
A great PR man doing a great PR job

Say whatever you like about Baey Yam Keng, he is indeed a first class PR man. Just for a $2.50 nasi padang meal, he is able to arouse enough publicity to himself that no one or organization could attract even after spending several million dollars on a top notch PR agency to do such a job.

Baey Yam Keng’s name is in everyone’s lip. His photographs, selfies, are everywhere, in the main media and social media. His facebook is hot. He outshines everyone, even the PM and the President as the most talked about guy in town. He even out done the Little India riot. No one is going to forget him. He monopolises the news for a whole week and still counting.

After this term in office he could go back to PR and will be the most sought after guy in the industry to carry any advertising job. You just have to give it to him when generating publicity is concerned. Well done man.

The whole publicity stance costs him $2.50, meals and drinks included. Oh, he added another $3.70 for another meal to extend the publicity campaign and raise it to a higher pitch. Can any PR agency do it, all $6.20 to be in everyone’s lips and in every media? 

Baey’s the man.


Anonymous said...

In the old days, this kind of MP, Goh Keng Swee will slice his balls off. I think Baey won't even pass the first round of interviews.

Anonymous said...

Nowadays any Tom's Dick is Harry can be PAP MP. RB ah, nowadays must key in so many numbers to post comment, like bank account loh! My eyes cannot take it.

Anonymous said...

Before Baey became PAP MP in 2006, he was a civil servant at MITA, as "Director of Creative Industries".

So he was already "creative" in order to "tang jiak"(earn a good living)in his well paid civil servant job then.

Now with more experience as MP, full time some more, of course even more creative lah, PR included. This is chicken feed lah, aiya.

Anonymous said...

Actually hor it's nowsaday leh.

Anonymous said...

He is also our urban hero, battling sanitary litterbugs, at no cost for the publiciity, except a bit of dirt and stink. Baey tahan.

Anonymous said...

I thought sometimes in PR and sales also need to "pian chiak" (bullshit) a bit in order to earn a living, tio bo?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon 11:03, my apologies. I don't want the additional step for posting. I am thinkin of removing it but the problem is that the blog will be swarmed by spams. If you can see the numbers, just anyhow hit and wait for a clearer set to appear.


Anonymous said...

RB, negative publicity good meh? He does a better job on himself than the WP can. I think by now he is wishing this whole episode will quickly blow away.

Anonymous said...

Only one thing worst than no publicity and that is no publicity.

Anonymous said...

I believe LKY once said you can judge a leader by the quality of the people he surrounds himself with.
I look at LHL's Ministers and Parliamentary MPs.

I can only shake head and sigh!

More and more it's looking like when PAP won GE 2011.
It was really a freak election result.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon 12.09, every GE result is a freak election result. With a consistent 30-40% votes against them they won all the seats in the old days and 80 of the seats in Parliament in GE2011. The PE result is a bigger freak result. Tony Tancho had only 35% of the votes and he is elected as President

Anonymous said...

The State is giving away free newspaper like their 'my paper' as the shitty times sales is plunging. A few pap Member of Parliaments are given a slot in it together with a photo next to their article.

Anonymous said...

By giving the MP from pap so much coverage whilst denying the same to others speak volumes of one's commitment to fair play

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I think Baey was just euphoric when the price of the sumptuous nasi padang was $2.50. He was pleasantly surprised and thought it was a good talking topic. There was no intent by him to take bribe or corrupt in anyway as the netizens would want to tickle him. And I think the netizens too would not believe anyone would be corrupt for a couple of dollars.

The publicity is just a way that the netizens are trying to flame an otherwise very minor matter. It is not more than taxi claims or things like that.

After a while this will just blow over. I can imagine the sweat on Baey's back. Poor chap. Give the man a tiger. He is just an innocent young man.

Anonymous said...

Dont know what to say?

oldhorse42 said...

A great PR job?
What does one think of him after his nasi padang stunt? Good or bad?
How could he be a great PR man if he brought upon bad publicity to himself?

Anonymous said...

Gilbert Goh
From $2.50 nasi padang to $8 heart surgery to buying a HDB flat with a salary of $1000, our government never fails to deliver ridiculous stories that life in Singapore is affordable and wonderful till they realise that people do take their own lives when finances are an issue here. 300, 000 Singaporeans earn $1380 and below and our country now is the top five most expensive city in Asia. We also have the second highest income inequality in the world with Hong Kong topping the chart. Furthermore, to rip us off, the government introduces all kinds of indirect taxes to steal from the people - town council monthly fees when they have $2 billion in the coffers and expensive $70,000 COE before you can buy a car. Now they are talking about increasing SMRT transport fares next year when they have made $120 million nett profit last year. Greed has taken precedence in our society and they have the cheek to say that everything is cheap and affordable...tell me where can I get $2.50 juicy nasi padang now on my own Mr Baey!? Time for you to wake up and hold tight to your Tampines GRC seat...

