....

  7. You think you can be debt free? Your income is carefully calibrated to make sure you end up with nothing or in debt.

    Trust me, even you CPF, supposed to be your life savings for retirement is spent for you, under all the schemes that are good for you.

    The govt is very thoughtful and meticulate is looking after you and your money.

  8. Someonw was saying they had to do battle everywhere when necessary... it is a scary ststement at least to me. Will they be caught in a dilemma demonstrated in Thailand that we are witnessing today?

  9. Singapore and malaysia should not have been independent all along. At least, we would be able to retire nicely in msia or uk.