Anonymous said...

"How could he be a great PR man if he brought upon bad publicity to himself?"
oldhorse42 2:03 pm

Bad publicity? But neber mind. What really matters is whether he will still win the next election, assuming he contest again.

By the way, did PAP had good publicity just before GE 2011?

Anonymous said...

Heard nowsaday Baey's pals don't call him MP, they call him NP (for Nasi Padang). Soon some fool will open Baey Nasi Padang stall. $2.50 for the lucky few.

Anonymous said...

The recent by elections sprang a few surprises, many thought a least 4 oppositions parties throw in the hats, previously 2?

PM almost immediately called the by election, which felt that he going to win again as the last time only 3 parties contesting, many felt that main party could win given the circumstances, 2 more parties opposition join the contest and divide the votes? Last minute SDP pullout from the fray as they work very hard in the beginning? In future it possible the share more info?

Previously the main party had won by quite a margin, mean these time with two more oppositions parties joining the contest should not be a problems, but the result was not as they predicted, last minute SDP pullout. And the main parties reverse a win to a staggering lost to a surprise lost of $3000 votes. And a white paper was faster brought out in response to the lost, in hoping to draw more new citizens, a increase of 1.6 millions people to 6.9 million people could vote for them?

SDP after doing much ground work in Punggol East surprised everyone, when they pullout, it seem the oppositions became more understanding, co-ordinating the effort more wisely?

patriot said...

A great man alone can influence the Fate of his country.

Do we happen to have one?


Anonymous said...

He paid 2.50... so many criticism.

How many realised if they had being overcharged on alighting the buses.

Old knnccb experienced so many times. Made claims at their selected office, many occasion the staff said only a few cents also wanna claim.

Old knnccb told them old knnccb poor man, even one cent also must claim.

One old cheese bye even said, she kena overcharged also she dun claim. Knnbccb..... fucking lau kuay bu, old knnccb tell her... u so rich ah.

Knnccb.... hsien loong, the nation is rotting under you.

Anonymous said...

Punggol East is more to the middle class, professionals and New Citizens?

Seems like the New Citizens are wise up voting the oppositions more and more of them voting the oppositions.

New Citizens prefer the outlying area and cheaper housing of the suburban area?

The new public housing 3 rooms flats of Singaporean had come a long way, from around $6K in the 70s to around $350K in the mature estate, an increase of around 50 times?

Now more and more New Citizen were aware that the inflation is creeping up and up, in Singapore they need to pay heavy indirect taxes like the CPF locked up scheme for life? COE, ERP and GST and Levies and others etc. that jerk up the cost of living and business cost? Because the ministers are the most expensive which are ten time the equivalent of the Nordic?

The various middle men earn from the foreign workers jerking up the new HDB prices. From charging the administrative fees coming to Singapore to work from around $10K, which they borrow from their relatives and friends to the month of levies from $500 per month? That excuses were always given that Singaporean don't want to work these type of jobs whereas most advanced countries use their own locals?

The new HDB prices got to keep increase, because each middle man got to take a cut from the profits and they are using foreigner workers from the third world countries, so the new citizens getting more and more aware the cost they are paying to live in Singapore, which might be lot of different from they original conceived? As the realised originally new 3 room flats were only around $6K and because many middle men, to add in more of their cost keep rising?

As more foreigners need to draw in to buy new flats, as new buyers need to be found to support the price and buy the HDB to pay all the middle men?

The new citizens in Punggol East could be in disillusions, as those sweeteners or incentives given to them can't be free, they need to be taken back later and with more indirect taxes to support the systems and later when they grow older their jobs could be taken over by the cheaper and new citizens? So these could be the result of Punggol East lost?

Anonymous said...

Punggol East is more to the middle class type, professionals and New Citizens?

Seems like the New Citizens are wise up in the recent by election voting the oppositions more and more of them voting the oppositions.

New Citizens prefer the outlying area and cheaper housing of the suburban area as they came from Third World countries with a much bigger land mass?

The new public housing 3 rooms flats of Singapore had cqme a long way, from costing around $6K in the 70s to presently around $350K in the mature estate, an increase of around 50 times? Did your pay increase 50 times?

Now more and more New Citizen were aware that the inflation is creeping up and up because more new citizens were drawn as demand rises, in Singapore they need to pay heavy indirect taxes like the CPF locked up scheme for life? COE, ERP and GST and Levies and others cost setc. that jerk up the cost of living and business costs?

Because the ministers are the most expensive in the world, which are ten time the equivalent of the Nordic?

The various middle men earning a cut from the HDB in various stages, from the foreign workers jerking up the new HDB prices. From charging the administrative fees from foreigners, coming to Singapore to work from around $10K, which they hd to borrow from their relatives and friends to come to Singapore to work, to the monthly of levies from $500 per month to build the HDB?

That excuses were always given that Singaporean don't want to work these type of jobs, whereas most advanced countries use their own locals?

The new HDB prices got to keep increase, because each middle man got to take a cut from the profits and they are using foreigner workers from the third world countries, so the new citizens getting more and more aware the cost they are paying into, to live in Singapore, which might be lot of different from they original conceived?

As they realised originally, new 3 room flats were only around $6K and because many middle men got to earn, to add in more of the cost to continue to rise to present level?

As more foreigners need to draw/lure in to buy new flats, as new buyers need to be found, to support the system and price and buy the HDB to support all the middle men?

The new citizens in Punggol East could be in disillusions, as all those sweeteners or incentives given to them can't be free they came at a price, they need to be taken back later and with more indirect taxes to support the systems and later when they grow older their jobs could be taken over by the cheaper and new citizens? So these could be the result of Punggol East lost?

Anonymous said...

If I get paid a million dollar salary.
I would be ashamed to accept a discount from a food stall operator who may need the money more than me.

Anonymous said...

PAP chicken joke
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: It was a PAP chicken so it could not resist the cheap $2.50 nasi padang.

Anonymous said...

Goh keng swee is no saint either....


Anonymous said...

You expecting saints among mortals who are motivated by money and more money?

Anonymous said...

@December 19, 2013 12:31 pm

u should thank them;

good materials for those responsible dog owners to let their dog pooh

another great tabloid is eploch times by those falungong asses using singapore as a outpost for their activities

knnccb .... a great hub for spying and disinformations

Anonymous said...

... found in The Courtyard;

... By Sujin Thomas

A bag of bodily waste was left at the back door of a People's Action Party branch office in Yew Tee on Monday, days after Chua Chu Kang GRC MP Alex Yam issued a stern warning to loan sharks and runners active in the constituency.

The office is located at Block 608 Chua Chu Kang Street 62.

In a Facebook post on Thursday evening, Mr Yam said: "Whether it was a coincidence, an act of mischief or otherwise, we will not stop in our efforts to keep our town safe for all residents."

He also shared that he had met ...


why are they force to seek loans from this motherfucking loansharks?

knnccb .... toddy for my sorrow , knnBOHccb hsien loong .. return my CPF

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

This is obviously an act of defiance. Sad that there seems to be no political resolve to clean up the loan shark plague. Maybe there are more important things to do that to bother with loan sharks.

Anonymous said...

@December 19, 2013 2:54 pm

publicity ... are to generate awareness, -ve or +ve are subjective

in singapore more than 60% take it positively

knnccb ... red bean is also a pubicity seeker, RB .. am i correct? ...

oops ... i meant publicity, thousand apology

Anonymous said...

If a nasi padang comes with bandung costs $3. If bandung costs $1.20, is it right to say the nasi padang costs $1.80?

Anonymous said...

@December 20, 2013 8:39 am

u r being pre-judgemental lah!

maybe they need to answer nature call

being civic, pooh in a plastic bag, we were taught dogs pooh on newspapers

and not finally a proper disposal place, they hope someone can help they dispose the pooh into the toilet

also practice proper hygiene .. healthy lifestyle

caring and sharing too ... newater

knnccb ... you committing the same mistakes as the papigs

Anonymous said...

@December 20, 2013 10:16 am

u r a better mathematician than hsien loong

the professor from cambridge university is behind time

knnccb ... seeking relief from toddy withdrawal syndrome

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Rank has its privileges lah.

People need to stop being so jealous. ;-)

Anonymous said...

This PR campaign moving to 3rd gear liao.

I will be going to the nasi padang coffee shop at Tampines Blk 475 tomorrow (Sat, 21 Dec) 1pm to support this charity drive. 100 sets per day. Someone is also matching the proceeds dollar for dollar.

Baey Yam Keng
MP for Tampines GRC
20 Dec 2013